The lost witch, p.7
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The Lost Witch, page 7

 part  #1 of  The Coven_Elemental Magic Series


The Lost Witch
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  Cooper paced the hallway and tugged at his short blond hair. The muscles in his forearms twitched, his XVII Mark in plain sight. “What did they see?”

  “Faes and Oozers. I killed them all off within a minute or two. The twins didn’t get hurt, but they ran off before I could talk to them.” I left Saffie out of the discussion, though I wasn’t entirely sure why. The kiss on the other hand, well, no one could know about that now. It was difficult telling the truth and lying at the same time. “I thought they were Sapiens, and our charms along the park would alter their memories of the ordeal.”

  “You knew the twins were arriving yesterday, though,” Cooper snapped and got in my face. His cheeks flushed with anger.

  “Right, and I was told they were home with your parents. I should’ve expected two unknowing witches would break into the park their first night. Give me a damn break, Coop.” My adoptive brother may have been a year older, thirty pounds heavier, and two inches taller…but I had more power, more skill, and was the better fighter. I was the Emperor, and I hadn’t done anything against protocol last night. The charms were put up for this exact situation.

  Cooper sighed and scrubbed his face with his palms. He backed away from me, but his shoulders were still tensed. “They’ve got to be freaked out after seeing that, though.”

  I hesitated to tell them about our first encounter. Cooper would flip out. But they needed to know and would find out eventually. “They were at The Gathering.”

  Silence. I didn’t even think the birds chirped. Easton and Braison stared at me with their jaws dropped. Royce eyed the girls with new concentration. Henley stared off into space like she was deep in thought. But Cooper… He looked like he might vomit.

  When no one spoke for several seconds, I continued. “Again, I didn’t know who they were then, but it explains everything. Constance said The Coven isn’t usually allowed to attend because we trigger dangerous situations, and, well, I see that now.”

  Royce whistled and shook his head. “The Emperor, Empress, and High Priestess all at The Gathering together? No wonder so many people got hurt.”

  “Not as many as you think,” Easton added with an out-of-character frown. “They brought everyone injured to Edenburg, and the whole school got involved.”

  Well, that is good to know. I’d been sick to my stomach every time I thought about those innocent humans. I shook my head and forced those thoughts away. We needed to focus. Funny how quickly things can change. Two minutes ago, I’d been on cloud nine, thinking about how to introduce myself to my soulmate. Now I had to pretend she meant nothing to me so I could keep her safe. The glyph ignited, like it sang with joy at the idea of being near her.

  Cooper stared at his unknowing, innocent sisters, his face both terrified and sad.

  Braison cleared his throat and stepped forward. He looked right at me. “So, what’s the plan, boss?”

  Please don’t call me that. I hate it. A concoction of feelings swirled inside me. The idea of being friends with Tegan was exhilarating. I was dying to know her. But the idea of being just friends with Tegan was devastating. How was I supposed to pretend she wasn’t my soulmate? I’d have to figure it out, and fast. We had a big job to do. That locket had to be found…and we had to protect the twins at all costs.

  I sighed and looked over to Henley. “We know the plan. We stick to it. Henley, why don’t you do the honors?”

  Henley grinned and stepped forward. “Don’t worry, guys. I got this.” She winked at us, then skipped across the grass toward the picnic tables where the twins sat.

  I looked over at Tegan and tried to hold myself together. It was only going to get harder from here. I just didn’t know how I was going to pretend—stop it. This isn’t good, Tennessee. Get ahold of yourself. Now. She’s strictly off-limits. Forbidden cargo.

  You know this.

  Chapter Ten


  “Are you all right?”

  I smirked and leaned back to let the Florida sun wash over me. “Not really. I mean how am I supposed to stay mad at my dad for making me move here with all this glorious sunshine?”

  “Well, you should probably have sunscreen on, but that’s not what I meant.” Emersyn paused long enough to bring my gaze back to her. When I did, she leaned in closer and whispered, “Are you okay?”

  I narrowed my eyes. Where was she going with this question? “Uh…yeah? Why?”

  “You’ve been rubbing at your chest since we left the park last night.”

