The city witch, p.9
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The City Witch
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  I smiled and felt the tension between us fade away. After our talk the other day, I had a whole new picture of who this girl was and why she’d acted the way she did. Most people probably wouldn’t have forgiven her for the stunts she pulled…but I was no angel myself. Deacon had forgiven me. Hell, Tennessee forgave Tegan for the weeks of lying and heartache last month. Life was just too short. Everyone deserved second chances in my opinion.

  “Well, I look forward to hearing all about it next week, then,” I said with a chuckle.

  She giggled and waved. “See you on Monday! Happy Thanksgiving!”

  I turned and watched her bounce across the school cafeteria to where Noah stood talking to people. She bounced. Caroline Davenport…bounced. I chuckled and shook my head. Those two deserved some happiness. I hadn’t realized just how dark and lonely their lives had been before.

  “Emersyn…” Deacon drawled, bringing my eyes to his. He arched one eyebrow. “What did you do?”

  My cheeks warmed. “Caroline and I had a nice talk the other day. She told me a lot about herself and why she behaved the way she did.”

  “And then?”

  I shrugged. “And then Noah showed up, and the girl got all freaked out. So I simply asked if she liked him, and when she confirmed it, I may have encouraged her to be the one to ask him out to the homecoming dance.”

  “I’m glad you two made friends.” Amelia smiled. “We can all hang out together now. Caroline has been really nice to me.”

  Deacon shook his head. “I can’t believe you had all the fun without me. That’s Devil territory, right there.”

  “Awww. I’m sorry.” I stood up on my toes and kissed his cheek. “Come on. Let’s get food.”

  He slipped his hand in mine then led Amelia and me to the food line on the far wall. As we stood there, I watched Caroline and Noah hold on to each other a few tables away. I was happy for them, but their public display of affection reminded me of my twin and her soulmate. I couldn’t help it—all of my thoughts kept circling back to them. Two days was a long time when they could be in trouble.

  Our Coven-mates kept watch of the gate, but they insisted that sending more people in was dangerous. At least without more intel or proof. Everyone kept telling us that Eden was doing okay, but I knew they were lying. Paulina had told me the truth. Eden was still under attack, just not as bad. Paulina promised they had things under control. Apparently she had summoned an army of spirits who were protecting our border. I was secretly happy to not have to see that.

  But it wasn’t enough. We needed to be there to help. The school was open, had been for two weeks now. The shifters would be opening their section after the holiday, which I could come back for. There was no reason I couldn’t go home to Eden and help my family. I was a complete mess. If we didn’t hear from those animals by tomorrow after our turkey lunch, then we’d have to go out there with his parents and tell the remaining animals to contact them.

  Twenty-four more hours. I could wait that long. I sighed.

  Deacon squeezed my hand, and I felt his magic slide over me. He frowned and nodded. “I agree. We need to go home.”

  He’d just read my desires…but I wasn’t mad. He’d never done that to me before, and I wasn’t sure I could get my thoughts out anyway. I nodded.

  Amelia gasped, her eyes widening. “What’s tha—”

  The windows behind me exploded. Glass shattered and rained down on the cafeteria. A swarm of bright purple and turquoise birds flew through the opening. People screamed and dove for the ground. I gasped and took a step forward. To the rest of the students, these probably looked like normal pigeons or ravens, but I knew otherwise.

  “Oh, shit,” Deacon breathed. “They found us.”

  The birds swooped low and flew in a straight line right to me. They chirped and squawked, and flew in tight circles around me. Several of them nipped at my clothes, pulling them away from my body like they were trying to drag me.

  OH SHIT. They were trying to drag me.

  I spun toward Deacon with wide eyes. “Deacon…”

  He nodded. “Central Park. Now.”

  Chapter Twenty


  Those colorful birds didn’t leave Emersyn alone for a second as we ran through Central Park. It was something out of a Disney movie the way they pecked at her clothes. A few of them had strands of her golden hair in their beaks. Not for the first time, I wished I had Chutney’s gift. I wondered if we were even doing what they wanted us to at all, but then again, they weren’t pulling at her. It looked like they were just escorting us.

  I glanced over my shoulder and gasped. Amelia, Caroline, and Noah had followed us.

  “Amelia, go back to school!” I shouted at my cousin.

  “Not a chance!” she yelled back.

  I cursed. I wasn’t going to use my magic against her, and I didn’t have time to argue with her. “Caroline, keep an eye on her!”


