The Frozen Witch (The Coven: Academy Magic Book 4), page 10

Lennox squealed and hopped up and down, then she danced back into my room. Happiness soared in my heart and I saw the mood lanterns in my room light up golden – the color for happiness. Lennox was one of a kind. She was special. I wished she could join The Coven with us, but I’d happily settle for having her live with us. I hated the idea of her being alone in the Swords dorm.
I looked over to my best friend and smiled. “Thanks, Tegan.”
Emersyn giggled suddenly. “Man, I cannot believe this is our lives now. Can you imagine if we knew that night at the Gathering just what we meant to each other?”
Memories of that night replayed through my mind. We were all so much more than who we thought back then. It was crazy to think about the path our lives took since that night – the night we all experienced the supernatural for the first time. I saw it all in my mind clear as day. Their faces. Their attitudes. The spirits. It was right there, and so were both of these girls.
“Em, do you still talk to those friends?”
She frowned and looked over at me, then shook her head and cursed. “No. I kinda forgot they existed—” her stomach growled like a dinosaur. Em laughed and covered her mouth. “I think I ought to go down and cook something for everyone.
“Man, I want some fried.” Tegan closed her eyes – then they flew back open. “Oh My God. Dad used to bring home fried chicken every time he went to visit mom. He said – wait, oh my God – he’d say Devon’s daughter made it. EMERSYN HOWE BISHOP.”
Em threw her head back and laughed. “Yep. I make mean fried chicken.”
“Oh my, God. That was you.” To my utter horror, I drooled. Like, actual drool. But I couldn’t help it. The memory of that friend chicken overwhelmed me. “Oh man, what I wouldn’t give for that right now.”
Em jumped up. “Well, that settles it then. As a celebration for your joining The Coven I shall make my special fried Chicken.”
My stomach growled and my mouth water. “This is Heaven.”
Chapter Twenty
“Just so I know…” I glanced over to Kessler, then back to Katherine. “Exactly how much is this going to hurt?”
Tennessee chuckled and leaned against the frame of my bedroom door. “You mean because she brought in reinforcements?”
I nodded. My heart was pounding in my chest. It was early evening, a few hours after Bettina’s Coven initiation, and Katherine finally had the potion ready to heal my arm. She and Mona insisted we do this before I ate dinner. Which didn’t make me feel any better. I always thought I had a high pain tolerance, but I was seriously doubting that now.
“I am a southern woman. I don’t need your help in the kitchen, boy,” Emersyn screamed from downstairs, two floors down. She was cooking fried chicken for everyone, and the smell was pure Heaven. “Touch my chicken, and you’ll lose an arm, Easton! GET! SHOO!”
Devon chuckled and crossed her arms over her chest. “That’s my girl.”
Hunter sighed and shook his head, but he grinned. “Maybe you should go down there and make sure—”
“She severs the arm properly?” Devon pursed her lips and nodded. “Excellent thinking. Holler if you need anything.”
Tennessee chuckled and jumped out of her way as she left the room. “Yeah, definitely glad Tegan didn’t grow up with that for sixteen years.”
We all laughed. Or they did. I couldn’t stop staring at the potion bottle in Katherine’s hand.
Kessler cracked his knuckles. “Okay, what do you ladies need from us? Let’s get him healed before that chicken is done.”
My stomach flipped and tightened. I licked my lips. “Right. So, my question?”
Katherine glanced to Mona, then sighed. “We have to awaken every nerve in your arm. This very well might be the most painful thing you ever experience.”
My heart stopped.
Tennessee cursed. “You have something for pain? To help him out?”
Mona grimaced. “I’ve got the only option that might help. But I fear he’s going to have to endure it until it’s over.”
“But once it is over, I’ve got a powerful little concoction that’ll take the pain away.” She pointed to a small purple vial sitting on my dresser. “As soon as it’s over, that’s all yours, okay?”
I groaned. “Okay. Right. Bloody hell. Okay, how do we do this?”
“Take off your shirt then lie down.” Katherine smiled. “I’ll try to make this as quick as possible.”
