Wicked wishes, p.3
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Wicked Wishes, page 3


Wicked Wishes
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  "It's moving," she gasped as she tried to squirm away.

  "It is readying itself," he answered as the wire began to take on an almost blinding glow even as it wrapped itself around his body.

  Suddenly, it burst into flames, making Craven appear to be trapped within the coils of some living fire snake that wound its way across his naked flesh, highlighting his perfection while burning with an intensity that matched his inner heat.

  "Prepare yourself, Nola," he whispered as he held out one hand and the whip slithered into his grasp. "The whip is ready."

  "No. Craven, please don't."

  Visions of lashed flesh and sliced skin filled her mind. Would he flay the skin off of her body? Was this the cost of a foolish wish?

  With a swishing sound, the first lash fell.

  But instead of screaming pain, she felt as if her back was on fire, but not a painful one.

  Her nerves came alive under the lash, sending messages of intense explosive pleasure straight to her woman's center.

  She moaned as her body began to tingle again.

  "The lash feeds desire, Nola. It finds the inner heat in its victim and magnifies it a thousand times. I will have your screams, Human, but they will be screams of pleasure."


  Again the lash fell and Nola moaned as the whip wrapped itself around her torso, licking at her nipples even through the padded table, making them harden and tingle.


  It flicked against her inner thigh, gently caressing her feminine lips, making them glisten with the dew of her arousal.

  "I can feel your heat rising, Nola," he purred. "I want to feel more. You have yet to give me the screams that I crave."


  This time, the lash went higher, licking at her clit, causing a gasp of stinging pleasure to explode from her mouth.

  "Not quite," he purred. "But close."

  Again and again the fire whip kissed her body, singeing her flesh and made her writhe in ecstasy, pulling emotions from her that she had never felt before.

  Dark, hard emotions that made her want to scream for fulfillment took her out of herself and morphed her into some animalistic creature that hungered for more.

  "Yes," she hissed as the whip licked at her tender flesh. "Yes. Again. Harder."

  "Damn." Craven gasped, sweat forming on his brow as he went about his work, his erection beginning to rise. "Damn." He looked down again.

  Yup, it was on the rise. It had kind of hit half-mast before while he had lost himself inside and around Nola, but now it was definitely hitting way past the halfway mark.

  It was something that had not happened in months.

  It was puzzling that in the entire fairy realm, this one Human had that affect on him.

  It was…cool.

  "Fuck, yes," she hissed as the whip again lashed at her now dripping femininity. "Whip that clit. Hit me harder. Heat me up."

  Groaning, Craven exploded into full erection as he plied his whip with skill, taking the time to strike a less sensitive area, to build up the anticipation.

  Nola was lost in a sea of motion, all of it bubbling and erotic.

  Her head swam with disbelief, but her body raged with an inner heat of its own.

  The whip, something that she had always feared, now became an instrument of divine torture.

  Each strike of its heated coils made her squirm on the table, her thighs quivered as her nerves sent signals of deep arousal and demands for fulfillment to her woman's center.

  "Ask me for more." Craven demanded. "Tell me you want this."

  "I want this."

  "Tell me you need this."

  "I need this. Please."

  "Then scream for me."

  "Please!" she wailed, as she felt the tension within build to a fever pitch. Her body was on fire and growing hotter. Her nipples dug into the padded table, arousing them to the point of pain. Her clitoris was on fire, begging for another stinging kiss of the whip. She felt empty inside, empty and yearning to be filled. "Please."

  "Your wish is granted, but at a price."

  That said, he tripled the speed of the whip, drawing her need to its highest point. The air was filled with her sobs of longing and the sound of the lash striking flesh.

  He moved closer to her heat, as if drawn by invisible hands. Closer he stepped. Until inches separated them.

  "I feel you," he crooned in her ears as the whip lay still in his hands. "I can feel you, smell you, taste you."

  "Please," she whimpered, a slave to her body and its cravings.

