The Fire Witch (The Coven: Elemental Magic Book 7), page 4

Deacon dropped my hand and rushed over to the older gentlemen. “Steds, my man, I missed you!”
Stedman, Steds, was tall and thin with broad shoulders and a head of white hair. His eyes were a soft sky blue. When I first looked at him his eyes looked cold and detached, but as Deacon approached they sparkled a little brighter and turned a little softer.
He smiled and wrapped his arms around Deacon’s shoulders. “Nice to have you home, Deacon. We were all so worried.”
“Well, I’m home now. Stedman, this is Emersyn Bishop. My girlfriend.” He waved toward me with a grin. “Em, this is Stedman.”
He bowed and gave me a warm smile. “Pleasure to meet you, Miss Bishop. We shall have a proper meeting upstairs, once I have your belongings stowed.”
Without another word, he grabbed mine and Deacon’s bags and disappeared through a hidden door in the wall. Then we were alone again.
Deacon turned to me with a wide grin and took my hand. “Come on, let me show you my home.”
Chapter Eight
When the elevator doors opened my breath left me in a rush. My jaw dropped as I stood there staring. This place couldn’t possibly have been his house. It was hotel-worthy. Royalty, palace worthy. I didn’t have a lot of knowledge of New York City, but even I knew this was some serious money. Who the hell are these people? What did Tennessee call them? Majors?
I jumped at the sound of my name and looked up to find Deacon standing just outside the elevator waiting for me. My cheeks flushed with heat. I tucked my hair behind my ears and stepped off the golden carriage elevator. As soon as I was out the doors closed and I saw my own shell-shocked reflection staring back at me in shimmering shades of gold.
“Are you okay?”
I nodded and licked my lips. “This place…” I let my sentence drift off because I had no words for the sight before me.
Everything was so bright. The walls were that shame soft shade of white from in the entrance foyer, and the floors were the same shiny beach-wood color. But running down the center of the hallway was a fluffy white carpet that looked just like freshly fallen snow. There was a grand chandelier hanging over my head that looked like the sky was raining icicles.
But none of that was what took my breath away.
It was the view.
The hallway opened up to a massive living space that had to be two stories tall…and the far wall was made entirely of glass. It was later in the afternoon so the sun hung low in the western skies, its rays poured in through the windows and lit everything brightly.
I wasn’t even aware I’d moved until my fingers touched the cool glass. It was probably rude and tacky to put your hands on the pristine glass, but I only acknowledged that in the back of my mind. The rest of me needed to hang on to something. I’d never been to New York, but everyone had seen movies and pictures. I knew what it looked like enough to recognize it in an instant. I stared down at the world famous park many dozen floors below and sighed.
“I forget how breathtaking this view is sometimes,” Deacon said softly right behind me.
I frowned and looked up at his reflection in the window. “How could you forget?”
He chuckled and shrugged. “I grew up here, I guess I just got used to it.”
“Got used to it?” I shook my head. That was crazy talk. “Which part of the city am I looking at? I mean, I know that’s Central Park, but…”
He moved to stand beside me at the window, then pointed as he spoke, “That road there is Fifth Avenue. To our left is 59th Street, where you’ll find The Plaza, The Ritz Carlton, and on the other side of the Park, Columbus Circle.”
My stomach turned like a rowboat in a tsunami. “You live here. Like this is legit your house?”
He looked down at me and smiled. “Yeah. This is home.”
I don’t belong here. I had no idea how I was supposed to fit in with my own soulmate. It didn’t make sense. At least Tennessee and Tegan seemed to match each other, hell they even word the exact same clothing. Sure, I liked nice clothes but I had the sinking suspicion Deacon and I had very different ideas of what constituted as nice.
“Come on, I want to show you some more.” He tugged on my hand, pulling me away from the window.
I don’t want to see more.
I want to go back to where I felt like I fit you.
But I didn’t say any of that, and he didn’t notice the panic inside me. He led me back toward the elevator, except now I saw the staircases on either side of it. My jaw dropped again.
“Over there is the kitchen.” He pointed to the left, toward a large opening with more glass walls in the distance. Then he pointed to the right, to an identical opening. “And over there is the entertainment area.”
My eyes widened. “Entertainment area? Do I even want to know?”
“Probably not. But I’ll show you later anyway.” He glanced over his shoulder at me and winked, then led me up the staircase. “Oh, and in case you were wondering, the floor we arrived on is the staff’s floor—”
“Staff?” I shook my head. “You have staff? Like more than just Stedman? And they have an entire floor?”
He paused at the top of the staircase and looked down at me with a warm, teasing smile. “They’re not slaves, Em. We hired them. And yes, we treat them very well. I mean, they get to live here. Their views are the same as ours, they just have to work for us. But every adult has a job, right? It’s pretty normal.”
I arched one eyebrow at him. “We’re gonna have to work on what normal means for the non-rich people. How many staff members do you have?”
He pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes like he was counting. “A handful. Really, it’s not a big deal. They’re a huge help to us and we pay them nicely for their service. You’ll meet them and you’ll see, they’re like family.”
