The fire witch the coven.., p.6
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The Fire Witch (The Coven: Elemental Magic Book 7), page 6


The Fire Witch (The Coven: Elemental Magic Book 7)
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  The floors were black and white marble tiles, like the most expensive chessboard on the planet. Hell, even the walls were black marble that had soft white swirls. The ceilings had intricately carved wood along the edges. We walked around the round glass table holding vases of every shape and size and a colorful variety of flowers that I was sure were fresh. A vintage chandelier hung from the ceiling.

  On the other side of the table the hall stretched on another thirty feet or so until it reached a grand staircase. It straight up looked like a carbon copy of the one in the Titanic movie, dark hardwood and all. With every step farther into the house I began wondering if Mrs. English sent me here for clothes at all, or if she simply wanted me to see my competition.

  Caroline didn’t bother giving me some grand tour of her palace-like apartment, which I greatly appreciated. She didn’t even speak until we’d weaved down a few hallways to a set of mahogany doors with shiny gold trim and handles. I braced myself for inside…and it still took my breath away. Like Deacon’s place, the far wall was one giant window. Except hers had a light gray tint and the ceilings weren’t quite as high.

  “This is my room, let’s get straight to the closet.” Caroline led the way across the dark hardwood floor and around the antique canopy bed, then through a smaller doorway.

  For the first time…I wanted to cry. Her closet was huge. As in, the size of my entire bedroom back in Tampa. There was a small frilly-looking loveseat to my right. To my left was a single chair with matching wooden ottoman. In the center there was an island, like in a kitchen. Except the sides of it were glass and the inside had racks of sunglasses and – is that a tiara?

  “Okay, now, Emersyn,” Caroline said suddenly. She strolled over to me from the far end of the closet and waved something in her hand. “Your dinner tonight is at a members only club, it’s not super fancy so that’s good. Now, would you say you prefer classic styles or more sparkly ones?”

  “Sparkly ones – is that a wand?” I moved closer to inspect the item in her hand.

  It was narrow, maybe half an inch thick and a good eight inches long. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was made of, but it was covered in pink crystals. At the tip it had a sparkly point.

  She held it up. “This? Yeah, it’s a wand. You really don’t know much about our world, do you?”

  I shook my head while keeping my eyes on her wand. “I didn’t know about this world until three months ago, and it’s been chaotic since I got here. So does everyone have a wand? Should I? What does it do?”

  “I couldn’t imagine that.” She rolled the wand between her fingers and stared into space for a moment before shaking herself. “And no, not everyone has a wand. I don’t know what you know of Edenburg but at the school there are four Suits. Each student is placed into one and only one. There are Swords, Cups, Wands, and Pentacles.”

  “And only the Wands get wands?”

  “Yes! Very good.” She grinned over at me. “I didn’t go to Edenburg, but my mother did. She was a Wand and this is her first wand that she gave to me and taught me how to use. Now you said sparkly clothes, right? Watch this.”

  She waved the wand in a pattern of circles and the walls of the closet began to move. I took a few steps back as the walls shuffled around. When they finally stopped, I had two full walls of clothing covered in sparkles. Nothing else. The clothes were hung color coded, first by shade of crystal then by garment itself. It was the prettiest rainbow I had ever seen. And the organization was so damn satisfying, but I was extremely obsessive compulsive. It made me want to text a picture of it to my fellow obsessive-compulsive twin sister so we could emulate it in our closet.

  I sighed. “Whoa.”

  “I know.”

  “I love magic.”

  Caroline giggled and it sounded like something from a Disney movie. “Me too. Now go ahead, pick something. Anything.”

  My pulse skipped with excitement. I felt like Cinderella getting all dolled up by the Fairy Godmother. I wanted to take my time and look at every piece of clothing in the closet, but there was one particular item that caught my eye the moment the walls stopped moving. A pair of white jeans with rips in the thighs and knees…and covered in silvery crystals. They looked like they’d been dunked in a pool of glitter then hung up.

  I wanted them. Bad. They were so my style. I knew I couldn’t keep them, but if I could wear them for one night it would make me so happy. I ran my fingers along the jeans. “I think I’m in love.”

