Her Wolf's Demands: A Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (The Witch's Pack Book 2), page 4

I glanced over my shoulder and shook my head, smiling gently. “Trust me,” I said. “He can’t hurt me.”
Malone managed to blink, despite my strong spell. The memory of him walking straight through my barrier spell reminded me that the connection we shared made him impervious to my magic. Hopefully it would hold him, just for a moment. Like I had told him, this was my fight. Kieran was here for me, no one else.
Leaving the alpha, I went to the man who had pretended to be my friend. Everyone else disappeared into the background as I honed in on him, staring into his eyes in an attempt to read his intentions. Not that I needed to do that, I knew full well why he had come to take me away.
“How’s Drake?” he pushed through his teeth.
And just like that, he punched me straight in the heart with his words. My insides imploded, making me trip and almost stumble at his feet.
“Ignore him!” Malone shouted.
Kieran snorted. “You know, deep down, that we had a connection. As small as it was compared to him, you can’t harm me.”
My resolve weakened and my arms dropped to my sides. He was right. Malone had abandoned me after one of the most stressful events of my life, and Kieran had been there, all dog in shining armour.
“You need to leave and never return,” I said, twisting my finger in a circle.
His frame turned away from me without his permission. His fellow wolves dropped from their poses, all spinning and trotting to join their leader.
Malone growled behind me, clearly miffed that he hadn’t had the chance to take down his enemy. I looked over my shoulder at him, frowning in apology. His snarl was fierce, aimed directly at me. He was right, what was I doing?
Releasing all spells, I swallowed, waiting for the clash. Instead, Kieran and his friends charged away, the Brighton pack on their heels.
Staring in my direction, Malone ran past me, his head forming into a wolf as he dropped to all fours and morphed completely. He disappeared into the dark, taking his pack with him as they ran the Crawley Pack off, barking and howling to scare them away.
Wrapping my arms around myself, I jumped when a footstep sounded nearby. I lifted my hand, ready to defend myself.
“Malone won’t appreciate you letting them go,” a sweet voice said.
A pregnant woman appeared from the shadows, rubbing her blossoming stomach. I clenched my hand, dropping it before looking out into the dark fields.
“I know,” I muttered in reply.
“However,” she said, coming to stand beside me. “The pack have seen your power. They’ll respect you now, even if they don’t want to. How can they deny that you’d be an asset with magic like that?”
My stomach flipped as I took a deep breath. As hard as it was to get enthusiastic about Malone’s plan for me, a tiny part of my heart wanted to belong in the pack. I’d felt a spark of that belonging during the BBQ. A quiet acceptance, maybe. However, I couldn’t leave my brother behind. Not only that, I’d always be the outsider, the weapon.
No, I couldn’t settle for Malone’s poor proposal, I’d find my own way.
Chapter Four
“That was amazing,” one young lad crowed, passing me so speedily, wind whipped my hair.
I couldn’t tell if he was speaking about me or the chase. Either way, they’d managed to get rid of the pack, and I’d tightened my barrier spell, making the whole camp invisible to the outside world.
We couldn’t chance them finding us again.
The party had continued on into the night, but I’d kept my distance, preferring to sit by myself and contemplate what had happened.
“Thank you for helping us,” Manual approached, clapping my back.
Malone had disappeared, going back to his cabin, according to his men. He hadn’t returned to the party at all, no doubt pissed at me for letting Kieran go.
“You’re welcome. Apparently, I’m the pack’s new weapon.”
Manuel’s eyebrows raised as I got to my feet. I’d been sitting on a log and my butt cheeks were sore. It was time I went to bed, even if it was just to toss and turn all night.
“You’re more than that to him,” he said. “You know that, right?”
Scoffing, I shook my head. “You’re joking? He offered me as a weapon and proceeded to ignore me. I’m a burden, one that would be better put down.”
“He’s… trying…” Manual’s words were accompanied by a frown. “Stick with him.”
