Wicked Wishes, page 6

Chapter Ten
Craven stared at the mirror in front of him. He did not like what he saw.
His image was tarnished, weak, fading.
It was an expression of his inner torment, of the ideas and thoughts that were warring in his head.
What did he feel for Nola? He barely knew her, yet his mind was screaming to hold on to her and his body throbbing to screw her.
His silent, internal conflict was weighing heavily on his soul.
On the one hand, she had no real way of leaving. She never stipulated a time limit on her wish. So he could fuck her and leave her to the tender mercies of Oberon and Tatiana. Not to mention the several creatures who lived under the mound and would love to toy with Human flesh. That is what the old emotionless Craven would do.
But this new Craven, this Craven who felt intense desire, who felt surprised by the passion that existed within the tiny women. The Craven who rushed to protect her from Love and Hate, the one who actually took her to the Flower Bower, this Craven wanted to make tender love to her, to make her climax until she begged for mercy. This Craven wanted to learn as much as he could about her, and hold the information close to his heart.
Thus he was conflicted.
As he stared at the mirrors that lined the ceiling, floor, and walls, that conflict was reflected back at him a thousand times over.
While he waited for his sharp mind to come to some resolution, there was a loud knock at the door.
"What?" he bellowed, though his breathing remained calm.
"Craven. I desire a word with thee."
Great, he thought, just what I need now.
"What do you want, Oberon?"
"A word," the deep voice insisted.
"Then enter."
"You know that no one can face the mirrors, Craven, if they are not ready to discover what secrets they are ready to expose. I am not ready for that."
Sighing, Craven walked over to the door and exited quietly. The resolutions could be put off for a time. He would deal with Oberon and then give Nola what she wanted.
Afterwards, he would reevaluate his situation and then decide.
He exited the room, and there in the doorway, dressed in gauzy robes, was Oberon, King of the Fairy.
His long blue hair was loosely tied behind his head in a tail, and his white eyes glared in annoyance.
Oberon was at least six-feet-seven inches tall and sported the muscles that one would expect in a warrior king.
"What did you tell Tatiana?"
He raised one light blue eyebrow and waited for an explanation.
"For goodness sakes, Obie. Did you never tell her about us? I mean, you should not try and keep secrets from your mate."
Craven rolled his eyes as he stared at the magnificent warrior, the wonderful king, and a mediocre lover. That is, mediocre until he received proper training at his hands.
"My past is none of her concern, as is her relationship with you."
"But I am not screwing her now, Obie. Been there, done that, don't want a repeat."
Oberon sighed and tried to hold in a laugh as he stared at the man who, for one brief, shining moment, was his lover. Craven was aptly named.
"Our past relationship is not what I was referring too, Craven. But thanks for making her want to top your acrobatics in bed."
"Okay, so why the kingly brow and the scowl?"
Craven was already mentally distancing himself, deciding what to wear, what to dress Nola in, which room to do the deed, as it were.
"The Human."
That pulled him out of his musings.
"Nola? What about her?"
"You know that Tatiana is not fond of Humans, and this one seems to be causing quite a stir."
"Love and Hate?"
"They have some sort of bet going on about her. I hear that the cost to the loser will be harsh."
"Hate was trying to get into her literally. She was not impressed."
"The cowboy look?"
"Sometimes I wish we never wired the mound for satellite. Damn Western Channel."
Craven chuckled at the exasperated look on Oberon's face before he turned to look at the shorter man again.
"But that is part of the problem. She has to go, Craven. You kill her, or morph her, or wipe her mind, but she has to go."
"When I am ready."
"Craven, you have to get rid of her, or I will be forced to take action."
"Against her?"
"Against you."
"I am serious, Craven, my friend." Oberon insisted as a sad look crossed his face. "I do not wish to take action against you, but the longer she stays, the more attached you will get. And I cannot allow her to stay with you here. And you will not fit in the world above. I have been there, my friend. It is no place for any decent fairy."
He clasped his friend on the shoulder and Craven winced at the feel of the power that flowed through Oberon's kingly veins.
"I will do what I must, Oberon. And I will not be rushed. I will complete this wish and then I will do what has to be done."
"Complete your task soon, Craven. The quicker you get rid of the Human, the quicker things will settle down here."
With a nod in his direction, Oberon turned and walked away, his long legs taking powerful strides that exuded power.
Sighing, Craven turned to complete his plans. He would worry about how to get Nola home later. After all, he could not just let her go, and her wish was worded for an indefinite visit. If Tatiana had a problem with that, they would cross that bridge when they got to it.
But for now, he had to go through his leather selection and get his toys ready.
It was time to fuck Nola, to give her what she wanted.
He only hoped he wouldn't lose his soul in the undertaking.
Chapter Eleven
Nola sighed as she felt warmth surround her. It felt comforting, safe, enveloping.
She snuggled in deeper, relishing the feelings that were surrounding her body, feeling cherished and loved, like never before.
