Wicked wishes, p.15
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Wicked Wishes, page 15


Wicked Wishes
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  He answered softly, "Polly?"

  She raised her eyebrow. "Yes?"

  He stared at her mouth for a long moment as the lights dimmed and then came back on. The vehicle was moving at top speed. "The name you'll be screaming tonight is Dran, not Drain. After tonight, you'll never forget it."

  She swallowed. "Big talk."

  He nodded. "Yes, but I don't lie."

  Polly gave him a sad look for a moment thinking of all of the times she had been lied to and all the lies she had told in her career. In spite of the heat coursing through her body, she gave a soul-weary, skeptical sigh. "Right. Let's start off with some degree of honesty at least. We want each other and we're strangers. It's for one night. You'll be leaving soon and we'll never see each other again. No need for evasion or dishonesty. That's actually the beauty of it. Purely pleasure, no obligation. No responsibility. We're having sex, plain and simple. To put it bluntly, a fuck's a fuck. Beyond that…well, sorry, but trust me, everybody lies."

  He said firmly, "I'm not everybody."

  As the vehicle pulled into the station announcing the first stop, she felt the ground shift beneath her feet. Telling herself inwardly that it was only the slowing of the vehicle, she turned without saying another word and faced straight ahead.

  Chapter Eight

  Tiffany felt the warm spray of the water as it washed over her body and let out a sigh of pleasure. She could hear Zak moving around in the bathroom, but he had given her a moment of privacy by putting her down inside the doorway. As she listened to his movements, she felt her excitement build. He was about to join her. She raised a soapy hand and began to rub along her arm, imagining what would happen when he stepped inside the small stall with her. She paused as she heard a muttered curse and then nothing.

  Then, the door of the shower opened and Zak appeared in the doorway. She turned and smiled at him, feeling a little awkward. They had made love but that had been a heat of the moment thing. This was, well, this was different. She was naked and he was…She caught her breath. He was naked and already erect. The muscles in his body moved as he stepped forward and put his arms around her. She felt the hard length of his cock pressing against her stomach. She lifted her head and leaned into him, grateful for the embrace. She smiled and said, "Well, hello. Nice to have you join me."

  He smiled down at her tenderly, although he gave her a playful nudge against her stomach and said, "Well, I'm happy to join you, too."

  He pushed her a small ways away and gave her a mock frown. "I believe you missed a spot."

  Tiffany grinned. "Oh yeah? Which spot?"

  Zak hit the button on the wall and soap sprayed into his hand. He rubbed his hands together slowly, working up a lather. He said huskily, "Let me show you."

  Tiffany watched his hands and nearly groaned at how sensuous they looked. He was killing her. She was getting turned on by a guy's hands for goodness sake. But, then again, this was not just any guy's hands. This was Zak. And he was about to rub her body the way he was rubbing his hands together—with those same slow strokes. She swallowed.

  Zak said huskily, "Turn around and face the wall."

  Tiffany turned around and heard him chuckle. She felt confused for a moment and then remembered the dream. Oh yeah. She realized that he meant the wall next to them and felt foolish. She stepped and turned until she was sideways, with water streaming over her but not as strongly now.

  Zak stepped behind her and said huskily, "Put your hands on the wall, sweetheart."

  Her heart started racing and she licked her lips. Placing her hands on the wall in front of her, she felt the coolness of the tile. The next thing she felt was the heat of Zak's body as he stepped closer. He touched her back and she arched a little, grateful to feel his hands on her at last. As she felt him stroking slowly over her back, it was all she could do to hold back a moan. It felt wonderful. He was exerting just enough pressure to relax her and yet turn her on. He kept up the gentle rhythm, making her sigh.

  Tiffany was silent as Zak worked his hands down to her waist and then to her butt. As he massaged her, the slick slide of his soapy hands made Tiffany bite her lip. She said softly, "That feels so good. Don't stop."

  She felt the teasing glide of one long finger between her cheeks and stilled. Zak said smoothly, "You feel incredible under my hands, Tiff. All of you."

