Books Beads and Baubles
Mary J Hicks
Mystery / Cozy Mystery
Books Beads and Baubles is a fun, short, 'Coffee Break' read about two ladies, Bertie and Wanda. They own a unique shop, half thrift store and half book store. They love the people who keep them in business and even 'old Grouchy' could call on them for help. New people don't stay new for long after Bertie and Wanda meet them. The sisters discover a theft in their store; who's the culprit?A Coffee Break Mystery - Short, sweet and clean. Bertie and her twin Wanda, own a combination thrift and used bookstore. As a service and convenience to their customers, Bertie set up a 'read-n-return' section in the book area. Customers can check out books for free, and return the books when they've finished reading them. Books begin to disappear, but no one is checking them out at the register as they are supposed to. What's happening to the books? As Wanda noted, 'they aren't leaving the store under their own steam, that's for sure!' The sisters live in a small town; their customers are good people who help each other, they care for their neighbors and they'd never do harm on purpose. Can the two elderly sisters solve the mystery…?
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