Valley of Death, Zombie Trailer Park, page 1
Valley of Death
Zombie Trailer Park
Written by William Bebb
Cover Design Artwork by Hadden Smith IV
Copy editor/proofreader Monty ‘Danger’ Hyman
The following tale is dedicated to all my friends and enemies that made me what I am today; with an extra special thanks to my ex-wife, who taught me the true meaning of horror.
This novel is a Hands on Productions & Publications, copyright 2010. All rights reserved. Any distribution of this novel without the expressed written permission of the author is illegal and subject to U.S. and International laws. This novel is purely a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents described are solely the result of the author's overactive imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarities to actual real companies, products, events or people; living, dead, or undead is a coincidence. In other words, chill out and don't get your panties in a wad if you see a name that you recognize. Printed text version ISBN-13: 978-1493663422 and ISBN-10: 149366429 First printed edition 2014.
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Or write us at:
HOPP- William Bebb
P.O. Box 170091
Tarrant AL 35217
Other works of fine literature by this author include
Zombies of All Hallows Evil (Keck)
What the KECK!? Zombies of the Caribbean (Keck)
Zombies & Other Unpleasant Things
Chronicles of the Undead; The Emperor of Bayonne Prison
The Tiniest Invaders; Book One, Coexistence
The Tiniest Invaders; Book Two, The Meandering Menace
Upcoming Novels
Chronicles of the Undead Book II; Twisto's Town
The Tiniest Invaders; Book III Conclusion
Keck's Legacy (Coming eventually)
Hi. As I rewrite this introduction, yet again, it is the 13th day of August 2014.
A printed edition, really? I can easily imagine many folks are thinking.
Valley of Death, Zombie Trailer Park was my first attempt at trying to transfer the many disturbing thoughts, from the hunk of meat stewing inside my skull, into something resembling a novel. While it has met with a great deal of success, many readers have quite rightly poked their accusatory fingers at numerous grammatical problems contained herein- principally commas placed in weird locations or missing entirely where they should be.
Please, don't wave this novel at English Professors and say, “Mr. Bebb didn't put a comma here or there, so why did I get a D on my English Composition?” They will not be impressed. If anything, they will most likely be simultaneously shocked, saddened, and disillusioned at what passes for literature in the twenty-first century but not impressed. Or at least they shouldn't be swayed into forgiving your grammatical goofs just because of this novel.
I've also gotten numerous emails and reviews from people who believe this story gleefully crosses many lines of decency. There are numerous gratuitous descriptions of bloody violent altercations, cannibalism, and other socially questionable behavior. So, I guess you could consider this a final warning. Don't read this story if disgusting things offend you. I'm not smart enough to write a zombie tale that doesn't include gross subject matter, and if I were I doubt I'd bother to do so. Zombies are gross and usually tend to do distasteful things.
So, in summation, please don't read this story if you don't like tales about zombies. It breaks my heart when someone sends me a note and explains they couldn't finish reading the story because it was too violent, gory, crammed full of grammatical errors, and so on. The mere thought of ever upsetting anyone because of my novels oftentimes makes it difficult for me to sleep. I worry that someone might be so disheartened and miserable because a comma was missing or plopped down in the wrong place that they could take out their righteous frustrations on innocent victims. They might read a depiction of excessively disgusting death and suffer a mental breakdown. Another person might notice the zombies in this book aren't picky regarding who or what they eat and be traumatized when some animals get killed and devoured.
It's getting difficult to find the right keys to press through the torrential downpour of heartfelt tears of regret, sorrow, and shame. So, let me wrap up this introductory ramble with a sincere hope that no one reads this that is easily nauseated by zombies and their tendency to act out in antisocial ways or is a strict grammarian.
Table of Malcontents
Chapter 1: Just Another Manic Monday
Chapter 2: Grandpa & Billy
Chapter 3: Josey Meets Boris
Chapter 4: Hopping Down the Bunny Trail
Chapter 5: The Holy Rollers
Chapter 6: The Power of Beer & Prayer
Chapter 7: Maria the Mechanic & Billy’s Mission
Chapter 8: Charlie Farro & A Sign From God
Chapter 9: Stoned Zombies & Suicide Is Painful
Chapter 10: Night Moves & Caveat Emptor
Chapter 11: Tug of War & Skynyrd
Chapter 12: Captain Wyatt & The Cavalry Arrives
Chapter 13: Cha-ka Attack & ICE Left Cold
Chapter 14: A Dying Dog & Jeremiah's Exit
Chapter 15: Home Again & To The Dump
Chapter 16: Cops & Doughnuts
Chapter 17: Hell's Water Balloon
Chapter 18: Explanations & Summations
Closing thoughts, story notes, some rambling & a tiny peek at Zombies of All Hallows Evil.