The wild witch the coven.., p.13
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The Wild Witch (The Coven: Academy Magic Book 3), page 13


The Wild Witch (The Coven: Academy Magic Book 3)
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  I glanced around and then smiled. ‘Cozy balcony terrace thing’ was a perfect description. It was a good sized space, about the size of my dorm room. On the left was a black iron railing that overlooked a cozy-looking yard with lots of colorful landscaping and a pit for bonfires. To my right, up against the wall of the house, was one big sofa with big puffy pillows. Over my head there were thin wood beams that had colorful flowers and green vines covering it. There were a few little lanterns with flickering golden candle light. It was something out of a fairytale.

  Guess that’s my entire life now.

  I leaned against the railing and let the cold air combat my anxiety. There was no one else out here, so it was nice and quiet, perfectly peaceful. They all probably thought it was too cold to be out here and they weren’t wrong, per se. It was almost December, and the temperature would only continue to lower. But I was okay with that. I liked winter and the cold. It was the one thing Tegan and I didn’t have in common. She liked warmth and sunshine, on the beach. Tegan used to call me Elsa because the cold never bothered me. I wondered if that would be true still now that we were deep into the mountains and it was colder than Charleston.

  The door behind me opened, and I braced myself. It was either Lennox coming to talk to me about Cooper, or Tegan coming to talk about Jackson. I wasn’t sure which I dreaded more. I didn’t want to talk about my feelings for Jackson. There just was no point. However, talking about why I should date Cooper wasn’t helping me either. Because it felt too forced, too logical and intentional. But in person with him, it felt natural. I needed more of that.

  “You know it’s twenty degrees outside, right?” Cooper’s deep, warm voice tumbled from directly behind me.

  I grinned and glanced over my shoulder. “Any minute now I’m gonna regret this decision.”

  He nodded and strolled over to stand next to me, then leaned his hip against the rail. “But you will stick it out a bit after so it’s not obvious that you made a bad life choice.”

  I chuckled and nodded. “Precisely.”

  He smiled wide, and it made his green eyes shine. He really was so handsome. I liked to look at him. “Every conversation we have, I realize more why you’re my sister’s best friend.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  His smile turned crooked. “You should. It says a lot about your character that she cares so much for you.”

  “Thank you, Cooper. That’s sweet.” My heart warmed and my cheeks were on fire. “Does it really bother you to see her and Tennessee together?”

  He opened his mouth then shut it. He shrugged. “No...and yes?”

  I arched one eyebrow. “Elaborate.”

  He took a deep breath then exhaled slowly. “Listen, it’s no secret I didn’t handle the revelation well. I lost my shit hardcore. But I’ve known Tegan for a matter of weeks. I was protective of her like she was that little one-year-old girl I knew before we were all separated. But I’m over that now. I’m genuinely happy for them. Especially Tennessee. I mean, we were raised as brothers. He’s my best friend. I’ve never seen him happy like this.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “But you groan and throw popcorn at them when they kiss.”

  “Well yeah, it’s just fun to tease them now. I am her big brother, so that comes with the job description.” He grinned. “Besides, no one wants to see a make-out session in public. I am not alone in that.”

  My jaw burned from how big he made me smile. He was just a good guy. A nice guy. Being around him was so easy. I needed to not just let this happen, but to maybe make an effort. But flirting was never my specialty.

  I stepped closer until we were only a couple inches apart, then smiled up at him. He was a few inches taller than me, so I actually had to crane my neck back to look up. “Deacon says you need to get yourself a girl.”

  His green eyes sparkled. He licked his lip then gave me a sideways grin more devilish than I thought he was capable of. He leaned down so our faces were even closer. “Maybe he’s right. Maybe I should start looking for one.”

  I bit my bottom lip and looked at his mouth then back up to his eyes. “Nah.”