My insides knotted as I tried to smile before waving goodnight. I understood that Manuel was trying to help his friend, but I had to have it out with Malone. He had seen my hesitation in hurting Kieran and it had enraged him.
Walking across the camp, I kept my head low, tucking my hair behind my ear. A few of the younger wolves called a greeting as they headed back to their cabins. It was nice to have that wave of acknowledgment coming from the teenagers.
Before I could prepare myself, I had arrived in front of Malone’s. Did I knock or just go in?
A sigh escaped me, almost drowning out a splash behind the cabin. What was that? Surely there wasn’t anyone in the pond? Maybe the Crawley Pack had returned.
Treading slowly, I rounded the end of the cabin and stopped dead. Malone was highlighted by the moon, standing in the natural spring water pond, running his hands over his head as water dribbled down the ridges on his stomach.
The exquisite beauty of his form sent tingles down my spine and between my legs. I had to squeeze my thighs together to try and stem the ache. Shit, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t resist the alpha, and quite frankly, I was sick of trying. If he pushed me away, I would deal with it, but I had to be near him.
Staying quiet as Malone ducked under, I stripped off my clothes and trod into the water. I’d made it almost all the way in when hands wrapped around my calves, dragging me down.
My stomach flipped and my heart thumped as water engulfed me, the cold slapping me in the face.
Malone was there, his arms around my waist, pulling me flush against his rock solid frame.
We surfaced, both gasping for air.
“I could sense you,” he rasped, his stubble scratching my neck as he burrowed his chin beneath my wet hair. “I hoped you’d join me.”
Gasping, I gripped his head, urging him closer as sparks sprinkled on my skin, spreading outwards until I shuddered.
“You were angry with me for letting Kieran go, I was pissed at you for offering me as a weapo-” The last word was cut off as Malone’s lips descended on mine.
I followed his lead, allowing the angst of the last week to dissolve as I wrapped my legs around his waist. The hard length of him pressed against me, sending delicious desire pulsing through my veins.
Clinging to him, I shivered as his tongue pushed into my mouth, dancing with mine.
The crickets chirped in the trees behind us as the water sloshed around our hips. Malone gripped my buttocks, squashing himself against the core of me. I gasped as he released my mouth and bent his head, his tongue flicking over my nipple.
Looking down at him, I bit my lip as heat engulfed my breast. Seeing his head lowered and his mouth upon me almost sent me over the edge. I had to have him.
My desperate whimper made him look up. I didn’t have to speak as he gazed into my eyes. He was breathing heavily, his rock hard length proof that he wanted me too.
“You’re not going to be angry after?” he asked, stroking my wet hair off my shoulder.
“No, there’s no point. We’re mated, and I need you, even if I try to pretend that I don’t.”
A satisfied grumble, low in his throat, sent me into overdrive. Cupping his head, I nipped his bottom lip. His mouth plundered mine as he lifted me and pierced me with his solid erection.
Crying out, I tightened around him, my head falling back as he lifted me and surged into me again.
Clinging to him, I panted, grinding down as he thrust, again and again. His muscles strained, his fingers digging into my thighs as he pushed into me, rubbing my tingling core until it exploded, sending sweet streams of pleasure over every inch of me.
“Fuck!” Malone growled, straining as he went faster, jolting me against him.
His orgasm rocked him, almost toppling him over in the water. He held on as I gasped, unable to breathe from the intensity of pleasure that filtered through me. His roar sent me even more over the edge as he gripped me to him, pushing himself in as far as he could go.
As the pulsing of gratification died away, we clutched one another, our breath echoing around the pond.
Malone tucked his head into my neck, his lips kissing my skin gently. “You believe I don’t want you,” he rasped, “but the opposite is true.” I tried to pull his head away so I could look into his eyes, but he held firm. “Every moment, of every day, since I turned you, I think about you. I’ve tried to come up with ways to get rid of you or to bind your wolf.” Gripping me closer to him, he lifted his head and looked into my eyes. “I can’t live without you. My wolf spirit needs you. I know you want to be away from me.” Shaking his head, he clenched his jaw and pressed his forehead against mine. “But I won’t allow it. You are mine, Della. And I’m yours.”
