Her wolfs demands a wolf.., p.13
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Her Wolf's Demands: A Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (The Witch's Pack Book 2), page 13


Her Wolf's Demands: A Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (The Witch's Pack Book 2)
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  Er, okay. So, my brother hadn’t told me about his past girlfriends. If her reaction was anything to go by, she was no doubt one of his exes. Would he appreciate me talking to her about his painting? Or would he get angry at me for getting someone he clearly knew involved.

  “Why is the pentagram painted on the stones?” Laura asked, picking up the picture and almost dropping it. “Shit, it’s got Drake’s magic running through it.”

  “Running through it?”

  Okay, now my ignorance was going to embarrass me. I knew that the painting was imbued with Drake’s magic, but I had no idea what Laura meant. I’d never been a great witch, or even a very good one. Just average, getting by with the spells I knew. I supposed my mother might have taught us had she been alive. My throat tightened as a grainy image of her popped into my mind.

  “Yes,” Laura went on, interrupting my thoughts and wiping the image away. “He’s somehow connected to the stones. So, their magic is running through him and the painting. It’s probably not grounding anywhere… Is he okay? How is…?”

  Glancing at the others, she licked her lips and pointed to her head. I swallowed the rush of emotion that burst through me. About to surge to my feet, I froze when Malone’s hand rested on my knee, calming me instantly.

  I glanced at him, grateful to have him by my side. I had been quick to dismiss him, unused to having someone to fight for me. To be there when I needed them.

  “Drake has been struggling.” I coughed to clear the frog in my throat. “He’s doing better now.”

  Laura’s concern was etched in her features as she nodded and bent over the painting. “Wait, what’s this? Look…” Pointing at one of the standing stones, she traced a circle with a roman numeral painted in it.

  “That’s the full moon,” I blurted. “Tonight.”

  My insides curdled, my stomach twisting. Did the witches have something planned for my brother tonight?

  “There’s more,” Laura said, tracing other symbols that I hadn’t spotted before. “The spell isn’t complete. On the Solstice, in three days’ time, the witches will finish the spell. I’m not sure what it is, but it most likely has something to do with using Drake as a channel to ground the magic.”

  “He said,” I muttered, glancing at Malone, “something about standing on a stone and ancient witches are channelled through a tree. To poison plants?” Raising a questioning eyebrow at Malone, I bit my lip. He nodded to confirm that I’d remembered what Drake had said correctly.

  “Not sure about the plants and trees, but it looks like Drake is the witch being channelled. Maybe they plan to use the ancestors’ magic in some way?”

  Clenching my hands into fists, I bit my lip. “Fuck!”

  “What does that mean?” Malone asked, sitting forward and resting his elbows on his knees. “Is Drake in danger?”

  Nodding, I stared at the picture, my mind spinning. My stomach rolled as I choked back the tears that threatened. “It means that the witches don’t want to kill Drake for being mentally unhinged. They want to use him as a conduit to channel more magic than he’ll be able to handle, which will kill him anyway.”

  “So,” Manual said, sitting forward. “The witches need to be stopped. Otherwise, they’ll fry your brother and gain more magic than they can possible handle. Am I right?”

  My chest squeezed as I nodded and ran my hand through my hair. The witches could probably use Drake to channel the stones without him being in the pentagram circle in Devil’s Dyke. What I didn’t understand was why they were so desperate to use the magic. What did they have planned?

  “Right,” Malone said, sitting forward and taking my elbow. “This is the plan. You get to Drake and help him if he becomes weak or whatever during their full moon ritual tonight.”

  “That’s a good idea.” I smiled at him. “I can help channel the magic if it gets too much for him. On the Solstice, though…”

  “It will be too strong for him,” Laura said, “even with your help.”

  “I’ll have to try and control my own shift,” I added quickly, remembering that I too would be effected by the moon’s movement.

  Frowning, Malone shook his head. “I stupidly didn’t think of that. It’s not safe.”

