Undercover Witch Academy Box Set, page 1
part #1 of Undercover Witch Academy Series

Undercover Witch Academy: Complete Collection
By Rachel Medhurst
Copyright 2019 © Rachel Medhurst
Please note that the author is English so spelling is in British English.
Undercover Witch Academy: First Year
Undercover Witch Academy: Second Year
Undercover Witch Academy: Third Year
Hunted Witch Agency Complete Collection
Undercover Witch Academy: First Year
By Rachel Medhurst
Copyright 2019 © Rachel Medhurst
Please note that the author is English so spelling is in British English.
Chapter One
The bedroom door slammed before I could reach it. My eighteenth birthday was not turning into the day I’d hoped it would. If I had to kick down the door to escape, Earth help me, I would.
“Can I ask…” I shouted through the wood. “…why you are keeping me prisoner?”
A grunt from my foster father was followed by a throat clearing from the woman who was supposed to take care of me. Her attempt at being my foster mother had been careless to say the least. I would not be leaving her a five star review once I escaped from the four walls that had trapped me for five years.
“My dear,” she started, her sickly sweet tone making me cringe. “You may have come of age, but we need you here. You’ve become invaluable to us.”
“Don’t tell her that we’ve offered her to the institution.” Barry’s voice was low, but I heard every single disgusting word.
How dare they use my power to gain notoriety, and probably money, for themselves?
Thrusting away from the door, I glanced around my room. I had been waiting for the day that I could escape foster care and start my life. Today was supposed to be that day.
“You don’t need to go to any academy, dear, you’re safer here!”
Resisting the urge to break down the door with my magic, I grabbed my bag and headed for the window. I had got the offer from the Undercover Witch Academy two days ago. It had been the one I was waiting for, the academy I had to attend.
“I’m sorry,” I muttered to my pet stick insects as I thrust open the window and threw my bag to the ground below. “It’s time for me to go!”
The ground was two stories down… great, I would have to find a way to get to the grass without breaking a leg. Snapping a bone would hinder my escape, meaning that I would be shipped off to the institute within hours.
It would be easy to mistake me for a schoolgirl, climbing out of her bedroom window, and yet, I was old enough to leave home and attend a university. Why did I always find myself in these bogus situations?
“Alishia, if you don’t reply, we’re coming in!” my foster father shouted.
Climbing out of the window as the lock clicked, I grasped hold of the ledge and jumped. Whispering a feather spell as I plummeted towards the lawn, I clenched my hands into fists and hoped for the best. My stomach almost touched my throat as I headed for the ground. Just as I was about to hit, my body calmed to a slow descent, the air around me making me weightless.
“That was close,” I whispered to myself as my feet touched the soft grass.
Instead of staying upright, I somehow landed in a heap. Typical Alishia, illusionist witch with no magic, and clumsy as hell. Did I say no magic? I meant no magic of my own.
“What are you doing?” the woman who claimed to care for me shouted out of my window.
The urban household only had a small garden, which was handy for me considering the screech of tyres out front. The institute was here… already.
Grabbing my bag, I legged it across the lawn to the gate in the hedge. I flicked it open just as my foster mother screamed my name, alerting the authorities to my whereabouts.
Killing wasn’t in my nature, but if the witch - not literally, she was actually human - didn’t shut up, I would have to dig into the depths of my darkest nature and end her for good. She deserved it, she only ever fed me chicken nuggets and chips. Surely, a girl deserved better food?
“Alishia!” a man shouted from the end of the small alleyway.
The concrete path ran along the back of the houses, leading to the main street. A train station was across the street and three shops down. I hated urban life, instead preferring the countryside I’d grown up in.
Ignoring the two agents as they swung into the alley, I raced away from them, down the footpath and towards the traffic. Hopefully, I would be able to get lost in the streets of London. The Undercover Witch Academy was on the other side of the city and they were expecting me.
My breath rushed in and out as the footsteps behind me quickened. Those chasing me were the top dogs from the institute, a body of paranormal beings who were determined to pluck out the most powerful creatures from the underworld and use them to their advantage. No one knew what they were trying to achieve, but everyone knew that when someone was taken by them, they were never seen again.
“Alishia, stop!”
The cry was urgent, almost kind, and yet, my feet moved faster than they had ever moved before. My magic was low, which meant that I had to get out into the open as soon as I could. They hadn't used their magic, but it wouldn't be long-
A bright blue ball of electric energy crashed into the wooden fence just as I thrust out onto the main street. The sound of cars and people rushed into my ears as I lunged between cars, crossing the road and ignoring the hoots from the drivers.
Managing to get my phone out of my pocket, I glanced over my shoulder to check if they had followed me. They weaved in and out of the people on the pathway, almost shoving them out of the way.
Quickening my pace, I started to run, thanking people when they moved out of the way.
“Isabel?” I said into the phone when my best friend picked up. “They're here. I got the call this morning, so I'm heading to the UWA now. Meet me there.”
