Wicked wishes, p.4
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Wicked Wishes, page 4


Wicked Wishes
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  "Tatiana," Craven said as he walked towards her, stepping over the writhing bodies that littered the floor. "What brings you, of all people, here?"

  "The Human."

  Tatiana was a raging beauty, and in her fury, she was even more…just more.

  Her eyes flashed lavender and her long silver hair flowed freely around her as she tapped one foot impatiently.

  She was dressed in the finest gossamer gown; the nearly clear panels draped and caressed her body like shadows, and seemed to make her larger than life in the dim light of the room.

  Tatiana, Queen of the Fey, mate and master of Oberon, was in a fine temper.

  "Human?" Craven asked as he stopped before her, flashing his trademark wicked smile.

  "Don't play games with me, Pain-boy. You know who I am talking about."

  "But you used to like the games we played, Tatiana," he purred, his eyes dropping to half-mast as he recalled the delights to be had in the Queen's bed. For she wasn't always the Queen. Often, before she committed to Oberon (or 'forced Oberon to see things her way'), she was just another fey princess—beautiful and deadly in her own way.

  "Craven," she hissed as he looked towards the heavens for help.

  "So, what of it?" he asked quietly. "Humans often make wishes that we choose to grant. And this one was ripe and on the hill."

  "Humans are never allowed here, Craven. They disrupt the order."

  "Right now, Craven," Tatiana said slowly, "she is entertaining both Love and Hate. Who knows what those two will do to her, but more importantly, Craven, Human's don't belong here."

  "It was her wish."

  "And you had nothing to do with it? You didn't coach her just a little? Craven?"

  "Maybe a little."

  "And when does she leave, Craven."

  He stopped at that.

  "Let me recall…"



  "They are placing bets, Craven. Bets that the mighty Craven has fallen for a Human. A Human, Craven. They are…savages."

  "I have fallen for no one, Tatiana. You should know this," he said with a significant look in her direction. "Some of the most beautiful women in the realm have tried, and they received only heartache for their attempts."

  Tatiana blushed a bit at his comment, for she knew that she was one of the few that had fallen for the Master's charms. But then she met Oberon. And then…

  "Humans are nothing but trouble, Craven," she insisted, shaking off her past feelings with a bit of effort. "Remember that Shakespeare character? Do you remember what harm he did with that silly tale of his? Imagine Puck playing a prank on us. Imagine."

  That was one of the main reasons Tatiana had a hatred, well, deep dislike, for Humans. She helped one man out, one man mind you, who had been crying his eyes out, babbling about writers block, and for centuries she is branded a victim and a spiteful woman.

  "I like this Human, Tatiana," Craven continued. "She has something that I have never experienced before."

  "Virginity?" she asked, curious. "Because if it's a hymen you wish, I know potions that can turn any woman you choose…"

  "No, woman." Craven sighed, then at her angered glance, remembered his manners. "No, My Queen. It is not that. There is something about her. She is…different."

  After a moment of being scrutinized by the Queen of all Fairies, Craven shrugged his shoulders, at a loss for words.

  "There is just something different about her."

  "Well, you had better discover that difference and get over it soon, Craven. I don't want her here. We don't need the exposure."

  "Yes, My Queen," Craven agreed, but not out of some deep need to please royalty. He had to figure out what it was about Nola that made him so susceptible to her. He had not even made well and proper love to her and already he was scared of how that made him feel.


  He froze for a moment as what he was thinking registered in his brain.

  He felt something.

  Something other than boredom and a need to sow his seeds.


  It was a novel experience.

  Grinning to himself, he bowed shortly to the Queen and made his way back to the leather room where he had left Nola.

  "What about this orgy?" Tatiana stopped him with her words.

  "You preside."


  "Tell them to put tab A into slot B and to get the hell out of your way. I am going to handle…other matters. If you get stuck, call Oberon. I taught him some things that year when we were together and I am sure that they stuck."

