As dawn breaks, p.9
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As Dawn Breaks, page 9


As Dawn Breaks
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  Genny had never been happier than today though, as she hung her clothes on the small drying rack suspended above the washer and let them hang in her own time. “Saves on ironing,” she reminded herself.

  Once satisfied she’d done all she could, Genny moved back to the bedroom, seeking something to wear and settling on a pair of black, lightly heeled boots paired with a plain white blouse and black jacket with three-quarter sleeves and slim-fit jeans. Her hair, secured into a loose knot held with a clip, completed the look. A quick glance in the mirror assured her it was sombre enough and wouldn’t stand out against the sea of vampires and nestlings.

  Even as Genny snatched up the keys, her cell rang, and without looking, she pressed the Answer button, hoping it wasn’t work. “Genevieve Fernly.”

  “Genevieve, will you be there?” David’s voice flowed down the line, and flickers of lust danced through her nerve endings.

  “I’m leaving now.”

  “Good. I’ll meet you outside.”

  She shook her head. “No, you should be in a seat. I’ll find you.”

  He huffed but hung up.

  Warmth spread through her belly at the knowledge that he’d wait for her. It was a new and untested emotion, but one that came with a dollop of hope.

  She raced for her compact gold-flecked car.

  Chapter 10

  David kept his eye on the door, willing Genevieve to arrive. She did and slid into the seat beside him, panting. “Sorry, traffic was a snarl, then finding somewhere to park.”

  He handed her the order of service, hands glancing together, and a frisson of awareness spread through his body. What is it about this woman?

  “Just glad you made it.” Their gazes connected, long seconds passed, and then he glanced away.

  The funeral was sombre, with so many lost from the local nest. Then they’d included the memorial for those lost in New Orleans as well, given the houses in Louisiana had indicated there was more than they could handle in one go. Houses were like families. Mass funerals, though not a regular occurrence, meant single ceremonies were not welcomed in these circumstances.

  When it was over, those gathered moved out onto the lawn. No traditional wake would be held, though individuals may gather in their friendship groups. Tonight, David needed the company of Genevieve.

  Once it was done, he excused himself for a moment and approached Kharisma. “Can you take control for the evening?” He’d struck up a healthy working relationship with Javed’s second. He trusted her and expected nothing more to occur this evening. Not with so many other vampires in attendance.

  Her eyebrow arched. “Going somewhere?”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  Her interest wasn’t quashed by his single-word answer. “It’s personal,” he added.

  “Then of course. You will return before sunrise?”

  “I would expect so,” he muttered. Truthfully, he didn’t know, but it was the only answer he could give honestly.

  They settled into the car, and Genevieve drove them into town. “So, I didn’t organise anything special.” She felt anxiety gnawing at her but refused to let her disquiet show.

  “No. That’s fine. Perhaps we should stop, have a drink somewhere quiet?”

  She nodded and kept her gaze on the road until she reached the outskirts of town, then pulled into a parking bay. “I, um… Sometimes I come here.”

  The bar was quiet when they entered, and they took a seat in a secluded corner, the velvet of the booth dipping down beneath their combined weight.

  A server came over, took their order, and then they sat there as the silence stretched between them. Awkward and unforgiving.

  The drinks were delivered, and Genny was pleased to have something to do with her hands.

  “So… you do this often?” She glanced down, uncomfortable and wondering what his answer might be.

  His bark of laughter had her looking up with surprise. “I’m new back on the market, Genevieve. I was married.”

  She nodded, feeling ridiculous, and looked down at the hand he slid onto the tabletop before her. “God, such a stupid question.”

  David squeezed her hand. “No. You’re nervous. I’m nervous. We’re in uncharted waters here, and starting a conversation can be difficult.”

  Genny sighed. “It’s tough. I mean, it’s been years since I was involved with anyone, and the last time it didn’t work out so well.”

  “Then let’s keep it light, shall we?” He released her hand. “To friends.” David raised his glass, took a sip. “Not bad,” he murmured.

  “I found out about this place accidentally when I moved here. They’ve got some good wines.” She shrugged. “Not that I drink much. You do things when you lose your inhibitions.”

  “There’s not much chance of that in the houses. Or at least the one I grew up in.”

  Genny raised a brow. “It can’t have been that bad. The House of Tudor is a settled nest of long standing.”

  He shook his head. “It’s really all smoke and mirrors. Truly, I didn’t realise how… stifling and miserable I was until I left. The Yeux Secondes is supposed to be the master’s second eyes, the human equivalent of the vampire second. My father took advantage of the position for his own gains. I did as I was told and was the obedient son. Dutiful but blind to what was happening, and I swallowed the lies I was fed. Hope broke away, and I learned the hard way that everything you think is perfect isn’t always what it appears from the outside.”

  Genny bit her lip. “But you’ve learned.”

  “Yes, but at cost. My relationship with Hope is improving, but it likely will never be close. My parents… If I never see them again, it will be enough. But enough about my misery. Tonight, I want to know more about you.”

  Genevieve frowned. “I’m an open book. A mutt—”

  “Stop,” David growled, anger infusing the word.