  “Oh…” I blushed. Crap. Do I tell her the truth? No reason not to, I guess. “Umm…” I sat up straight and glanced around the picnic area to make sure we were still alone. Apparently no one in Florida ate lunch outside. When I was sure no one was within earshot, I whispered, “I think one of those creatures from last night cut me.”

  Emersyn’s face paled. “Oh my God. Does it hurt?”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  “Care to elaborate?” Her golden eyes were wide. Panic was setting in.

  I sighed. “I didn’t notice it was hurting until we got in the car. Then you reminded me about school starting today, and I kinda forgot about it.”

  “How do you forget about something that hurts?”

  I threw my arms up. “When you’re focused on the anxiety over starting at a new school and expecting to be bullied. Again.”

  Emersyn’s face fell and her shoulders slumped. “You were nervous too?”

  “Terrified.” I brushed dirt off my pants to avoid meeting her eyes. “I think I subconsciously associated the pain with, like, indigestion or something. You know, from nerves? But then it didn’t go away. Actually, it’s getting worse.”

  “Maybe you’re just focusing on it too much? Maybe it’s like a mind-over-matter thing?”

  “God, I hope so. Otherwise…” I didn’t want to admit out loud any of the thoughts that had been running through my mind. I was probably just paranoid.

  “What does it feel like?” Emersyn whispered. “What kind of pain?”

  “Umm…” Just talking about it made the burning flare up like I’d dumped gasoline on a fire. I rubbed my palm over the spot. “Like I was branded.”

  Emersyn blanched. “Like…like with an iron rod?”

  “Like something out of an old western movie.” I nodded. “It’s weird.”

  “Is there a wound? Any blood?”

  “That’s the weirdest part.” I tapped my fingers on my thighs. “I’ve looked dozens of times, but it’s just this pink mark on my skin.”

  “Let me see,” Emersyn demanded.

  I hesitated. It was a daunting idea to let someone else see the weird little mark. Part of me worried I’d imagined the whole thing. But this was Emersyn—she saw what I did. She’d understand. I licked my dry lips then nodded. I’d purposely worn something loose so it wouldn’t press against my body. I glanced over my shoulder and saw people standing by the building, but they were far enough away. I turned my back to them and sat up straight so no one would realize what I was doing. With shaky fingers, I pulled down the collar of my shirt and exposed the pale skin below my collarbone, right above my heart.

  Emersyn’s eyes widened. “It’s glowing, Tegan. You see that, too, right?”

  I had noticed the brightness of it. I had kinda hoped I’d imagined that part.

  She narrowed her eyes and leaned in close. “It looks like a…heart? Like not perfectly shaped but definitely a heart.”

  I scowled. I definitely hadn’t noticed that. “It does?”

  Emersyn nodded. She raised a French-manicured finger and pressed it against my skin. She hissed and jerked backward. “And it’s hot to the touch.”

  I’d learned that part quickly. “Listen, don’t make a big deal out of it. And don’t tell anyone, including our parents. I’m gonna figure this out. I’m good at puzzles.”

  Emersyn frowned but she nodded. “Okay. I guess.”

  “Besides, it’s probably nothing.”

  Not like there’s anyone I can ask about it anyway.

  “Well, if it isn’t the talk of the town.”

  Emersyn and I both jumped at the sound of an unfamiliar girl’s voice. By the time I regained my composure, she stood in front of us. The girl had hair so black it almost looked blue. She had fire-engine red lips and dark smoky eyeshadow. Like me, she rocked a choker and all black clothes, but hers were skin tight and made of lace or leather. Stars and a crescent moon tattoo wrapped around her left wrist. Just above it the Roman numeral XVIII took up most of her forearm. It was quite the look, one I wished I knew how to pull off.

  I cleared my throat. Despite the smile on the girl’s face, she might’ve been there to deliver a threat or just blatantly be mean. It had happened to me often. “Um…hi?”

  “Don’t worry, I come in peace.” She smiled even wider. Her teeth were perfectly white. “It’s not that big of a school. Purple hair and rhinestone cowgirl boots kind of stick out. Everyone’s been talking about you.”

