Magically betrayed, p.1
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Magically Betrayed, page 1

 part  #3 of  Hunted Witch Agency Series


Magically Betrayed
Select Voice:
Brian (uk)
Emma (uk)  
Amy (uk)
Eric (us)
Ivy (us)
Joey (us)
Salli (us)  
Justin (us)
Jennifer (us)  
Kimberly (us)  
Kendra (us)
Russell (au)
Nicole (au)

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Magically Betrayed

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Magically Banished – Book Four



  Magically Betrayed

  Book 3 in the Hunted Witch Agency Series

  By Rachel Medhurst

  Copyright 2018 © Rachel Medhurst

  Please note that the author is English so spelling is in British English.

  Sign up to my mailing list for free books and updates: Rachel Medhurst Website


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Magically Banished – Book Four



  Chapter One

  The cold stone floor pressed against my cheek made me jerk awake. Stone? Cold? Wait. Why was it pitch black? I always left a small night light on for Kingsley when I slept.

  A low hum made my swimming mind snap awake. I wasn’t at home. Why wasn’t I in my bed? I’d had two beers the night before, but I hadn’t got drunk enough to pass out on the pavement.

  “Wake up!” The masculine voice made me spring to my feet.

  A hand shoved me in the dark, sending me flying into a wall. My shoulder wacked into the hard surface, making me clench my teeth. My arms flailed as I got my balance.

  “Who the hell are you? Where am I?”

  The fuzz of my head wasn’t helping my co-ordination. My senses were blurry, unstable. I’d been drugged. This was serious.

  “You’re right where she wants you. Sit down.”

  A light came on overhead, the tiny bulb spluttering into life. The room illuminated, the small cell only big enough to hold a couple of people. My heartbeat resounded in my eardrums as I shook my head. How had I got there? Where was there?

  Bending, the bulky man with an ugly face and untidy dark hair, pointed to the floor. I rocked on the heels of my feet as I tried to keep my balance. Was the man batshit crazy? I had just woken up in a freaky place, and he wanted me to sit down? I was going to kill his massive arse.

  “You need to step out of the way and let me out. Now.” My tough words were slurred, unthreatening.

  “You need to sit down and drink this!” Holding out a bottle of water, he took a menacing step towards me.

  Throwing my fist out, I grunted when it moved in slow motion, hitting him gently on the arm. Where had my strength gone? I was Devon Jinx, a bloody agent at the Hunted Witch Agency. Half witch, still half warlock, although that wasn’t going to help me in this situation.

  His hands grabbed the top of my arms. Pushing me down, he forced me to plonk my arse on the hard ground. My squeak went ignored as he tugged my hair back and shoved the plastic bottleneck against my mouth, laughing when I almost choked on the liquid that poured down my throat before I spat it at him.

  “Bitch! She’ll hear about this.”

  I tugged myself out of his grip, scooting back to press myself against the wall. I was weak. Stupidly so. How long had I actually been in this prison?

  “Trust me, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

  His chuckle as he turned his back on me gave me drive to stumble to my feet. Reaching out, I tripped, my legs turning to spaghetti as he reached the old wooden door and opened it.

  “She wants you to remember,” he said as he slammed the door closed.

  My whole body crashed against the ground as my head swirled. My eyes closed instantly, my brain unable to keep up with the images that ran through my mind. Gerard. My mum and dad.

  “Devon,” a voice said in the distance. My mum. “We’ve been watching you from afar. We know about Isaac Senior.”

  Wait. I’d had this conversation with my mum after we’d defeated Vernon Jupiter. We’d spent days in interviews with the agency, with me watching from the other side of the two-way mirror. Justina hadn’t allowed me to sit in on the conversations. Too much personal interest, apparently. Yeah, I got it.

  “I… I didn’t mean to kill him.” My weak voice was pathetic, now I could hear myself in hindsight.

  What? Ugh. I was hallucinating the first conversation I’d had with my parents when the interviews were done. That bastard had given me drugs. I’d never been a good drunk, let alone anything more.

  My mother’s arms had come around me as we both sunk onto my sofa. Justina had allowed us to go back to mine to talk. It hadn’t been the easiest of conversations.

  “We know you didn’t. He took care of you for thirteen years, always looking out for you, but he knew what dark crawlers did to a person, sweetheart.” My mother had glanced at my father who stared at the spell on my wall. “Didn’t he, love?”

  My father’s eyes were full of water as he looked down at us. My shoulders dropped at the same time as my stomach plummeted. As much as my father loved me, I could see the sadness in his eyes.

  “Warlocks are in danger. You’re making it up to him by being an agent. He would’ve been proud of how far you’ve come.”

  His words were quiet, like him. He had always been a contemplative man, one who didn’t often make a lot of noise. I had been the opposite. And, yet, at night, when it was time for bed, it had been him I most wanted to read me a story.

  An itch in my hair brought me back to the present. Trying my hardest to press up from the ground, I rubbed my hands through the dirty strands. Ew. What if there were rats in the cell with me? Not that I usually minded rats, Kingsley was… Kingsley! Who was looking after my pet while I was locked in this hellhole?