  “What’s going on, Deacon?” Noah shouted. “Where are we going?”

  I didn’t answer him. It was too hard to explain. Instead, I charged forward, leading the way around the base of a bridge then through the tunnel beneath it. I took a shortcut off the paved pathway and through fifteen feet of trees lined with bright red leaves. The birds still hung close to Em. When we finally came through the other side of the lake near the entrance, my jaw dropped.

  We slid to a stop.

  There were animals everywhere. Both Earth-bound and from the Old Lands. And they were just sitting there…like they were waiting for us. When we got within a few feet, the animals all jumped up and started to move around. The birds dropped Emersyn and flew around her face. They chirped a few times then disappeared between the trees.

  Emersyn glanced over her shoulder to me with wide eyes.

  “I don’t know…” I whispered. Something was happening, I just couldn’t say what.

  “Guys, what’s going on?” Caroline asked while clutching her side. “What’s with the crows and now all these squirrels and rabbits?”

  “Why are they all sitting there like that?” Noah asked with wide eyes.

  Emersyn curled her wrists then pushed with her magic. Black mist poured out of her hands and into the ground. It slithered across the area inch by inch, washing over the animals. As it moved, golden glitter shimmered over them. Caroline, Noah, and Amelia all gasped and jumped back a step.

  Amelia grinned. “They’re so colorful!”

  “Hey! I’ve seen those blue puffy cats at school!” Noah chuckled and put his hands on his hips. “So this is where they come from.”

  Caroline frowned. “What…are they?”

  “Friends,” Emersyn whispered. She stomped her foot, and the glamour snapped back into place.

  “They’re from the Old Lands,” I said as our friends gasped again. “Only those who’ve been to the Old Lands can see them for what they truly are—unless we put a spell on them like we did for the guys at school. Emersyn just gave you a glimpse.”

  Just then, one of the blue puffy cats came rushing up to us. It meowed over and over and over. I felt its panic like it was my own.

  I bent down. “Show me.”

  The blue cat spun and leapt over to the bushes. Emersyn was hot on its heels. She got to the bush and cried out, then ducked down into it. When she stood, she held a small blue cat in her arms. Em looked up at me with teary eyes, and my heart sank.

  Caroline sprinted over. “Oh no, what happened to it?”

  Em shook her head. “I don’t know. But it needs help—”

  “I’ll take it to the infirmary now.” Caroline held her arms out, and Emersyn placed the poor little thing in the cradle of her elbow. She ran her fingers over its face, and big golden eyes blinked up at her. “Hang on, sweet pea. We’ll get you help.”

  “I’m going with you!” Amelia held her arms out to the crying blue cat who’d led us to the injured one. “Come on. You can come with us.”

  The little cat didn’t hesitate. It leapt straight into her arms and settled in. The two of them started to run away when the ground trembled under us. It shook so hard it knocked me off balance, and I dropped to my knees.

  I looked up just as the air shimmered bright silvery light. There was a gust of cold wind, and then two dozen Pegasi appeared out of thin air in front of us. I scrambled to my feet then helped Emersyn back up without taking my eyes off these winged horses. There was one in particular I was looking for, the one I’d spoken directly to.

  The Pegasi neighed and shook their heads. Then the ones in front stepped aside. The beautiful white one galloped up to the front carrying something in its mouth. I frowned. Emersyn pushed past me and raced over to the animal. She petted its nose and pulled the black material out of its mouth. She held it up, and her face turned sheet white.

  My body turned cold, and the world spun.

  It was Tegan’s leather jacket.

  What will Deacon and Emersyn do now? Why does the Pegasus have Tegan’s jacket, and what trouble has the Old Lands caused for the others? Find out in Book Three of The Coven: Academy Magic Series, The Wild Witch, out summer 2019. CLICK HERE to pre-order now!

  You can also check out the cover for The Wild Witch below. (You might have to turn the page to see the cover.)

  CLICK HERE to pre-order The Wild Witch now!

  Are you new to the world of The Coven? Did you stumble upon this story and realize you don’t know who these people are? Want to see where it all began?? Check out season one, The Coven: Elemental Magic, and catch up now.

  CLICK HERE to get Elemental Magic Series now!

  I thought magic was make believe...but I was way wrong.

  I was nobody. No matter how hard I tried, I never fit in with anyone at my high school. Now I know why.