I nodded and yanked my shirt off. Then I threw myself down so my right arm was closest to the edge so they’d have easy access.
My bedroom door flew open, and Easton slid inside. He had flour splattered on his face and shirt. “I got death threats down there. So, you need any help in here? Jax, you look like you might puke.”
Tennessee rolled his eyes and shut the door. “Easy, E. Give the rest of us some protection.”
Easton’s face paled. “Shit. Okay.” He summoned magic into his palms then snapped his fingers.
Silver metal body armor covered Tenn, Easton, Kessler, Hunter, Mona, and Katherine.
“Just in case his magic decides to come out and play.” Tenn pulled a leather belt off my dresser then walked over to me and held it over my mouth. “Open up and bite down. Trust me, it helps.”
I didn’t question it. The guy had seen more serious injuries than I had. I opened my mouth then bit down on my belt. My pulse was beating out of control. I fisted my bedsheets and tried to brace myself.
“Hunter?” Katherine whispered as she uncorked the potion bottle and stuck a syringe inside.
Golden mist lowered down on me like a warm fuzzy blanket. My pulse slowed to a normal beat, and my fear subsided a little. I glanced up at Hunter, and he smiled, then gave me two thumbs-up.
Katherine cleared her throat and knelt down on her knees next to my bed. “Tennessee, you’re here for damage control. Easton, just hang back and keep that armor on. Hunter, do what you can. Mona, as soon as I pull this syringe out, you douse him with that potion. Kessler…I need you to hold him down.”
“Oh, Goddess,” I mumbled around my belt. “Kessler?”
Kessler sat down on my bed next to me and draped himself over my body. His right hand pushed my left shoulder into my bed. I couldn’t feel his other hand, but I suspected it was holding my paralyzed shoulder.
“Easton, wrap his legs together,” Kessler said softly, like I couldn’t hear him.
Easton nodded and snapped his fingers. Coldness wrapped around my legs. I couldn’t see it around Kessler’s massive body, but I knew it was there.
Katherine pulled the syringe out of the bottle and lowered it to my arm. She met my eyes. “Ready?”
I nodded and bit down on the belt. I closed my eyes and breathed through my nose.
“Needle is in. Brace yourself in three…two…”
Raw, scorching heat shot through my arm. My eyes flew open. It burned hotter and hotter with every second. My body trembled, and I burned from the inside. I screamed through my belt.
Kessler’s arms flexed as he pushed me down harder. Sweat beaded across Hunter’s forehead. His golden magic slid over me, but it wasn’t doing a damned thing. The whole room started to shake. My vision went blurry. All I knew was the fire.
I exhaled through my nose, and my breath came out like smoke. Mona was pouring something on my arm, but I was in too much pain to notice. My eyes watered, and tears dripped out from the corners of my eyes. They ran along my skin like acid.
Then the pain tripled. I gasped and the belt fell.
Tennessee appeared over me. He shoved the belt back between my teeth and held it tight. “You got this. It’s almost over.”
Liar. Noises I’d never heard came out of me. Every inch of my arm was on fire. It was like being stung by a million bees at the same exact time. It was like I’d swallowed liquid magma and it was melting my insides.
And then it was gone. I gasped and collapsed into the bed. My pulse pounded through my veins. My arm throbbed and screamed in agony—which was a welcome relief. My vision was blurry and dark, but I saw Katherine dumping that purple vial on me. A second later, the pain lifted entirely. My stomach rolled.
Easton leaned over me and held out a garbage can. “Yeah…he’s definitely gonna puke.”
Chapter Twenty-One
“Momma?” I shouted. “Momma!”
With one hand on the raft and the other raised up to the moon, she called out to the Goddess and prayed. After a few seconds, she pushed the raft into the water…and let go.
“NO!” I screamed and ran into the river.
The ice-cold water splashed all the way up to my knees. Momma caught me and wrapped her arms around my body, holding me in place while I screamed.
My nose burned, and tears filled my eyes so much I couldn’t see. I opened my mouth and strained to breathe. I cried and wiggled, trying to get free. “Momma! Hurry!”
