Wicked wishes, p.11
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Wicked Wishes, page 11


Wicked Wishes
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  It shifted underneath her and large straps sprang from the sides. Tiffany exclaimed, "What the hell?!" as two straps emerged from the sides of the chair and locked her arms in place against the armrests with an audible click. She pulled her arm upwards, but the straps were snug. She pulled harder, but the straps did not give. The material was soft, but very strong. She was stuck.

  Zak laughed. "You should see the expression on your face! Tiff, that was classic! Well, you're not going anywhere for the moment and it seems I now have your undivided attention."

  Tiffany snarled, "Yeah, well get me out of these things."

  Zak smiled. "I think you're fine for the moment."

  Great. She was now strapped to a chair until Mr.-I've-Lost-My-Mind decided otherwise. She'd landed in some kind of bizarre birthday farce where even furniture could not be trusted and Zak decided now was the time to be cute. Men. Tiffany gave him a look that promised retribution and said flatly, "Start talking or start planning on how to get away from me when you're done here. One of those things may save your life."

  Zak's face grew serious. "I'm not sure where to begin."

  Tiffany gave him a scathing look. "Gee, the beginning would probably be appropriate. I already know the ending."

  Zak settled his body on the edge of the bed across from her. As he leaned forward, Tiffany was extremely aware of his body on that bed and his proximity. She felt heat rising inside her and reminded herself that however delicious he looked, he was in major trouble at the moment.

  Zak said earnestly, "I'm from Kerla in the Zertica Galaxy. I know I never talk about my past, but it's because I've been in hiding. "

  Tiffany interrupted, "Zertica is so far way, Zak. I don't know anything about it except for textbook stuff. And you're a systems technogeek. Why would you need to hide so far from your home planet?"

  Zak winced. "The preferred term is compbiotech specialist, Tiff, as you well know. It wasn't my profession that led to the trouble. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A simple case of…"

  Tiffany nodded and muttered, "Weird karma. I know how that goes, believe me."

  Zak's mouth curved but then he grew serious again. "Believe it or not, I witnessed a murder. Actually, I was a witness along with another guy who happened to be at the same corner late that night. It was one of those weird times when no one should have been out. The weather was bad. I had worked very late and was in a hurry to get home. It's usually deserted at that time of night. But not that night. That night there were four of us on that road."

  His eyes were staring through her as if he could see it even now. Tiffany felt as if she'd been punched. Zak was serious. He had really seen someone killed.

  Zak hesitated and then said, "When I rounded the corner, I saw a guy who looked a little drunk, as if he'd come from a party. He was stumbling around. There was a man at the door of one of the suernes—houses—I mean. He had his palm on the print-lock to open it. The drunk stumbled toward him, mumbling. The guy at the door half-turned, saw the drunk, and then the door began to open. He turned and took a step forward toward the door. Then the drunk pulled out a lasgun and fired it right into the back of the other guy's head."

  He said carefully, "Suddenly, another man rounded the corner. He stopped as he spotted the lasgun and the dead guy. There was this weird moment when I knew the killer was probably deciding which of us to shoot first. I actually ran toward him and the other guy did, too. He spun and shot at me first because I was closest I guess. I dodged and then I heard this sound."

  He looked at her wryly, as if he had a hard time believing it had really happened. "He'd hit a pipe filled with Perinon. It's used in the heating process on my planet. There are pipelines connected outside most buildings. There was this hissing sound and then an explosion. That's the last thing I remember. It knocked me out. When I woke up, there were people and enforcers everywhere."

  He shook his head and said with chilling calmness, "I was told later that the assassin that night was Jero Merlez. He's a professional killer. The Kerlan government has been trying for years to catch him, Tiff. He's considered one of the best contract killers on the market. They occasionally get the proof they need to mind-wipe him but then in the rare case when there's a witness, the witness mysteriously dies before Merlez can be located and brought before a council. The other witness from that night was killed while under government protection. Merlez never leaves any live witnesses—he's very good at his job."

