The Uptown Witch, page 12

But she just stared at him.
My heart soared. Goddess, I love this woman.
I licked my lips and rubbed my thumb over her back. “This is Chef Jones.”
She nodded once and gave the tiniest of tight-lipped smiles. “Good morning, Chef Jones. I am eager to see what you have for us today.”
“Very well, Empress.” Chef Jones spun and all but sprinted to the other side of the table. Once he was facing us again, he gestured toward the spread of food before him and this time his smile was genuine. He was proud of his work. “Here are the samples for each menu item I am presenting. Of course, all comments and suggestions are welcome and encouraged.”
Yeah, you have no idea what you’re about to get.
I knew my girl well…and this was not her style of dining. Southern women cared less for frilly presentation and more for taste. Which was why Em was already famous for her fried chicken. Solid gold comfort food – bad for your health but good for the soul.
And there wasn’t a single piece of fried anything in front of us.
But Emersyn didn’t attack him. She just glanced over the selection and nodded. “What exactly do we have here?”
Chef Jones rubbed his palms together. “Starting from your left we have appetizers, entrees, and then desserts.”
I inhaled deeply and let the wide variety of smells soak into my bones. “Well, it passes the scent test.”
“Thank you, Deacon.” He grinned then glanced to Emersyn. “Would you like me to explain the dishes, Empress?”
Emersyn smiled. “Yes, please. That would be most helpful.”
“Very well then.” He walked to the far end of the table, then waited for us to catch up. “In this section we have appetizers—”
“Is that a Christmas tree made out of cheese and fruit?” Emersyn leaned forward. “And…pinecones?”
“Yes, that is a holiday cheese board. I thought it would be ideal for the occasion. As well as the pinecone cheese balls with almonds.”
Her eyes lit up. “That’s cool. I like that. Not a big fan of cheese boards, but I like these a lot.”
“Ah, then might I point out these Christmas tree themed items?” He pointed to dishes right in front of him. “Tear-and-share garlic knots with marinara sauce…and spinach dip breadsticks. Oh, and an antipasto skewers wreath.”
Em grinned. “I approve.”
“Perfect.” Chef’s voice lightened, like she’d just lifted a house off his back. “Now we also have non-themed items: bruschetta, deviled eggs, stuffed mushrooms, clams casino, mini salads in goblets, cream cheese avocado bacon bites, glazed meatballs on sticks, tater tot skewers, gruyere scalloped potatoes, blue crab dumplings, and grilled artichoke hearts.”
My mouth watered.
Emersyn smirked up at me, then turned back to Chef Jones. “Okay, and for the entrees?”
He slid over to where the dishes got bigger and more elaborate. He pointed to each entrée and said its name. “Parmesan mushroom Cornish hen. Fish Florentine. Buttery broiled lobster. Creamy Tuscan chicken. Seared scallops with cauliflower mash and walnut butter. Miso glazed halibut with baby bok choy and a sake butter sauce. Garganelli valdostano. Veal Milanese. Spicy dragon Roll. Line caught swordfish souvlaki. Shrimp and chorizo taquitos. And crispy Szechuan chicken wraps.”
My stomach growled like a lion. Yep. I’m about to stuff myself rotten.
“I see.” Emersyn nodded and pursed her lips. “And for desserts?”
Chef Jones frowned but then caught himself and cleared his throat. “Yes, Empress. Down this way.”
As we followed him to the far end of the massive table, I glanced over my shoulder at my soulmate and found her scowling…at the food. Like it offended her. Oh yeah, gloves are about to be thrown down.
But I wanted to at least try and keep the mood light, even though I knew without reading her desires that she was not happy with the presented menu. I glanced down at the desserts. “Well, I know I’m about to taste each and every one of these.”
Em’s eyebrows furrowed. “What are they?”
Chef Jones smiled like a proud father. “Warm Heath Bar Toffee Cookie. Pumpkin Praline. Gianduja Chocolate Torte. Tiramisu Cappuccino. White Chocolate and Banana Spring Roll. Chocolate yule log. Candy cane brownie trifle. Black forest pavlova with espresso. Stained glass star cookies. Strawberry and vanilla macaron trifle. And of course, strawberry cheesecake and New York cheesecake.”