  His hands moved to her thighs and she could feel him bending down behind her. She started to turn, but his voice stopped her.

  He said firmly, "Stay where you are."

  She cleared her throat and murmured, "Okay."

  He continued his massage down her legs. Tiffany felt like squirming. She'd never felt so relaxed and so excited at the same time. Her heart was hammering in her chest. She felt hot and she knew she was dripping wet in a way that had absolutely nothing to do with the shower. As she felt him stand up behind her and place his hands on her shoulders, she moaned.

  He said softly, "I love to hear that sound. I love to feel you shiver under my hands."

  Tiffany felt his hands slide down her back and then around to her breasts. She held her breath as she waited for him to touch her aching nipples. As she felt him cup her breasts in his palms and rub, she moaned louder.

  He responded by thumbing her nipples and bringing his lower body into contact with her. She felt the hard length of his cock pressing along her lower back and butt and shivered hard. Her knees were beginning to feel shaky. She leaned backward into him a bit, but arched forward at the same time into his hands.

  He murmured, "That's right. Step back and spread your legs for me, Tiffany. Arch your back, baby."

  Tiffany could barely understand him. She was focused on the feel of his hands toying with her nipples. She stepped back and spread her legs until her stance was wider. She felt him move one hand to her lower back and complied by arching forward even more under that gentle pressure. When his hand moved from her back around to her aching sex, she sucked in a breath and waited impatiently.

  He stroked between her legs slowly, his fingers gently circling her opening and then slid upward to circle her clit. She gasped and moaned louder. She said, "More. Give me more."

  He gave what sounded suspiciously like a moan, too and complied. He teased and tormented her clit until Tiffany could barely catch her breath. She whimpered. Suddenly, she felt him move his hand and she was caught by surprise as water poured over her. He was using his hand to direct the spray.

  He took his hand from her breast and said roughly, "Step under the water for a minute."

  She complied eagerly, anxious to have him inside her. Once she had stepped under the water and rinsed completely, she turned to him anxiously. She reached up and kissed him hard, catching his mouth with hers and thrusting her tongue inside eagerly. He met her with his tongue and they fought for control of the kiss. Tiffany felt him pushing her backward until the cool tile was pressing into her back. She shivered at the sensation.

  Zak broke the kiss finally and placed both hands on her shoulders. Tiffany felt the gentle strength in his hands as he turned her firmly around. His arms slid down her arms until he reached her wrists. Wrapping his hands around both wrists, he brought them up and over her head. She felt him slide his hands until they were over hers, and place her palms flat against the tile.

  He said harshly, "Step back and take me."

  She stepped backward, spreading her legs and arching her back, anxious to feel his cock slide into her waiting heat. As she felt that first probing touch, she moaned loudly and pressed backward as far as her body and her hands on the tile would allow.

  Zak's cock probed her wetness, sliding inward slowly as if he was trying to be gentle. As she felt the length of him fill her deeply, she moved forward a little and then pushed back. She heard Zak suck in a breath and moan softly. He pulled out of her and then pressed inward again with more speed. As she felt him slide along the sensitive walls of her sex, she arched to meet him. The water from the shower streamed over them gently and Tiffany felt the heat rising. He was thrusting into her harder and harder, going deeper inside her. Her mind stopped thinking and she was just focused on the sensation, the feel of him behind her. His hands were pressing hers against the tile, making movement impossible. It was wild and almost primal as he thrust within her depths over and over. She moaned louder.

  Zak suddenly removed his hands from over hers and swept them along her back. Tiffany shuddered but left both palms where they were. One hand crept forward and he began to tease her clit mercilessly. He kept up the relentless rhythm of his strokes as she fought to keep her legs from giving way. Then, his other hand traced her spine downward, making her muffle another moan. He shoved into her hard and then pulled back. His hand swept along the cheeks of her ass and his thumb traced the crease. He circled her rear bud slowly and Tiffany stiffened with a combination of fear and shock and excitement. He thrust into her harder, stroking her clit.