  “Never call yourself that again, Genevieve. You’re a woman. A beautiful, strong woman who has committed her life to society.” Passion oozed from him, and she wanted to stop him but controlled that instinct.

  Genevieve blushed and unconsciously raised her hands to her burning cheeks. “I…”

  “Please, Genny.”

  The soft words turned her insides to mush.

  “I’ll try. For you.” The smile he turned on her was like a million light globes, bright and full of hope. She blinked rapidly. “We should order,” she muttered, glancing down to the menu beside her drink.

  As if he understood her nervousness, he changed topics to the food on offer, though really any kind of contemplation was like trawling through molasses. What she ordered in the end, Genny couldn’t say, but she squirmed as heat battered her insides.

  “So, brothers? Sisters?”

  Raising her head, the seed of an idea bloomed. “I have half-siblings, Syrah and Franc along with a brother—twin— Bastien. He’s found a life partner, and I wonder… Wouldyoucomewithme?” The words tumbled from her mouth in a rush.

  Now it was his turn to appear lost for words. “I… uh…”

  “Never mind.” She ducked her head as embarrassment crashed down on her.

  When David reached out and touched a hand to her chin, it was to tug her face up and keep it there so their gazes melded. “That’s not a no, Genny. I’m just surprised you’d ask me.”

  It was the hint of vulnerability that tore at her.

  “What? Why not you?”

  He laughed, the sound harsh and jarring. “I’m not exactly a prince, you know. I’m a human, a failed Yeux Secondes of one and soon to be two nests, and divorced. Not exactly a prize to warm any mother’s heart.”

  For a moment she considered the scouring assessment. “Being human in a world so topsy-turvy is maybe more of a positive than not, David.” Before any other words could escape though, the server arrived with their meals.

  They ate in silence, gazes catching and holding for long moments while her belly jounced and tickled, arousal winding her tighter than a piano wire. Pulling away from those drugging connections grew harder each time. Finally, unable to complete her dinner, she scooted back. “I’m going…” She indicated to the restroom with her thumb.

  He must have read her inner turmoil on her face, because he shook his head, his eyes glinting with promise as he waved to the server. “Check, please.”

  The air between them crackled with a sensual intensity.

  He dragged notes from his wallet while the server collected the bill, then threw them on the salver. “Keep the change.”

  From the look on the woman’s face, clearly it was a lot, but David reached for Genny’s elbow and steered her from the restaurant at a rapid clip.

  “You drive,” he demanded, his face drawn tight, and heat reached out to her from his gaze.

  They climbed into the car, and for a moment, it was as if all the air in the cabin was sucked out. The rapid thrum of her heart echoed loudly enough that she was sure he could hear it. Arousal had never been so overwhelming before.

  Or maybe she’d just never met a man who made her feel like this. She exhaled and turned the key she’d shoved into the ignition.

  By unspoken agreement, the ride was silent. No radio or discussion, just the sound of the wheels and their breathing to wind around them both. Like they’d somehow moved beyond the everyday cares of the world and had their own private bubble.

  She bit her lip as she drove into the parking zone and stopped at her allocated area.

  They climbed from the car, and their eyes met across the top of the vehicle. She nodded, agreeing with the unspoken question of “Are you sure?”

  They met at the front of the car. He took her hand, and she led the way up the stairs to her building. It was compact, older, built decades earlier, and for a moment, she wondered what he’d think of her most private space.

  She’d chosen the location on the outskirts of town because of the access to green space.

  “It’s…” She shrugged. “It’s mine. I bought it a couple years ago. I’ve done work—”

  “Shhh.” He stepped up, took her shoulders, his hands moulding over them. Then leaned in, so slowly and achingly. His lips touched hers.

  She sighed as the tension that had filled her entire being suddenly floated away. “David…”

  His finger slid over her lips, silencing whatever she’d planned to say. “I want to be with you, Genny. But only if you’re ready.”

  Tears burned, and she managed a smile. “I am. I want you too, David.”

  “Then let me inside.” The double entendre broke through the last fleeting threads of her anxiety.

  With a quick move, she inserted and turned the key, opened the door.

  She barely had time to close it when he tugged her close, kissed her again with searing passion, lips and hands urging her body to quake in response.

  Unable to think, she tugged at his tie, needing to wrench it away so she could unbutton his shirt.

  Movements were urgent and jerky as she feasted on his lips. He tugged back, his tongue laving the skin of her neck, and she arched. “David…”

  “Let me touch you, Genny.” The pop of a button, the ragged sigh as cotton tore, and the urgent zip rasping was all that was left while their desire drove them forwards.

  “Please,” she whispered as he pushed her pants from her legs, taking her panties with them. A whisper of cool air caressed her body. Naked.

  She opened her beleaguered eyes that she’d closed during the wild, passionate undressing.

  David was standing there, not a stitch of clothing covering his body, and she couldn’t control the sigh of pleasure that escaped her lips. “You’re beautiful, David.”

  He laughed. “Not so much of that.” His smile melted as the heat grew in his gaze once more.

