The Cold Cash Caper

The Cold Cash Caper

Franklin W. Dixon

Mystery & Thrillers / Juvenile / Adventure

The Hardys look to put a gang of armed robbers on ice!Frank and Joe have volunteered to do undercover security work at the Bayport winter festival. Their main assignment is to act as bodyguards for the star performer, Olympic gold medal figure skater David Kennedy. Although put on for a good cause—charity—the festival is soon plagued by bad vibes: Money intended for the local children's hospital is ending up in the hands of masked, gun-wielding thugs, and its up to the Hardys to stop the robbers cold.
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  • 686
Return to Black Bear Mountain

Return to Black Bear Mountain

Franklin W. Dixon

Mystery & Thrillers / Juvenile / Adventure

Brother detectives Frank and Joe face the dangers of Black Bear Mountain once again in the twentieth book in the thrilling Hardy Boys Adventures series.Frank and Joe are back on Black Bear Mountain, the scene of a previous wilderness adventure and mind-bending mystery. This time, the brothers are checking in on Dr. K, a friend they made during their first trip. Dr. K is a fan of living off the grid, but he's been MIA long enough to cause worry in the small mountain town. And so the teenage detectives Black Bear Mountain relied on before have been called in to help once again. It's not a good start to the investigation when Frank and Joe's ATV is put out of commission by a falling tree. Then their camp, including their radio—their only way to contact the outside world—is destroyed by wildlife searching for food. And when they finally reach Dr. K's research station, they find his cabin has been cleaned out and abandoned—the only current resident...
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  • 597
The Great Pumpkin Smash

The Great Pumpkin Smash

Franklin W. Dixon

Mystery & Thrillers / Juvenile / Adventure

Detective brothers Frank and Joe investigate a crime of smashin' in the tenth book in the interactive Hardy Boys Clue Book series.Frank, Joe, and their best friend Chet are attending Bayport Zoo's annual Halloween carnival. Frank and Joe have a routine planned for Scaryoke, and Chet has entered the pumpkin pie-eating contest—he even brought his own whipped cream! After their performance, Frank and Joe go to check out the painted pumpkins on display. But when the brothers enter the tent, they see their Scaryoke song wasn't the only smash hit at the carnival. The floor is littered with bits of pulverized pumpkins! What's worse, the organizer says that unless the culprits are caught by the end of the day, this will be the last Boo at the Zoo...forever! Can Frank and Joe find out what happened before it's too late? Or is this pumpkin crime unpatchable?
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  • 571
Mystery on the Mayhem Express

Mystery on the Mayhem Express

Franklin W. Dixon

Mystery & Thrillers / Juvenile / Adventure

Brother detectives Frank and Joe go full-steam ahead to find the truth in the twenty-third book in the thrilling Hardy Boys Adventures series.The Hardys and some of their friends hop aboard an old train that's been restored and turned into a murder mystery experience. A cast of actors will perform an immersive theatrical production while passengers dine in style, assume roles in the game, and ultimately try their hand at solving the case. This should be a cakewalk for Joe and Frank! The production is a mess. The actors are lousy, fumbling their lines and spelling out obvious clues. At least the food is pretty good. But just as the Hardy Boys are trying to make the most of a disappointing situation, one of the cast members goes missing. At first, the audience thinks that the show is taking a turn for the better, but it quickly becomes clear that this is not part of the act. For the Hardys, the mystery has gone from good fun to deadly serious. And trapped on a...
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  • 567
Who Let the Frogs Out?

Who Let the Frogs Out?

Franklin W. Dixon

Mystery & Thrillers / Juvenile / Adventure

Detective brothers Frank and Joe must solve a muddy mystery in the ninth book in the interactive Hardy Boys Clue Book series.Bayport Elementary is hosting a Mud Run to celebrate spring! A particularly muddy part of the town's park will be set aside for the race and Coach Lambert has even managed to make more mud by using the park's hoses and shovels. Frank and Joe can't wait to splash through the muck. But on the day of the race, the runners are stopped in their tracks by croaking, blurping bullfrogs! Lots of people in the town had been annoyed that the park was being taken over by a bunch of muddy kids. Could someone have sabotaged the race with buckets of frogs?
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  • 566
A Treacherous Tide