I rubbed my hands together. “Chef, everything looks incredible. I cannot wait to sample them. However, I think we will be needing to make some adjustments.”
Chef’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Oh? Like what?”
Em tucked her hair behind her ears then gestured toward the table. “Well, firstly, let’s make sure to have vegetarian and vegan options so everyone feels catered to.”
Chef nodded. “Of course, absolutely. I should have thought of that, my apologies—"
“And some basic, simple foods, too. Most of our society isn’t used to fine dining, especially the kids – they like chicken tenders and pizza, ya know?” Then her eyes widened, and she stood up taller. “Actually, I saw a candy cane pizza on Pinterest that would be amazing!”
I arched one eyebrow and tried not to chuckle. “A candy cane pizza?”
“Or mini cheeseburger snowmen!” She bit her bottom lip and looked into space, like she was picturing what she saw online. “And sloppy joe reindeer sandwiches. Chocolate dipped pretzel reindeer sticks. OH, mini bagel Christmas ornaments. Wreaths made of cupcakes? Eggnog spiced butter cookies. Gingerbread cupcakes—”
“Aren’t we trying to set the tone for what this school is?” Chef Jones said, barely concealing his distaste.
Here we goooo….
Em glared at him with legit fire in her golden eyes. “Yes. Which is why we’re going to have something for everyone. We are not a rich kid school. And more importantly, I’m in charge here. I’m all for this foodie shit, but we will have food everyday civilians enjoy.”
Chef Jones licked his lips and shook his head. “But, Empress—”
“Follow my orders or you’ll be finding a new job.”
Whomp, there it is. Gloves are on the ice.
Chef Jones looked to me with wide eyes.
I shrugged and it took everything inside me not to grin. “You heard her, she’s in charge.”
Chef Jones’s cheeks flushed. He turned to her and nodded. “Yes, Empress. Whatever you need I shall do.”
Em sighed. “Listen, go wild and have fun with all your fancy foods. I won’t reign you in. Do as much as you like. Just also give me a plethora of other – more normal - options.”
Chef sighed and smiled. “I can do that.”
Em took a deep breath. “Now, let’s talk about the children…”
Chef narrowed his eyes on the table. “Perhaps a gingerbread cookie making station?”
Em lit up. “YES. Perfect.”
Chef nodded. “Consider it done, Empress. I shall create a final menu and send it for your approval first thing tomorrow morning.”
I grinned and clapped my hands together. “Great. That’s settled then. Now can we eat?”
Chapter Twenty-One
I sighed and glanced at my phone. It was halfway between seven and eight in the evening and I was beside myself with anxiety. Tegan and Tennessee were arriving tonight. At some time. We weren’t sure, and since Tegan portaled, there was no plane or train scheduled. Not even a car GPS estimating their arrival.
We just had to sit and wait.
And not go crazy.
I was failing miserably.
Deacon’s parents had gone out to dinner, but we declined their invitation. We were both still over-full from our food tasting this morning and I was in no shape to have to sit in a fancy restaurant. I couldn’t even sit still in the house.
Amelia had permission to go over to the dorms at school to hang out with her friends, and since I was going out of my mind, I volunteered to escort her over there. Except I hadn’t wanted to linger and interfere, so I simply made sure she was safe inside with her friends then returned home to Deacon’s. I even walked. From the Upper West Side to the Upper East Side. Through Central Park. It was a dangerous idea, even for a witch with fire in her hands.
But honestly, I pitied the fool who even considered crossing me. My magic was begging for something to burn.
Unfortunately, that hadn’t cured me of my anxiousness. As I walked out of the elevator and into the lobby of the lavish penthouse apartment, panic surged inside. There was nothing for me to do, either. The house was literally spotless. There was food in the kitchen for them when they arrived – if they were hungry. I even made sure we had Fruit Loops and popcorn for Tegan, and bagel bites for Tenn. Their favorite snacks.
