Her wolfs demands a wolf.., p.6
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Her Wolf's Demands: A Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (The Witch's Pack Book 2), page 6


Her Wolf's Demands: A Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (The Witch's Pack Book 2)
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  Yes, I’d known that they wanted a mural in the library. I’d assumed it would be a mystical scene of fairies and witches. Why had Ertha wanted a painting of the Devil’s Dyke standing stones? They were on the Brighton Pack’s turf, meaning they belonged to the wolves. What had suddenly sparked her desperation to claim them as her own?

  Drake took my silent pondering as a sign to go on. “They asked me not to talk about the commission. You stand on a stone, you see, and ancient witches are channelled through a tree to poison plants.”

  My mouth opened as I tried to make sense of Drake’s words. I had often tried to figure out his riddles, but I’d given up a few years ago, instead just allowing him to express himself.

  “I suppose Ertha wanted a momentum of the powerful stones.”

  My reply was a statement, but Drake looked around at me, a frown creasing his forehead.

  “Something like that. Except for the channelled witches.”

  Pressing my nails into my palms, I swallowed down the sadness that rose in my chest. He wasn’t as well as I’d first thought. Why had Dr Amel assumed he was on his way to recovery?

  “A lot has happened since you’ve been gone,” I said, distracting him again. “I want you to stay here until I come and get you, okay?”

  “You don’t need to treat me like a child.” His voice was tight as he lowered himself back on the bed, appearing to shake himself out of his deep thoughts.

  “Sorry,” I murmured, ducking my head. “It’s just not safe for us out there at the moment. As you know, tension is brewing between the wolves and the witches and–”

  “I’m not one to judge,” he interrupted, his eyes clear as he raised his eyebrows, “but isn’t shacking up with the alpha going to provoke Ertha?”

  If I blurted the truth, Drake would panic. I didn’t want to set off his paranoia or have him worry about me. It took everything within me to hold back the insult that sat on my tongue. Ertha was an evil witch with a vendetta against us.

  I could understand why she wanted me dead. A powerful hybrid-witch living with the werewolves went against everything our coven stood for.

  “I… yes, it has…” Shame engulfed me, making my throat close.

  I hadn’t believed that my own brother would be ashamed of my bond with Malone. I couldn’t blame him, I hadn’t told him everything, and the last thing he knew, Malone wanted to rip off his head.

  “You’re safe from the werewolves now. Ertha is more of a threat to you. She’s desperate to find you, and I don’t know why.”

  Yeah, she had a vendetta against me, I got it, but why Drake? He hadn’t done anything seriously wrong. Something was up with Ertha if she was willing to keep me alive just to find Drake.

  “The witches standing on the stones,” my brother replied, looking at the painting nearest the window.

  A tap on the door made us both jump. Drake rushed over, his movements almost childlike as he opened it a crack and peeked outside.

  “What’s he doing here?”

  My heart thumped as Malone’s scent smacked me in the face. Drake was right to sneer. How had the alpha found me?

  Dr Amel’s reply was cheerful as Drake stepped back and allowed them entrance. I clenched my hands into fists as the good doctor walked in, gesturing for Malone to follow him, which he did, sauntering in behind him.

  “What are you doing here?” I drawled, raising my eyebrows when Malone’s dark gaze clashed with mine.

  His hulking frame towered over the doctor and my brother as they crowded into the room. The corner of his lip lifted as he appraised me, his gaze flicking to my lips. The innocent look sent ice and fire flittering across my skin.

  “I’m here to meet your brother, as we arranged.” Malone glanced away from me, his gaze running over the paintings on the wall.

  No doubt the same question was running through his mind. Why was Drake painting the Devil’s Dyke standing stones?

  Dr Amel clicked his tongue and nodded at Drake. “Are you ready to meet your sister’s man-friend?”

  It was a little late to ask my brother permission considering Malone and his pulsing presence now filled the room.

  Drake nodded back, his gaze darting to the werewolf. Dr Amel would’ve sensed that Malone was a wolf, and yet, there was no judgement. That’s what I’d loved about him.

