Somewhere Over a Rainbow
Roger Russell
Politics / Philosophy / History
Sometimes life looks to be really awful and we seek a little relief by walking and thinking. This man died being transported to Australia but now he knows something and wants to share it…Harrhein is a kingdom in a fantasy world, very much like earth but set five hundred years in the past. There are constant incursions by tribesmen and raiders from the north and east, and Andy is a soldier with the elite Royal Pathfinders. He has taken a spear through the thigh and his presence in the armoury is good for the Kingdom, when there is an infiltrator. An ordinary soldier would probably not even notice the presence of the strange being, let alone catch it.Harrhein is based on a mixture of European countries and this is a story about soldiers, from a time when professional soldiers were beginning to evolve, but the majority were still bound to their lord. The author has clearly drawn on his own experiences to give authenticity to the military angle.
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