  Turns out I'm a witch. A scary powerful one, too. Except The Coven that claimed me won't teach me how to use my magic.

  Suddenly, I'm selected by the Goddess to hunt down a mythical locket needed to save the world from destruction. The only person who actually tries to help me is the alarmingly attractive Tennessee. He has immeasurable power and breathtaking mismatched eyes. I'm drawn to him on a level I can't explain...and he's forbidden from getting too close to me.

  When the quest takes an unexpected dangerous turn, I have to improvise. This supernatural world is unraveling at my fingertips and I need to master my magic fast. If I don't, I could get everyone I care about killed...

  CLICK HERE to get Elemental Magic Series now!

  If you found yourself wondering what life was like for The Coven before the twins arrived then I recommend reading the Prequel Novella, The Chosen Witch. And the best part? It’s FREE.

  CLICK HERE to read The Chosen Witch now!

  To get my free novella, you’ll be signing up for my newsletter. It’s a fun way for me to connect with my readers but I promise I won’t spam you. Plus, you can unsubscribe at any time!

  Check out the cover and description for The Chosen Witch below. (You might have to turn the page to see the cover.)

  My magic doesn’t define me.

  Within my secret, ancient race of witches, everyone prays to join the most powerful circle of all—The Coven. Well, everyone except for me. All I want is to discover the truth of the past that was stolen from me. So I lay low, defending the world from demons and training to strengthen my magic.

  But when I discover an artifact that can defeat the demons for good, I’m forced to do the one thing I never wanted—claim my rightful place in The Coven so I can hunt down the artifact myself.

  I know my success will require sacrifices, but I fear I won’t be able to handle the price…

  CLICK HERE or visit to get The Chosen Witch and start reading now.

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  The Coven

  As of the end of book two

  0 : The Fool : Chutney Burroughs – Cups Suit – Communicates with animals.

  I : The Magician : Willow Walcot – Wands Suit – Illusion magic

  II : The High Priestess : Tegan Bishop – Aether Witch – All Suits – All elemental Magic

  III : The Empress : Emersyn Howe Bishop – Wands Suit – Fire, smoke, & metal magic

  IV : The Emperor : Tennessee Wildes – Swords Suit – Wind, water, & earth magic

  V : The Hierophant : Bentley Bishop – Cups Suit – Divination

  VI : The Lovers : Easton Corey – Swords Suit – Magical armor

  VII : The Chariot : Devon Howe Bishop – Swords Suit – Astral projection

  VIII : Strength : Kessler Bishop – Swords Suit – Super strength

  IX : The Hermit : Kenneth Proctor – Pentacles Suit – Speaks & reads all languages

  X : Wheel of Fortune : Royce Redd – Wands Suit – Nature magic

  XI : Justice : Constance Bell – Wands Suit – Crystal magic

  XII : The Hanged Man : Braison Parker – Pentacles Suit – Light & shadow magic

  XIII : Death : Paulina Putnam – Cups Suit – Communicates with the dead

  XIV : Temperance : Hunter Bishop – Cups Suit – Emotions magic

  XV : The Devil : Deacon English – Pentacles Suit – Persuasion magic

  XVI : The Tower : UNKNOWN – Potion magic

  XVII : The Star : Cooper Bishop – Swords Suit – Dream magic

  XVIII : The Moon : Henley Redd – Wands Suit – Moon magic

  XIX : The Sun : Lily Warren – Pentacles Suit – Sun magic

  XX : Judgement : UNKNOWN – Ice magic

  XXI : The World : Jackson Lancaster – Swords Suit – Truth magic

  About the Author

  Chandelle was born and raised in South Florida. She is the ultimate fangirl. Her love of Twilight, Harry Potter, and The Mortal Instruments inspired her to write her own books. When she’s not writing she’s on the beach soaking up the sun with a book in her hand. Her favorite things in life are dogs, pizza, slurpees, and anything that sparkles. She suffers from wanderlust and hopes to travel to every country in the world one day.

  The City Witch

  Published by Wanderlost Publishing

  Copyright © 2019 by Chandelle LaVaun

  This book is a work of fiction. Though some actual towns, cities, and locations may be mentioned, they are used in a fictitious manner and the events and occurrences were invented in the mind and imagination of the author. Any similarities of characters or names used within to any person past, present, or future is coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum



  Chandelle LaVaun, The City Witch



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