  Tiffany felt her spirits sink at his words. Zak was completely serious. He was staring at her earnestly. His expression was grave and he looked tired and bleak. She asked with dawning sympathy, "You had to come all the way here to be safe?"

  Zak shifted restlessly on the bed. "If it had been just me, I would have tried to find him before he found me, but I have a younger brother and sister… Merlez might have hurt them to get to me. The government made the arrangements. I was supposedly killed in an accident. No one but my brother and the government knew otherwise. They gave me a new identity. My identity and location are known to only two people. One is my Kerlan contact and the other was my human contact here."

  Tiffany said, "Now that's one hell of a witness protection program you guys have."

  Zak smiled, although it looked strained. "Generally, it's highly effective. I was given the language and culture implant chip to allow me to successfully blend in here on Earth. Earth is so much larger than our planet, but similar in some ways. The government made arrangements for my journey and gave me a new identity. I was allowed to keep only my first name. They arranged my new job—even my housing. Everything was very well planned. They were supposed to catch Merlez quickly and then I would be free to return to my normal life."

  Zak looked down at the floor a moment and then raised his eyes to her face. "That was six years ago. Six years."

  Tiffany looked into the sad face of the man in front of her and felt the ache all the way to her soul. What must it have been like for Zak? He had been jerked out of his life and sent to some distant planet with no friends and no family. He couldn't tell a soul so much as his real name. He had done nothing wrong and yet he had suffered for years. It must have been so difficult. She murmured, "Zak, I'm so sorry. That must have been so hard for you. And so lonely."

  Zak's face tightened briefly. He said grimly, "That's the problem, Tiff. It was lonely. Except for you. It all comes back to you. I've put you in danger and it's all my fault. My own damn selfishness. I'm so sorry."

  Tiff started to move forward to hug him. He looked so sad and regretful. When the straps held her in place, she said instead, "Zak, you've never been selfish. You have a lot of faults, but that's not one of them."

  Zak shook his head. "Tiff, you've been the one real bright spot in this mess. You made my life so much better in so many ways. I tried to keep my distance, but it was hopeless. You're not the kind of person anyone keeps a distance from. You're so warm and so giving."

  His face was a picture of self-blame. "I didn't want to put you in danger, but as the years went on and we grew closer, I convinced myself that Merlez might never be caught. I was existing in limbo and I really thought that it might last forever. I needed you, Tiff, like my next breath."

  Tiffany sighed. The time for plain speaking was here. "Zak, I need you, too. You're my best friend in the world. In any world, actually."

  Zak winced. "Well, some friend I've been. I've repaid your friendship by putting you in danger."

  Tiffany asked, "But why? What's changed? Why the sudden freaking out and hauling me away with dire threats of a killer?"

  Zak folded his hands in front of him. He cleared his throat and looked extremely uncomfortable. "Hmmm…well, that's a little hard to explain. How honest do you want me to be?"

  Tiffany felt a jolt of excitement at the sudden intensity in his expression. He was looking at her in a way that made her shift a little uncomfortably, too. "Totally honest."

  Zak nodded. "You and I have been careful to keep within certain boundaries in our friendship. The attraction between us is very strong. It has been from the beginning. Initially, I tried to keep my distance as I said. Then, I tried to focus on others who were interested in only short term…er…relationships to fulfill certain…mutual needs."

  He said with obvious frustration, "It was both helpful and infuriating when you became involved with others, too. I tried to keep my feelings hidden or make them go away. But it's been so long, Tiff, and I want you so much."

  Tiff heard his words with a sense of total shock. He had wanted her for six years? He had been hiding his feelings for six freaking years? She gave him a look of total exasperation. "You're an idiot, you know that?"

  He grimaced. "Thanks for the understanding. I was trying to keep from hurting you, Tiffany, when I left to go back to Kerla. I was also making sure that if Merlez did find me that you wouldn't get hurt. I've been careful to keep most of our interaction at your apartment or mine. Haven't you ever noticed and wondered?"

  Tiffany laughed. "I thought you were the hermit type, Zak. The original Mr.-Let's-Eat-At-Home-I-Hate-Crowds. Besides, we've been out with my friends sometimes."