The school was as ready as it was going to be tonight. The plans for the ball were running smoothly so far. Claudia and her pages were handling the décor – along with the small group of students who were referring to themselves as the Party Planning Committee. Chef Jones was giving us an updated menu in the morning, and once we agreed on some basic foods to add, I was positive it would be great. His food earlier had been delicious.
So there I stood, in the foyer, with nothing to do.
Where is Deacon?
My soulmate had been on the phone when I left but the silence that greeted me suggested he was finished with that. His text I’d gotten halfway through the park had just been to check on me. No indication of anything else.
I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. It rang about ten times before his voicemail picked up. Damn it.
Then I opened up a text thread with Royce and Henley, and sent, You haven’t by any chance heard when Tennegan are arriving here, have you?
Sorry, baby girl. I tried to put a magical tracker on that boy, but everyone told me no.
Ignore my brother, as usual. Henley said with an eye-rolling emoji. However, I spoke to Tegan a bit ago about some spells but she only said that they were going to you tonight. No specific time.
If they’re not there already, then they stopped to eat. Royce sent a GIF of a fat guy eating a ton of junk food. So I’d bet after dinner you’ll see them.
I groaned. Any suggestions on what to do to occupy myself in the meantime? Going stir crazy with anxiety right now and Deacon is working.
Go for a swim, Royce sent immediately.
OH, yeah. Good idea. There’s an indoor pool in their apartment. Go passed Deacon’s room then turn left when you get to his parents’ suite. Follow that hallway until you dead-end at the pool.
I pursed my lips. I suppose that’s better than nothing. Is there a hot tub?
YUP. Just don’t ask who’s been in it.
I rolled my eyes. He’s had girls in there. I’ve assumed that for every location in this entire city at this point. Honestly, I’m over it. Whatevs. I’ve got bigger concerns now.
That’s my girl, Henley said with a winking emoji. I’m sure Heather supplied you with a swimsuit, even if you weren’t aware of it. So go on.
Okay. Thanks y’all. TTYL.
I sighed and stomped my way up the stairs. When I walked into Deacon’s room, I prayed he was in there, but the lack of heat in my chest told me he wasn’t. I wasn’t necessarily in the mood to go swimming, but I could sit in a hot tub for a bit and see if that calmed me down.
When I went into the closet and pulled open the drawers…I couldn’t tell if I was surprised or not to find that Henley was right. Heather had bought me a swimsuit. It sat there nice and pretty at the top of the drawer. It was a sparkly, ivory one-piece with crisscross straps on the back and a deep scoop neck in the front. GUCCI was written in a dark gold across the chest with the designer’s double-G and red and blue logo stripe below it.
“Well hello, pretty,” I whispered to the swimsuit like a total weirdo.
Once I had the swimsuit on, I walked over to the wall-sized mirror. The sparkly material looked rather lovely against my tan skin and pale blonde hair. Which was good, since the damn thing fit me like second skin. But I didn’t allow myself to linger there with my reflection for more than a few seconds so that I wouldn’t start picking my body apart. Or lose any of the confidence I had left in me at the moment. I skipped over and plucked an ivory silk robe off the hanger, then slid it on.
It wasn’t until I was turning the corner by his parents’ suite that I realized I hadn’t brought a towel. Sometimes I forgot this place wasn’t a hotel. Then again, if they didn’t have towels by the pool – which I suspected they would – then I’d just wait there until someone found me. Afterall, Tegan was coming and therefore I was incapable of hiding even if I wanted to.
I glanced down at my phone but there was still no message from Tegan, Tennessee, or Deacon.
Damn it.
I hate not knowing.
For all I knew they were out there right now, walking the same streets I just had. The city carried on around us, a dozen or so floors down. The entire wall on my left was made of glass, so the sparkling lights and chaotic movements were on display. I let my gaze follow the line of the wall until I spotted double glass doors. Behind them, a turquoise pool glistened under the warm lighting. The wall on the left continued on in glass until it hit the edge of the building, and then it connected with yet another piece of glass.
The edge of the pool went right up to the glass walls. I made a mental note to stay away from that. My anxiety levels were high enough.