  “Look…” The doctor turned to Malone and pointed at the nearest painting. “…Drake is an extremely talented artist.”

  Humming an affirmative, Malone stepped closer and actually admired Drake’s work. “You’re left-handed,” he said to my brother, tracing a finger down the thick grey stone in the picture. “Your brushstroke is similar to Da Vinci.”

  I almost choked, covering my mouth as Drake raised his eyebrows before a smile spread on his lips. Wait. Was my brother impressed by Malone’s knowledge? Of course he was, he had studied the greats and been influenced by many.

  “What do you know of Leonardo?” I asked my man, not quite believing that he knew anything.

  Cocking his head to look over his shoulder, he eyed me, the brown and amber of his irises flashing when a grin spread on his face, revealing his sexy-as-fuck dimple. “I know that he was a bastard, abandoned by his father. He struggled to connect with people, his genius often a sticking point when it came to relating to others. A perfectionist, much like your brother, he aimed to see the truth in his subject, whether it was ugly or beautiful.”

  My heart thumped as I sucked my tongue, trying to moisten my dry mouth. Jeez, if there was a way closer to my soul, it was through my brother, who currently beamed at Malone.

  I had assumed I knew the alpha, but there was a lot more to know about the man who led the Brighton Pack. And shit, he turned me on with his intellect, just as much as his bod.

  “That’s right,” Drake said, crossing his arms over his chest. “Leonardo was a troubled soul. A little like me.”

  Air rushed out of my lungs as Malone stepped closer to Drake. My brother was usually wary of others when he wasn’t feeling good. Not with Malone, though. He moved closer to another painting and pointed at the tree.

  “Da Vinci inspired me with his work ethic, that much is true. And yes, I’m a bit of a perfectionist. However, I don’t agonise over a painting.” Glancing at the doctor when he scoffed, Drake shrugged. “Most of the time.”

  Bowing, the doctor reversed out of the room, leaving us to it.

  Malone was quick to ask my brother about his other favourite artists. It was hard for me to remain angry at the alpha for following me uninvited when he made such an effort with Drake.

  “I’m sorry,” Drake blurted, “for almost killing one of your men. Is he alright now?”

  Placing a thick hand on Drake’s shoulder, Malone inclined his head. “He’s completely healed, thanks to your sister. Everything is forgiven and forgotten.”

  I wasn’t quite sure Lionel would agree, but who was I to question Malone? Oh, that was right, his fated mate and second in command. Wait, that was becoming a running theme in my life. I probably should’ve been peeved about that but, meh, I’d save it for another day. I was too busy enjoying the friendly conversation that we shared. Who knew they would get on so well?

  “I’m a carpenter,” Malone told Drake, his gaze unable to stay off the paintings.

  Drake’s eyebrows rose, clearly impressed by my man’s profession. Bloody hell, it still felt strange claiming the alpha as mine.

  “Malone’s tables are incredible,” I interrupted, my cheeks heating when they both smiled at me.

  Dismissing them with a wave, I checked my phone, even though no one knew my number. They chatted again, both becoming animated when discussing their art.

  I watched Malone, enjoying the softness of his jaw and the spark in his eyes. He kept glancing at me, his shoulders lifting when I acknowledged everything he said. It was as if he wanted me to know him, and by speaking to my brother, it was safe to allow me to see him.

  “The witches,” my brother said, catching my attention. “They stand on the stone and poison the plants.”

  My stomach dropped as Malone’s bright face froze, a cloud descending. Would he freak out about my brother’s illness?

  “Drake.” Coming between the pair, I pointed at one of the paintings. “What did the witches ask you to do?”

  Clamming up, my brother sat on his bed, shrinking in on himself. I held up my hands when he shook his head and narrowed his gaze on me. He knew something, but he was too afraid to tell me.

  “It’s okay,” I said, sitting on the bed next to him. “Let’s forget it.”

  “I’m sorry.” His anguished whisper made a lump come to my throat.

  I was supposed to be looking out for him, and yet, he didn’t feel safe enough to tell me what he knew about the witches. Clearly their commission had been a lot bigger than just a painting. What did Drake know? And what were his cryptic riddles all about?