  Zak smiled. "True—as a group."

  Tiffany shook her head. "But Zak…"

  Zak interrupted, "I can't stop wanting you. I've tried. And I'm Kerlan, Tiff."

  Okay, so he was Kerlan. She searched her memory but couldn't come up with any specific information about Kerlans. Uh oh. Were Kerlans even biologically compatible with humans? She ran her eyes over Zak's body in sudden panic. She'd never seen him unclothed. "Are Kerlans…um…that is…Zak…are you…can you…can we…"

  She felt her face flushing scarlet and closed her eyes. Great. Could she screw this whole thing up any worse? Her best friend starts explaining that a killer is after them and she's asking questions about whether the two of them can get it on? Tiffany to libido – back the hell off and give brain the helm for a minute. She opened her eyes to see him regarding her with a hungry look.

  "Oh yes we can. Kerlans are very similar biologically to humans. That's one of the reasons Earth was picked as my destination. But, Tiff, Kerlan males are different in some ways."

  Tiffany moistened her lips and watched as he tracked her movements with his eyes. It was getting hot. Very hot. Very fast. She was suddenly extremely aware of her body. Her nipples felt sensitive. Zak's eyes, usually silver-gray, were nearly black. He was aroused. So was she. She shifted and was nervously conscious of the wet heat between her thighs. She needed to focus here. "What kind of differences?"

  Zak's voice was husky. "We get aggressive. We have strong sexual appetites. The biggest difference, though, is when we find our promised."

  Tiffany could feel her heart pounding. Aggressive? Strong sexual appetites? Oh. My. God. "You called me that before. Your promised."

  Zak's face gentled. "When a Kerlan male forms a bond with a special female, she is called his promised. It is similar to the bond between spouses here on Earth. However, once a Kerlan male bonds, he begins to…" He hesitated.

  Tiff burst out, "Good grief! Begins to what? You're killing me here!"

  Zak was obviously choosing his words carefully. "You know how humans and animals give off scent? It's a method of attracting the opposite sex. Well, Kerlan men begin to do the same thing once their emotions are fully engaged and they are life bonded, only it goes one step further. We begin to project images…"

  Tiffany had a sudden thought. She kept her face neutral, but it wasn't easy. The dreams. The incredibly vivid erotic dreams she had been having night after night. "Zak, can human females pick up these images?"

  Zak watched her face carefully. "I asked my Earth contact that same question, among several others. There have been some human and Kerlan promise pairs, but I have never met any. There were things I needed to know. He contacted his Kerlan counterpart. The answer is yes."

  Zak had been…She kept her voice steady and tried to stay calm in spite of the graphic sexual pictures that were running in a loop in her memory. "You needed to know?"

  Zak nodded. "You're my promised, Tiffany. I was beginning to lose control and I knew it. Until I was able to claim you sexually, the images weren't going to stop. I could control them while I was conscious. But at night, when I was sleeping…I'd lose control and project…I knew it was happening from the intensity of the dreams…It's been torture trying to keep control every waking moment."

  His eyes darkened further and his voice was husky. "I needed to know if you would receive my thoughts. I was told you would probably experience them as very erotic dreams."

  Tiffany swallowed. Oh yeah. You could say that. "What else did your contact tell you? On second thought, Zak, I'd really like to get up from this chair now. I need to think and I don't want to be strapped down to do it." She silently cursed. Even she could hear the nervousness in her voice.

  Zak stared at her for one long moment. He stood up and knelt by her chair. She held her breath. He reached out and she froze, but he just pressed a button on the side of the chair. The straps retracted and Tiffany hurried to get up. She nearly stumbled because she was moving so fast.

  She was several steps away from him when she heard his voice behind her. It was half-promise, half-threat. "I'll have you strapped down again, Tiff. Never doubt it. And next time you won't be thinking either."

  Tiffany spun around in surprise. He stood beside the chair and faced her. She gave a nervous little gulp and tried to think. Things were all upside down. Her whole reality had changed. Zak wasn't acting like Zak. The old Zak was sexy, but comfortable and easy. This new Zak was much more intense.