  Caroline laughed. “You weren’t kidding about the sparkles. Those are literally the glitteriest thing I own – and I’ve never even worn them. Try them on.”

  I opened my mouth to ask where the bathroom was when she waved the wand and a wall dropped from the ceiling, closing me into the corner with the loveseat. They’ve seriously been holding out on us. I made quick work of slipping out of my jeans and into Caroline’s. To my surprise, they fit me perfectly. Well, except for the length. Turned out I was taller than her because the jeans stopped mid-calf. Although I had to admit they looked cute that short.

  “Do they fit?” Caroline said through the thin wall.

  “They’re a bit short but yes, they do.” I touched the wall and it slid back up to the ceiling.

  “Oh yea, look at that. They look great.” Caroline pursed her lips and tapped her wand on her chin. “Now, let me see…are you a size eight and a half shoe?”

  I frowned. “Um…yes…?”

  She walked a circle around me with narrowed eyes. I didn’t ask. I was kind of scared to know. When she stopped back in front of me she waved her wand at the wall of sparkly clothes and a rack popped out. On it was a single white silky blouse with long sleeves and a bejeweled collar. There was only one problem.

  “Um, is that a crop top? Is that okay to wear?”

  “We’re rich, Emersyn. We can do whatever we want.” Caroline didn’t stop there, she moved to the center island and tapped the tip of her wand on it. The glass walls shuffled around just like the walls had until four little boxes popped up on top.

  The first box had a massive ring with what I hoped was a fake diamond. The second box had a matching bracelet that was two inches of crystals. Then the third box and fourth boxes both had shoes in them. Both white. Both with matching silvery crystals. One was a flat loafer style, the other had a five-inch stiletto platform and a thin ankle strap and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to walk in them.

  Caroline picked up the two pieces of jewelry and turned to me. “You’ll have to take off those bracelets though—”

  “NO!” My face flushed with heat and my heart skipped a beat. I couldn’t take these bracelets off. They were how I summoned my fire. I licked my lips and shook my head. “Sorry…I mean, I can’t take these off. They…they’re important.”

  She blinked. “Oh. Okay, that’s fine. Just put the ring on then sit down in the chair here.”

  I slid the ring onto my right hand. It was heavy and clunky, but if I had to punch someone they were going to be sorry. With that image in mind I skipped over to the chair and sat down as she requested. I looked up and found the stilettos dangling in front of me and my heart stopped. “Can’t I wear the flats?”

  Caroline looked at me like I had five heads. “Around Heather? Never. But don’t worry, you’ll have car service.”

  I groaned and prayed Caroline didn’t notice. The last thing I wanted to do was make a fool of myself in high heels I couldn’t walk in. Like Mrs. English needed the ammo to belittle me some more. But if Caroline said I had to wear heels in front of her then I would be a fool not to listen. I grabbed the floating shoes and slipped them onto my feet. To my surprise, they didn’t feel that bad on…I just hadn’t stood up yet.

  “Okay, hair and makeup time. Then you can put the shirt on.”

  My jaw dropped. “Hair and makeup? You have a person who does that?”

  “No, I have a wand that does that.” She chuckled and moved to stand in front of me. “Now don’t move.”

  Chapter Twelve


  I sat on the edge of my bed staring at my phone and yet another unsent text to Emersyn. It was about the fifteenth message I’d typed out since she left with Caroline but I hadn’t sent a single one. Why? I had no idea. I’d never been so unsure of myself. Before Emersyn I never had any problems or hesitations with girls, if I wanted to talk to them I did. It was that easy. There was no overthinking.

  But with Em? I. Never. Stopped. Panicking. Some people might say that was a good sign, and by some people I meant Royce. Except he was no relationship expert. Henley relished my anxiety because she thought boys deserved to suffer in at least one aspect of life. Not that she was wrong, per se, but it wasn’t helpful at all. There was only one person I thought might understand, well two people, but there was no way I was texting this to Tennessee. I knew he wasn’t the calm, cool, collected, confident badass on the inside as much as he was on the outside. But still. We’d yet to form that kind of bro-ship. Though it was on my bucket list.