Momma picked me up and carried me back to the dirt. She dropped to her knees so my feet touched and our eyes were at the same level. Hers were full of tears and kept spilling onto her cheeks like rivers. She slid her hands down to squeeze my fingers. Her hands were warm and soft. “Baby, look at me.”
“Momma, I don’t understand.”
“I know, baby.” She smiled but it looked a little wobbly since her lips were shaking. “You are so strong, so brave. Hope is not lost.”
She reached up and pulled off her other favorite necklace, an old key on a leather cord, and looped it over my head. I gasped and stepped back to look at it. The gold metal looked almost black without lights, and it was cold against my stomach, even through my shirt.
Momma cleared her throat. “…this key will help…”
My head was light and fuzzy. Thunder rumbled over my head, and the sky lit up the brightest white I’d ever seen. The ground shook under my feet. I cried out and grabbed onto Momma’s dress. She pulled me up and squeezed me so tight I could barely breathe. Her fingers dug into my skin.
Water filled my eyes, and I tried to blink it away but it wouldn’t stop. “Momma? I’m scared.”
“Oh, baby.” She sat me back down and cupped my face in her warm, soft hands. “Don’t be. You are so strong. The Goddess will protect you. It’s time we say goodbye now.”
I gasped. “Goodbye? No! I don’t want to leave you.”
“But you must. My time here is done. Before sunrise I will be with your father.” Her eyebrows scrunched down and her face twisted. She turned away and cried.
Tears poured down my face. Now my lips were shaking too. “But then I’ll be alone.”
She wiped her wet face on her sleeve before turning to look at me. “No, baby. You will never be alone. You must run now and not look back. The Tennessee wilds will protect you. Run through there until you get to Eden. The Goddess will send you guidance. Now run, and remember, Hope is not lost.” Her voice cracked. “I love you to the moon…”
“And back,” I whispered.
“Now run.”
I leapt forward — and landed on my face on the hardwood floor.
“TENN!” Tegan shouted.
I groaned and flipped onto my back. Tegan leaned over the edge of my bed, her long black hair fell over her bare shoulder. Her green eyes were wide and sparkling down at me. The flames from the fireplace in the corner reflected in her eyes. Her mouth moved but I couldn’t hear her over the pounding of my heart. She leaned farther over the edge and threw her hair over her shoulder. My gaze latched on to the heart-shaped crystal of our soulmate glyph on her chest. It was a bright emerald green, which meant she could feel my hammering pulse as much as I could.
She frowned. “Are you okay?”
I shook my head. Sweat dripped down my chest. I was definitely not okay. It was that dream. Again. It’d been torturing me more and more with every passing day. I couldn’t get away from it. I ran my hand over my face then pushed my long, sweat-drenched hair back.
Tegan wiggled her fingers in the air above me and then I floated up and over her. She carried me with her magic then gently laid me back on the bed beside her. The sheets were cool and dry against my bare skin. She crawled up my body and laid on my chest. Her fingers ran through my hair, pushing it back off my face.
I took a deep breath then sighed. “Just that dream. Again. I don’t know why I keep having it lately.”
Her eyes turned sad. She knew all about the dream. I’d already told her every detail I could remember of that night. “Whatever happened cost you your memories, which means you suffered severe trauma. It makes sense that in times of stress – like now – that memory would come back.”
“It needs to stop,” I grumbled.
“You need to stop fighting it, love,” she whispered. “Maybe your dreams are trying to tell you something. Maybe you need to finally let Cooper take a look.”
I opened my mouth then shut it. I didn’t want anyone else to see that dream. It was too personal, too raw. It was all I had left of my mother. But maybe she’s right.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Tennessee let me and Jackson skip Swords class this morning so we could sleep. It’d been a rough couple weeks. Poor Jackson had an even harder night with Katherine’s potion. When he came down for dinner, he still looked a bit pale and shaken. But Emersyn’s fried chicken cured him up good.