  Then I did something I never thought I’d ever do. I made the first move. I popped up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips to his. Cooper moaned and cupped my face with his hands, then tipped my face back and deepened our kiss. I sighed and gave myself over to the moment, leaning into his chest. His mouth was warm and tasted like popcorn. My heart fluttered. I fisted his shirt in both my hands and pulled him down to me. His tongue brushed against mine, and my pulse skipped a beat.

  In the back of my mind, I knew this was nothing like kissing Jackson, but it was blissfully wonderful. I felt warm and safe in his arms. His kiss was soft and tender, yet full of heat and just enough passion to drive a girl wild. Cooper was a damn good kisser, and I was enjoying this far too much to stop.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  There was only so much snogging a guy could witness before we wanted to pluck his eyeballs out.

  Not that I was jealous or bitter or anything.

  Because I wasn’t.

  At all.

  I just couldn’t help but wonder what life would be like right now if I hadn’t gone with them to Crone Island. If my soulmate was a Crone who never left the island and I never went there…I could’ve had a long life with someone else never knowing the wiser. Someone like Bettina.

  Right, because that’s a healthy train of thought, mate.

  I glanced around at my group and sighed. Easton and Lily were about five minutes from scandalous. Tegan and Tennessee were in the kitchen being too adorable for anyone’s health. They were definitely still in that honeymoon stage. Paulina sat on Braison’s lap on the couch as they cuddled and FaceTimed a dog. Deacon was teaching Emersyn how to tango, but I was fairly certain it was just an excuse to touch each other without being inappropriate. Willow and Chutney were batting their eyelashes at Warner, Harlan, and Trey. Royce was on the dance floor being his best glorious self. Atley and Peabo had managed to find a couple girls their age and were off with them doing god knows what.

  Then there was Henley, Lennox, and Gen, who were debating on who was the hottest available guy at the party. So far, their ruling was on Cooper, with Warner and Harlan close behind.


  I sighed and walked into the kitchen…just as Tennegan were professing their love for each other and playing with each other’s fingers.

  Well, guess I’m not hungry.

  I turned and looked for my quickest escape through a door at the end of the wall. I pushed it open and froze. Time slowed around us and locked me in place.

  Bettina was wrapped up in Cooper’s arms with her lips locked on his.

  Magma flowed through my veins, burning me from the inside out. Fire filled my chest. My heart thundered against my ribs like it was trying to break out. My stomach turned, and bile rose in my throat. I wanted to vomit. I wanted to scream and rip them apart then punch him in his stupid mouth for thinking he deserved the right to touch her.

  No, no, no. This isn’t happening.

  Why her?

  Why him?

  The weight of the world crashed down around me, and it felt like I was drowning. My eyes burned. A wild shiver ripped through my body, and I began to shake. Raw, hot jealousy like I’d never known surged inside of me. I had to get out of there. I jumped back and slammed into the doorframe.

  They broke apart and spun toward me with wide eyes and flushed cheeks.

  I cursed. “Sorry,” I grumbled then spun and sprinted back through the door.

  The noise and chaos of the party did nothing to drown out the rage and pain inside of me. Neon-colored lights flashed in my face. The dance floor was packed and pumping, and the speakers blared some new pop song I didn’t know and didn’t like.

  I need to get out of here.

  Bright golden light flashed and filled the dance floor.

  The music cut off. My pulse quickened. People cursed and dove away from it.

  Then, like the snap of a finger, the light vanished…leaving a man standing in its place.

  I blinked and narrowed my eyes to try and see better. The man was huge. He had to be eight feet tall. I started to walk forward when I spotted them.


  My breath left me in a rush like I’d been sucker punched. My heart plummeted. The world started to spin. Every bone in my body turned to ice. Everything closed in on me. Pressure pushed down on my shoulders and onto my chest. I tried to gasp for air, but none was coming in.

  I knew who this was.

  Archangel Michael.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I couldn’t breathe.

  I just stood there staring at him.

