The Elders' Wisdom

The Elders' Wisdom

Othniel D. Forte

Short Stories

The Elders' Wisdom is a collection of hundreds of the most powerful Liberian Parables along with their meanings. The author gives some in depth explanations in some places to make understanding these parables easy for those that are unfamiliar to Liberian culture.The Elders' Wisdom is a collection of hundreds of the most powerful Liberian Parables along with their meanings. The author gives some in depth explanations in some places to make understanding these parables easy for those that are unfamiliar to Liberian culture. It is hard to overate the value of parables and proverbs in the Liberian setting. A large part of our history remains orally transmitted. As if this is not enough, an immeasurable portion of our culture, traditions and customs are learned from our elders. These great minds often transmit this knowledge using one parable or another. It is a way of speaking that is unique to them. They use parables in almost every sentence when they are teaching. These wise words carry weight because they are practical, logical and expose the younger minds to the true meaning of life. It is a accumulation of decades of experience that they pack into few lines, which are enough to the serious learner.This book is just a tip of the ice berg. It is my hope that readers will learn and wish to gain more knowledge when they read this book. They shall find lodge in these pages some of the wisest sayings of the sages from all over Liberia, it is suitable for all ages.
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Proverbs From Liberia

Proverbs From Liberia

Othniel D. Forte

Short Stories

Proverbs are a huge part of our oral tradition. In fact, whole sections of our traditional history are understood and transmitted through this method. Unfortunately, it is underappreciated like many other aspects of Liberian literature, culture or history. Our elders are known for dispensing their wisdom in these wise sayings. This book collects parables from all across Liberia. It's a must-have.Proverbs are a huge part of our oral tradition. In fact, whole sections of our traditional history are understood and transmitted through this method. Unfortunately, it is underappreciated like many other aspects of Liberian literature, culture or history. Our elders are known for dispensing their wisdom in these wise sayings. They believe that the young should take some responsibility in searching to find answers to life. This personal journey only served to make a person better fit for life and its challenges.This book collects 460 proverbs; it is a must-have for those wishing to connect to their ancestry. As for the lover of wise sayings, it is an adventure for a treasure chest. Most importantly, it is suitable for readers of all ages.
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