  Chapter Seven

  “Your brother is amazingly talented,” Malone said, his expression grim as we left the hospital.

  The flash of light eyes from a man who passed distracted me, sending a chill down my spine. Kieran had the exact same colour, and for a split second, I’d believed it to be him.

  “Are you okay?” Malone’s fingers entwined with mine, their strength making me smile up at him.

  “You’re a dark horse… wolf… whatever.”

  A slow grin forced his dimple out to play, leaving me breathless as he brought his lips to mine and pressed teasingly. In the middle of the busy street. Talk about the alpha laying claim. And I didn’t mind at all.

  Wait, what? No, I couldn’t be distracted by his lighter playful side. There was too much at stake.

  “You’re a naughty wolf, just disappearing like that,” he drawled, checking to see if there was anyone around. “You got me all worked up.”

  His teeth caught my bottom lip before he devoured me, his tongue plunging into my mouth. My insides quivered as the mating bond sang to me, willing me to lay down on the street and allow him to take me.

  Half-heartedly shoving his chest, I dislodged him from me, licking my lips when he frowned. It took every ounce of self-control to turn off my turned on button. Shit, the wolf pheromones were tough to resist.

  “Bohdi,” I squeaked, stepping out of Malone’s arms. “My cat, my familiar. Ertha has him.”

  As a frown creased Malone’s forehead, his eyes narrowed on me. “Did you go back to your place without me?”

  Where had my sweet Malone gone? He was suddenly replaced by the thunderous alpha, all angry and shit.

  “I… no… well, yes, but–”

  His fingers covered my mouth, stopping the stilted flow of my pathetic reply. Why was I so nervous about my actions? I wasn't a prisoner at the camp.

  “It’s too dangerous for you to be gallivanting around Brighton on your own,” Malone spat, glaring at a man who watched us as he went by.

  See? Chivalry wasn’t dead. The passer-by was clearly making sure I was okay – or not. He looked over his shoulder and winked at Malone. Bloody hell, talk about a slap in the face.

  “Look, you were sleeping like a kitten,” I said. His growl almost made me laugh. “You were, don’t try to deny it.”

  “I thought you’d spelled the cat to keep him safe?” Malone was still glaring, his heavy energy switched on to the max.

  Huffing, I grabbed his arm. “We don’t have time for this, we need to get back to Brighton to come up with a plan.”

  Before he could reply, the scenery around us shimmered and changed, re-forming as the woods just outside the camp.

  “What just happened?” Malone blinked.

  A laugh caught in my throat as pride puffed my chest. “We just teleported. Only the most powerful witches, like Ertha, are able to do that.”

  “That’s pretty talented, I have to admit,” he said begrudgingly.

  “How did you find me at the hospital?” I asked.

  The birds sung loudly in the trees, warning one another that we were below. I wanted to get annoyed with him, to be angry that he hadn’t trusted me.

  “I heard the train announcement when you were on the phone. I followed your scent to the station. I was only half an hour behind you. You obviously teleported straight after because I lost your smell.” The resident frown appeared again. “But my wolf spirit moved my feet, guiding me to the hospital. It took me a while to find it.”

  “I don’t know whether to be impressed by your detective skills or freaked out by your stalker side.” Holding up a hand when he stepped closer, I pressed it against his chest. “I’m serious, I need to do something about Bohdi.”

  “You’re right.” Capturing my hand, he brought it up and kissed my knuckles. “What can I do?”

  “Erm.” My mind went blank as I stared up at him, a little thrown by how easily he’d conceded.

  The library was a magical fortress, almost impossible to break into. Almost.

  When I’d visited as a teenager, one of the boys was showing off, claiming that he knew how to get into the great hall when no one was there. I still had him on my Facebook. It would be a ridiculously long shot, but if he still had that information, maybe he could be persuaded to part with it.

  “I think there might be a very slight chance we can rescue Bohdi.”

  Rolling his eyes, Malone clenched his hands into fists. “I never imagined myself going on a rescue mission to get a cat. Of all pets, why did you have to choose a cat?”

  “He’s not a pet,” I spat, offended at his insult. “He’s my familiar, my family.”