  My heart sank. “Already? It’s only lunch on the first day…”

  “I’m Henley Redd, by the way.” She stuck her hand out in greeting.

  Emersyn immediately shook it with a big smile of her own. “Emersyn Howe.”

  Henley turned her sapphire eyes to me. “And?” She grinned.

  I hesitated a brief second before returning her handshake. “Tegan Bishop.”

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you.” Henley paused. “I know you’re probably wondering why a complete stranger is being so outwardly friendly, but let’s just say I know what it’s like to be the new kid on the not-so-friendly block.”

  I blushed. “Yeah, I do too.” It was why nice strangers made me twitchy.

  Henley’s smile turned a little mischievous as she stepped in closer. “So, I’m going to leave you girls alone for your first day, but my friends and I wanted to invite you to our party tonight.”

  “A party? Tonight?” Emersyn’s voice sounded way too excited for my comfort.

  “What friends?” She’d walked over to us by herself. I tried to smile, just in case Henley was in fact genuine. “And why would you invite us? You just met us.”

  “We have this party the first night of school every year. It’s just my little crew, not like some wild rager. I mean, it’s on the beach…with a bonfire.” Henley smiled and pointed behind me. “Some of my friends are over there. I made them stay there so they wouldn’t bombard you.”

  Unable to curb my curiosity, I glanced over my shoulder. When my gaze landed on a group of five guys leaning against the brick wall about thirty feet away, I got more suspicious. Sure, they were all attractive, but that only made it—HIM. The guy from The Gathering…from the theme park…the one I’d kissed…stood there staring back at me.

  I didn’t know his name or how old he was or why he was in the theme park after-hours, but I did know with absolute certainty that his lips felt like Heaven against mine. Ew. That is the cheesiest, girliest thing I have ever thought. But it was true. He was just as I remembered, but so much more at the same time. His hair was wild and a tad unruly, falling in loose, jet-black waves down past his jaw. I wanted to run my fingers through it. In the dark of night, I hadn’t realized how tan he was, but living in Florida probably did that. I couldn’t help but notice that like me, he was dressed in all black, with a loose shirt tucked into low-slung jeans. I wanted to meet him. I wanted to hear his voice again. I wanted to know his name and who he was.

  “Those guys are all gonna be there?” Emersyn asked. I couldn’t tell if her voice sounded excited or not.

  “Yes. They’re super nice, hence why they stayed over there. There are a bunch of girls in our group too.” Henley giggled. “So what do you say? It’s going to be a wicked good time.”

  I forced myself to look back at Henley. She seemed genuine in her responses. I narrowed my eyes. “Why should we trust this isn’t some cruel joke?”

  Henley’s grin turned into a crooked, mischievous smirk. “Because you’re far too curious of a kitten not to come.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  Henley leaned forward. “Then you won’t get to participate in the ongoing debate over which of Tennessee’s eyes is more gorgeous. The green one or the blue one?”

  Heat rushed to my face. I wanted to spin back around and look at him, but I forced myself to stay put. I licked my lips. “His name is Tennessee?” I prayed I sounded casual.

  Henley winked and handed me a folded-up piece of paper. “Come to the party tonight and find out.”

  Chapter Eleven


  I climbed out of Emersyn’s mother’s car and closed my eyes. The night air was warm, but the breeze off the Gulf of Mexico was cool and crisp. I took a deep breath and let the salty air seep into my bones. The ocean always felt like home to me.

  “Em, just say the word, and we’ll leave, okay?” When she didn’t answer, I opened my eyes and turned to find her still inside the car. “Em?”

  “What if you were right and this is a cruel joke?” Her knuckles were white from how hard she gripped the steering wheel. “What will we do then?”

  “Revenge. Obviously.” I smirked and walked over to her side of the car. Sure, I feared the same thing. In fact, it was my fault she feared it at all. That guilt gave me the courage to face this party. “C’mon.”

  Emersyn groaned nice and loud before climbing out from behind the wheel and onto the pavement. She fidgeted with the hem of her pale-yellow romper. “I wish I had your courage.”