  “I can help,” Laura piped up. “I can go with Della, who can go into a separate room to shift. I’ll look after Drake. He’s my friend, after all.”

  My heart fluttered as I looked at Malone, afraid that he would refuse. Yes, it would be hard to not be with him for my second forced shift. However, being near Drake would put my mind at ease. I could check on him as soon as I was able to shift back. Dr Amel would allow me to use a nearby room. He had done it before.

  Malone cleared his throat and shared a look with Manual, who nodded. Warmth spread throughout me as the alpha looked me up and down before licking his lips. “I’m your alpha,” he said quietly, “your mate.”

  “You are,” I whispered back, drawn to lean closer as he reached out and stroked my cheek.

  “So,” he said. “The pack will go to the stones and see what the witches are planning.”

  Opening my mouth to protest, Malone shushed me, placing his fingers over my lips.

  I swallowed down the rising panic that rose up my chest, making it tight. He was right, he was my alpha. I had to trust that he could take care of himself and the pack.

  “You’ll be risking your life for Drake.” I took his hand, threading my fingers through his. “You would do that?”

  Everything in me wanted to protest, to tell him to stay away from the witches at all cost. If they caught the wolves, there was no telling what they’d do.

  Ertha was losing her mind, clearly doing something against the witches’ code of conduct. Similar to wolf laws, witches lived by a set of morals and codes that kept the Earth’s magic in balance. It was obvious Ertha had lost sight of her true purpose, compromising everything we stood for. And the other witches in the coven were being taken along for the ride. Did they even know what Ertha had organised?

  “I would do anything for you. Which means I’ll protect you and your brother until there’s no breath left in me.”

  Gasping, I bit my lip and ducked my gaze, suddenly shy in front of the others. My neck flushed, going hot as Malone’s hand that gripped mine. My insides were quivering with a mixture of excitement, fear and desire. No one had ever dreamt of being my rescuer, and here Malone was, still being my wolf in shining armour. In fact, his armour couldn’t be shinier if he tried.

  “Thank you,” I breathed. “Just… thank you.”

  “Right then,” Manual said, getting to his feet. “We’d better prepare the pack. No witch is going to take over our land to perform some messed up ritual. I’ll kill them before they threaten my alpha’s mate or her brother.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  The beating of my heart was like a drum, thumping, thumping in my head. The pack followed me out of the camp, towards the field just on the other side of the treeline. The full moon was almost at its apex, enticing us to shift, to change into our wolf form.

  Della had spelled us with a scent diffuser spell. She didn’t have quite enough power to make us all invisible, so we’d have to be careful when scoping out the witches.

  At least without our smell, no one could track us. It had been the safest option, despite the risk of losing our own people. We hunted in a pack, relying on scent to trace where the others had gone. Tonight, there would be no hunting. We were going in stealthily to spy.

  “Now this is something I can get on board with,” Lionel said, trotting up beside me. “I’m going to scare me some witches.”

  Scowling, I glared in his direction. “Why are you so angry at Drake and Della still? She saved your life.”

  “How did she save my life?” he hissed, “I would’ve healed eventually.”

  “With the silver in your neck? Wake up and swallow your pride.” Growling, I shook my head as my footsteps increased, crunching the leaves underground. “I’ve met her brother. The siblings are genuine. Drake is being taken advantage of because of his illness. It’s quite common and needs to stop.”

  I glanced over my shoulder. Lionel was frowning, his eyebrows pulled low. I had known the man my whole life, and although we got on well, we had never been best friends. He was a harder man, wanting to be ruled by the likes of my father. And although I was also firm, I wasn’t ruthless.

  “I respect what you’re doing to save your mate, I do,” Lionel said, “but as far as me accepting her and her brother?” We came to a stop at the edge of the woods, both looking out at the pack, who had gathered in the field beyond us. “It’s going to take a while.”

  I had to respect his stance. The pack were their own people, regardless of where they ranked. Life might have been easier if everyone just liked Della, but I wasn’t naive enough to force it. I’d already forced them to accept her on my behalf. I wouldn’t push them anymore.