  Dismissing me with a wave, he watched as I dug out my phone and opened Facebook. A footstep sounded nearby, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Until the scent hit me.

  “Hello, Manual.” Malone greeted his friend when he appeared through the trees.

  I had smelt the wolf two seconds before he’d shown himself. The knowledge that my senses were enhancing gave me reassurance. Followed by a pang of regret. I was enjoying being a part of the pack more and more. Would it be possible to stay with Malone and keep Drake close too? Or would I have to give one of them up?

  “What are you doing skulking around out here?” Manual asked, raising his eyebrows when I held up my phone.

  “Trying to find an old acquaintance on Facebook.” Frowning at the screen, I bit my lip. “I so rarely go on here, I’ve forgotten how to do anything.”

  Wiggling his fingers at me, Manual indicated that I give him the phone. “I’m a genius,” he quipped, “I bet I’ll find them in three minutes’ tops.”

  I glanced at Malone, my own eyebrows raising as the alpha nodded his agreement, trusting that Manual was true to his word.

  Gingerly extending my arm, I gave my phone to the werewolf, who flicked his floppy mousy hair out of his crystal blue eyes and winked. “The name?”

  “Fredrick…” Shit, what was his second name?

  Manual held up one hand while he typed on my phone with the other. “Second name?”

  “It’s, um…”


  “Yes, that’s it. How did you know?”

  Flashing me a grin, he held up the phone, showing me the screen. “Is that him?”

  Bloody hell, he had found my old friend already. Not that he was a friend anymore. Not since he had bullied me in the great hall, embarrassing me in front of everyone.

  The image of his face gave me goosebumps. “That’s him.”

  “Can I do anything else?”

  I’d been staring at the picture, unable to look away. The boy had grown into a man with a full dark beard and brushed back shoulder length hair. We had met at the library when my father dumped us there on a Saturday morning. We hadn’t spoken often, but when we did, we’d had fun. He was a joker, one who could make my stomach hurt with laughing.

  “You’re looking rather nostalgic,” Malone mumbled. “Are you sure he’s just an old acquaintance?”

  Lifting my head, I tried not to smile at his narrowed gaze and slightly pink cheeks. Was Malone jealous of the man in the picture?

  He was waiting for an answer, his hands still clenched into tight fists. Would he punch something if he believed that I’d been in love with Fredrick? Surely not.

  “I did have a little something for him,” I teased, stroking the face on the screen.

  A roar exploded from Malone’s mouth, echoing around the trees, and wiping the smile from my face.

  Spinning away from us, he thumped his fist straight into a tree trunk, cracking the bark and swearing loudly.

  “You should never goad a mated wolf,” Manual said, his lips twitching.

  My own beast paced in my mind, whining at Malone’s distress as the alpha turned back to us, his jaw tight and his shoulders square. “Is he your ex?”

  I stared up at the alpha as he stepped closer, his hulking frame towering above me. My hair tickled my back, brushing against the bare strip of skin between my jeans and crop top. His intensity engulfed me, forcing me to feel everything.

  “No,” I whispered, slowly moving my head from side to side, “I don’t have an ex.”

  His shoulders relaxed as his tongue flicked out to lick his lips. His heady scent of male and pine slipped up my nose, sending heat between my legs, right where he had been – multiple times – the night before.

  “Good.” The dark cloud covering his face lifted as he nodded at my phone. “Better contact him then.”

  Blinking, I stared at the phone, confused by his whiplash behaviour. I knew the alpha was a moody contradiction, broody and sexy, but had he seriously just cut his hand on a tree because I’d teased him about an old crush?

  Did he not realise I could bring up Rochelle, the woman he’d been sleeping with before I’d come along?

  My stomach twisted, the realisation sinking in. He was still hanging around her, destined to lead her for the rest of her life.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, his tone tight.

  Narrowing my gaze on him, I tried to contain the burst of jealousy that was slowly spreading through my body, tensing my muscles. “One word. Rochelle.”

  His slow blink was followed by the duck of his head as a sheepish smile lingered on his lips for a second. “It’s in the past.”

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