Wicked wishes, p.16
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Wicked Wishes, page 16


Wicked Wishes
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  Polly met his thrusts, tightening her legs and then arching upward to take more of him. She threw her head back and moaned loudly, drunk on the feel of him inside her and the intensity of the passion between them. She no longer felt like herself. She had lapsed into some primitive being, greedy and desperate only for more pleasure, more feeling.

  He snarled, "Say my name."

  She whimpered, "Dran." As he rewarded her with another forceful stroke, she heard the slap of their bodies. His hands on her hips pressed a little harder, just short of pain and she smelled the tangy scent of arousal, sweat, and sex. She drew in a harsh breath and said in a voice that didn't even sound like her, "Dran!."

  He stroked in and out fiercely, not letting her catch her breath, keeping her pinned to the edge of release. She moaned and fought the impulse to scream.

  He said roughly, "Again."

  She felt the rasp of his cock as he withdrew and then plunged deep within the slick clenching walls of her sex. She was hot, aroused beyond caring. Nothing mattered but this feeling. Nothing. She screamed, "Dran!" and tightened her sex around him. With the force of a punch, she was hurtled over the edge of the cliff into oblivion. As pleasure pulsed through her, she dimly heard his low throaty moan as he joined her in release and barely realized that the scream echoing in her ears was her own voice.

  Dran collapsed against her, his head buried in her shoulder, breathing raggedly. Polly struggled to breathe. She felt boneless, as if she were floating. When he lifted his head, she eyed him lazily, too content at the moment to move.

  She saw the sleepy male satisfaction on his face and nearly smiled, charmed against her will. When he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her lips with surprising tenderness, she felt the first stirrings of unease.

  He leaned away, staring into her eyes for a long moment, and then said with peculiar solemnity, "Hello."

  Polly stared into his face and wondered why that one word sounded so much like a promise and a threat.

  Chapter Ten

  The next day the four of them met at the motel. It was a somewhat grim day filled with planning, arguing, and trying to figure out how to survive while catching a killer. The only moment of levity came when Polly spoke for the first time in a strangely hoarse voice. Tiffany raised an eyebrow and asked, "Polly, your voice sounds strained. Are you okay?"

  Polly flushed, looking away from Dran and said, "I'm fine. A twenty-four hour thing. I'm sure it's only temporary."

  Dran's voice rang with challenge as he said, "Best take care. Temporary can become permanent."

  Polly flashed him a look. "Not in this case."

  Dran watched her with hooded eyes and merely shrugged. He turned to Zak and began to question him about the meeting.

  Tiffany eyed Polly skeptically and asked, "You going to tell me what that was all about?"

  Polly said firmly, "Not a chance."

  Tiffany grinned. "That's what I thought. Oh well. I guess I'll let you keep your night of wild sex with Dran a secret for now."

  Polly's expression was pure exasperation. Her face flushed even more. "Can we stay on topic here or do you want an orgasm count?"

  Tiffany laughed and placed her hand over Polly's. "Okay, I'll stop teasing you. I'm just…glad for you, Polly. You look…happy."

  Polly smiled a little. "Well, thanks."

  Then the four of them returned to the grim task at hand. They went over the options carefully, trying to plan every scenario. What if Merlez was waiting in ambush? What was the best way to draw him out later if he didn't show up? When Zak mentioned the location of the meeting, Tiffany rolled her eyes, too appalled to speak.

  Zak looked at her in question. "What?"

  Tiffany said sarcastically. "I just can't believe it. A warehouse? At night? You've read the books and seen the movies, right? This is such a bad idea. It's a cliché, I'm telling you. Merlez will be in there waiting to blow your head off. Or else he'll catch me outside. My life had turned into a series of bad plots. I'm so not liking this whole idea."

  Zak smiled. "Clichés are clichés, Tiff, because there's usually some truth to them. The warehouse was chosen as the meeting location long ago because it's remote. Meeting at a public place endangers other innocent people. It's completely logical."

  Tiffany nodded her head. "Right. Okay, fine. But when Merlez jumps out from behind a box, I'm going to be very ticked off. I mean, extremely aggravated."

