Twin Babysitters I: Sherry

Twin Babysitters I: Sherry

Jodi Sylph

Jodi Sylph

From Jessica Longstreet and Jodi Sylph comes a new short erotica series: Twin Babysitters. This short story introduces the first twin, Sherry. Sherry and Shelly are eighteen year old twins. Sherry finds a babysitting job for a hot gay couple, Mark and Chris. Her fantasies escalate as she finds Chris more than willing to be seduced.
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Twin Babysitters II: Shelly

Twin Babysitters II: Shelly

Jodi Sylph

Jodi Sylph

Sherry and Shelly are eighteen year old twins. In this volume, the story follows Shelly as she takes over babysitting for the gay couple, Mark and Chris. However, it turns out that both of the men are bi-curious, and more than willing to indulge in Shelly's fantasies.
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