I pushed the door open and heat exploded in my chest. I froze in place. My breath left me in a rush. My pulse quickened. Where is he? I scanned the room for him…then spotted him beneath the water. Swimming right towards me. I walked out onto the wooden floor then stopped beside a sunken sofa-bed type thing that was more fit for a Greek God than a person’s swimming pool. To my right, lining the one wall not made of glass, was a row of lounge beach chairs equipped with pillows and a little table to sit and drink.
Deacon swam to the shallow end of the pool nearest me, then popped up out of the water like Ariel on that rock. He reached up and pushed his soaked sandy blond hair back, then wiped the water off of his face. He grinned and blinked through water droplets clinging to his eyelashes. “There you are, Butterberry.”
Then he stood.
And my concentration snapped.
It wasn’t my fault. I tried to stay focused on his face but the water running down his bare chest was doing things to me. Or maybe it was the way his swim shorts hung so low on his hips that I saw the cut of his abs. Or the dark lines of our soulmate glyph that covered the right side of his chest, then wrapped around his shoulder and slid down his chiseled arm.
I jumped then shook myself. Damn it, woman. He can feel what you feel! I looked to him and opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.
“You okay, love?”
I pulled my cellphone out and opened the same text thread with his cousins. You knew he’d be in this pool half naked and soaking wet, didn’t you???
I plead the fifth, Henley said immediately.
Followed quickly by Royce with, New phone. Who dis?
I bit my cheek to stop myself from sighing or groaning or cursing them out. It was too late. They set me up and I fell for it perfectly. I tossed my phone onto the sofa thing, then untied my robe and let it drop to the ground.
Deacon’s eyes widened and his cheeks flushed. His gaze traveled over the length of my body. Slowly, like he may never see this again and he wanted to soak it in. He licked his lips and my heart fluttered.
Okay. Too late to panic. Too late to back out now. Just act normal. Natural.
And then I did the only thing I could think of.
I ran toward the pool…then jumped in the air and pulled my legs close to my body. My cannonball landed right behind him, sending a small wave crashing over his shoulders. I popped out of the water and threw my hair out of my face.
Deacon wiped away the drops of water from his eyes. “Oh, you think you’re cute, eh?”
Mischief sparkled in his eyes and he dove toward me. I squealed and turned to swim away. I kicked out and glanced at him over my shoulder. A wicked grin spread across his face and he wrapped his hand around my ankle dragging me back toward him. I slid beneath the water and bubbles rushed from my mouth as I giggled. I thrashed against his hold, trying to get free, but his hands gripped my hips and suddenly I was tossed above the surface. I went airborne not too gracefully.
Water splashed and I sucked in a deep breath, knowing I was about to be under again except I landed in the basket of Deacon’s arms. My breath left me in a rush as he taunted me. He dropped my legs then tried to throw me straight up in the air but I clung to his shoulders. He faltered under my nails just long enough for me to wrap my legs around his hips.
I looked down, ready to talk smack and push him under the water, when I found his mouth just inches from mine. His violet eyes sparkled under the florescent lights. Heat exploded between us, scorching me from the inside out and the energy in the pool turned electric. Smoke lifted off the water all around us. I wound my arms around his neck and sank in closer to his chest so we were face-to-face.
The matching heart-shaped crystals in the middle of our chests shimmered a soft lavender, radiating light like a beacon. I licked my lips. My pulse was hammering through my veins. My breath lodged in my chest.
He dove for me, taking my bottom lip between his.
I melted in his arms. This kiss was hot and wild as our tongues wrestled and danced. I fisted his hair and pulled as hard as I could. He groaned and pushed me through the water until my back hit the wall. I gasped then dove back for his mouth. He bit my bottom lip and I groaned. I wrapped my legs around his hips and squeezed him tight against me. I felt every curve of his body as he pushed against me, pressing me tight against the wall. My fingers went on a little adventure, digging into his skin and clawing at him.
“So, things are going well, I see.”
We both gasped and jumped away from each other at the sound of that all too familiar rough voice.