  The silence pulsed around us. No one moved a muscle, not even to blink. Even the magical orbs had frozen in place. For a few long moments, there was nothing but wide eyes, open jaws, and terrified energy. I didn’t know if that pounding noise was my heart or the person’s next to me.

  Michael glanced left and right…then he turned, and his white and gold eyes found me in an instant.

  My stomach rolled.

  His dark eyebrow twitched, like he knew what I was feeling and was reveling in it. He stomped toward me, but time seemed to slow down.

  From a distance, he looked almost human. His hair was black as night and fell in loose waves down to his shoulders that bounced as he moved. The top strands were pulled back and tied behind his head with some kind of gold contraption. Black runes covered his body, from the tip of his forehead, down to his toes, and out to each of his fingers. He wore no shirt, and his pants were a golden material that glistened like metal in the sunlight as he moved. Thick muscles wrapped around his entire form. He was the warrior Angel, and he looked every bit the part.

  From his back, two wings as white as fresh fallen snow shot out and fell all the way to the floor. The bottom feathers grazed the surface of the dance floor. Not touching, but almost.

  There was no halo like you’d see in a Renaissance painting, no golden circle. But Da Vinci must’ve seen an Angel, because I understood why he painted it that way. A ring of soft golden light hovered over his head. Nothing solid, but it was like seeing a glimpse of Heaven shining through.

  No one made a sound as he sauntered toward me. I wasn’t even sure they were breathing. I wasn’t. But they tracked his steps with their wide gazes in stony silence.

  Oh, God.

  No, no, no, no, no.

  This can’t be happening.

  Not now.

  Not yet.

  I’m not ready.

  Michael stopped three feet in front of me…then stared.

  Tennessee moved in my peripheral vision to my left side, then put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. Tegan appeared on my right then placed her hand on my right shoulder. There was a rush of heat, then I felt Emersyn’s thin hand wrap around my bicep. I couldn’t see her, but I felt her magic. The big three Cards, the ones with the most power, pushed the strength of their magic into me in the face of my biggest fear.

  The rest of my Coven-mates moved to stand beside and behind me. I felt all of their energy surround me like a protective bubble. My heart soared. They’d once told me they were like family, but I hadn’t truly seen that until this very moment. They were letting me—and Michael—know that I had support.

  It moved me more than I was capable of admitting.

  Michael eyed my Coven-mates with an unreadable expression. Then those white and gold eyes landed on me, and I felt the light of the sun shining on me. He narrowed his eyes. “Lancaster.”

  “Michael,” I heard myself whisper.

  “I told you I’d come for you,” Michael said with the deepest, most gravelly voice I’d ever heard.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Your test begins now.”

  My bones rattled inside me. Bloody hell. “Yes, sir.”

  One of his dark eyebrows twitched. “Six hundred years ago, my sword was stolen from me.”

  My heart was pounding so loud I thought for sure everyone could hear it. “Yes, sir.”

  “By your ancestor.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I want it back,” he growled. Then he leaned forward and held my stare. “Find it.”

  My heart stopped. If my Coven-mates hadn’t been holding me, I might’ve fallen over. Instead, I swayed a little.

  I swallowed the giant lump of panic and fear in my throat trying to choke me. “Yes…sir.”

  He nodded, then spun and stormed off. Five feet later, he stopped and turned to face me. “Almost forgot.” He flicked his wrist, and a small golden object flew into the air in a perfect arc.

  I caught it then glanced down and opened my hand. There, sitting in the palm of the hand with my Lancaster red rose tattoo, was a golden coin. I frowned and looked back up—but he was gone.

  Chapter Thirty


  He’d come for me.

  It was finally here…and I wasn’t sure I was ready. But it didn’t matter. This was actually happening. The waiting was over. The anxiety and stress over when it would happen were gone. This was it. Michael had come for me, as he’d promised.