  His finger played along the crease of her ass, and she went over the edge with a sudden surge of wild pleasure. Her climax hit her with the force of a violent storm, the waves of pleasure crashing through her without mercy. She screamed helplessly, focused only on the clenching of her body and the pleasure filling her.

  She heard him moan loudly, but continue stroking. Suddenly, he slammed into her hard and paused. His entire body shook and he groaned. She felt his cock pulsing inside her sex as his hot seed flooded her.

  It was a long moment before Tiffany could breathe well enough to speak. Finally, she said, "When I can walk again, I want to strap you in that chair. And I want to be the one on top of you."

  He was resting against her back and pulled upward a little, although he was still inside her. He chuckled and said, "Wellll…it is still your birthday. I don't want to ruin your birthday party."

  Tiffany turned around slowly and then beamed at him. She said, "Yes, well…"

  Birthday party. Wishes. She had a sudden thought. She really shouldn't do it. It was too risky. Then again, if things turned out well in the long run like they had with Zak…She remembered that hot kiss Dran and Polly had exchanged. With an inward smile, she silently made another wish. What the hell.

  Zak studied her expression curiously. "What was that look all about?"

  Tiffany grinned. "Oh, just wondering how Polly and Dran are doing."

  Zak's voice reflected his sudden amusement. "You made a wish involving the two of them. Didn't you?"

  The problem with falling in love with your best friend is that he knows you all too well. Tiffany gave him her most innocent look. "Now would I do something like that?" As she heard Zak burst into laughter, Tiffany grinned. You bet.

  Chapter Nine

  Polly took a deep calming breath as her door came in view. She started to press her hand on the id-lock, when Dran spoke behind her.

  He said firmly, "No. One moment."

  Polly turned to look at him in surprise. The hallway was deserted and quiet. The two of them were alone. It was safe. There was no threat that she could discern. With some degree of bafflement, she asked, "Why?"

  Dran pushed up his sleeve and hit a combination of buttons on his arm-pc. In the silence of the hallway the low mechanical voice of the computer said, "Instituting syscheck…"

  Polly felt the heat flood her checks. Of course. She should have thought to get this out of the way right up front. It was the practical thing to do. No need for embarrassment or feeling foolish. As she listened to the computer continued running the diagnostic and announce that it was okay to proceed, she pushed up her own sleeve and punched in the activation code. The voice of her computer performing the syscheck and declaring her okay sounded loud to her own ears. The silence continued as she stared at him, her heart pounding.

  Finally, his mouth curved in a smile. He said gently, "Polly, open the door."

  Polly nodded jerkily and turned around, feeling clumsy. Right. The door. She pressed her palm to the id-lock and heard the slide as her door opened. She swallowed and walked boldly into the apartment, hearing his footsteps behind her. The door closed with a barely audible click.

  She turned and met his eyes squarely. Determined to cover her sudden awkwardness, she asked, "Would you like a drink?"

  He shook his head and said, "No." His hands went to his shirt and he drew it over his head with casual normality.

  Polly saw the width of his shoulders in the dim light of the room. She had left lights at sixty percent. His skin was smooth and dark. His muscular chest was clearly defined and seemed to gleam in the soft light. His nipples were flat round disks surrounded by a light covering of dark curly hair.

  Polly sucked in a breath and tried to still her pounding heart. He looked like gorgeous, mouth-watering, sexual temptation incarnate.

  She cleared her throat, trying to think of something, anything to say. Her voice emerged husky and low. "Would you like something to eat?" She watched as his eyes darkened.

  He said slowly and distinctly, "Polly take off your clothes if you don't want them ripped." He bent down and removed his shoes and socks. His hands moved to his pants and he lifted an eyebrow at her. "Now."

  Polly felt a dark thrill at his words. He sounded predatory and aggressively male. In spite of the danger of the situation, she felt strongly that he wouldn't hurt her. He might fuck her brains out, but he wasn't going to hurt her. She reached down with shaky hands and hurriedly took off her clothes. She felt clumsy and awkward in her haste, but she couldn't help it. She wanted him so much, far more than she had anticipated. When she was completely nude, she took one step forward and stopped to face him.