  “We had to keep out of sight. My mother knew we were on to her.” My mother’s voice pulled me back to the hallucination. “We faked our death to protect you from her. She made it clear that she had a vendetta against warlocks, but I had no idea she would go this far.”

  The woman who had given birth to me had long dark hair, just like mine. Her skin was pale, the pink blush to her cheeks a constant part of her appearance. Her body was rounder than I remembered, her small frame just topping mine.

  “I understand, although, I resent you for leaving me behind. Why didn’t you take me into hiding with you?”

  My father had lowered himself onto a clear space on the coffee table, sitting right in front of us. He leant forward and took my hands in his. “We didn’t want you to have a life of suffocation. You’re wild, Devon. Always have been, always will be. It’s in your nature. You needed your freedom. Your grandmother… well, she…” His gaze dropped to the floor before he looked at me again. “She despised me, which in turn made her…”

  “Hate me?” I finished for him.

  The sound of a door closing far away made me lift my head slightly. My brain was literally swirling, my mind flickering from the past to the present. Where was I? Why would they drug me?

  Tears hovered in my eyes as the memory tried to pull me back. I fought it, desperate to stop feeling high.

  “As you know, we’re Essex witches.” My mother stroked my hair away from my face. “Your grandmother, Helena Welles, is from one in four remaining pure Essex witch lines. She married your grandfather when she was teenager. She inherited the task of looking after the ley lines with three other female witches when she turned twenty.”

  I vaguely recalled memories of this story. It had been told to me when I was a child, but I’d long forgotten it, never needing to know my history in detail.

  “She got a bit greedy, didn’t she? Had the privilege taken away?”

  Nodding, mum hummed her agreement. “Yes. Her husband died not long after that, leaving her vulnerable. She fell in love with Vernon Jupiter and got kicked out of her coven. I was a child, barely dragged up in her world.”

  The squeak of something in the cell made me sit up. Bracing my arms against the wall, I tried to focus on anything other than memories. It had been two weeks since my parents had moved into the agency building. Justina had agreed to give them protection on the condition they told her everything they knew.

  “Wake up!” A hand slapped me around the face as I opened my eyes and stared at the man who had forced me to drink water.

  Growling, I attempted to get up, but I couldn’t. My body was completely useless, unable to do much at all.

  “She’s asked me to sober you up, so she can talk to you. So…wake up.”

  The splash of water that attacked my face made me splutter. My eyes opened and closed as I rubbed my face. I couldn’t concentrate. He had just bloody drugged me. How did he expect me to instantly come out of that? Stupid man. A man who was going to be minus his manhood at some point in the future. I didn’t care how disgraceful m
y thought was, he deserved not to be a man anymore.

  “You need to stop that,” I said through my teeth when he shook me by the top of the arms.

  “Devon.” My father’s voice again. “Helena went a little crazy when Vernon ended it. She swore vengeance on warlocks. No one took her seriously. Until your mother married me.”

  My brain was switching between the damp cold cell and the image of me in my apartment. My messy, but ever so comfortable apartment.

  “Fine. You’ve got half an hour to sober up,” my tormentor said. “Or, I’ll start hurting you. Maybe you’ll wake up then.”

  As the door slammed closed behind him, I slouched against the wall, allowing the hallucination to take over.

  My mum was standing now, her hands on her hips. “Helena left you alone for so long because she didn’t even realise you were still alive. We were in danger from her allies. I first realised what she was doing just after I married your father. She had harboured her pain for so long, she’d turned extremely bitter. I had no idea she would try to wipe out the warlocks. I just knew she was taking witches to boost her own magic.”

  Magic. Shaking my head to get rid of my parents, I blinked the vision away. I could use my magic to kill the son of a bitch who was holding me captive. I just had to…

  “We were always watching you, darling, making sure you were safe. We had found an old home of hers when she found out that we were on to her. We decided it was best to let the professionals handle it, so we reported it to the government. They told us to stay in protective custody and let them deal with Helena.”

  “It’s taken them that long to find her?” I had snapped.

  My dad bent his head, shaking it sadly. “No, they didn’t bother. They let the case go. We were trapped in a new life, constantly told that they were working on it. Eventually, they let us know that it had been handed to a new agency that hunted witches. We’ve been watching from the side lines, wishing we could help.”

  Frowning, I glanced at them both. “But, you’re here now?”

  A smile came to their faces. “Yes,” my mum said, wringing her hands together. “I dropped the ‘my daughter is an agent, we’ll be perfectly safe’ card. They let us go from protective custody once they’d spoken to Justina. That’s how she suddenly knew who the slave trade ringleader was. We could finally tell her.”

  My brain suddenly snapped, my mind alert and awake. The damp smell of the cell filtered up my nose as I sat up. The man was standing in front of me again, a wand held out in front of him. Ah, he had used magic before I could.

  “I couldn’t be bothered to hurt you,” he muttered.