Not bothering to wait for her reply, I ducked down a side street and yanked open the nearest door. The shop was full of teens just coming out of school. Even though I was only three years older, my height, which was above average, and my bright blonde hair wouldn't blend with the crowd, not to mention the leather jacket and short red dress. Why had I chosen today to wear the brightest colour known to man?
“Can I help you?” a friendly old man asked as I searched for a door, any door.
“I'm desperate for the bathroom,” I replied, my gaze locked on the front door of the shop.
The newsagents was small with only two aisles. If the agents came in, I would have to zap some energy from the electric till that the old man stood behind, but I really didn't want to use my power in front of humans.
“There’s one just through there... you may use it if you buy something.”
The doddery old man pointed a shaky finger to a door that was disguised as a fake shelf. Duh, how had I not seen that? I was about to attend a top academy for training agents, and I hadn't even spotted a hidden door. Great start, Alishia.
“I'll buy the whole shop if you just let me through... please.”
Waving me over as a group of teen girls brought chocolate to the till, he dismissed me. Almost lunging behind the counter, I opened the door, checking behind me as it closed. The front door opened and a head of black curly hair started to barge through. It was the woman who had been chasing me.
Her eyes hadn't spotted me before the door clicked shut. My own gaze was on the back door, my legs taking me there before my measly brain could engage. It was a good job I had the same instincts as humans when it came to survival, otherwise I would be a very dead illusionist witch.
The door opened easily as I slipped out silently. If I didn't hurry, they would catch up to me. I had taken a serious risk by coming through the shop. I didn't have a clue whether or not it was enclosed out the back, but I had visited the shop many times, so a part of me felt like it was a sanctuary.
Metal steps led up to the roof. Treading them two at a time, I flew up them, wishing I had a lighter backpack and more magic.
An illusionist witch didn't have a direct line into Mother Earth, we had to steal energy to transform into magic. We were the lowest of the low on the witch hierarchy. Well, except me. Apparently, I had invented a way for us to use magic without stealing it from other witches. Whoopie do.
The crash of the door below forced my head out of my arse as I ran across the balcony that lined the roof. My heart was in my throat as I approached the edge of the building, preparing to jump to the flat roof opposite. Apparently, I wanted to die today.
“Alishia, we only want to talk!” the male agent called from the steps.
Taking a running jump, I managed to soar over the boundary and land on my feet on the grit and stones that lined the roof. Not stopping, I headed straight for the next one, although right at the last minute, an electric cable caught my eye.
Twisting to the left, I dove for the cable at the same time as the man's grunt was followed by the crunch of gravel behind me. He was catching up.
“Stop!” he shouted as my fingers wrapped around the electric cable, and I puffed into thin air.
My whole body shook as it landed in a bush at the side of a road. The leaves scratched me as I thrust around, trying to assimilate the electrical charge that had blasted my body. Most witches would die if they had clung to an electric cable, but not Alishia Jones. Nop
Lying still, I listened to the sound of voices on the road outside my hideout. The agents wouldn't be able to follow me here, which was another plus to being me. They couldn't use my connection to Mother Earth - because I didn’t have one - to cast location spells. It was no wonder all the academies wanted me. Not because I was super amazingly amazing, but because I was dangerous. What was the best way to beat danger? Control it.
My phone vibrated in my pocket. Tugging it out, I cursed the size of the bloody thing. Why did they have to make them the size of a book? It was a pet peeve that had me leaving my phone in my bag almost all the time.
“I'm here,” I said, coughing when my voice almost choked.
“How? You literally phoned me five minutes ago.”
Clambering into a sit, I pushed and shoved the bush, trying to get it to do as I pleased. It ignored me, scratching and pushing back. Who knew leaves could be so stubborn?
Whispering, I looked out to check if there was anyone around. “I used an electric cable. I can see you by the gates, I'll be there in two.”
Forcing myself out from my hiding place, I pushed my phone into my pocket and casually righted my backpack, tucking my hair behind my ear as I joined my friend.
“You sound like you've run a marathon... and look like you've had a fight with a bush.”
Brushing my hair with my fingers, I shrugged as I glanced at the building behind the gates. “I've basically done both over the last few minutes.”
The towering medieval academy stood on a risen hill, overlooking London. A park surrounded the sides and back, with the front exposed to the city's old streets. The cobbles were hard under my feet as I glanced at my friend.
“Are you going to tell me what happened?”
Watching the students in their partial uniforms - some wore blazers, some wore skirts, but most matched their uniforms with normal clothes - milling through the gates, I was tempted to hold back and not tell her that the institute had tried to take me. We had known each other since we were born, our mothers had been best friends. Our families had lived next door to one another, so as we grew up, we almost merged into one big extended family. Things had been wonderful, until my parents were killed.
