Love is Eternal, page 17

‘Shameless hussy,’ he reprimanded, his lips brushing against hers. ‘Delightful little sea-nymph. ’
Her lips parted beneath his as his warm hands deliberately explored her body, awakening emotions that sharpened to a fierce desire before he held her away from him slightly. ‘When will you be moving into that great big house up on the hill with me?’
‘What about our divorce?’ she asked, trying to think sanely.
‘What divorce?’ he grinned, indicating that her foolish request had been treated with disregard after all.
‘What do I do with this flat, and the furniture?’ she tried again, her heart beating so fast that she felt lightheaded.
‘Sell the furniture, and give up the lease of your flat, naturally. ’
‘By rights I should give a month’s notice.’
Daniel’s glance conveyed fierce disapproval. ‘I’m an impatient man, my Lorelei, so pay them a double rental and be done with it.’
‘What about my job in the theatre? ’
‘Matron and I have decided that you can stay on until a replacement can be found.’ He frowned angrily. ‘But I’m not waiting until then to make our marital status known. ’
‘But, Daniel—’
‘No more quibbling,’ he warned, the authority in his voice underlined by a sensual warmth. ‘I want my wife where she belongs. ’
‘And where is that, may I ask?’ she asked with mock innocence, glancing at him through lowered lashes, but her pulse quickened as his hands closed firmly about her waist and drew her closer.
‘My wife’s place is in my house, in my arms, and in my bed.’
‘Daniel ... Daniel,’ she sighed after a succession of kisses that left her weak and trembling in his arms. ‘I love you so much. ’
‘Am I forgiven for treating you so badly that night you tried to tell me the truth?’
‘Darling,’ she kissed him on the side of his jaw. ‘Didn’t you know that love is eternal and it forgives anything and everything?’
‘I thought of no one else but you during that year I spent in Switzerland,’ he groaned, his arms tightening painfully about her. ‘The way you smiled, the sound of your voice, and most of all the way you felt in my arms. So soft and warm, and so very desirable.’ His lips found the frantic little pulse at the base of her throat and lingered. ‘It drove me nearly mad at times when I thought that, had it not been for my idiotic
behaviour, you could have been there with me instead of so many kilometres away, hating me, but never loving me.’ ‘Hush, my darling,’ she whispered, running her fingers through his hair and loving the feel of its soft springiness.
‘You never answered my question,’ he reminded her. ‘When are you moving in with me?’
‘Tomorrow, if you want me to.’
His hands moved urgently against her back. ‘And tonight?’ ‘I could always make up a bed for you on the sofa,’ she offered mischievously, finding his outraged expression amusing.
‘I can think of something far more comfortable than that, my love,’ he said sternly, placing an arm behind her knees and lifting her as if she weighed nothing more than a child. ‘From now on, Mrs. Joanne Grant, your place is with your husband. Do I make myself clear?’
‘Very clear, Dr. Grant,’ she smiled demurely, her arms tightening about his neck as she offered him her lips.
‘Such obedience,’ he murmured after a moment. ‘It’s marvellous what three little words can accomplish. ’
‘When they come from the heart they’re not merely words, but a sacred vow,’ she told him seriously, tracing a bold finger along the bridge of his nose before she followed the firm outline of his lips.
‘Such wisdom, Lorelei, must be rewarded,’ he told her, capturing her lips with his own as he carried her into her room where their soft laughter turned to urgent whispers, until two hearts beat as one in the stillness of that September night, with the promise of the future at last within their reach.
Table of Contents
Yvonne Whittal, Love is Eternal