The Best of Us, page 55
part #1 of Galaxy's Edge - NOMAD Series

The Clone Wars
No Prisoners
The Best of Us
Galaxy’s Edge Season One:
Galactic Outlaws
Kill Team
Attack of Shadows
Sword of the Legion
Prisoners of Darkness
Turning Point
Message for the Dead
Tyrus Rechs: Contracts & Terminations:
Requiem for Medusa
Chasing the Dragon
Stand-Alone Books:
Order of the Centurion:
Order of the Centurion
Iron Wolves
You can find art, t-shirts, signed books, and other merchandise on our website.
We also have a fantastic Facebook group called the Galaxy’s Edge Fan Club that was created for readers and listeners of Galaxy’s Edge to get together and share their lives, discuss the series, and have an avenue to talk directly with Jason Anspach and Nick Cole. Please check it out and say hello once you get there!
For updates about new releases, exclusive promotions, and sales, visit and sign up for our VIP mailing list. Grab a spot in the nearest combat sled and get over there to receive your free copy of “Tin Man,” a Galaxy’s Edge short story available only to mailing list subscribers.
We would like to give our most sincere thanks and recognition to those who helped make Galaxy’s Edge: The Best of Us possible by subscribing to
Guido Abreu
Elias Aguilar
Bill Allen
Tony Alvarez
Robert Anspach
Jonathan Auerbach
Sean Averill
Marvin Bailey
John Barber
Russell Barker
John Baudoin
Steven Beaulieu
Randall Beem
Matt Beers
John Bell
Daniel Bendele
Trevor Blasius
WJ Blood
Rodney Bonner
Ernest Brant
Geoff Brisco
Aaron Brooks
Marion Buehring
Van Cammack
Brian Cave
Shawn Cavitt
Kris (Joryl) Chambers
Cole Chapman
David Chor
Jonathan Clews
Alex Collins-Gauweiler
Steve Condrey
Michael Conn
James Connolly
James Conyers
Robert Cosler
Andrew Craig
Adam Craig
Phil Culpepper
Thomas Cutler
Alister Davidson
Peter Davies
Nathan Davis
Ivy Davis
Tod Delaricheliere
Christopher DiNote
Matthew Dippel
Ellis Dobbins
Andreas Doncic
Cami Dutton
Virgil Dwyer
William Ely
Stephane Escrig
Dalton Ferrari
Steve Forrester
Skyla Forster
Timothy Foster
Mark Franceschini
Richard Gallo
Christopher Gallo
Kyle Gannon
Michael Gardner
Nick Gerlach
John Giorgis
Justin Godfrey
Luis Gomez
Don Grantham
Gordon Green
Tim Green
Shawn Greene
Jose Enrique Guzman
Erik Hansen
Greg Hanson
Adam Hartswick
Ronald Haulman
Joshua Hayes
Adam Hazen
Jason Henderson
Jason Henderson
Aaron Holden
Tyson Hopkins
Christopher Hopper
Curtis Horton
Ken Houseal
Jeff Howard
Mike Hull
Bradley Huntoon
Wendy Jacobson
Paul Jarman
James Jeffers
Tedman Jess
James Johnson
Randolph Johnson
John Josendale
Ron Karroll
Noah Kelly
Caleb Kenner
Daniel Kimm
Matthew Kinstle
Jesse Klein
Travis Knight
Evan Kowalski
Byl Kravetz
Clay Lambert
Grant Lambert
Jeremy Lambert
Brian Lambert
Dave Lawrence
Alexander Le
Paul Lizer
Richard Long
Oliver Longchamps
Sean Lopez
Brooke Lyons
John M
Richard Maier
Brian Mansur
Deven Marincovich
Cory Marko
Pawel Martin
Lucas Martin
Trevor Martin
Tao Mason
Mark Maurice
Simon Mayeski
Quinn McCusker
Matthew McDaniel
Rachel McIntosh
Joshua McMaster
Christopher Menkhaus
Jim Mern
Pete Micale
Mike Mieszcak
Brandon Mikula
Ted Milker
William Morris
Alex Morstadt
Nicholas Mukanos
Andrew Niesent
Greg Nugent
Christina Nymeyer
Colin O’neill
Ryan O’neill
James Owens
David Parker
Eric Pastorek
Carl Patrick
Trevor Pattillo
Pete Plum
Matthew Pommerening
Jeremiah Popp
Chancey Porter
Chris Pourteau
Joshua Purvis
Eric Ritenour
Walt Robillard
Daniel Robitaille
Joyce Roth
David Sanford
Landon Schaule
Shayne Schettler
Brian Schmidt
Andrew Schmidt
Alex Schwarz
Aaron Seaman
Phillip Seek
Ryan Shaw
Christopher Shaw
Brett Shilton
Vernetta Shipley
Glenn Shotton
Joshua Sipin
Daniel Smith
Tyler Smith
John Spears
Peter Spitzer
Dustin Sprick
Maggie Stewart-Grant
John Stockley
William Strickler
Kevin Summers
Ernest Sumner
Shayne Sweetland
Travis TadeWaldt
Daniel Tanner
Tim Taylor
Steven Thompson
Beverly Tierney
Matthew Titus
Jameson Trauger
Scott Tucker
Eric Turnbull
John Tuttle
Christopher Valin
Paden VanBuskirk
Paul Volcy
Anthony Wagnon
Scott Wakeman
Christopher Walker
David Wall
Andrew Ward
Scot Washam
James Wells
Kiley Wetmore
Ben Wheeler
Scott Winters
Gary Woodard
Jason Wright
Brandt Zeeh
Nathan Zoss
Karen Traviss, The Best of Us