  Zak laughed. "Yeah. I know."

  Tiffany frowned, "And the girl usually gets shot trying to save the hero. Or else the hero gets shot and nearly dies tragically in her arms while declaring his love. Nope, I'm not liking this idea at all."

  Zak grinned. "I've already declared my love." His expression sobered abruptly. "All kidding aside, Tiff, you're not going to get shot. I wish you would stay here at the motel. I really think it's safer than at the meeting. If only I could be sure…" He was frowning, lines of worry creasing his forehead.

  Tiffany saw the concern on his face and felt her heart melt a little. "Zak, I'm joking but I'm serious, too. I'm worried about you, too. We'll face this thing together. We'll be fine."

  Zak nodded his head, although his eyes still looked grim. "Yes, we will. And when it's over, there are some things we need to discuss."

  Tiffany smiled. "Like where we're going to live?"

  Zak's face softened and the look of tenderness he sent her melted her further. He said, "Yes, and how soon I can convince you to marry me."

  Tiffany felt her heart jolt in her chest. "I thought we were already married?"

  He placed his hand over hers and said, "We are married according to my world, but I want a commitment from you in the eyes of your world, too. I know I didn't really give you much choice about it before." He flashed her a look of love, with just a touch of uncertainty. "Will you marry me?"

  Tiffany took a deep breath, filled with such joy that she wondered if her body could contain it. She looked at the man she loved so much and said simply, "Yes."

  He kissed her softly, his mouth moving against hers tenderly. When they drew apart, Tiffany sighed. She murmured with absolute determination, "I won't lose you."

  Zak brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it gently. He looked into her face and said solemnly, "No, you won't."

  Tiffany felt a chill as she thought of the upcoming meeting. She hoped they were right.

  Chapter Eleven

  Zak, Tiffany, Polly, and Dran paused outside the warehouse speaking in low voices, wearing identical grim expressions. The building looked deserted and eerie in the moonlight. Dran had rented a vehicle and they had parked some distance away so that they could approach the building quietly. Zak hadn't lied when he called the location remote. The rundown building was situated beside the river in farming territory. There were no other buildings even close. It had been out of use for years, although Tiffany wondered if the government had used it in the past for covert meetings. Staring at the warehouse, she put her hand on Zak's arm and said, "I don't like this. I have a bad feeling. I think Merlez is in there waiting. And where the hell is Rojda and the rescue crew? This doesn't look right."

  Zak's voice was reassuring. "Rojda and his men are probably inside. Tiff, everything's going to be fine."

  Suddenly the distinctive sounds of lasguns being used came from the warehouse. They could see blazes of light through the windows and hear voices screaming. The four of them ran forward, ducked down, and crouched behind a large bush. Tiffany could hear noises like things were falling within the warehouse. There was the sound of footsteps echoing in the night. And then silence. Total silence.

  Tiffany looked at the others. Polly, Zak, and Dran had their lasguns out and ready. She had refused to take one, saying she'd probably shoot herself by accident. She hated guns. There was no point in carrying one if she didn't know how to use it. Besides, she wasn't completely helpless.

  A masculine voice called out from the warehouse. "Zak, are you out there?"

  Zak muttered, "It's Rojda." He called back, "Yes!"

  Rojda yelled, "Stay where you are until we make sure we have him. We've got a man down but he was hit in the face. I need to make sure it's him. There was also more than one person who came in. Give us time."

  Tiffany felt the hard cold press of metal against her skull. She swallowed. She said quietly, "Zak…"

  Zak, Polly, and Dran were peering around the bush at the warehouse, lasguns gleaming in the moonlight. Tiffany said loudly, "Merlez has a lasgun against my head."

  The three of them spun around and she saw the look of disgust and anger cross their faces. They had been so preoccupied with the action in front of them that they had not expected an approach from behind. It was a stupid mistake.

  Merlez said calmly, "Very good, my dear. Everyone stay calm. Drop your weapons."

  Tiffany saw the hesitation. She swallowed and said, "Drop them, guys. He's a killer, remember? And it's gonna be hard to miss when he has the lasgun to the back of my head."