Chapter Five
My yawn moved me as I drove through the streets of Brighton. We’d spent all night allowing our wolves to bond in the most delicious of ways. My thighs were sore and my brain foggy from no sleep, but boy, I’d had an incredible time.
The skin on my arms tingled as I drew nearer to my apartment. When I’d last been here over a week ago, I’d cast an invisibility spell to protect Bohdi, my familiar, from harm. I’d been dying to return to pick him up, desperate to see him. I’d even begged Malone to send a wolf to get him. However, it had been too dangerous.
When I’d awoken, the need to check on Bohdi had overridden any fear. Leaving Malone to sleep, I’d placed an invisibility spell around myself in order to gain access to the apartment. I would retrieve my cat today.
The tinkling tune of my phone jolted me from my gorgeous reminiscence of the night before.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Where are you?” Malone’s voice was tight.
Yeah, the alpha probably didn’t appreciate my not telling him that I was seeing a cat about a witch.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t leave Bohdi any longer. You know I’ve been going nuts about getting him.”
“You took my truck.”
Licking my dry lips, I smiled to myself. “You had my car crushed so I figured what’s yours is mine and all that.”
“It’s too dangerous, Della! Why do you have to be so reckless?”
“Look,” I replied, shrugging off his untrue accusation. “If one of your puppies was left all alone, you’d do anything to get them back. My magic is strong enough to keep Bohdi safe, but it’s not fair of me to leave him for so long. I’ll call you when I’m on my way back.”
Ending the call, I pulled the car into a space a few streets away from my apartment. No doubt Ertha would have her spies on the lookout, tracing every movement near my home.
My insides quivered as I climbed out of the vehicle and zipped up my hoody. No one would be able to see me move through the streets and into the building, but that didn’t stop the nerves that clenched my stomach.
Head down, I marched across the road, marvelling at the complete three sixty turn my life had taken. Just a month ago, I was enjoying a happy time with my brother. Both of our careers were going well, and he’d even had a few dates.
His latest commission had been his biggest yet, and he’d been anxious about it. The coven had asked him to paint a mural in the library. It hadn’t been long after their discussions that he’d become paranoid.
Sadness swept through me as I trotted into our street and up the steps that led to our apartment. Pausing outside the door, I sniffed the air. A floral scent flowed around me, a trace of a witch nearby.
I turned my head slowly, seeking out my new enemy. My wolf senses kicked in, my vision expanding to view the whole of the road. There. A woman sat in her car, reading a book. Her witch scent was stronger than I’d ever noticed before. The wolf senses were an incredible ability, even if the vile smells made me want to vomit. Wet dog anyone?
“You can’t see me, but I can see you,” I sang to myself, flicking my finger.
The lights on her car flashed silently, locking her in without her even knowing.
I understood why Malone didn’t want me to bind my wolf. As much as I hated to admit it, being a hybrid-witch made me formidable.
I’d been a low-life everyday average witch for so long. Who could blame me for wanting to keep the magic sprinkle fairy dust – okay, wolf dust, which didn’t sound nearly as romantic – that made me kickarse?
Smiling, I let myself into the building and jogged up the two flights of stairs. When I neared my own entrance, I slowed, listening for sounds within my apartment. It was deathly silent.
A shudder moved me as I closed my eyes and used my wolf senses to search inside. Nothing.
“Let’s see what the bastards have done to our place,” I breathed, opening the door and tentatively stepping into the hall.
A small gasp left me as I surveyed the damage. The boxes were still by the coat stand, empty and waiting. Bohdi’s water and food was full, although I had spelled it to renew every day so that wasn’t a surprise.
I glanced through the open doors into the living room and kitchen. Drawers were open and emptied on the floor. Ash lined every surface, left over from the smoke bomb.