  Pushing my hair away from my face where it covered my eyes, I studied him. He was older, unremarkable. The slight hunch of his shoulders told me that he was a slave. Ah, that might just work in my favour.

  Feeling myself for any injuries, I bided my time as he tucked his wand away. So, he was a witch. However, he was using a tool to help him perform magic. Which meant he didn’t have access to the power that Lucia had been using when we caught her.

  “You need to let me out. Before I hurt you.” Launching from my place on the floor, I extended my arms out.

  My body still hadn’t quite regained as much energy as I’d hoped. I collapsed in mid-air, my shoulder crashing into the hard ground.

  “Shit!” I muttered, pulling on mother earth to try and get some magic into me.

  Nope, she refused to oblige. I wasn’t strong enough to contain anything. My warlock magic wasn’t even playing ball.

  “There’s nothing you can do here,” the man said, his voice booming in my ears. “She’s in control of everything. And, her power… well, no one can ever match it.”

  I was about to open my mouth and blurt that my mother could use the ley lines, but I stopped myself in time. My grandmother didn’t need to know that her daughter was still alive.

  “How did I get here?” I asked as he grabbed the top of my arm and hauled me to my feet.

  Last I remembered, I had fallen asleep while watching a classic stripper film… yes, it had become my go-to-fall-asleep film. My lip started to wobble as I thought about Kingsley. I just prayed to mother earth that he’d been left behind and someone had saved him.

  “I picked you up. May have drugged you with magic.” Tugging me towards the exit, he almost sent me flying when my legs gave out.

  He managed to keep me upright somehow as he shoved me through the door. Flicking my hair out of my eyes, I studied the stone walled hallway. It was similar to the dungeon in the castle. But, surely my grandmother wouldn’t be stupid enough to go back there?

  “She’s impatient to see you,” he muttered, keeping his eye on the medieval wooden door at the end of the wall of cells. “I’ve kept her waiting long enough.”

  My feet dragged, my soles sore from the cold. I had my purple fluffy socks on with my unicorn PJs. Great, I was going to meet my evil grandmother for the first time wearing… awesome nightclothes.

  “Well, you could’ve at least brought me a change of clothes.”

  My words went ignored as he bruised my arm by squeezing my flesh. It was a warning as he tugged open the door.

  “Don’t bother trying to fight.”

  I couldn’t have tried even if I was able. My eyes were drawn by the creepy hallways. The place looked like an old hospital, one where everything had been left to ruin. The lights above flickered on and off. Oh, man. Was I seriously being escorted through a creepy old asylum or something? That would be just my luck. The woman who was terrified of horror films was about to meet a clown or something just as freaky in an abandoned hospital. Great.

  Tiles on the floor were ripped, the stone underneath showing as I tried not to trip over it. The man, who looked like he was enjoying my discomfort, led me down one corridor, towards an open lobby area.

  “Don’t tell me,” I almost whispered. “This used to be a place for the mentally depraved?”

  His chuckle unnerved me even more. He found this hellhole amusing? Was he insane himself? If he was a patient, I would probably shit my pants. Literally.

  “Yes, you’re right. Your grandmother thought it would be the safest place to keep her…”

  A bang on my left had me screaming as I jumped backwards, slamming into the wall opposite. My heart tried to escape my chest as my breath huffed in and out.

  “I’ve been meaning to fix that frame. It’s been hanging precariously for a while. No point now.”

  I held my hand to my chest as I stared at the picture that had fallen. It was a mansion house with trees and hills in the background. A beautiful piece of art lying on a disturbingly brown stained floor.

  Shuddering, I quickened my step, almost dragging my captor with me. Bloody place was giving me an adrenaline rush far too strong to contain. Which was good…

  Spinning, I slammed my elbow into creepy man’s face. He grunted as he bent forward, releasing me as he clutched his nose. Serves him right, nasty man.

  “Don’t!” he shouted as I ran forward, straight into the lobby.

  Ignoring him, I slung left, straight towards the glass doors and windows. Most of them were boarded up, but one had a shiny cover over it, making sure no one could see in from the outside.

  Sprinting towards it, I clenched my muscles when I threw my arms over my head and thrust towards the covered window. It was going to hurt like a bitch when the glass smashed, but at least I’d be free.

  Just as the force of my jump was supposed to push my body out of the building, a tingling sensation ran over me. Oh, crap.

  Instead of going straight through the glass like I’d planned, I rebounded off the window and propelled into the air, landing flat on my back. Pain exploded all over me as muscles bruised and bones jarred. Bastard, bitch, bugger. That hurt. A lot.

  Groaning, I turned to get onto all fours. My knees dug into the lino floor as I looked up. The man’s footsteps came to a stop in front of me.

  “I told you not to do it,” he said, apparently unbothered by my attempted escape.

  As my breath evened out, I got ready to try again. My head hung forward, my hair covering my eyes. Placing my palms firmly on the ground, I begged mother earth to give me some magic. She obliged.

  Warmth entered my hands, my warlock magic filtering gently into me. I couldn’t take too much, it would risk my witch ties.

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