The soft voice calling her name was almost a nuisance as she tried to tune out everything but the warm glow that covered her from head to toe.
"Wake up!"
The shouted command brought her instantly awake, just in time to see the flowers, the beautiful blossoms that lulled her into a restful sleep, began to swirl and spin.
She became dizzy, disoriented as she discovered that it was not the flowers that were spinning, it was her!
She closed her eyes and groaned once but as soon as she opened her mouth to complain, the room settled and she found herself…in a dungeon.
"What…?" she muttered, confused as she took in her new surroundings.
The room was painted black—ceiling, floors, everything. In the four corners of the room, giant candelabras sat smoldering with large black candles, casting an eerie light in the darkness. On a shelf against the wall opposite her sat a strange group of implements that frightened even as they aroused.
She looked up, and before her eyes a light began to glow. It spread across the ceiling, growing in intensity, taking on a rectangular shape, until a mirror took form. She was left staring in shock, for she saw a woman covered from head to toe in leather.
She looked down, and sure enough, it was her!
Her legs were encased in what had to be custom-fitted chaps. They fit her like a second skin from ankle to hip while leaving her crotch and ass free.
Strapped across her chest was the strangest bustier she had ever seen. It lifted and held her breasts high and tight, the cups only high enough to expose her hardening nipples. The clothing exposed and offered her breasts like pastries in black leather wrapping.
Around her neck was a thick padded leather band—a collar with a metal D ring glistening in the front. She reached up and felt its confining ungiving leather, and trembled at the symbolism.
Her hands were covered too, but with leather gloves that traveled from her wrists to her biceps, leaving her fingers free.
The outfit was simple, but the feelings it evoked within her body were a lot more complicated.
She stared at the mirror and then down at her body, still not quite believing what she was seeing.
She looked powerful, strong, dominant. She was everything she ever hoped to be and was afraid of becoming.
She shivered as an untold sense of power filled her.
A wicked smile worthy of Craven himself spread across her face.
She was a leather goddess, powerful enough to take on any man. She was strength and sensuality combined in one tight package.
She was Nola. And the world had damn well better remember it!
Nola gasped and turned at the sound of the voice.
Speak of the devil… It was Craven himself.
"All that's missing are the boots and the whip. But we will not be using that, my dear."
Nola blinked as Craven seemed to just grow into view.
And what a view!
He was also dressed in full black leather, but a harness of hard shiny leather was across his chest, pulling tight around his pecs, and emphasizing the muscular perfection while highlighting his nipple piercings.
It wrapped around his ribcage, as if testing the strength of his flesh and bringing attention to his well-developed abs.
Two leather armbands rode tight and proud on his biceps, showing the strength of the muscles while giving him a menacing appearance.
At his wrists was a pair of matched gauntlets, shiny with small silver loops that jingled as he moved closer to her.
A pair of tight black leather pants covered his legs like a second skin, showing off his corded thighs and thick calves to perfection.
On his feet here a pair of square-toed leather boots that gave him the look and the feel of a master.
"Did you borrow those from Hate?" she asked as she took him all in.
She had to resist the urge to growl 'woof' as a slow grin spread across his face.
"Actually, he gets his fashion tips from me."
"I can believe it. But why the leather trip, Craven? This is a bit unusual."
"This is the gear that I intend to fuck you with, Nola. Per your request."
"But I never expected this."
"You get what you wish for. You wanted a fucking, a fucking you shall receive.
Before she could move, her pretty princess bed seemed to melt from underneath her, the coverings twining and lifting until she was suspended in mid air.
Almost like creeping vines, the covers wrapped around her legs, slid across her back, wrapped around her arms, until she was settled rather comfortably in a black silk swing. There was even a headrest so that her neck would not be strained.
Nola had never been in this position before. She was a bit nervous, but not frightened. Craven would never hurt her. But this leather sex, this was something that she had only contemplated in her deepest, darkest fantasies.
"I…I don't know what to do," she breathed as some of her unease began to transform into a tingling need.
"Just lay there, Nola. Lay there and enjoy my control of your body."
He started at her neck, licking and biting at the firm flesh, making her moan and toss her head back, exposing more of herself to his roving mouth,
His hands went to her exposed nipples, plucking and pulling at her sensitive flesh, making them stand out in hard peaks.
"I am going to fuck the hell out of you," he murmured into her ear before driving his tongue in, making her writhe in pleasure. She never knew how sensitive her ears were until be began to suck at her lobes.
"Craven, I…"
"Shh. Before I gag that pretty mouth of yours," he purred, pulling away from her tempting, tiny ears and driving his tongue deep within her mouth.
Their tongues dueled for supremacy, filling them with the flavor of the other, leaving them wanting more.
"You need a toy," Craven mumbled as he broke away from the kiss.
Reaching a hand out, a slender cylinder flew off the shelf and into his hand.
Smiling wickedly, he held the small silver shaft up for Nola to see.
"It's so tiny," she murmured as she wondered what he was going to do with it.
"Perfect for what I have in mind."