Stepping into the living room, I clenched my fists as a funky smell made me screw up my nose. I couldn’t see the culprit, but the painting of Drake and I had been ripped down from above the fireplace. It lay on the ground, ripped and discarded.
Red paint – no, wait, it smelt like blood – was splattered over the image of my brother’s face. They had cast a location spell on him, using the picture. Why had they wanted to find him? Maybe they believed he would lead them to me. Thank the goddess the spell wouldn’t have worked; I’d made sure of that with my cloaking spell.
Ignoring the rest of the destruction, I went into my bedroom, hoping to find Bohdi snuggled up in my duvet. Every one of my drawers, and all of my ornaments, had been tipped onto the floor, covering my carpet.
“Bohdi?” I called, swallowing the rising tide of grief.
Yes, everything in our home was materialistic, not meant to be important compared to our safety. However, both Drake and I had built our life up from nothing and all of our possessions were meaningful. They made us who we were.
A brother and sister who only had one another, who had endured pain and heartache, over and over again.
Why couldn’t a girl get sentimental about her beloved trinket, shattered beneath her pumps?
“Bohdi?” I sobbed, almost jumping over the debris to get to the bed. “Come out, I’m here.”
Flipping off the duvet, I swallowed when a piece of paper flew into the air, drifting down to land on the empty bed. My blood ran ice cold when I read the scrawled note.
It’s amazing how easy it is to entice a cat with fish, especially if its owner is neglectful.
Fuck! She’d somehow managed to lure my familiar and break the spell of protection I’d placed over him.
My insides churned as I picked up the note and screwed it in my fist. The bitch leader of the coven had obviously come back for Bohdi once I’d escaped their house of torture. She’d pay for her cruelty.
Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I dialled Ertha, almost dropping it out of my shaky hands. My number couldn’t be traced, but I had to leave the apartment, just to be on the safe side.
“Hello, Ertha speaking.” Her voice was chirpy and welcoming.
That was about to change.
“Where’s my familiar?” I ground through my teeth.
Jerking angrily, I scooped up a handful of clothes as I waited for her reply. A chuckle filtered down the phone, sending heat into my ears as fury exploded in my chest.
“He’s sitting in a cage on my desk.” Her tone had dropped, her amusement short-lived. “Tell me where Drake is and you can have him back.”
My heart thumped when Bodhi’s meow sounded through the phone. The urge to cry was strong, tugging on my heart. I resisted, breathing through the pain as I filled a bag with my belongings.
“Why the hell do you want to know where he is? You know I won’t give him up.”
“I must admit,” Ertha said, “I knew it would be hard for you to choose which one of your pathetic family members to save, so I bound your familiar to you even more. Did you know that if I use the magic of the whole coven, I’m more powerful than you? Meaning I can chop off Bohdi’s head and your wolf brain will spill at the exact same time.”
“You sick bitch!”
My anger only made her laugh more, the twisted witch. How could someone who was supposed to protect her coven be so callous? She was evil!
“It’s your choice, Della. Tell me where your brother is or both you and the cat will die.”
The phone beeped in my ear as she ended the call. Fury fired my veins and churned my stomach as I threw the phone on the bed and proceeded to punch the shit out of a pillow.
“I’ll kill you first!” I screamed before grabbing up my things and heading towards the door.
My vow was a promise to myself as I ran down the stairs and out of the building. My heart pumped the fiery blood around my body, driving me forward. I’d never wanted to harm anyone before, except maybe my father.
However, Ertha had taken her malice to a whole new level. She was obsessed with finding my brother, and I had no idea why. Did he know something he shouldn’t? If he did, he was in serious danger. It was about time I paid him a visit.
Chapter Six
Footsteps sounded behind me as I marched down the road. I’d dropped my car at a long stay car park and left it behind, ready to take the train to see Drake.
Glancing over my shoulder, I checked that no one followed me. No, it was just two young men, talking animatedly about the latest Netflix series. Jeez, I’d wanted to watch the show they’d spoken about but hadn’t had the chance.