I smiled, thinking about the leftovers I’d just eaten for lunch. That girl could cook. Technically, Tegan and I were also southern women…but we were banned from using anything other than the microwave when we were ten. Hunter hadn’t forgotten either. We checked.
For the first time in a while, I was in a genuinely good mood. I pushed the door open and strolled inside my Ancient Language class. I’d promised myself I’d make a real effort to learn it, especially since it would help me write more spells. Or at least understand all the others. Then maybe when Tegan showed me the Book of Shadows, it wouldn’t all be gibberish.
“Hey! She’s back!” someone in the class shouted.
I froze by the door as the class greeted me with more enthusiasm than I’d ever gotten. My cheeks warmed. “Um, hey, guys?”
Sherry, my friend with cool dreadlocks, grinned. “Lennox told us you got selected to go with Jackson. How was it? Did you find the angel’s sword?”
Everyone leaned forward with expectant eyes.
“Yeah, Jackson found it. He was amazing.” I smiled and dropped my books on my desk. Then I pulled my trench coat off and hung it over my seat. When I looked up, the whole class was staring at me with wide eyes and open mouths. I frowned. “What?”
“Bettina!” Sherry hissed and grabbed my arm. “Girrrrrrrl.”
My cheeks warmed. “Oh, right. That. Um, so…”
“Holy shit, you’re in The Coven now!” Billy clapped and cheered.
Everyone else joined in. And then a million questions flew at me all at once. There were too many for me to hear any of them. All I got was Coven and Angel. I shook my head and waved my arms in front of me.
“Y’all, y’all…one at a time, please.” I laughed.
The class gasped.
“Dude, look at her hands!” Adam in the back shouted.
I frowned and looked down. Ice covered all ten of my fingers. “Oh, yeah. I do that now.”
“I don’t understand. Hold up.” Tyler, a fellow Sword, pointed to my Mark. “Twenty. That’s judgement. That was Timothy’s Card.”
Sherry scowled. “He passed away over a month ago.”
I sighed. “Yeah, apparently the spell that was blocking my magic was also blocking my Mark. When I touched Michael’s sword, it came out.”
Billy grinned. “Wicked.”
“So, you’re blonde, and you have ice powers?” Adam chuckled. “Girl, you’re Elsa!”
The whole class gasped. There was an echo of “Yes!”
Tyler chuckled. “Yeah, imma call you Elsa from now on.”
I opened my mouth to say no he wasn’t then stopped. I actually kind of liked that nickname. “I’ve heard worse.”
Sherry bit her lip. “Can you show us more ice magic?”
Billy snapped his fingers. “Give us Olaf!”
I rolled my eyes. Snow wasn’t something I knew how to make. Nor could I bring something to life. “If I could, I would.”
“Well, show us something!”
I bit my lip and hesitated. Class didn’t start for a few minutes, so I had time to show them a little something. Except my magic was still so new to me. I’d only barely used it during my initiation yesterday, and then I’d followed orders to let my body rest. Tennegan were giving me a private training session after class to teach me how to use my new powers. The smarter, more logical part of me knew I shouldn’t play with them until then…but I wanted to. I wanted to really, really badly. Self-control had never been a problem for me, but I guess that was changing, too.
“C’mon, Tina, please,” Sherry drawled and pouted her lips.
I sighed. “Guys, I don’t know how to use my magic yet. I could hurt someone—”
“Classic Elsa.”
“Let it go!” one of the girls in the back sang.
All of a sudden the entire class was singing “Let It Go” from Frozen. They sang and danced, and gave their best Elsa in her ice castle impersonations. It was rather impressive.
It would be wrong to deny them now.
I rubbed my hands together. Ice sparkled from my fingertips. Cold energy surged in my palms. Here goes nothing. I took a deep breath then flicked my hands out in front of me. Chunks of ice the size of baseballs dropped from the ceiling. My classmates shrieked and dove for cover under their desks.
No, I said snowflakes!! I cursed and waved my hands to try and make them stop. The hail exploded into dust and rained onto the hardwood floor. I curled my arms and pulled my hands back toward me. A wave of ice shot toward me. I threw my hands up and it stopped.