A Treacherous Tide

Franklin W. Dixon

Mystery & Thrillers / Juvenile / Adventure

Brother detectives Frank and Joe dive deep into the Florida Keys to find a missing person in the twenty-first book in the thrilling Hardy Boys Adventures series.Frank and Joe Hardy have been invited to take part in a conservation mission by a marine biologist at the Bayport Aquarium. The boys get to go on an all-expenses paid trip to the lush and beautiful Florida Keys to help save sharks! But the trip's purpose is suddenly sidelined when a paddle boarder goes missing and rumors start that the disappearance is the result of a shark attack. After spending so much time learning about the local shark population, the Hardy Boys aren't buying the story. It will take all of Frank and Joe's recently acquired knowledge about sharks and their habitat to solve this case. Will they be able to discover what's really going on before it's too late?
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  • 485

The Garden Plot

The Garden Plot

Franklin W. Dixon

Mystery & Thrillers / Juvenile / Adventure

Detective brothers Frank and Joe weed out a vandal in the fifteenth book in the interactive Hardy Boys Clue Book series.Frank and Joe Hardy have been hard at work turning their front yard into an eco-friendly edible landscape garden thanks to a contest sponsored by the Bayport Science Center. Frank's really been enjoying learning about how to make the garden thrive, while Joe likes all of the cool critters and, of course, getting to munch on all of the yummy food. When the prize vegetables being grown in some of the top competitors' gardens are attacked, at first it looks like hungry pests have been having a feast. But as Frank and Joe unearth more evidence, it appears those cucumbers aren't being crunched by creatures with a craving. No, the veggies are the target of a clever saboteur. The Hardys will have to figure out who's been destroying the gardens fast, before their friends' chances of winning the contest are shredded like lettuce.
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  • 480
The Smuggler's Legacy

The Smuggler's Legacy

Franklin W. Dixon

Mystery & Thrillers / Juvenile / Adventure

A buried secret becomes a big problem for Frank and Joe in the twenty-fifth book in the thrilling Hardy Boys Adventures series.Frank and Joe are on a history club trip to New York City, and their first stop is the Prohibition Museum where they'll hear about how smugglers building getaway vehicles led to the rise of modern stock car racing. During a tour of damp escape tunnels beneath the museum, Frank slips and breaks a wall panel with his elbow, revealing a hidden compartment containing documents from the 1920s! The documents reveal that The Gilded Top Hat—the speakeasy which later became the Prohibition Museum—wasn't actually owned by the Faccini brothers who were arrested for its bootlegging operations. The museum curator is eager to investigate this lead into the speakeasy's history, and never ones to turn down a good case, Frank and Joe volunteer to help out. But before long, someone steals the documents and sends the boys warnings to stop...
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  • 451
The Lost Wagon

The Lost Wagon

Jim Kjelgaard

Juvenile / Animals / Adventure

Excerpt: ... Though she feared what the night would bring, at least the youngsters would sleep. Emma put them to bed, and again, in the darkness, she took the long knife in bed with her. She whispered of her weariness and terror to Joe, and hoped that, somehow, he would hear her and come back. Grimly she fought exhaustion, and set herself to listen as she had listened all last night. It was still dark inside the wagon when she heard Mike\'s challenging bark. She awoke in sudden panic, terrified by the thought that she had let herself sleep. The knife clasped tightly in her hand, she sat up in bed. Barbara awakened. "What is it, mother?" "Hush!" She heard the back flaps rustle, and she peered around the curtain to see Tad, rifle in hand, climbing out of the wagon. Emma slipped past the curtain and stepped carefully over her still-sleeping sons. It was still dark inside the wagon, but dawn\'s first faint light had come. Emma leaned over the rear. "What is it, Tad?" "Stay in the wagon!" he hissed. She saw him crouching, holding Mike\'s muzzle so the dog could not bark again and peering intently in the direction the dog was looking. Emma tightened her grip on the knife and made ready to fight for her children\'s lives. She did not weaken, or feel herself go limp, or give way to tears, until she heard Tad\'s happily shouted, "It\'s Pa! Pa\'s come back!" CHAPTER NINE Storm Joe had stopped only to let the mules rest and graze, and wherever that was he nibbled a cold snack from the food Emma had prepared for him. Then he slept, but he had purposely brought no blankets and he built no fire, because he did not want to oversleep. Though he was tired enough to doze wherever he lay down, the cold always awakened him. Never for an instant did he forget the fact that he had left his family camped, undefended, along the river. He must return to them at the earliest possible moment, for they were his to protect. Therefore, he let the mules have only the barest minimum of grazing and...
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  • 448
The Race Is On

