Come to the Garden

Come to the Garden

Jennifer Wilder Morgan

Jennifer Wilder Morgan

A novel based on true experiences, Come to the Garden is a story about a woman's journey with a mysterious angel that encourages readers to believe heaven is closer than they think.Years ago, author Jennifer Wilder Morgan served as a hospital volunteer, visiting critically ill patients—praying with them and listening to their stories. As she created a safe space for those of all faiths and backgrounds, patients began confiding in Morgan about the mysterious ways God speaks to them—from encounters with angels to reassurances from loved ones who've passed on. She witnessed the profound healing that occurs when people are permitted to talk about these experiences, and as a result, Morgan was inspired to share her own personal encounters with God in a novel. In Come to the Garden, the main character Jenn wakes up on her birthday to find an angel introducing herself as Margaret in the backyard garden. Lately Jenn has been struggling to make sense...
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