The Brave Witch, page 13
part #2 of The Coven_Elemental Magic Series

“You will.” He finished drawing his circle then stood to face me. “If you recall what Myrtle said, The Coven has elemental magic. The rest of our race does not. We can do things, levels of magic they can only dream about. Therefore, traditional magic tends to take a back seat for most of us.”
“You know it.”
He shrugged. “I realize my man-bun is misleading, but I’m actually a mega-nerd.”
I laughed. “So misleading.”
He winked at me, then sobered. “I had a lot of voids to fill back then, so I had Kessler teach me everything. As a result, Cooper learned too. It worked out. Kessler is also a mega-nerd. But other than us, the Cards our age have limited knowledge in traditional magic. Henley knows almost as much as I do. Larissa knows all there is to know about potions, because it ties into her elemental magic. Royce and Willow have basic knowledge.”
“I’m the High Priestess, though. I’m supposed to hold and read our tarot. I held the locket. It seems I should know.”
“And we’ll teach you.”
“After Samhain.”
A ghost of a smile lit up his face. “After Samhain. For now, you’re highly intelligent and intuitive. You’ll learn some as we go.”
I sighed. I supposed I wasn’t going to get much better for now. “Okay. Let’s do this ritual.”
“Because you and I both have earth and water magic, we’re going to use those.” He raised his dagger toward the silent, unmoving water. “Hold your hand out toward the lake and keep it there. Hold your other down toward the dirt. When I say the spell, open up your magic to these elements. You don’t need to do anything. Just be the powerful vessel that you are.”
I nodded and did as he said. I held my right palm up to the lake, and my left down to the dark dirt beneath my feet. When I looked back to Tennessee, I found his eyes dark with heat and watching me closely. Butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. Focus, Tegan. But it was hard when he looked at me like that.
“I’m ready,” I said with a shaky voice.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Earth and water, we draw your sacred powers, help us see within previous hours.”
My body responded instantly. My palms filled with golden light. It poured out of my skin and swirled around in the air in a fiery mist. Warmth raised from the dirt and seeped into my hand. A blast of chilly water hit my other hand. A wild rush of energy raced through my body like I’d been plugged into an electrical socket. Adrenaline pumped through my veins.
“We call upon the circle cast, reveal your spells that have now passed.”
The ground trembled under my feet. Tennessee opened his eyes and looked down at the circle. I followed his gaze and almost gasped. The lines of the pentagram flickered with red and orange flecks, like embers in a fireplace. All of the candle flames blew out at once. Smoke billowed from the lines in the ground and the candle wicks, seeping up into the air between Tennessee and me. The smoke was white as snow, swirling around like a tornado in slow motion.
When the smoke reached our hips, it grew thicker and changed to red. The color was vibrant and pulsing with sinister energy, and it made my skin crawl. It mixed together and took shape, though I had no idea what it was. It looked like a symbol you’d find in astrology, or perhaps hieroglyphics of some kind. I wanted to run away from here as fast as I could. I wanted to grip a dagger in each hand and fight the menacing presence.
Tennessee hissed and bared his teeth. He mumbled something in the ancient language, and the smoke vanished.
Once again, we were alone under the pier with only the remnants of a spell.
Tennessee lowered his arms and sighed. He looked off in the distance with narrowed eyes. I knew him well enough by now to recognize this as his deep-in-thought face, as well as the expression of concern I hated seeing on him.
“Well? What did it say?” I whispered, though I wasn’t sure why. “What was that symbol?”
“It was a rune, one I’ve never seen before.”
“What does it mean?”
“I’m not specifically sure. I need to get home and talk to Kessler.” He looked over at me and then back at the pentagram. “But I know it was dark magic.”
Chapter Twenty-One
Come to me.
I lay on the beach with my back on the sand and my eyes closed. I was supposed to train with Braison, but apparently his puppy Albert ate something he shouldn’t have and they rushed to the vet. Unfortunately, I’d already had Em drop me off and I forgot my phone in the car, so it looked like I’d be waiting the two hours until Em came back as planned.