  I pulled her away from the car and shut the door behind her. “Emersyn Howe, you’ve got balls. I’ve seen them. It’s time you start showing them to everyone else.”

  “Well now, things just keep getting more interesting,” a deep male voice said.

  I froze. Tennessee? No. No, that wasn’t his voice. Too smooth.

  Emersyn’s face lit up with a bright smile. “Royce!”

  I frowned and looked over my shoulder. Things were getting interesting indeed. The guy behind me was tall and prettier than his deep voice sounded. He had one of those big-city hairstyles where it was shaved short on the sides but left long and pushed back on top. It reminded me of Elvis Presley. Or maybe Superman. “You know this guy?”

  “This is Royce. He was the only person nice to me in class today.”

  “Hi there, beautiful.” Royce grinned. His sapphire blue eyes twinkled in the bright moonlight. I didn’t think this guy had a single physical flaw. He held his palm out to me. “I’m Royce.”

  Something about him calmed my nerves. He seemed wild and unpredictable, though I supposed that spoke volumes about my personality if that was reassuring.

  I shook his hand and smiled back. “I’m Tegan. Nice timing on your part. Someone was getting cold feet.”

  “I can fix that.” He winked at me, then bent down and scooped Emersyn up over his shoulder. “Follow me. It’s party time.”

  I stood there staring for a beat with my jaw dropped, watching this unknown guy carry my stepsister toward the sand. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of Royce, but for some reason I wasn’t concerned. I was, however, intrigued at the idea of Emersyn making an attractive male friend and not telling me. Right, ‘cause you told her about Tennessee. I rolled my eyes at my own hypocrisy and followed after Royce.

  Butterflies fluttered around in my stomach just thinking about him, that I might meet him. What do I say?

  “Here we are.” Royce stopped ten feet into the sand and dropped Em to her feet.

  “Hey there, curious kitten.” Henley walked up from my right and grinned.

  I tried not to smirk and failed. “That’s me.” I waved awkwardly. Now, where is he?

  “I see you’ve met my baby brother, Royce.” Henley’s skin looked like porcelain in the white glow of the full moon. She stuck her tongue out at him the same way I always did to Bentley. Her candy-apple red lips curled impishly at the corners, this didn’t alarm me.

  Siblings, eh? Matching sapphire eyes, narrow faces, slim noses, and blueish black hair. That was where the similarities ended, though. Royce looked chic and expensive in faded jean shorts that stopped above his knees and a silk black tank top. Whereas Henley looked wicked in micro-mini black leather shorts and a black lace crop top. Neither seemed like they’d be friends with Tennessee. Please, please, don’t let this be a trick. I need to meet him.

  Royce wrapped an arm around mine and Emersyn’s shoulders and led us across the sand. “Let’s party.”

  This party better include mismatched eyes.

  Up ahead, a cozy bonfire flickered in the sand. On the right, as far as my eyes could see, the ocean rolled onto the shore in small, gentle waves. On the left was nothing but undeveloped land with overgrown bushes and palm trees swaying in the breeze. The moon was full and made the sand look like fresh fallen snow.

  There was enough light for me to see about a dozen teenagers hanging around. They were spread out, a couple here and a few there. I scanned every head for long black hair. Where is he? Does he know I’m coming tonight? Do I want him to?

  Well, crap. There were only four guys here, and none of them were Tennessee. Henley definitely tricked me. Why would she tell me he would be here? Wait, did she? Maybe she meant we’d only talk about him? I sighed in frustration and let myself be guided toward the bonfire.

  Henley plopped down on a blanket with a grin on her face and patted the ground beside her. Maybe she had good intentions. Couldn’t hurt to try and make friends, right?

  Well, when in Rome. I strolled over and sat beside her a few feet from the other girls. The heat off the fire was warm and soothing, like a hot bath. I slid my studded black combat boots off and buried my toes into the soft, powdery sand. Somehow it was still cool despite the flames. Emersyn chatted with the others, but I drifted into my own thoughts. I can’t believe I let myself get so excited. I need to turn it down a notch.

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