  "Your wish is granted."

  That said, he lifted the handle of the whip, a solid ebony shaft, and lifted it to her lips.

  "Kiss it."

  Desperately she placed kisses along the length and tip of the hilt.

  "I can almost feel that," Craven breathed as he watched intently as she peppered the head of the whip her small desperate kisses that told of her need.

  Smiling, he pulled it away from her and ran it down the overly sensitized skin of her back, eliciting more moans and shivers.

  Slowly he ran the hilt past the cleft in her bottom, making her quiver in nervous fear; then her wet inner lips were being caressed with the hot ebony.

  "Your body kisses it so well," he purred then plunged.

  As if struck by lightening, Nola's body arched backwards, her hands clenched into fists, and all hell broke loose within her.

  "Yes!" she roared as she tried to draw air into her lungs. "Yes!"

  The smooth shaft penetrated her, eased within her hungry cavern and fed the fuel to the fire that was taking over her mind.

  "So very hot," he breathed as he slid the handle within, watching as pearly drops of her essence glistened on the thrusting hilt. "Oh, I love doing this."

  "More," she begged as she tugged on her bottom lip with her teeth. "Please."

  "With pleasure," he crooned and began to increase the speed of his lunges.

  Craven felt his heart hammer in his chest as he watched the erotic display his little Nola put on. She was writhing and humping the table, grinding backwards on the ebony hilt, crying her need with her lower body.

  To be inside her, he thought as sweat beaded on his forehead and his hair brushed against her, sending waves of heat through them both.


  "Who am I to deny you," he breathed as he braced one hand above her and began to thrust in earnest.

  "Craven," Nola gasped as he twisted the shaft, striking her clitoris in just the right area, stroking her inner button with just the right speed.

  She felt the tension within her double, then triple, then reach a breaking point.

  "I'm going to… Here it comes!" she roared.

  Incredibly intense waves of climatic release exploded throughout her body. Her inner walls tried to grab and hold the ebony phallus, but Craven moved it, keeping her riding the waves of her release, keeping the orgasm going.

  "Yes." Craven breathed in her ear as he felt her body wrap around the hilt of the whip, felt the incredible heat roar off of her, felt her climax as it rushed over her.

  Slowly, he eased off his grinding, letting her come down from the climatic high, pulling the shaft from her body.

  "Nola," he breathed, trying to keep from exploding across her back and losing the control that he had held perfectly for years. His cock was a throbbing instrument at its full arousal, hard as steel and getting harder. "I am going to enjoy you."

  But here was no answer.


  He looked down into her face, and held in a bark of laughter.

  Nola had fallen asleep.

  "Just like a man," he snorted as he backed off from the table and allowed it to go back to its normal position. "But much sweeter," he sighed as he placed the hilt of the whip in his mouth, sucking and lapping her juices from its hot surface.

  Now, he asked himself as he licked Nola from one if his favorite toys, what do I ask for now?

  "You owe me another favor, Human. And I am going to have so much fun when I collect."

  Chapter Four

  Nola groaned as her attempts to roll over were stopped by a most remarkable throbbing in her lower regions.

  Her thighs ached, her back ached…hell, her hair ached.

  What had she been doing?

  Then in a flash, she remembered what had happened to her, what he had done to her, and how she had reacted.

  "I'm a slut," she sighed faintly, accepting what her mind was telling her. "I loved everything that he did to me, damn it." Her body rejoiced.

  Peeling her eyes open, she closed out the images of herself writhing on that damn table, the feel of the lash like a fire in her veins… Cautiously she looked around.

  Then she wished she had kept them closed.

  "I am in leather hell," she groaned as she took in the walls, the ceiling, even the damn floor, all lined with black leather. Well, it looked like leather.

  "You are in a play room, nothing more."

  "Who said that?"

  Her nude state caused her to forget about the aches and pains that came with vigorous bed-play as she balled up in a knot, trying to cover as much skin as she could. Being naked with Craven, well, that was something that felt natural. He had been the water in her bath. But being naked in front of strangers…other strangers, that was too much.