  We were back in Coven Headquarters now. Tegan had portaled us out of there as soon as Michael left. And they’d just finished telling the story to Constance, Daniel, Kessler, Hunter, Devon, and Bentley. There wasn’t much to tell, but it seemed like it went on forever.

  I sat on the stone ledge in front of the fireplace, flipping the gold coin between my fingers. I knew when they were done because I felt their eyes on my face even though I wouldn’t look up.

  Constance dropped down beside me. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and squeezed. “You’ve been training for this for ten years. You’re more ready than you know.”

  I nodded and tried to give her a smile, but I felt like I was drowning.

  “Jackson?” Kessler waited until I looked up, then said, “Do you know anything about this sword and where it might be?”

  I shook my head. “But Myrtle said I had to start there with her.”

  Tegan moved into my line of view. “All right, I’ll portal you down to Myrtle.”

  There was more talk after that, and I knew it was aimed toward me. I kept hearing my name. I meant to listen, to interact, to answer their questions. They were just trying to help me. But my head was too wrapped up in the weight of this task. In my decade of being at Edenburg, some people had suspected he’d test my magical abilities, to prove I was worthy of having them. Some thought it would be a physical test, where I’d have to fight a ton of demons and monsters to prove I was worthy of the warrior Angel’s gift. I’d always assumed it would be a combination, a true test of my abilities. Like something from the Odyssey.

  But never in my life had I expected him to ask me to find his sword.

  I should have.

  That should have been obvious.

  That was why the Lancasters lost their magic in the first place…because my ancestor, King Henry VI, stole Michael’s sword and hid it.

  Six hundred years later, and I didn’t know how I was supposed to locate it. I didn’t even know where to start. It could’ve been anywhere. It was as overwhelming as standing in front of a tsunami with no high ground to flee to. This was going to crush me.

  I looked down at the coin he’d tossed to me right before he left. It was about the size of a silver dollar and twice as heavy. The gold looked worn and tired, like it’d seen every day of the last six centuries. I ran my thumb over the metal, and the gold shimmered like it was brand new. I frowned and raised it closer to my face. There was an image etched into the one side, but it was almost entirely faded away. I pushed my magic into my hand then rubbed my thumb over the image, and it became vividly clear. It was a lotus flower.

  Tegan and Tennessee had lotus flowers marked on the backs of their left hands as tokens for entering the Garden of Eden.

  It must mean something.

  But that was all that was there. Just the flower.

  I frowned and flipped the coin over. It looked as blank as the other side had been, but I wondered if there was more to it as well. Michael had given it to me for a reason. I pushed more of my magic into my fingers and pressed my thumb to the surface of the coin. Neon blue flames seeped out from between me and the coin. When I pulled my finger away, I found six lines of elegant script etched into the coin. It was tiny but legible.

  Seek The Sword that pays the price,

  Before third dawn or sacrifice.

  For magic’s hand She’ll give thrice,

  Look within the Mirror’s advice.

  Through the Strait and roll the dice,

  Find the hidden rose marked twice.

  My heart fluttered with hope for the first time since Michael had arrived. He hadn’t just dropped a bomb and left me to pick up the scattered pieces. He’d given me a clue. A riddle that was not clear by any means, but it was somewhere to start.

  Now I just needed to figure out what it meant. The first two lines seemed obvious, at least.

  “Why don’t you ask them to help you?”

  I jumped at the sound of Bentley’s soft voice right beside me. He always kind of freaked me out. Nine-year-olds shouldn’t have that much wisdom in their eyes. He looked like he’d lived thousands of lives and held the memories in his gaze. Which he kind of did, in the Hierophant’s locket. Then his words registered.

  I frowned down at him. “Am I allowed to?”

  “Are you allowed to what?” Tennessee moved to sit on the edge of the coffee table across from me.

  “This may be your quest, but that never means you must do it alone.” Bentley shrugged. “Tell them what you see.”

  “You see something?” Tegan asked and moved to sit beside Tenn. “On the coin, right?”

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