  Della had been right to postpone the ceremony. It wasn’t the time, and although the pack had been the ones to come up with the idea of rushing the ritual, I wanted them to fully support our union. Not because of obligation, but because they would then see the benefits that our union, and Della, could bring.

  “Thank you for your honesty.”

  Inclining his head, he hesitated before running off to remind the others of our plan. He was a fantastic scout, his instincts for hunting surpassing most of the wolves in the pack. I trusted him to gather information and train the younger wolves.

  Soft footsteps sounded behind me. Sniffing the air, I smiled to myself. Emiliah, Lionel’s mate, came to stand next to me.

  “I’m sorry about him. I’ve pleaded with him to be grateful to Della, even going as far as telling him some of her story.” Almost sniffling, Emiliah swallowed. “I don’t understand how he can be so heartless despite knowing that Della and Drake have been through hardships we can’t even imagine.”

  “He is his own person,” I replied, clenching my hands into fists. “He’ll make his own judgement the longer he knows Della.”

  As hard as it was to admit, I was glad that Lionel wasn’t completely backing down to me. I liked a challenge and it gave me the opportunity to prove myself too. The pack didn’t despise me for turning Della, most alphas had turned a human once or twice during their rule. Neither did they hate me for being mated to Della, that cord was a bitch to break.

  However, they needed to know that I could stand in my power when challenged by those who were loyal to the ancient wolf laws.

  Della didn’t know that there were country councils. Werewolves were a wild bunch who needed to be tamed in order to live a normal existence amongst humans. The councils were made up of elders who had retired to the city in order to live out their days in comfort. They held an annual meeting with every alpha from every pack, just to check in and make sure we were abiding by the wolf laws.

  “That’s true,” Emiliah said with a sigh. “I, for one, have fallen under her charms. She’ll make an amazing co-alpha.”

  As she strode away, I gritted my teeth against the onslaught of emotions that pounded through my veins. Although my feelings for Della had intensified, I wasn’t ready to share power. Of course, Della didn’t want to be alpha, I could feel that. And yet, her spirit wolf had the DNA of an alpha.

  Shaking myself as the others started to strip and stretch, I jogged down to meet them. They turned to me, waiting for their orders.

  “Brighton Pack,” I shouted, instantly quietening the chatter. “Della is with her brother, making sure that he can handle whatever the witches throw his way.”

  Clearing my throat, I stood tall. “The witches have broken our pact. We promised to allow them to use the standing stones as long as they respected our request to not gather during a full moon. Not only have they held rituals there, they’re planning on doing something big tonight. Something sinister. We must find out what they’re doing in order to defend ourselves and our land.”

  I was only reiterating what they already knew. Manual, Henry and Lionel had briefed everyone, telling them what they had to do.

  “Make sure to stay back and allow us to do our jobs. The only time you’ll intervene is if the witches attack.”

  Nodding, I threw my hand in the air and pointed at the full moon, just as the cloud moved to reveal it. The bright orb had reached its apex.

  The wolves dropped to their knees in unison. I went with them, not bothering to remove my clothes. The process started straight away, breaking my bones first. The pain was intense but brief, almost squeezing me as my fur burst from my skin and my snout elongated.

  A bark shot from my throat as the others reared up and pushed forward, ready to follow my lead. Spinning, I set off, allowing the feel of the soft grass under my paws to propel me forward. The air, which smelt of damp and mud, rushed against my face, making me feel alive.

  Adrenaline pumped through my veins, giving me the energy I needed to lead my pack to the Devil’s Dyke standing stones. They were only three miles away, which we covered in just minutes.

  As we ducked through trees and pounded over fields, we hardly made a sound. The rustling of leaves and chomping of teeth grew silent as we drew closer, scaring the animals away.

  Making our way over the hill, we moved in unison, each knowing where the other wolves were. We had a system, one we’d practiced for hundreds of years. Normal wolves did the same, with the alpha at the front, the beta behind, followed by the main pack, and the omega bringing up the rear.