I nodded and turned to check out the second floor. It was a wide hallway, probably as wide as my whole house itself. The floor was completely carpeted…and I was terrified to move. It was white. All of it. Like a blanket of snow. I looked down to my silver glittered loafers and checked the bottoms for dirt.
Deacon laughed and slipped his hand through mine. “Don’t worry about it. We’re witches, remember? A little magic and stains are gone.” He winked then pulled me down the hall while walking backwards.
“We can do that?”
“With some training, yes.” He stopped and pointed behind him. “Now, down this hall you’ll find the library, the pool, the gym, and far too many chandeliers than one home needs. Would you like to continue the tour that way, or am I correct in guessing that might be a bit too much for right now?”
“A bit too much, yeah.” I giggled and my cheeks flushed with heat. I glanced around the hall but only saw four doors, granted they were all double doors. “All of that is here? How?”
“The gold-trimmed double doors directly behind me lead to my parents suite. Which of course is more than one level, they have their own stairs just inside their doors. And yes, I agree that is a tad ridiculous, even by our standards.” He chuckled and pointed both hands out to the side like he was a flight attendant giving emergency exit directions. “Out of your current viewpoint are two hallways that wrap around to the fun zone. Which also include two guest rooms. Or maybe three. Something like that.”
“Riiiiight. Something like that.” I rolled my eyes. This whole apartment palace was ludicrous. I couldn’t even call it a dream house because I’d never known I could dream something like this. “And those three doors there?”
He smiled. “Well the one on your right is my room. Then the two on your left are our main guest rooms, for the people we really like. Or family…or in this case…your room.”
I stood up straighter. “My room? I have my own room?”
“Come on.” He grinned and waved for me to follow him.
“So the other room is empty?” I said as I followed him to the white double doors.
He opened the door and shook his head. “No, actually my little cousin lives with us right now. You’ll meet her, but that’s her room.” Then he stepped inside.
I was going to need a massage on my jaw if I didn’t learn how to keep it closed. The room was twice the size of mine at home. It had the same pale wood floors, white walls, and white carpets but the ceilings were lower. Though they were still at least twelve feet high. The northern wall was all glass that showed a breathtaking view of the city streets around us. At night the lights would be incredible, and from the bed on the far right I’d be able to see a bunch of them.
“What are you thinking?” Deacon said so softly it was almost a whisper.
“That your Porsche makes a lot more sense now.”
He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah. I asked for a normal car and that was what I got.”
“Normal does not mean the same thing in our worlds.” I laughed but the edge in Deacon’s eyes told me that wasn’t the answer he meant. “Henley and Royce both said your parents would let me stay in your room, but I am getting a guest room…so I’m kinda confused?”
“Ah, I see.” He scratched his jaw and shifted his weight around, looking nervous for the first time since I’d ever met him. “My parents are desperately trying to win me back to Manhattan and away from danger – permanently. So yea, they’d let you stay in my room with me.”
I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest. “Then why did they give me a guest room?”
Do they not like me? Do they not approve? Did they find out who I am and not trust me to be in his room? I haven’t even met them yet, but they probably know who I am. I am one of the twins after all. I am the Empress. I tried to brace myself for the reason I was being treated differently by his parents, but I knew it was going to hurt regardless.
Deacon cleared his throat. “They didn’t. I did.”
My heart stopped. “What?”
“I just want you to know I’m not that guy who’s going to push you into anything.” He moved to stand in front of me. “Listen, I know you’ve heard things about me. My reputation isn’t accurate, but it is deserved…there are things in my past I haven’t done right…but…”
“But what?” I heard myself whisper.
“But I am trying to not make those mistakes with you.” He reached down and took my hands in his. “We may be soulmates, but we only just started dating. I want to do this right. For both of us.”
I looked up into his violet eyes and my whole body warmed. “So you’re okay with us not sharing a bed?”
“Well, I’ll pout about it,” he said with a grin, looking down at me through thick black eyelashes. “I mean, I had the best snuggle buddy for days. I don’t know what I’ll do with all the space but—”
I stood up on my tip toes and pressed my lips to his. He sighed and relaxed against me. His lips brushed against mine.
“Pardon me, Master Deacon?”
I jumped away from him but he held me in place by my hands.
He rolled his eyes. “Master, really, Steds? We cut that out years ago, why’d you bring it back and can it go away again?”
“That is up for negotiation, I believe.” Stedman smirked and gestured toward the door. “Your parents are awaiting your immediate arrival in the salon.”
Chapter Nine
The salon turned out to be that room opposite the kitchen on the lower level. Later when I told my sister and Royce about this moment I’d lie and say I walked confidently into the room beside Deacon. In truth I hid behind him while clutching his hand in a death grip. I hated that I was acting so cowardly. This wasn’t who I was. I was the Empress. I had more magic and power than them combined. I could summon fire to my hands.
But this was my boyfriend’s parents.
I was helpless to feel strong.
In the back of my mind I registered the pristine beauty of the room, one that normal people would call a living room or family room. Granted normal people didn’t have flat screen televisions as tall as I was. But all of that was background noise and my brain trying to distract itself from panicking. All I really saw were the three people awaiting our arrival.