The scar on my chest ignited with searing hot pain, like someone had pressed a flame to my skin. I hissed through clenched teeth. The pain got worse every day. Now it was dark red and spread across my chest to my right shoulder. It looked like a henna tattoo of vines. I winced and ran my palm over it. At least it had stopped hurting to touch it.
The question was…who could I ask? I didn’t want to ask my family and make them worry and freak out, especially after losing Libby. What about Tennessee? I could ask him… I could show him. After our little talk, it seemed like I might be able to tell him anything. Despite the strict “no dating” rule, we’d definitely bonded. We’d had a moment. Surely he’d help me understand what was happening to me without freaking out…right?
“Ah yes, my favorite training method,” a familiar, velvety voice said behind me.
I flew up into a seated position. My breath caught in my throat. Tennessee. He stood in front of me, his beautiful mismatched eyes sparkling in the sunlight. His hair was loose and blowing wild in the ocean breeze. My fingers twitched with the need to run them through his silky strands.
I jumped to my feet and brushed the sand off my legs. “I was stranded here. It’s a long story.”
“I can give you a ride.” Tennessee’s eyes lingered over my body. It was suggestive, and the heated look in his eyes told me he knew it. His mouth curved into that sexy smirk I loved.
My face filled with heat. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I peeled my eyes away from his chiseled face and fidgeted with the hem of my cutoff shorts. “So, I guess I’ll just grab my stuff, and we can go.”
“So eager to get away from me?”
I gasped and grabbed ahold of his black shirt. “No. No…I just… I thought…”
He grinned. “You came to train, so, let’s train you.”
“You’ll train me?” My pulse quickened. Don’t tease me.
He flashed a cocky smile. “I am the Emperor.”
“Then why weren’t you training me from the start?” I gripped more of his shirt and pulled myself closer to him. His fresh rain scent overpowered the salty air.
“Kessler wants you to learn control.” He dragged his gaze down my body and back up. “I’ve never been particularly good at control.”
My heart skipped a few beats then kicked into overdrive, thundering in my chest. I opened my mouth, but no words came out.
He dipped his face lower. “Scared, Kitten?”
I bit my bottom lip, wishing it was his. It took everything inside me not to get up on my toes and kiss him. I didn’t know what to say to him. I barely remembered how to breathe when we were this close. He stood too close, yet way too far away. If my uncle only knew just how much control I had.
He reached forward and tipped my chin up, forcing my eyes to meet his. “What are you thinking about?”
I opened my mouth to say something sarcastic but stopped myself. I couldn’t say what I was actually thinking about…but this was my chance to ask the thing I needed to. The one question I’d been dying to ask somebody. I looked up at him, and his glorious mismatched eyes were soft as they watched me. He smiled and it melted my heart into a million pieces.
“Tennessee…” I took a deep breath. “Can I ask you something?”
“Anything,” he said without hesitation.
“Well, actually, I meant can I show you something?”
He frowned. “Are you okay?”
I nodded then shook my head. “It’s been bothering me for days. I haven’t known who to ask…”
“Me. You ask me.”
Do it, Bishop. Just show him so you can stop worrying. I nodded and took a deep breath. With shaking fingers, I reached back and untied my halter top bikini. I glanced down and tugged my top down enough to reveal the spot without showing off too much. When I looked back up, I found his eyes dark and lingering over my bare skin.
“What…” Tennessee cleared his throat and shook his head. “What is the question here?”
I chuckled and pointed to the red spot on my chest. “This is my question. What does it mean?”
His eyes tracked each swoop of the vine-like marks. “Well…” He licked his lips.
“It’s from a demon, isn’t it?” I asked the question I’d been circling on. “I think that night at the park, one got me. It burned really bad. What happens when a demon stings you?”
He sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. “Okay, I won’t lie. Sometimes when a demon stings or bites, it can leave a scar or markings, but most of the time they fade. Sometimes they don’t. It’s no big deal.”
“But if it was going to kill you, it would’ve happened already.”
“Ohhh.” My shoulders sagged with relief.
He grinned down at me. “Don’t stress over it, but also, don’t show anyone else.”
I frowned. “Why not?”
“Because it will just make everyone freak out and be overprotective,” Tennessee said with a smirk. “And I’m sure you wouldn’t like that.”
“I definitely wouldn’t like that." I grinned. “You’re sure?”
“Trust me.”
“I do,” I said without hesitation, and I meant it.
“Good. Come.” He kept his eyes on me as he walked backwards into the water.
The force of his stare made me uncomfortable, but in all the good ways. I liked the way he looked at me, but sometimes it was too hard to look back. He made my brain feel like pudding.
“Hey, what made you come here to the beach anyway?” I asked.
He glanced at me then strolled into the ocean. “You called me, Kitten.”
I hadn’t called him. I didn’t have my phone. I called for him in my thoughts, but… Wait…you heard me?
“I sure did.”
I gasped and jogged to catch up to him in the water. “You can hear my thoughts?”
He chuckled. “It appears you can be telepathic when you want to.”
Heat rushed to my cheeks. How many times have you heard me?
He cleared his throat and turned toward me. “A few times.”
Oh my God. My jaw dropped. Part of me was embarrassed. Mortified. Those were my private thoughts. What exactly had he heard? I didn’t even know I could do that. Although, I didn’t care if he knew how I felt about him. I’d tell him point blank. I narrowed my eyes and concentrated. I might have to practice that trick now that I know you answer.
“I’ll keep my ears open.” The grin he turned on me took my breath away. He reached out with one finger and tipped my chin up to him…then leaned down until his face hovered above mine. His breath brushed over my face. “Okay, I want you to push the water away from us.”
I held my arms out to my side with my palms facing the water. One…two…three…and push. I pictured myself standing in front of a giant tractor-trailer with my hands placed on the grill. I pushed. I pushed until the water level dropped to my stomach.
“Focus. You’ve got this.”
I fused my gaze with his and flexed my fingers wide. I had to resist the urge to look when cold air brushed my thighs…and then my calves…then my ankles. When dry sand crumbled between my toes, I broke my concentration and looked down. I’d done it. Both me and Tennessee stood in the air with a wall of water surrounding us like a tube. My arms glowed bright like the sun. I glanced up at Tennessee and found him grinning, his eyes full of excitement. I wanted to make him proud. I wanted to be as strong and powerful as he seemed to think I was. I wanted to be perfect for him. So…I pushed harder.
Shade covered Tennessee’s face. He glanced around us, nodding. “Nice job, Kitten. Take a look at your control.”
With my arms still outstretched and holding the water back, I glanced behind me to see a wall of water blocking the shore from view. It stood at least fifteen feet tall and twenty feet wide. In all fairness, it wasn’t much compared to what I did with the hippocampus. However, I’d done this while calm and in control of myself. No one was in danger. I turned to get a closer look, and the wall swirled around us, enclosing us in a dry circle. We were inside a water spout.
Tennessee beamed down at me.
I want to kiss you. I grabbed his key necklace and pulled his lips to mine. His arms wrapped around my waist in an instant. I reached up and tangled my hands in his hair. His fingers sank into my skin, and he lifted me off my feet, deepening our kiss. My body turned to liquid fire. Passion soared between us. All of the distance, all the pushing me away—it all collapsed. There were no rules in this moment, just his lips on mine. His tongue flicked at mine and I unwound. The concentration I’d barely maintained vanished, and the walls of water crashed down on us.