  He was completely nude as well. Her eyes dropped to the large hard cock thrusting forward from his body and she felt an undeniable sense of need so sharp it stole her breath away. She let her eyes wander from his lean hips to that hard cock past the masculine thighs and legs to his feet and back up again. Her eyes finally landed on his face and she knew in an instant that tonight was going to be out of control. He was staring at her as if he planned to eat her alive and had every right to do so.

  He said huskily, "You're beautiful. And for tonight, you're mine. There are no rules, just pleasure. As much pleasure as you can take. And then, I'm going to push you harder and you're going to take more. Come here."

  Polly took a step forward and then stopped. His words rang in her ears like a battle cry. She shook her head. "No. You come to me. And we'll see who pushes harder."

  Dran smiled slowly at her words. He walked forward until he placed his hands on her shoulders. When she jerked a little under his touch, he smiled wider. "This time will be fast and hard. There's a long night ahead of us and plenty of time for you to push all that you want. You're welcome to try." He reached out abruptly and palmed her sex. Stroking her gently, he teased, "I guess I'll show you how to come, too."

  Polly was shocked at the sensation of his hand boldly moving between her legs. She was already wet, and his fingers slid slickly along her flesh. As he teasingly probed and circled, she lost her breath on a moan.

  Dran leaned down and took one nipple hungrily into his mouth. Polly bit her lip at the sudden wet heat pulling at her breast, causing her to feel pleasure too sharp for words. She felt him circle her hard nipple with his tongue and boldly push one long finger inside her sex. She was so slick and ready for him that he slid inward easily.

  Within seconds, she felt a second finger join the first. Her legs began shake and she felt the heat rising inside her with a ferocity that was unbelievable. She brought her hands up to his head and tangled them in his dark hair, pulling him closer to her. Finally whimpering, she muttered, "More, dammit. More."

  Dran stood and picked her up into his arms. Polly gave a muffled exclamation of surprise at the suddenness of the move and then grabbed for his shoulders desperately as he strode toward her kitchen. She had a bar separating the living room and kitchen. She felt a wild surge of hunger as she felt him place her gently on the counter facing him. He spread her knees and stepped between them in one smooth motion.

  Polly said, "This is…"

  It was all she had time to get out before he placed both hands on her hips and pulled her toward him. As she felt her sex come into contact with the hard thrust of his cock for the first time, she said, "Wow."

  He was poised at the entrance to her sex. Polly held her breath as she waited for that first intimate plunge. Instead, she felt him move one hand up until it was under her chin, forcing her to look him in the eye.

  He asked roughly, "What's my name?"

  His name? Polly fought through the haze of desire to recall why that information was important at the moment. She remembered his earlier statement and said huskily, "Dran."

  He brought his hand between them, guiding his cock until the head was just inside the tight entrance of her sex. Feeling the blunt tip of him sliding into her, she fought to relax and enjoy the sensation. He was huge, but she was going to take him. She was going to take him and enjoy him and utterly savor this night of madness.

  She whimpered as he pulled back just a bit. She said, "Give it to me now." She arched forward, trying to force him deeper inside. She didn't want slow and considerate. She wanted hot and hard and fast and mindless. As he slid further inside her, she wrapped her legs around his waist and muttered, "I want it all. Now."

  Her words seemed to set off something inside him. He cursed and thrust forward hard, filling her roughly with one long powerful stroke. He arched his spine and pushed until the tip of his cock could go no further. Then he paused and gasped, "Did I hurt you?"

  Polly shook her head. His cock stretched her inner walls tightly. She was filled, teetering on the fine edge between just enough and too much. She moaned and murmured, "It's good. So good."

  He muttered, "Yes. It will be better." He withdrew and thrust forward again with more force. He moaned and his hands tightened on her hips, threatening to bruise. He began to stroke her with the rapid, violent strokes of a man pushed past the limit of civility. He claimed her savagely and ruthlessly, an animal claiming his mate.

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