  "You and…and Oberon? My Oberon?" Tatiana stuttered, disbelief spread across her face.

  "Well hell, woman. Someone had to teach him a thing or two to get you into his bed. That vibrating tongue trick is something, isn't it? He was always such an ardent student."

  "Craven," Tatiana yelled, stamping her foot as she glared at him.

  "Carry on with the orgy, My Queen."

  He snapped his fingers and a spot in the center of the floor began to tremble and then opened.

  The tangled bodies occupying that spot rolled over and to their delight, a shelving unit rose from the ground.

  A shelving unit stocked with the most obscene sex toys and dildos ever imagined.

  There were foot-long butt plugs, leather masks, vibrating eggs, floggers and whips, paddles, lotions and lubricants of all types.

  "Spread the sexual joy, My Queen," he chuckled over the loud receptive roar as the toys were seized and used with rigorous abandon. "Learn a thing or two to take back to Oberon."

  With that parting shot, he made his way back to the leather room…and to Nola.

  He would experience a bit more of the range of emotions that he could feel.

  After all, per their contract, they had a long time to experiment.

  Chapter Six

  Love now sat in Nola's lap, nearly purring as she stroked the fur on his belly. He had never had this much fun with a Human before. He almost felt bad that she was connected to…Craven.

  That fairy had ruined so many of his schemes. He didn't deserve Nola with the lovely tan skin and the soft liquid eyes.

  "If you are finished getting your rocks off…"

  Hate was still miffed that Nola paid him scant attention.

  Now he was leaning on the wall across from them, his eyes narrowed as he watched his twin receive what was rightly due to him.

  "And why is it due to you, Hate?" Nola asked.

  Hate flushed as he realized that he spoke out loud, but his eyes never left the bent-over figure of Nola.

  She was still sitting, her legs crossed in a way that hid her breasts and her cunny from his sight, but she freed one arm to stroke Love's furry little belly.

  "Because I am beautiful." He looked at her as if she was blind. Could she not see that he was worthy of praises too?

  All Love did was tell her a few stories about Craven and the next thing he knew, Nola was rubbing his belly and murmuring in sympathy with him.

  "You have an ego problem," Nola stated as she rubbed Love's belly again. "You need to be more of a gentleman, like your brother. He has manners."

  "What do I need with manners when I have the total package?" Hate spat, glaring at the two of them.

  "The total package?" Nola looked ready to laugh and Love quirked one smug look in his brother's direction.

  "The total package," Hate reiterated, as if they hadn't heard him the first time.

  "The ass." He turned and presented his bare rump, pointing out the dimples in the muscled flesh.

  "Very nice," Nola said, deadpan.

  "The cock. Have you ever seen such a magnificent dick?"

  He swung the member in question in her direction, making sure to point to the neatly circumcised head that had absolutely no scar from the removal of the foreskin. It was red, thick, and arrow shaped, the way most women preferred, he assured her. Not to mention the thickness and the length.

  Nola held back a yawn. If she hadn't seen Craven in all of his glory, and not even fully erect, she may have been impressed. Now she was faintly amused by Hate's loss of…control.

  "The chest is broad and muscled, the legs are thick, unlike most human males who concentrated on the upper body and have pipe-cleaner legs. My hands are large and sensual and the face is one to break hearts. Not to mention my red hair. Red, Nola. Red hair. The total package."

  "Er, um, very nice, Hate."

  During his tirade, Nola ceased stroking Love's belly, and now the little creature whined pitifully.

  He was beginning to grow on her, she thought. Almost like a Cabbage Patch Kid, who she always thought were so ugly they were cute.

  "Nice. Nice? I show you the total package, what women and men have died to possess, and you say nice. Nice?"

  "Um, Cute?"


  Hate exploded as he closed his eyes and yelled to the mortal world above.

  "He's having a fit," Love added unnecessarily as he and Nola watched the screaming redhead.

  "No shit, Sherlock," Nola said through her teeth. "Tell me something that I didn't know."