“Ah, Deacon.” The man stood with a wide grin on his face. He had Deacon’s violet eyes and sandy blond hair, though his was a shade darker than my soulmate’s. “It’s nice to have you home, son.”
“Nice to be home, Dad.” Deacon shook his father’s hand then did that half-hug dude thing. When he stepped away he went right for the woman seated on the sofa. He stopped in front of her and held his arms out. “Mother?”
The woman, his mother, sighed nice and loud. Her white blonde hair fell straight down to where it stopped just above her shoulder in a line sharp enough to cut me. She stared at him for a moment then stood and wrapped him in a tight bear hug. She was almost as tall as him, though it was mostly due to the navy-blue stiletto heels. For a moment I saw the emotion in her body as she held him, but the second she stepped away it was gone. If she said something to him, it was too quiet for me to hear. She turned to her side and my gaze latched onto the vibrant red soles of her heels.
Of course.
I wonder if we’re the same size.
Emersyn! Stop that.
I shook myself and refocused on the group in front of me just in time to see Deacon stepping away from a younger girl. To my surprise, she looked exactly like Deacon. Same sandy blonde hair. Same violet eyes. Same fair complexion. If I hadn’t known any better I would’ve assumed this was his sister.
“…and this…is my girlfriend Emersyn.” Deacon’s voice was warm and soft and soothed some of the nerves fluttering out of control inside me.
I licked my lips and wiped my palms on my jeans. My smile didn’t feel right but I prayed it at least looked normal. “Hi…”
Deacon slipped his hand in mine and squeezed. “Em, this is my father, Sebastien English.”
I bowed. Why? I had absolutely no idea. It just sort of happened. “Hello, Mr. English.”
“It is so nice to meet you.” He chuckled and shook my hand. “Please, call me Sebastien. This is my wife—”
“Heather Redd English,” she finished for him as she held her hand out for me to shake. Her lips were painted a deep, warm pink and her black eyeliner was perfectly winged. Everything about this woman was perfect, down to her navy-blue pencil skirt and matching turtleneck sweater. “What a wonderful surprise.”
I knew that was sarcasm and a direct jab at Deacon for not telling her he had a girlfriend, but I decided I needed to choose my battles wisely. And this was not the one to fight. I smiled as brightly as I could. It was of course in that moment as I shook her perfectly French manicured hand that I realized my own white nail polish had chipped. But ya know, saving the world from an apocalypse would do that. Not that I thought she’d care about that.
“Mrs. English, it is so very nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”
She arched one white blonde eyebrow and aimed daggers with her eyes at Deacon. “Really, it’s the first we’ve heard of you. Though I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, that is how my son usually handles his girls.”
Sharp pain shot through my chest and my lungs tightened. My heart sank. I knew she said that intentionally to get to me. I knew she was angry with her son and taking it out on me. I knew Deacon had been with many other girls before me. But none of that knowledge took the sting of her words away.
“Mother,” Deacon hissed.
She rolled her sapphire eyes. They were identical to Royce and Henley’s. Actually, she looked identical to them aside from the white blonde hair. Though their looks were clearly the only thing they shared. Henley and Royce had been the first members of the Coven to be nice to us, to befriend us…this Redd family member was an Ice Queen who probably didn’t have any loyal friends.
A million comebacks raced through my mind but none of them came out.
It was the first day of Gulf Shores High School all over again…but worse. This time the bully was my soulmate’s mother. I glanced up at Deacon for support but he was busy glaring at his mother, they seemed to be having a silent argument.
“Oh, Emersyn, I’d like you to meet my niece,” Sebastien said with a smile and gestured toward the young girl. “This is—”
“Amelia Kensington English,” she said in a voice too soft and poised for a child. Felt like talking to Victoria Beckham or something. She held her hand out for me. “Pleasure to meet you.”
“You too.” I tried to smile, to be polite, but these people were making it difficult. Well, the two females anyway. I looked back to Sebastien, the only person who’d been nice to me so far, and caught a sharp look he gave Deacon. One he definitely didn’t think I saw. I cleared my throat. “You have a very beautiful home.”
“Thank you.” Heather – Mrs. English – smiled but only the corner of one side of her mouth lifted. “Emersyn, I’ve called Caroline Davenport, she’s going to loan you something appropriate to wear for dinner this evening.”
“Oh, you didn’t need to do that—”
“I did.” Her sapphire gaze traveled down my body then back up. “I had your things unpacked and hung up in the guest room. Stedman, please guide Emersyn to the guest room so she can freshen up for being seen prior to Caroline’s arrival.”
“Of course, Mrs. English,” the butler Stedman said from out of nowhere. Suddenly there he was, standing beside me. “Miss Emersyn, come with me.”
Heat filled my face. Did she just – did she – the nerve. Who the hell does she think she is? I turned to face my soulmate but he was glaring at his mother. “Deacon?”
“Go ahead, Emersyn. Caroline will be here shortly.” Mrs. English pointed behind me, like I was her pet dog she was shooing. “My husband and I need to have a word with Deacon.”