Taking a shot, p.31
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Taking a Shot, page 31

 part  #3 of  Play by Play Series


Taking a Shot
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Page 31

  Author: Jaci Burton

  He was wasted. So wasted, he could barely draw in a breath. He couldn’t do a damn thing for a few minutes but lay there, his head resting against the back of the sofa, feeling Jenna’s pounding heart against his thigh. When he could finally raise his head, he smoothed his hand over her hair. She seemed content to lie there, waiting for him, but he knew there was more she needed—more he needed.

  He finally pulled her up onto his lap and buried his fingers in the softness of her hair. He put his lips on hers, taking the kiss he’d wanted to take when she’d denied him. She kissed him back with a soft moan and he slid his tongue in her mouth, licking along her velvety softness. He lifted her dress and filled his hands with her sweet ass, running his fingers over the silkiness of her skin, rocking her against his fast-hardening cock.

  “Touch me,” she said, arching her back.

  He filled his hands with her breasts, wanting her naked so he could lick and suck her nipples, but loving the sexiness of her wearing this dress. He wanted to be inside her while she wore this dress. The silk draped over his legs, teasing him with what he couldn’t see. He teased her nipples through the silk, then covered one breast with his mouth, sucking the nipple through the material.

  She gasped and grabbed his head, holding him there while he used his teeth to pleasure her.

  “I love when you touch me like that,” she whispered, and he grasped the other nipple between his fingers and squeezed.

  She clamped down on him with her thighs, telling him how good it was.

  He bent her backward in order to reach his pants and found the condom in his pocket.

  “Let me,” she said, undoing the wrapper.

  She applied the condom, her hands warm and gentle as she slid it down inch by torturous inch until he was fully sheathed.

  But first he wanted to make her come, wanted her shattered and shaking before he slid his cock inside her.

  He lifted her dress and put his hand to her sex. She was wet, her sweet aroma intoxicating him more than any alcohol ever could. He swept his hand over her, teasing the nub with his fingertip until she tilted her head back and arched her pussy against his hand.

  He dipped a finger inside her, felt her quivering and tightening around him. He rubbed his thumb over her clit and she whimpered.

  He loved seeing her body respond to his touch, watching her face tighten as she fought for her orgasm. He moved his finger inside her and rolled his thumb over the piercing.

  “I’m going to come, Tyler. ”

  He quickened his finger movement and used the heel of his hand on her clit.

  She came apart, dropping her head onto his shoulder as she rode the waves of her orgasm. He held his finger inside her while until the quakes lessened, then pulled her onto his lap and onto his cock.

  He could still feel the contractions of her body as he filled her.

  “Mmm,” she said as she settled over him. “That’s so good. ”

  Her dress draped around them and he couldn’t see, could only feel their bodies joined. He closed his eyes and let Jenna adjust to him inside her, let her recover from her orgasm.

  When she began to rock back and forth, he opened his eyes, fisted her dress in one hand, and held on to her hips with the other, lifting her on and off his cock.

  He felt thick and swollen inside her, felt the tight squeeze of her body as he pumped into her.

  Her face was flushed, her lips parted as she looked down at him. She held on to his shoulders, her nails digging into him when she lifted. She’d started easy, but now the intensity built and her movements quickened.

  Their slick bodies slid together in unison. He knew her body like he knew his own, felt when she began to tighten and convulse around him. He grabbed her ass, dragged her back and forth, and she splintered, her eyes widening as her pussy squeezed him like a vise, milking the come from him.

  Her gaze met his and held as they both climaxed. He watched the storm ride out in her eyes and gave her back the same, her name spilling from his lips in a wild groan as he thrust deeply inside her and shuddered through an intense orgasm that left him shaking.

  She fell against him, the two of them stuck together while he rubbed her back and her hair.

  “I need a shower,” she finally said.

  Jenna leaned against the shower wall, certain she was too tired to do anything but rinse off and fall into bed. But Tyler put his mouth on her nipples and her sex fired to life again, throbbing in demanding need as if she hadn’t already had two amazing orgasms.

  He slipped his hand between her legs, petting her while he sucked her nipples. She grabbed a fistful of his hair and held on as sharp pleasure traveled from her breasts to between her legs. She was nothing but mindless sensation, hot water raining down on her while overwhelming pulses sizzled at her core.

  And when Ty dropped to his knees and lapped at her pussy, she drowned in the sheer erotic haze of being worshipped by his tongue and lips. She looked down to watch him licking her pussy, shuddering when his tongue disappeared inside her. Her legs shook as the pressure built inside her. And when he put his mouth over her and sucked, she burst.

  “Ty,” she cried, bucking against his face as the force of her orgasm slammed her back against the wall. He held on to her hips while she rode it out, water pouring over her hair and sluicing down her body.

  He rose and took her mouth, then entered her. She gasped, met his gaze.

  “Shit. Let me get a condom. ”

  She held him firm. “Stay. ”

  “I’m safe. I have blood tests all the time. Team physicals. I never—”

  She put her fingers on his lips. “I’m on the pill. We’re fine. ”

  “Jenna. ”

  “Make love to me, Tyler. ”

  He thrust into her and kissed her, swallowing her cries of pleasure with his mouth and his tongue. He swelled so thick inside her, his body grinding against hers and taking her so close to orgasm again she was shocked. But she wanted to feel him like this, so naked, so intimate, for just a few moments longer.