  Looking around to catch the voyeuristic culprit, Nola saw nothing.

  "Where…" Her voice trailed off as she still could not find the owner of that voice.

  It was a sweet voice, though.

  But Nola had enough of listening to the voices in her head. See where they got her?

  "Down here."

  "Eik." Nola squeaked as she again heard that voice and looked around, pulling her hair around her like a silken cloak.

  Flipping over on her stomach, she inched her body to the edge of the platform she was laying on, noting that the leather material took on her body heat and almost felt alive.

  "Yeah, come closer."

  Slowly her peered over the edge and saw that it was a table. Only her eyes and a few strands of hair were hanging over the side. She gawked at what she saw.

  It was a troll.

  She didn't know that there were trolls under the hill.

  This one was only about three feet high and was some odd purple color. In place of normal human ears, there was a set of fuzzy bunny…antenna.

  It also had three eyes, but the one in the center of his forehead was closed. Besides the furry bunny ears, it was bald as an egg. She thanked God that it was wearing some sort of pants, because a look at the genitalia would have probably left her screaming and dysfunctional. Not that she was functioning normally these days.

  "Uh," she gulped as she stared at the creature. "Hi?"

  It grinned, showing razor-sharp teeth, making Nola grunt and back away in a hurry.

  "Ungh," she groaned as she sat up and pulled her knees to her chest. Would he chew off her toes if she made a break for it?

  "What?" the voice floated up to her. "Was it something I said?"

  Before she could move, a tiny, clawed hand reached up and got a lock on the table. Nola watched in mounting horror as the little purple guy easily pulled himself up. First the fuzzy ears then the closed eye cleared the table. Then with a grunt, he flung his body up and in a flash was standing before her.

  Nola's eyes opened in horror as the little beastie again grinned at her.

  Before she could control herself, a piercing shriek filled the air. Her foot lashed out faster than a fire whip and the little…it went flying.

  "Ouch," he bellowed as he flew across the room. Nola jerked her hands over her mouth, not sure if she was more horrified at her actions or at the little purple man.

  He landed in a pitiful heap at on the floor; a shuddering gasp let her know that the air had been knocked out of its lungs.

  "Why did you do that?" he whimpered. "I only wanted to talk."

  "Sure," Nola shot back, trembling as a small sliver of guilt penetrated her mind. "That's what the spider said to the fly, right before he pulled out his juicer."

  A muffled groan was her only answer.

  "Um. Creature? I mean…little guy?"

  No answer.

  She wanted to lean over the table and see what had happened to him, but one too many horror movies, and the memory of monstrous creatures springing through the air to latch onto some helpless woman's face held her in her place.


  "Love," he snapped.

  "Um, gee, this is so sudden," she hedged as she looked around for an avenue of escape. "I don't even think we have been introduced."

  "I am Love, you idiot."

  "Okay, Mr. Love. If you would be so kind as to direct me to my host, Craven, I am sure he can find a chicken or something for you to gnaw on."

  "I am a vegetarian," the indignant voice bellowed before he again leapt to the tabletop.

  Nola was going to run and kick again, but the poor thing looked so…pitiful.

  "Um, you are Love?"

  "That's right," he snapped as he stood there, rubbing his back, eyes narrowed in her direction. "I am Love, Giver of Divine Pleasure, Balm to Lonely Hearts, Sanctuary for True Believers, Deliverer of…"

  "Oh," Nola interrupted. "You are one of these fairy people."

  He stopped mid-introduction.

  "Fairy people?" he said softly.

  "Yeah, the fey."

  "The Fey?" He narrowed his eyes until they were tiny slits glinting menacingly at her.

  Nola blinked, and then thought she had better start making amends…fast.

  "Well, I am new here."

  "Fairy people. I am the protector of all that is pure and true. I am also the scourge of the lovelorn."