  The three of them dropped their guns. As each one hit the ground with a soft thud, Tiffany tried to focus and keep calm. This was it.

  Merlez's voice continued coldly from behind her. "At last. Zak, before I kill your whore, I wish I could make you pay for the last six years."

  Zak eyed Merlez grimly and asked, "What do you mean?"

  Merlez said bitterly, almost conversationally, "It was my last hit. I was retiring. Instead, I've spent six years hiding, moving from planet to planet. They have pursued me relentlessly. I am not pleased. It's a shame I can't torture you before killing you. It would give me a great deal of satisfaction. Normally, I don't waste my time, but for you, I would make an exception."

  Tiffany felt a chill all the way to her soul. There were times in life when evil crossed your path. There was no question, no other word for it, there was only the deep internal knowledge that you were in the presence of something dark and evil. This was one of those times. She knew intuitively that Merlez was more monster than man.

  Tiffany braced herself and bluffed for time, "Thank goodness some clichés really are true. Merlez, we have you surrounded. You shoot me and you'll be dead, too."

  She heard the quiet chuckle from behind her. "Oh, really? I don't believe you, my dear. I think Rojda and his men are quite busy with my hired help in the warehouse."

  Then there was the sound of Merlez sucking in his breath and the distinctive hum of a lasgun on ready. Tiffany remained absolutely still. There was silence for a moment and then another masculine voice said, "I think she's telling the truth. Drop the lasgun, Merlez. My name is Rojda Perilnere and you are hereby declared a ward of justice."

  Merlez cursed. "I'll kill her. At least I'll have the satisfaction of hurting him."

  Rojda's voice was cold and calm. "If you do, I'll kill you. Not exactly a good deal for you, is it? Drop the weapon now."

  The tension was unbearable. Tiffany looked at Zak in the moonlight. His eyes were glittering at her and his hands were clinched in fists. She could see that he was ready to spring at any moment. If she waited, he'd play the hero. She knew it. She said, "Zak, I love you."

  Zak surmised her intention just a second too late. For Tiffany time seemed to slow and yet crash in on her at lightning speed. Her heart was hammering and her vision seemed to have narrowed. She knew she'd never get a better chance with Merlez distracted by Rojda.

  Tiffany screamed her head off, startling Merlez. At the same time, she fell into a crouch, bringing her arm up and wind-milling it outward, sweeping the lasgun from Merlez's hand with a clean, practiced motion. Then, with all her might, she used her other fist to drive upward between his legs. She heard his agonized wail, just as Rojda's lasgun went off, missing Merlez and almost hitting Zak. Merlez went to his knees and Tiffany brought her elbow upward, smashing it into his jaw. He fell to the ground, out cold.

  There was a moment of confusion and yelling and hands pulling at her. Tiffany was swept into Zak's arms. She could feel his heart racing beneath her ear and his shaking body. He was holding her too hard and saying, "I can't believe you did that. I can't believe you did that." He pushed her away from him and shook her. He yelled at her, "Don't you ever do that again!"

  Tiffany felt her own body shake now as what had happened began to penetrate. She nodded jerkily. "Okay. Zak, it's okay."

  Eventually, things settled down and were sorted out. According to Rojda, Gorden had betrayed Zak. They were still investigating, but Kerlan and Earth authorities had verified that much information while investigating Gorden's death. Rojda made arrangements with Zak to testify before the council in a few weeks, but said he would notifiy Zak of the exact details later.

  When everyone had calmed down and Merlez was on his way to Kerla with Rojda, Tiffany found Dran, Polly, and Zak staring at her. Assuming they were still upset over Gorden's betrayal of Zak, she said grimly, "I know, I can't believe Gorden was corrupt either. Zak, I'm sorry your friend betrayed you."

  Zak shook his head at her. He said flatly, "He paid for it."

  She nodded sadly. The three of them continued to stare at her. Finally, she demanded, "What?!"

  Zak said, "Tiffany, where the hell did you learn to do what you did to Merlez?"

  Tiffany said, "Well, I took that defense class a year ago. Don't you remember?"

  Zak closed his eyes. When he opened them, he said, "I thought it was some kind of self-protection class. I had no idea they would teach you that kind of thing."