  I cringed at the thought of our weaker wolves trailing at the back of the pack. My father had been sure to use them to his advantage.

  In the three years since I’d been alpha, I’d tried to avoid having any one person as the omega. I’d been so busy living in Brighton, carving my creations, I’d lost track of who was currently at the back. Bad alpha.

  Shaking myself of regret, I slunk over the hill and ducked into a cluster of trees. The standing stones were on the other side, deep in the cavern of the Dyke. There were five of them, dotted in a circle. I understood why the witches valued the stones, considering they were ancient and harboured strong magic.

  However, they were on our lands. The treaty to allow the witches to practice around the stones had lasted for millennia. Until now.

  Spreading out, we crept to the edge of the treeline and peered down into the valley. Blood rushed in my ears as my panting slowed.

  There. Flames flickered on tall spikes, interspersed around the stones. Witches, around fifteen of them, formed a circle. Wait, that wasn’t a circle. From my position, I could see the pentagram symbol, formed from the way they stood.

  Manual drew up alongside me, nudging me with his nose. I glanced at him, frowning as I looked into his brown eyes. He knew the plan, why was he worried?

  A snort below caught my attention. Looking beyond the circle of light, I froze, my wolf form turning ice cold. On the open grass around the stones, stood around a hundred wolves.

  What the fuck?

  I now understood why Manual was puffing beside me. Turning my head, I nudged him, trying to get him to calm down. We would have to retreat – as soon as we saw what the bloody hell was going on between the witches and wolves.

  “The full moon has hit.” Ertha’s voice rose higher, amplified by magic. “It is time.”

  Two wolves and a man walked into the circle, flinching when they passed the witches. The wolves bowed their heads and stayed there, waiting for whatever was going to come next.

  When the man turned towards the elder, I almost howled as anger gripped me. Kieran.

  “On this day,” Ertha went on, swinging her long flowy red skirt, “we shall use the ancient power radiating through the stones to create a new kind of bond.”

  Kieran bowed his head also, allowing Ertha to place a hand on his head. “This man here has spoken on behalf of the Crawley Pack, confirming that a pact has been made. You will have greater abilities, power beyond your wildest dreams.”

  My heart thundered loudly, almost drowning her out. What the fuck had Kieran gone and done? And where was the alpha of the Crawley Pack?

  Leaves rustled nearby so I turned and bared my teeth without making a sound. Several members of my pack were nearby, watching me with a question in their eyes.

  Shaking my head, I indicated that the plan would not change. With the witches using Drake as a channel and doing who knows what to the wolves, it was too risky to try and stop them. We would be outnumbered in both bodies and magic.

  The pack listened, retreating to their posts. Manual stayed beside me, staring down at the strange goings on that were unfolding below. I couldn’t quite comprehend what the witches were doing, but I would stay to find out. We all would.

  “I, Kieran Montgomery, give you permission to test your magic on our pack. These two wolves have volunteered to be the first to receive your blessing.”

  The wolves around the stones bristled, their hackles rising before quickly settling. They weren’t as willing as Kieran would have them believe. Something must have happened to ensure that they didn’t have a choice but to listen to the man. Had he killed their alpha?

  “Very well.” Ertha gestured for the wolves to come forward.

  The witches stepped back, opening up the circle and allowing the wolves to step through them into the centre. Ertha reached forward and clasped both their heads with her palms. I couldn’t see her lips but her head bend forward. No doubt she was casting a spell.

  “It is done,” she shouted moments later.

  Throwing her head back, she laughed manically. The wolves in front of her yelped as they dropped to the ground, writhing in pain. I held my breath as their bodies almost humped off the ground, bouncing as their skin stretched and they grew bigger.

  As quickly as it had begun, it ended, the wolves lying still on the ground, their chests rising and falling.

  They were twice their original size and tinged with a shade of black at the end of their brown fur. One of them slowly lolloped to its feet before almost falling over. The other sprung up, pacing towards the witches and snarling loudly.

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