“I’ve moved out…”
Frowning, Isabel tossed her glossy black hair and tilted her head to the side. Sometimes I wondered if my best friend would still hang out with me if we hadn’t known each other growing up. Her deep brown eyes slanted up at the edges, showing her Chinese heritage. Her tall slim figure made me hate her, especially when it was dressed in a pink Harijuku dress paired with the black academy blazer. My red dress clashed with her baby pink, and yet, she wore hers so effortlessly. Me, on the other hand, well… let’s just say, I was constantly tugging mine down in an attempt to hide my legs.
“Oh…” a deep voice said behind me as I hoisted my heavy backpack. “I know those legs anywhere.”
Turning, I stared at the man who had spoken. I had never seen him before, so how did he know what my legs looked like?
“Dracian!” Isabel almost squealed, shoving my side as she flew past me and flung her arms around the dark haired beauty. I mean, boy… man, whatever.
Wait… Dracian… I knew that name, he was the sole reason I wanted to attend the Undercover Witch Academy. I had never met him, but rage burned my soul as heat licked my skin.
“You shouldn’t be staring at my legs, you perv!” Isabel joked, punching him playfully on the arm. “Your girlfriend might not like it.”
Laughing, Dracian rested his arm over Isabel’s shoulders. Her eyes danced as she turned them to face me. I knew that look, it was a warning bell that I had learnt to listen to.
Taking a deep breath, I clung to the handles of my backpack, waiting for her to speak. My gaze avoided the curly, dark-haired, blued eyed witch. If I looked at him, he might see that I knew who he was or what he had done five years ago.
“This, my dear Dracian,” Isabel said, wiggling her eyebrows at me. “Is Alishia Jones.”
The witch had been staring at my friend. With the mention of my name, his gaze snapped to mine and… shit, I couldn’t look away. Nope, our gaze was locked like one of those mushy teen films where instant love hit. Except, there was no love involved. No, he could probably feel the hatred that rolled from me, towards his Nikes, where it would crawl up and swallow him whole. Hopefully.
“The infamous Miss Illusionist.”
“Yep. She’s started Undercover today.”
Reaching for me, she indicated that I should take her hand. Her hyperactive friendly nature grated on my depressive mood. Why couldn’t she be sad for a change?
“Pleased to meet you.” Throwing him a smile that probably looked more like a wince, I went to move away. “I’ve got to get to my dorm.”
Isabel was about to protest when Dracian let go of her and stood in my path. “My best friend is an illusionist witch. He’s spoken about you a lot. I… I’d like to see your skills.”
What was I? A magic show? A fucking science experiment?
“Yeah, maybe,” I replied, waving at Isabel as I swerved around the witch who watched me closely. “See you later, Iz.”
Before I had a chance to get far, Isabel was beside me. She linked an arm through mine as we walked through the gates and approached the steps that led up to the main building. The dorms were in the right wing, according to the email I had received, and the classrooms were in the left. Apparently, the big ballroom in the centre of the academy was for public functions and academy meetings.
“Why does it feel like we’re walking into an unholy place?”
Isabel baffled me sometimes. She was a witch, and no witch was religious, and yet, she sometimes came out with the strangest things relating to all different types of religions.
The steps were stone, the bottom a large semi-circle, the rest decreasing in size as they reached the top of the portico. Students filtered through the tall wide wooden doors. They were set in a half oval, the black hinges reminiscent of the medieval age it was built in.
“Anyway…” Isabel let go of me as we ascended the steps. “You need to tell me what-”
Her sentence dropped off as we walked through the doors.
Bloody hell, we had arrived in a palace. My mind stopped obsessing over Dracian as I stared up at the vaulted ceiling that rose into a glass dome. The sunlight dropped through, highlighting the orbs of crystals that floated in the air. Whoever had cast the spell to keep them afloat had made sure that the sun hit them at the perfect angle. As they were highlighted, rays of colour bounced off them, forming a pentagram in mid-air.
“Those steps are divine!” Running towards them, Isabel took out her phone.
The stone steps curved around the circular walls, one on each side of the entrance hall, leading to a platform above. Directly in front of me, more double doors opened into the ballroom. Witches flitted in and out, their expressions full of joy and excitement.
My dead heart just stared as Isabel took selfies with the steps behind her. What was it with my generation? Although, the orbs were pretty, to be fair.
Taking out my phone, I turned it and took a selfie of me under the orbs and coloured pentagram. Okay, so shoot me, I was into the prettiness of the place.
“First day at the academy… and post.” Isabel laughed when she returned, her eyes glued to her phone as she obviously shared her picture on one of the social media platforms.
My chest squeezed as a surge of envy climbed over me. I had wanted a normal life, obsessing over magic, books, all things witch, and even having social media. Unfortunately, I hadn't been allowed to join Witchlife.org. The social media platform was one of the top places to share spells, photos and all things witchery.
According to the site, a witch could only join after a check had been run to make sure that you weren't human. The human world wasn't supposed to know about paranormals, but that secret hadn't stayed completely hidden. Some humans craved the nuance of the underworld. The dark held a lot of appeal for them, apparently. I couldn't see why.