  Tiffany grinned. "Well, they did and they didn't. Did I ever mention I was the junior kickboxing champion of my college class?"

  The three of them eyed her in surprise. She laughed. "Hey, you three think you're the only ones who can have secrets?" She beamed at them proudly. "And I'd like to point out for the record that the ditzy brunette beta accountant without the weapon saved the day. How's that for surprises?"

  The three of them began to laugh. Tiffany grinned. Zak was right. Sometimes life was a cliché and clichés were often based on truth. But, in her experience, just when you thought you had it all figured out, life threw you something unexpected. Like a wish. Or a secret agent friend. Or a brother-in-law. Or a contract killer. Or love. You just had to go with it and hope for a happy ending. And be prepared to defend yourself against the bad stuff.

  Zak shook his head at her and said, "Remind me never to get you mad at me. And don't ever do that again or I'll…"

  Tiffany raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

  He wrapped her in a hug. "I'll never let you out of my sight."

  Tiffany laughed. "Some incentive to stay out of danger. Oh well, don't worry. My birthday is over. The bad guy is caught. Everything should be back to normal soon. My brief career as a damsel in distress is officially over."

  Zak hugged her hard. He murmured, "I love you, Tiff. Let's go live happily ever after now. What do you say?"

  Tiffany relaxed into his embrace. "I say yes."

  Chapter Twelve

  Tiffany looked at the image of herself in the mirror with amazement. She looked almost…beautiful. Her skin was glowing against the stark white of her wedding gown. Her face was lightly flushed and her eyes glittered with excitement. She looked exactly the way a bride should look—radiant, expectant, in love. She saw Polly step up behind her in the mirror and smiled.

  Polly sighed. "Tiffany, you look so beautiful. Absolutely perfect. Zak's going to be struck mute when he sees you."

  Tiffany smiled inwardly at the thought. Oh she hoped so. She said aloud, "Thanks. I feel so happy today. I can't believe how right this feels. I can't believe how perfect this moment feels."

  Polly smiled, although a shadow crossed her face. "You deserve to be happy, Tiff. Zak and you love each other and you'll be happy together."

  Ralph, her hairdresser, chimed in, "And girl, your hair is perfect, too."

  Tiffany turned and surveyed him, unable to stop the grin from tugging at her mouth. "Yes, my hair does look perfect. Ralph, as usual, your artistry knows no equal. You are the king of hair."

  He beamed at her and drawled, "Thank you, thankyouverramuch."

  Tiffany was shocked as a sudden thought occurred to her. No way. She'd known the slightly overweight and balding man in front her with the dark hair and incredible blue eyes for years. Elvis was dead. Everyone knew Elvis was dead. Why, for her hairdresser to be Elvis he'd have to be at least…she mentally calculated…well, much, much too old to be alive. She frowned and flashed him a narrow look. Unless Elvis had actually been Preintellian. They could live for thousands of years. Nawwww. She shook the thought off with a grin and caught Polly staring into space, again. That had been happening a lot lately.

  Tiffany stood up and walked over to her friend. Polly blinked and looked at her in question. Tiffany said, "Polly, everyone deserves to be loved. You never know what or when life will throw love in your direction."

  Polly said, "Thanks, Tiff, but my life is exactly the way I want it. I know where I'm headed. I know the score."

  Tiffany smiled broadly. "Yeah. But no matter how orderly and predictable your life seems, things can change in an instant. You never know what might happen. You may wake up some morning and find order turned to chaos. Polly, trust me, love may be only a wish away."

  Polly went pale. She narrowed her eyes. "Tiffany, on your birthday, you didn't make a wish involving me, did you?"

  Tiffany tried to hold her innocent expression. "Would I do that?" She hugged Polly and Ralph quickly and then said hurriedly, "Better run, happy ever after is waiting!"

  As she stepped through the door, she heard the distinctive sound of Polly saying vehemently in a tone of panicked denial, "Nooooo! Tiffany!"

  Tiffany smiled to herself as she heard her name called in a wail. Yep, sometimes, your friends knew you only too well.


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