The Race Is On

Franklin W. Dixon

Mystery & Thrillers / Juvenile / Adventure

Frank and Joe vote to solve the mystery of who sabotaged their friend’s election speech in this Hardy Boys Secret Files adventure.The Bayport Elementary elections are coming up, and Chet Morton is running for class president against Cissy Cimero. Frank and Joe have done everything they can to help their friend. They’ve made posters, handed out buttons, and helped him write one of the best campaign speeches in Bayport history. When the day of the election finally comes, they know every vote will count. But when Chet gets a rude surprise during his speech, everyone is shocked. Who would want to ruin Chet’s speech? And how did he or she manage to pull off the prank? Can Frank and Joe figure out what happened before the election is called in Cissy’s favor?
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  • 444
Wreck and Roll

Wreck and Roll

Franklin W. Dixon

Mystery & Thrillers / Juvenile / Adventure

WITH THIS BAND, MUSIC AND MAYHEM GO HAND IN HAND. Vette Smash, one of the hottest new rock bands in Bayport, is playing a gig—and thanks to their friend Phil's backstage passes, Frank and Joe are in the center of the action! But within minutes of meeting the band members, the stage lights short-circuit and a threatening message is left on the band's answering machine. Soon it's clear that someone is trying to crash Vette Smash. Frank and Joe start hunting down suspects. Is it Vette Smash's rival band, Green Machine? Could it be the jealous agents competing for the band's attention? Or is a member of Vette Smash behind the mess? One thing's certain: Time's running out. The band's threatening to break up. Can the Hardys root out the culprit before the final number?
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  • 424


Franklin W. Dixon

Mystery & Thrillers / Juvenile / Adventure

Detective brothers Frank and Joe search for a very special beetle in the eleventh book in the interactive Hardy Boys Clue Book series.Frank and Joe are taking care of their friend's super cool pet stag beetle named Izumi for the weekend. Not only is this bug fun to watch, but he is also supposed to bring you luck! The first night with Izumi, Joe learns that stag beetles like to hiss and chirp...a lot. So, Joe decides to leave Izumi on the front stoop so he can get some sleep. But when Joe goes to get Izumi the next morning, he discovers that his lucky friend isn't so lucky after all. Because Izumi has gone missing! Izumi's cage is gone so the boys know he didn't escape on his own. Did Aki's pet get bug-napped? Can the brothers find this special bug before the weekend is over? It's up to Frank and Joe—and you—to solve the mystery of the missing beetle!
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  • 420
Double Challenge

Double Challenge

Jim Kjelgaard

Juvenile / Animals / Adventure

Leopold Classic Library is delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive collection. As part of our on-going commitment to delivering value to the reader, we have also provided you with a link to a website, where you may download a digital version of this work for free. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. Whilst the books in this collection have not been hand curated, an aim of our publishing program is to facilitate rapid access to this vast reservoir of literature. As a result of this book being first published many decades ago, it may have occasional imperfections. These imperfections may include poor picture quality, blurred or missing text. While some of these imperfections may have appeared in the original work, others may have resulted from the scanning process that has been applied. However, our view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserves to be brought back into print after many decades. While some publishers have applied optical character recognition (OCR), this approach has its own drawbacks, which include formatting errors, misspelt words, or the presence of inappropriate characters. Our philosophy has been guided by a desire to provide the reader with an experience that is as close as possible to ownership of the original work. We hope that you will enjoy this wonderful classic book, and that the occasional imperfection that it might contain will not detract from the experience.
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  • 393
Monster Island

Monster Island

George Ivanoff

Science Fiction / Childrens / Juvenile

After following his mum to her top-secret new job, Bernie finds himself on a mysterious remote island inside the Bass Strait Triangle. The scientists working there call it Monster Island, and Bernie soon discovers why . . . Here, extinct and mythical creatures are alive! But that's not the only mystery. Why are there so many mushrooms? Where have the hostile drones come from? Who controls them? And why are they spying on the creatures on the island? Bernie and his new friend Ivy are determined to find out. An action-packed adventure where dinosaurs roam, secrets are dangerous and drop bears really do exist!
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  • 389