  My phone vibrated as a text message bubble popped up on my screen with Tegan’s name on it. I opened the message and read her text: So let me get this straight…you’re freaking out over there?

  I groaned. There was no point in lying, that was why I texted her in the first place to tell her what was going on. Tegan was my best back up. I sent back: YES.

  Her response was instant. Then DEFINITELY text her. Right now. Don’t try to hide your anxiety. Girls like to know our guys feel this horribleness too. ;)

  I chuckled. She had a point. True. Ok thanks, Tegan.

  Anytime. Good luck, she sent back with the emoji of the Vulcan hand signal.

  Thanks, Spock. I shook my head and reopened my text thread with Emersyn. The only way for me to know how she was doing was to ask her. I needed to stop being so scared to ask her. I’d rather her be mad for annoying her so much while checking on her than her be mad I didn’t check at all.

  I took a deep breath and reread the last text I’d typed out: Hey, how’s it going with Caroline? I’m only a couple buildings down if you need me. You okay?

  There was a knock on my open door, and then, “Pardon me, Deacon?”

  I hit send then looked up from my phone to find Stedman standing in my doorway. “Yes?”

  He smiled that smile that told me I probably wasn’t going to like what he was about to say. “Your friends are here. I told them you might not want company, but your mother invited them up on her way to her suite. So alas, they are in the salon.”

  My friends.

  The sad part was…I wasn’t sure who that entailed exactly. Sure I had friends up here, some witches and some human, but I hadn’t thought of a single one of them since I left to join The Coven. And it was that thought that prevented me from pretending I wasn’t there. I sighed and shoved my phone into my pocket and walked to the door. “Thanks, Steds.”

  He nodded then headed toward my parent’s suite.

  Who the hell is here? My human friends had the tendency to show up here, wanting to use my terrace to hang out. But for my mother to invite them in on my behalf? They had to be witches. I pushed my magic out and sure enough I felt the prick of each of their auras. Be nice, Deacon. They may not be the best, but they are your friends.

  My phone vibrated in my pocket. I almost tripped just trying to get it out in case it was her calling. It wasn’t, but it was a text from her. My pulse did a little two-step in my chest. I opened the message and read her text: Umm…I think so?

  I frowned. That wasn’t the ideal response.

  Another message popped up right after: Caroline is about to do my hair AND makeup using a wand. A WAND, Deacon. What is this madness? I’m scared. I have SO MANY questions.

  I laughed. Ah, right. You haven’t seen practical magic being used, have you? Well Caroline does her own hair and makeup by wand, so you’re in good hands.

  Those little bubbles popped up and then: How long until I’m back with you?

  About half an hour. You sure you’re okay?

  No, I’m not sure.

  Okay, well I’m here. Just call if you need me. I sighed and slipped my phone back in my pocket. She didn’t seem outwardly mad, so that was a good sign. I needed to do some damage control for my parent’s behavior. I just hoped Caroline was on her best behavior.

  I wasn’t even halfway down the stairs when I heard Liam’s boisterous laugh. It was a bad sign if I was already counting down until their departure and I wasn’t even with them yet. But I hadn’t seen them in months, I needed to give them a chance. It wasn’t like I was always a model citizen.

  They spotted me the second I walked in the room.

  “Deacon!” Liam laughed like I’d just told the best joke. He pushed his dark brown hair off his forehead. His blue eyes were sharp and gleaming with mischief, like always. He practically skipped over to greet me with a handshake and slap on the back. “My man, back in the city.”

  I chuckled. “Hey guys. I didn’t realize you knew I was back.”

  Noah strolled over and gave me a high-five. He narrowed his deep green eyes at me and scratched his scruffy blond beard. “No thanks to you.”

  “Luckily word travels fast when the Devil is in town,” Scarlett said with a wink. Her vibrant red hair that perfectly matched her name was curled and hanging down to her hips. Her honey colored eyes lingered on me in ways that made me wish Emersyn was there. “Welcome back, D.”