  He lifted her leg and wrapped it around his hip, held her there while he pushed inside her with painfully sweet, slow thrusts that made her melt from the inside out. He swept her hair away from her face, his gaze so intense, so full of unspoken expression it took her breath away.

  His jaw tightened and he powered up inside her harder this time.

  When he kissed her, she came apart and felt the heat and power of him as his climax hit. She held on to him as he plunged inside her one last time, then shuddered against her, his mouth buried against her neck.

  It had been so perfect, to feel him so raw and unsheathed inside her. Somehow she felt closer to him.

  But now she was done for, exhausted, and utterly satiated.

  Ty shifted her under the water to tenderly wash her off, then pulled her out of the shower. She gave him a lazy smile as he scrubbed the towel over her hair.

  “I’ll comb it tomorrow,” she said, and he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the enormous bed, where he laid her down and climbed in after her.

  She was asleep before he turned off the light.



  She sat in her parents’ living room on Sunday, realizing she’d likely made the biggest mistake of her life. She’d invited Ty over for dinner.

  It had happened in a weak moment. Utterly satisfied from so much mind-blowing sex, she’d invited him over while they were on the plane flying back from Chicago, figuring he’d likely say no because he had a game or would be out of town. After all, she didn’t keep track of his game schedule.

  He didn’t have a game that day since he’d be leaving town the next morning for a road trip.

  So he’d said yes.

  To her family, her bringing a guy over for dinner was nothing short of a declaration of love.

  Which it certainly wasn’t.

  Was it?

  How did she feel about Ty?

  That was a question she wasn’t prepared to answer, or delve into at the moment, because Ty was due here in about ten minutes and she was as nervous as a bride on her wedding day.

  Oh, bad, bad analogy.

  “What are you fretting about over there?”

  Jenna looked up to see her mother staring at her.

  “Me? I’m not fretting. ”

  “You’re chewing on your bottom lip. You always do that when you’re worried about something. ”

  She removed her teeth from her lip and smiled at her mother. “I’m not worried about a thing, Mom. ”

  “She lies. She’s bringing a guy to dinner and she’s panicked, thinks we’re all going to give him the third degree. ”

  Mick pressed a kiss to the top of her head, walked past her, and snatched a carrot from the plate at the center island.

  Mom waved the carving knife at him. “Do that again and I’ll make you do dishes. ”

  Mick shrugged. “You’ll make me do dishes anyway. You don’t scare me. ”

  He grabbed a piece of celery, winked at Jenna, and headed back into the living room.

  “It’s a sad day when I can’t scare my kids with thoughts of dish duty. ”

  Jenna laughed, grabbed one of the stools at the island, and started mixing dip. “He’s a married man now. I’m pretty sure Tara’s got him washing dishes regularly. ”

  “So true,” Tara said as she walked in and grabbed the stool next to Jenna, taking up a knife to slice celery and carrots. “Big strong hands do a great job on greasy pots. ”

  “Jenna’s nervous because her boyfriend’s coming over for dinner today. ”

  Jenna glared at her mother.

  “Ty’s coming for dinner?” Tara turned to her and smiled. “How wonderful. So things must be getting serious between you two. ”

  She knew she should have cancelled on him, told him she had a cold or flu. Or leprosy.

  “We’re not serious. We’re just seeing each other. And it’s just dinner. ”

  “But it’s dinner with the family,” Tara said. “That’s a big deal. ”

  “You’ve never invited someone over before,” her mother reminded her.

  No, she hadn’t, and precisely for this reason. The inquisition.

  “Look, it’s not a big deal. We’re just friends. And Ty’s been over here already, so it’s not like he’s meeting everyone for the first time. ”

  Liz snorted as she walked in. “You and Ty are more than friends. Mom, you should see the sparks coming off the two of them when they’re in the same room. You’re going to need potholders when Jenna’s around Ty, because she’ll be on fiyah. ”

  “You are so not funny. ” Where was her sister support system when she really needed them?

  Liz hugged her, then Tara. “What can I do to help?”

  “Make some tea?” Mom asked.

  “Sure. ”

  The topic switched to Gavin and how he was doing in Florida. Jenna was glad not to be the focus of attention.

  Until the doorbell rang.

  “I’ll get it,” she hollered, swinging off the barstool and wiping her hands on the towel.

  But by the time she hurried down the hall, Nathan had already let Tyler in and had led him into the living room. Her dad was already engaging him in hockey conversation.

  “Hey,” she said, tucking her hands into the back pockets of her jeans.

  He looked delectable this afternoon in his faded jeans and sweater. He had a bouquet of wildflowers in his hands.

  “Hey yourself. ”

  “Are those for me?”

  “No, they’re for your mother. ”

  Her dad cast a big grin in her direction.

  Her heart tumbled over and over. “Oh. Well, come on back to the kitchen. ”

  “Don’t keep him in there with you women too long,” her dad said.

  “I won’t. ”

  They walked down the hall and Ty stopped her midway, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her until she was breathless. When he pulled away, he said, “I figured that might be my only chance today. ”
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