  "You…you Human." Hate glared at her as he finished his vocal exercises.

  "Yes," Nola said as a hint of fear penetrated her shock.

  She could always use Love as a human shield, she thought as she looked down at his small furry body. Not that he would provide much of a barrier between her and his brother, but Hate wouldn't strike out at family, would he?

  "Human. Prepare to have you nightmares become reality," Hate began, but was interrupted when the room began to pulse, to almost breathe.

  "That is my woman, Hate," a low menacing voice grumbled as Nola began to smile.

  "Craven," Hate hissed, his eyes glowing an eerie red.

  "You want to give her nightmares? That is my job."

  Nola's smile turned into a frown.

  "You left her alone, Craven," Hate defended, his eyes losing their glow.

  "So the minute I turn my back you come here and try to take away what I have done to her? Do you know how greasy that is, Hate? Kind of bastardly of you."

  As he spoke, the walls at the far side of the room began to glimmer and stretch.

  As they watched, slowly the form of a head and hands pushed, forced their way out.

  Then the walls were parting smoothly, and the naked from of Craven stepped slowly into the room, the wall closing around as his body slipped through and he stepped free.

  "Bully of you to show up," Hate snorted. "And I could have made that grand entrance, but I save my powers for useful things."

  "Like trying to sell the total package," Love snorted, then chortled with delight as a flush suffused his brother's face.

  "Nola, did they scare you?" Craven asked, as he seemed to flow deeper into the room, the others forgotten.

  "Love can be pretty frightening and dangerous," she said, her eyes trained on his body as he stepped close enough to cup her cheek in his hand. "But Hate is…"

  She paused, thinking pointless comments, but decided that it would not bode well to insult a creature that could make your nightmares a reality.

  She looked over at him and noticed how he leaned in to hear what she would say.

  "Hate just is."

  "Is what?" Hate demanded, curious in spite of himself. "Not that I care what a Human thinks of me."

  "Despite the fact that you tried to sell her the total package and failed woefully," Love added, a just trying to be helpful look on his face.

  "Silence, brother," Hate snarled. "Or I will remove one of your ears. Then your eyes will look lopsided and you really will be blind."

  "What does his ears have to do with his eyes?" Nola asked, then groaned as she brought Hate's attention back to her person.

  "Well?" Hate demanded, tapping his foot and setting his enormous cock swinging. "I am waiting."

  "For underwear, no doubt," Nola muttered under her breath only loud enough for Craven to hear.

  He snickered and she shot him an evil look.

  "What was that?" Hare was getting inpatient.

  "I said that you are not the opposite of your brother. Love is not the opposite of hate. There is great passion in you, and that is not the opposite of Love. I believe the opposite of Love in indifference, and you are anything but indifferent, Hate."

  "And that makes me?"


  Chapter Seven

  Craven was still laughing as he lay beside Nola on the hard stone table.

  "Oh, shut up." she hissed, still annoyed with the fairy for laughing the way he did. "How was I supposed to know that calling Hate nice was a high insult? Now he's angry with me and who knows what he will do?"

  After she pronounced Hate to be nice, the red-haired fairy let out a stream of expletives worthy of a Dublin dockhand and stormed from the room, dragging his giggling brother with him.

  "He-can't-touch-you," Craven managed between guffaws of laugher. "You are mine."

  Tears rolled down his cheeks as he lay beside his Human, hilarity still plastered across his face.

  "It is not that funny," Nola hissed. "You try having an emotion upset with you."

  His laughter tapering off, Craven lifted his eyes to Nola, slowly letting them roam up her body to her face, hot with indignation.

  "He is a fairy. No more, no less. He cannot harm you, Nola. He can only influence what you believe. And a minor influence at that."

  "And what is it that you have done to me, Craven? Is it influence, or is it something much worse?"

  "Oh, definitely much worse."

  "And what is that?"

  As she spoke, her eyes traveled along his body. Her breathing increased as her nipples started to go hard.

