Dragon Alliance: Rise Against Shadow

Dragon Alliance: Rise Against Shadow

J. Michael Fluck

J. Michael Fluck

When a young dragonrider named Mkel and his dragon, Gallanth, begin having visions of the last horrendous war that the Dragon Alliance Republic fought against the Morgathian Empire, they realize that these visions are warning them of a rising darkness and battle yet to come.But as they train their soldiers for the war ahead, they discover that the Morgathians aren’t their only enemy; someone within the Alliance is conspiring against them. To make matters worse, a group of power-hungry senators known as the Party of the Enlightened are collaborating to bring about the Alliance’s destruction.Worried by their newfound foes and forever haunted by the death of his father, Mkel must find a way to put the past behind him and bring his troops together if he and Gallanth hope to overcome these threats. But with the odds stacked against them and many difficult battles ahead, Mkel can’t help but wonder if he—or the Alliance—will survive.About the AuthorJ. Michael Flück has served in the US Army for over twenty-three years. His time in Iraq with the Fifty-Sixth Stryker Brigade Combat Team, as well as his experiences with competitive shooting and in the environmental field, have all contributed to Dragon Alliance: Rise against Shadow. He currently lives in Pennsylvania with his wife and four children.
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Dragon Alliance Dark Storm : Dark Storm

Dragon Alliance Dark Storm : Dark Storm

J. Michael Fluck

J. Michael Fluck

"The Dragon Alliance Republic, the beacon of light and hope of freedom for the world, is now being threatened by dark clouds on its horizon. In Dark Storm, the second book in the Dragon Alliance series, the dragons and sorcerers of the Morgathian Empire on the offensive.Mkel and his might gold dragon, Gallanth – the most powerful rider and dragon in the Alliance – are faced with both formidable challenges from the evil chromatic dragons as well as difficult decisions that could cost their lives and those of their soldiers. They must also be on guard as their adversary, the evil arch dragon Tiamat and her Talon Covenant, starts to execute their diabolical plan.Meanwhile, a large-scale battle erupts in the fire giant lands as their huge army tries to invade the eastern border of the Alliance. The dragon riders, targeted by a secret order of assassins, must prepare to fight the deadliest threat the Alliance has since the Great War. "
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