  "I am a doctor in training," Nola returned tentatively offering up her hand, then thinking better of it and pulling back. His teeth looked sharp and he looked pissed enough to want to change his diet.

  "I am Love," he bellowed, both arms akimbo. "And I just wanted to meet you."

  "Um, Love, why?"

  "Because he thinks he is going to win this bet," said a new voice from across the room.

  The new voice caused Nola to again shriek and ball up in a knot, protecting her nudity.

  But his voice was silky smooth, almost as velvety in texture as Craven's.

  Nola looked beyond Love and saw what fantasies was made of, at least what they would be made of if she had not met Craven first.

  He had red hair, long blood-red curly hair that hung in ringlets down to his knees. His eyes were a twinkling green. His body was…woof.

  He had no piercing, but what he lacked in adornment he more that made up for in endowment.

  His cock hung about a foot long… flaccid.

  Nice to look at, Nola quickly decided, but not to take home and play with.

  He wore leather chaps that seemed to emphasize his girth, being that they only covered his legs. His feet were bare, but beautiful. His body was so pale it almost glowed.

  "Now that I have seen the whole show, so to speak, you can cover up now."

  Nola had been taken off guard, but not really impressed. I mean, she thought, there was no fire whip strapped to his side.

  The little purple guy exploded in laughter, his fuzzy ears twitching.

  The tall stud glared at the creature and Nola stared at them both like they were crazy.

  "Geez. You would think that there would be a dress code around here." She again eyed the redhead's display while the bunny dude huffed with giggles.

  "You are naked," the redhead pointed out, striking a pretty-man pose, flexing his muscles and making his cock jump.

  "But I have some humility. Shame on you," she hissed at the flirting man. "And would you hush," she said, turning to the purple guy.

  The redhead began to pout and crossed his arms over his chest defensively, as if Nola actually hurt his feelings.

  "Who are you?"

  Somehow the naked cowboy wannabe seemed more threatening than that purple bunny antenna.

  "He's my twin," the purple guy chuckled as his laughter eased.

  "Your twin?" Nola sneered, looking at the six-foot red-haired Adonis and then at the tiny purple man.

  "Yes." Love chuckled his last chuckle and stood up, mirth swimming in his two open eyes.

  "Well, who is he?"

  Still in a pout, he answered her.

  "I am Hate."

  Nola blinked at the two of them.

  "I am in deep trouble," she sighed.

  Chapter Five

  Craven chuckled as he looked around his throne room. Again, there were bodies writhing on the floor, slippery spots staining the carpets, and the sounds of moans and cries filling the air. Life was good.

  "What has you in such a good mood?" one three-breasted beauty asked as Craven approached the fairy equivalent of a muse of this event. Lust was hot in her eyes.

  "I have been challenged, my dear," he replied as he removed one exploring hand from his erection.

  "And who will be the lucky recipient? You know, Vegras is still talking about the last time you tupped her."

  "That was three years ago," he snorted and dismissed her words with a wave of his hand.

  "Yes, but she said that no one else had ever filled her like you did. She even remembers how you held back for hours."

  As she spoke, the woman licked full red lips and shuddered as she stared into the unique turquoise eyes of Craven.

  Chuckling, he began to tap his front tooth with a long fingernail as he observed the woman.

  "You're in heat now, aren't you?"

  She whimpered and smirked at him.

  "I bet the skin of your thighs are starting to get slippery with your want."

  She nodded slowly, her lips parting as she gazed adoringly at him.

  "I bet," he murmured softly, "that your nipples just got hard, like I have been sucking them, making them pop with pleasure. Then I would make you lick my fingers, lick them one by one so that they would be moist when I rammed them…"

  "Craven," a low and angry female voice shouted from the opposite side of the hall.

  For a moment, all movement, all moaning, and thrusting ceased, then returned with renewed vigor. But Craven's attention was caught and he turned away from the heaving, panting woman, to face that one who looked ready to commit murder.

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