  Olivia bounced over and gave me a huge. When she stepped back she gripped my hands and pulled me down to the white suede sofa next to her older brother. She sat with her legs folded under her and watched me with big, doll-like hazel eyes. Her brown hair was pulled into a high ponytail on top of her head. “You know, I’m still mad you left without saying goodbye. None of us even got to see your Mark.”

  Her brother Olive scoffed. “You didn’t even tell us you’d been Marked. We found out from your parents.”

  All five of them stared at me, waiting for an explanation.

  I sighed. They had a point. “You’re right. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. But when it happened all I could think about was joining The Coven that I just bolted.”

  Scarlett sashayed over to me with a cup in her hand. She sat right beside me and handed me the drink. “You look tired, this will help.”

  I took the cup and sat it on the coffee table in front of me. Whatever concoction she’d just made couldn’t be trusted. “Well I had a pretty big night last night.”

  “Oh, right, the Gap!” Olivia squealed. She dug into the pocket of her blazer and pulled out a little purple vial. “Here drink this. It’ll numb any injury for a bit.”

  I frowned and held my palm up. Did I say I was hurt? “I’m good, thanks.”

  “You guys have any food here?” Liam asked suddenly, glancing over his shoulder. He pulled a black wand out of his pocket and held the tip up to his throat. “Hey, Stedman, can you bring us some snacks?”

  I cringed. Liam’s spell made his voice sound like he was on a megaphone and it pierced my ears. Wait, did he just order Stedman around? That was my butler, not his. The television on the left wall surged to life, then it began flipping through channels. I glanced around until my gaze spotted Noah using his red wand as a remote…when the real remote was a foot in front of him. None of them had gone to Edenburg for more than a few weeks when they were seven, they’d gone just long enough to be told which Suit was theirs and then their parents pulled them back out.

  “Does Edenburg know you two have wands?”

  Liam and Noah’s faces snapped toward me.

  “Damn dude. Don’t go all NARC on us now that you’re in The Coven.” Liam elbowed Noah and laughed.

  “Yeah, you gonna lock us up now?” Noah wagged his eyebrows.

  Scarlett grabbed my left arm and pushed my sleeve up until the XV Mark of the Devil. She traced her fingers over the black lines. “So, Deacon, what’s it like being in The Coven?”

  I cleared my throat and tried to pull my arm away. “Dangerous. Exciting.”

  Olivia leaned her elbow on the sofa. “I hear you have a girlfriend, is that true?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Did you meet her in Florida?” Scarlett purred in my ear.

  I shivered and slid farther away from her. “Yes, I did—”

  “Oh, dude!” Oliver leaned forward and gave me a high-five. “Nice work.”

  Liam shook his pointer finger at me. “Wait, wait, wait. Is she fine? I’ve heard those Florida girls are babes.”

  Noah groaned and leaned his head back on the sofa. “Word on the streets of Eden say the new High Priestess and Empress are wicked hot. Certified twenties. So please tell me you got a little taste before getting locked down.”

  “Dude, is that true?” Oliver wagged his brown eyebrows and rubbed his hands together. “Are they hot? Do you know them? Could you hook us up? I mean, you got a girl now so they must be up for grabs. I have zero problems with sloppy seconds.”

  Liam scoffed. “I called dibs on the High Priestess and you know it. As soon as I heard about her.”

  “What?” Noah shook his head. “I’ll fight you for it.”

  I scowled. What in the hell was wrong with them? These were people they were talking about. Girls. Strangers. This is Tegan they’re talking about. Tegan was extremely attractive, but she was so much more extraordinary than that. Her brilliant, sneaky brain saved our lives – saved the whole world’s lives, she did not deserve to be talked about like she was some piece of meat to be auctioned off.

  “Stop,” I yelled over their disgusting comments. When they all jumped and looked to me I glared at them. “Don’t talk about her like that.”

  “Ohhh. We hit a nerve. Is she your girl?” Scarlett ran her fingers along my arm.

  I swatted her away. “No. She’s one of my best friends. Her boyfriend, The Emperor, is her soulmate. So, I’d watch what you say about her because they’ll both kick your asses.”

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