  She shifted restlessly under his gaze and tried to bring her breathing under control. She was acting much too nervous. His words were exciting her. Arousal was not helping her to think. "Zak, we need to slow down. Fine, you started asking questions because the two of us were feeling…because we were getting more involved…"

  She winced. No way was she bringing up love. If he loved her, he was going to say it first. This promise business was confusing. It sounded like he loved her, but she needed to hear him say it. And she was too off-balance and unsure with this sudden change in him to assess her own feelings clearly. And no way was she discussing those dreams.

  Zak looked amused at her words. "More involved? Yes, we were getting more involved – from your face, I'd say night after night we were probably involved. How long have you been receiving my images, Tiff?"

  Tiffany decided to avoid that line of questioning for the moment. Even an idiot could see where that conversational path would end. She needed more answers. "Answer me, Zak. Why the sudden danger?"

  Zak's entire face changed in an instant. His tone was full of regret. "Gorden was killed. My contact here on Earth. He was murdered this morning. All I can figure is somehow the increased interaction with his Kerlan contact must have tipped Merlez off in some way. I don't know. All I know is Merlez contacted me with Gorden's arm-pc. He told me that my old and dearly departed friend had proven most helpful and that he was coming for me, Tiff."

  Fear swept Tiffany and she shuddered. "Zak, you have to get away from here right now. Far away where you can't be tracked."

  Zak nodded grimly. "Yes, that was my first reaction, too. I thought about taking the first transport, any transport, out. Then, I thought about why he'd used the arm-pc."

  Tiffany exclaimed, "To track your location! He didn't know where you were! He must have been hoping to keep you on long enough to trace your coordinates."

  Zak said, "He was nearly successful, too. When I realized he had locked onto my location, I ran like hell. He probably showed up within minutes. I got all the way to the transport when I had a sudden thought. You. I couldn't leave you."

  He raked a hand through his hair. "But I couldn't put you in danger. I realized Merlez would no doubt be expecting me to try to get offplanet in a hurry. Then I thought about my conversations with Gorden. Tiffany, Gorden was a careful man, but he would save data much too often for my comfort. I argued with him about it more than once, but he claimed that it was safe."

  Zak blew out a breath and his face grew grimmer. "Merlez has Gorden's arm-pc implant. It'll run at least twenty-four hours on backup power outside of Gorden's body. Merlez could access information until then—once he breaks the code."

  Zak paced back and forth now. "He would have found you. I told Gorden your name, where you lived, where you worked, everything, when I was talking with him. Gorden was my friend and I was worried about what was happening with us, Tiff. I don't know how much Gorden stored, but there's a good chance Merlez will find out. I couldn't take the chance that he might hurt you. I was frantic to find you. Then, I remembered your birthday lunch with Polly."

  Tiffany remembered his grim face as he walked through the diner door. No wonder. She felt another shaft of fear and tried to keep her voice steady. "So now there's a good chance this maniac is after both of us."

  Zak stopped and said simply, "There has always been a plan in place in case of exposure. I placed a call from public access at the transport to my Kerlan contact, Rojda. I didn't actually speak to him because he wasn't available. I followed the plan and left a code word. We'll meet him in forty-eight hours at the prearranged place. It'll take him that long to get here. In the meantime, all we have to do is stay alive. Kerlan authorities will be all over the place trying to catch Merlez at that point. We'll figure out what comes next after that."

  Tiffany nodded slowly and said, "Okay, we stay alive. Good plan. I'm for it."

  Zak smiled. "Yes, I'm for it, too."

  Tiffany said, "We could go to law enforcement here. Explain and ask for protection."

  Zak shook his head. "No. I don't trust anyone but you. Merlez killed the other witness from that night, Tiff. He was under protection by law enforcement. It's suspected that Merlez bribed one of the enforcers guarding him. I'm not placing our lives in a stranger's hands. I'm paranoid, but I'm alive because of it. I'm not stopping now."

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