  "I have merely awakened a desire in you, Nola."

  "And that is worse than influence?"

  "Yes, Nola," he breathed as he pulled his body over to her, laying her back as his fingers began to caress that body that held him in rapt attention. "Because you can deny any outside influence, make excuses for those who attempt to coerce you, ignore that they do. You cannot lie to yourself, Nola. Your body, your mind, your soul will know the truth. And you will desire all your body craves all the more."

  The truth of his words hit her as he spoke directly over her lips, his lips grazing hers at each word. More than anything, she wanted to open her lips, press her mouth against his, breathe in the air he breathed out.

  It was scary, but it was the truth. Her body would not allow her to hide her arousal from him or from herself.

  "Damn you, Craven," she breathed as her hands tangled in his hair, spreading it around her like a cloak, feeling the vitality of it caress her body.

  "Damn yourself, Nola. This is what you wished for, what you wanted. It was always inside you. I just showed you to the door to set it free."

  Then there was no more talking as his head dipped low to lick the flesh between her breasts.

  She arched up into him as he lapped small circles around her nipple, not touching, but getting so very close.

  Nola moaned and tugged on his hair, trying to force his lips where she needed them the most, but he resisted.

  Trailing from one aching breast to the other, Craven left a pattern of small licks and bites on her flesh, the bites stimulating and awakening her nerves, the licks soothing the fire he inflicted with his mouth.

  He ignored her moaning and the little gasps that escaped her throat and continued downward, nibbling at her ribs and licking straight down to her navel.

  She giggled as he lapped at the small sexy divot, bringing his hands down to hold her hips still. His intentions were not to amuse but to arouse, and he knew that laughter could kill desire if overdone.

  Holding her hips firmly, he slid to the end of the table, sliding to his knees as he pulled her to the edge, parting her legs and placing them on his shoulders.

  Her laughter stopped as he slowly spread her legs and lifted them. It was such a submissive act, allowing him this control, but she realized it was something she desired.

  Craven looked down at her slick flesh, the pouting lips of her opening glistening with her arousal, and almost lost control.

  Nola was a quivering feast for his eyes, a perfect rosebud waiting to be plucked.

  He lowered his head, his eyes catching hers, and he stuck out his tongue and got his first pure taste of Nola.

  Nola's head thrust back at the first rough touch of his tongue against her sensitive flesh, but she tried to keep eye contact. His damn eyes staring into hers was the most personally erotic thing she had ever experienced. She felt as if her soul was open to his gaze.

  Craven first lapped at the flesh to the right of her clit, then the left, feeling the smoothly shaved skin against his tongue. It felt new and fresh. But his main purpose was to determine which side was more sensitive.

  She pulled back a bit when he ticked the fleshy lip to the right, but pushed against him when he stroked the left. The right was more sensitive and needed a finer touch.

  Using his thumbs to part her, he stared at the rosy skin of her exposed sexuality.

  "Beautiful," he breathed as he slowly teased the tip of her clit with his tongue.

  "Oh!" Nola gasped as the sensations of him slightly manipulating her clit sent waves of heat through her body. They spread out through her stomach, down her thighs and up her chest until her whole body was vibrating.

  He breathed over her parted flesh, feeling her tremble as his warm breath washed over her, then unable to resist, leaned in and took a long drink.

  Nola moaned and tightened her thighs around his head, pulling him closer as she writhed on the tabletop.

  His eyes still held hers, but now they were filled with a passionate fire, intent on making her his conquest again.

  Craven felt himself harden as the flavor of Nola filled his mouth. He buried himself deeper, making his tongue into a fleshy spear he used to plunge into her depths.

  Her near-screams of pleasure, her passionate whimpers, made his seed roil within his balls, and his shaft straightened to its fullest. One of his hands left her to grasp and stroke his own meat, his thumb circling the sensitive head.

  He pumped his cock as he lapped at the silky smooth flesh, becoming more excited as he tasted more and more of her sweet dew.

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