He twisted the base and it began a low humming. It was a vibrator.
With a wave of his hand, her bottom was lifted higher and all her secrets exposed.
"What are you going to…?"
A warning glance from him made her question fizzle.
Nodding, he reached his hand out again and a small black bottle floated within his reach.
"This will ease things a bit, while heating them up. A lot."
He stood between her spread upright legs and tilted the bottle.
The heated oil drizzled across her shaven crotch, coating her folds of flesh in the shiny substance. It slowly tricked down, past her opening to slide across her perineal area to her rosebud.
She shivered and jumped in her silken sling as heat washed across her body. Even her nipples contracted, as if there was a direct line from her crotch to them.
She closed her eyes and moaned.
"So pretty," Craven cooed. "The oil on your flesh. Did you know you are dripping wet, Nola? Even without the oil, your body shows me how much it needs this."
Stepping closer, he let his fingers follow the trail of the lubricant across her feminine lips around her opening, to that bit of skin that separated her cunt from her anus.
There he pressed lightly, hearing her moan as her nerves were stimulated, sending deeper desire flashing through her body.
He brought the buzzing, pulsing metal close to her, letting it rest for a moment against her clit before slowly circling her opening.
Nola whined, high-pitched and feminine, music to his ears as her body lunged in the direction of the dildo.
"No, no," he admonished as he ran the metal cock over the left side of her clit, the most sensitive side. "That space is reserved for me. I have another place in mind for this."
He lowered the dildo again, rolling it over her rosebud, sending fire through her spine.
Nola gasped at the sensations that buzzing thing was creating in her. No one had ever touched her so intimately, but it felt dangerous, exciting and taboo. Her blood began to rush in her veins and as she silently demanded penetration. Her body told her it would be pleasurable, and her body would never lie to her.
"Not yet," Craven teased as he applied light pressure to her, not opening her, just teasing her opening.
He bent low and took one hard nipple into his mouth.
Nola bucked up toward him, offering herself more fully as the heat of his mouth encircled the throbbing tip
Craven sucked at her deeply, rolling his tongue over the hard nubbin of flesh.
Nola's body reacted so beautifully he could not help but be affected by it.
He felt his cock harden and lengthen down his thigh within its leather confines, straining for release. Pre-cum bubbled to the tip, soaking his pants and making the head more sensitive. He was hard as nails, wet as morning dew, and ready for action. One hand slowly stroked his cock-head through the leather as he smiled. He was almost ready.
Nola bucked up against Craven's mouth, against that dildo, anything to make the pleasure last.
Craven brought his fingers into play, rubbing along her wet lips, teasing her clit, stroking and petting her.
He loved to watch her head whip from side to side, her eyes glazed and her luscious lips parted, gasping for breath. She was beautiful.
Shaking those thoughts out of his head, Craven decided that it was time to get back to work. Looking down at her writhing ripe body, he knew she was ready.
Stepping back, he unlaced the front ties of his pants, letting them part to expose his hardness.
"Nola, are you ready to be fucked?" he asked, his voice almost singsong.
"Craven," she whimpered as she tried to reach for him. But the silk wrapped around her wrists, preventing her from moving as it slithered along her exposed body parts, adding another layer of sensuality to the proceedings.
"I think…yes."
She nodded her head, body straining towards his like a moth to the flame.
Craven peeled his pants low enough to expose his flesh, dampened by sweat and desire.
The smell of hot leather and hotter man filled the room, making Nola inhale deeply of the arousing scent, causing her mouth to water.
Stepping up to her, Craven again ran the little vibrator over her rosebud, teasing the entrance a bit, before sinking just the head inside her ring of muscle.
Nola gasped at this penetration. Fire shot from her opening to her clit that began to demand attention of its own.
But restrained as she was, she could only whimper her approval and plead for more.
And Craven was willing to give more.
Teasingly, he slid the metal cock inside a bit, before withdrawing, widening her, stretching her for its full penetration, the oil easing his way.
Again and again he twirled the vibrator, sinking in a bit deeper each time, leaving her panting and shaking, a sexual thing wanting to be had.
"Deep breath," he whispered as he began to apply a steady pressure.
Nola first felt like she was being ripped in two. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. But riding along on the wings of the slight pain was an overwhelmingly intense pleasure that left her shaky and unsure of herself. She felt like she was being reborn, like there was no longer a virgin part to her body.
Trembling, she gave over to this new sensation, forcing her body to relax and accept the invader, and in doing so welcomed the fierce biting pleasure that caused her to moan and bite her lip in lust.
Dildo securely placed, Craven moved in for the kill.
Taking his cock in hand, he ran the large, plum-colored tip over her clit, adding to the wetness there with his pre-cum, circling the sensitive button until a sob escaped Nola's throat.
Slowly, he eased himself down, teasing her entrance, sliding inches in, far enough to stretch her muscles into accepting the large head, then pulling out again.
Over and over he penetrated her with just the head, making the nerves at her opening reverberate with spine-tingling need.