I didn’t even have enough time to suck in a gasp of air before I was completely submerged. Tennessee’s fingers dug into my skin as we rolled and flipped under the surge of raging tides. We were under a tsunami, clawing our way back to the surface, but the water kept barreling down on us. I clung to him while we rolled. The water was so murky and green I couldn’t tell which way was up. Tennessee’s warm body wrapped around mine was the only thing anchoring me through the storm. I may have been able to breathe under water, but the force of it knocked my breath away.
Bright light flashed. A second later, my face broke through the surface. I gasped for air, still clutching his shoulders. A wave taller than my house smashed into us, rolling us over and over down to the ocean floor. I wrapped my legs around his hips and buried my face in the crook of his neck…and then everything went black.
Chapter Twenty-Two
“Tegan! Tegan, open your eyes!” Tennessee shouted at me through a haze. “Wake up, Tegan. Talk to me!”
I opened my eyes, and he sagged with relief, dropping his forehead to mine.
“Sorry.” I coughed. “I lost control.”
His black hair fell into my face. “My fault, Kitten, my fault,” he whispered.
Before I had the chance to say anything, his mouth smashed into mine. He was rough and almost panicked, and I wanted him closer. I struggled to breathe, but I didn’t care. I slid my hands under his shirt, dragging my nails against his skin. I wanted to leave my mark on him. I pulled him flush against me, relishing in the heat radiating off his body. He pressed me into the fluffy sand. We rolled and rolled, with my legs wrapped around his hips. He gripped my hair and pulled my head back, angling my face up so he could deepen our kiss. His other hand gripped my hip and squeezed, and my body turned to mush beneath him.
This was a new side of Tennessee, a raw and wild side. A side I didn’t want to stop. The demon scar on my chest intensified like a wildfire had broken out on my chest. I heard a whimper of pain in the back of my throat, but I was too focused on his lips to care.
And then he was gone. Cold air washed over my wet skin, leaving a trail of goose bumps everywhere his touch had just been. I bolted upright, searching for an attack, but there was none. I found Tennessee ten feet away on all fours with his head hung low toward the sand.
“Tennessee?” I said between breaths. I tried to regain normal breathing, but my chest burned so hot my skin had to be melting off.
He turned his face toward me, but his long, wet black hair covered half of it. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” I whispered even though it wasn’t. At all. He needed to come back.
“No.” He slammed a fist into the sand. “This is why I wasn’t going to train you. I knew this would happen. I knew I couldn’t trust myself around you.”
I flinched. “Tennessee?”
He jumped to his feet and stalked off to where both our boots sat in the sand. “Come on. Let me get you home before I do something else stupid.”
He stormed off to the parking lot. He practically ran from me.
What’s going on? I got up and scurried to catch up to him. “Tennessee, talk to me.”
He threw our shoes onto the back seat of his Jeep Wrangler then spun back around. Before I could blink, he grabbed me by the back of the neck and tugged me up to him. I fisted his wet shirt and practically climbed up his body. Our lips crashed against each other in a desperate rush. He held my face between his large, warm hands, squeezing me so hard my jaw popped.
It wasn’t enough. I wanted more. I moaned against his mouth and raised my hands to his throat, pulling him down toward me. He pushed me back and pressed me against the side of the sedan parked beside him, trapping my body under his. He devoured my lips like they were his for the taking. It was like being kissed by a hurricane.
“No.” He jumped back, his chest heaving. “No. We can’t.”
“What? How can you…how can you say that?”
He dragged his hand through his long hair and pulled. “I told you. It’s forbidden.”
I moved closer, trying to get his eyes back on me. “Well, what if I don’t care?”
“I do,” he snapped and finally looked at me. “Or does that not matter to you?”
I flinched and stepped back. How could he care? How could he agree with something that kept us apart? How could he ask me if his opinions didn’t matter? “How can you say that?”
But he didn’t answer me. He just shook his head and spun away.
Excuse you! “We’re not done here,” I shouted at his back.
“Yes, we are,” he yelled without turning around. He flung the passenger door open then kept walking, without slowing his pace. “Get in the car.”