  It washed over her, a wave of erotic hunger she couldn’t deny, because inside she felt its twin growing, unfurling and demanding.

  Skin brushed against skin. She sucked in an unsteady breath and grabbed his hard biceps, heat scorching her palms as she moaned with delicious anticipation while his cock drove into her belly.

  “I want you, Genny,” he said with a growl. “You’re a beautiful woman.”

  The words echoed through her bones, and she shivered. “Come.”

  They flowed to the bedroom, hands entwined, letting the moment swell around them. When his mouth crashed upon hers, the hunger and yearning demanded everything.

  The mating of lips and tongue, thrust and parry, filled her mind while his hands wove magic over her skin.

  They crashed down to the bed, and she welcomed him by winding her legs around him. He moved with her, accepting the embrace, surging deep within her body in a single thrust.

  He grunted. “Genny?”

  “More,” she demanded.

  The wild undulations and moves sped up until she couldn’t tell where she ended and he began, lost in the maelstrom while her mind whirled madly. Sensations chased away thought, and she just felt.

  Her fingers skated over slick skin. Nails bit deep. Sighs filled the air along with the scent of musk.

  Genny’s body was tighter than wire before she fell and they moved together in an erotic rhythm only they heard. Down she dropped. Deep into the well of pleasure until the very edge of reality broke away, shattered. Eyes blinded by the demands of a wild orgasm, she held on, rode the waves until she slumped back, exhausted.

  David was still moving, faster and wilder, until he too reached the point of fulfilment. Suddenly he slumped over her, perspiration-drenched, soft and weighty.

  Her chest bellowed as she fought for breath, but the long fingers of slumber reached out and tore her awareness away, and she drifted off.

  Chapter 11

  David lay there, looking up at the ceiling while the woman cuddled up beside him snored in a delightfully soft manner.

  The sex—he refused to consider it lovemaking—had been cataclysmic and a revelation. It had been deep. Meaningful.

  Genevieve differed from any other woman he’d ever met. He could, he supposed, put it down to her nature. Volatile yet controlled. Brief flashes of emotional depth and dark emotions before they once again were replaced with her affable front. Perhaps a ploy to keep people far away from the fragile woman he’s spied beneath the surface? She was a complex being.

  It wasn’t just her genetic make-up either. She might have been a shifter, but he’d had enough interactions with them over the years to know they were as human in affairs of the heart as he was. They may have fiery depths, but he knew they shied away from such interactions with regular humans due to the difficulties of explaining that they might assume animal form while lost in passion. But for all that, he knew they were more humane than many humans.

  What she showed was indefinable and scary by equal measure. A passion that was honest. Consuming.

  What do I do? His question to the universe remained unanswered. He wanted to know more, and definitely another opportunity to be with this woman, but with so much at stake, was she the right woman at the right time? Was he simply jumping into a situation because he needed that emotional connection?

  Long moments passed while she slept, and he wrestled with his fears. Time that rolled ever forwards while he stagnated, lost in the mire of his own emotions.

  With careful moves, he extricated himself and snatched up his clothes where he’d scattered them on the floor. Averting his gaze from the woman on the bed, he slipped his clothes on over his cooling body. David prowled the tiny unit while his confusion roiled inside.

  He reached for the door and let himself out.

  Genevieve woke. The apartment felt empty. Her nakedness revealed that what had happened wasn’t a dream.

  “David?” Her soft call had no answer. She rose and grabbed for a robe, wound it around herself, and padded into the kitchen. Empty. Just as she’d feared.

  Shame washed over her, a burning wave.

  She’d allowed him in. Taken a chance. But in the end, here she was, alone. A sob filled her throat. “No. Don’t go there,” she told herself.

  Fury and fear rose in equal measure. Bones snapped and claws popped free, replacing her fingernails. The animal within was rising, needing release along with her ragged emotions.

  “I will not let the animal take me.” Genny panted and fought the creature inside herself, pain radiating through her as she forced the animal back. Buried it once more, though she knew her control was worn thin. “I’ll have to let it out soon.”

  The words echoed in the empty room, and she closed her burning eyes. “What the hell is it about me that’s so fucking unlovable? Why is there no one who can accept me as I am?”

  Tears burned as she turned to the kettle. Coffee would help, she told herself. It was that or alcohol, and a swift look at the clock reminded her she’d be on the clock again in a few hours.

  She ground beans, heated the water, and had just prepared the plunger when a knock echoed. With a frown, she walked to the door and wrenched it open.

  David stood on the other side, misery and confusion filling his eyes. “I had to go for a walk.”

  She held the door open. “What do you want?” The question sprang free, highlighting the fears she couldn’t escape. For a moment she wondered if he could see the hurt he’d inflicted by leaving, but in the next heartbeat, she banished that thought. Don’t go there.

  “Can I come in?” A jagged crack of lightning filled the darkness, so he shone in the oppressive black of night.

  She stepped back. Allowed him in.

  You’re making a mistake, her psyche warned.

  Or taking the greatest chance of your life, added her heart.

  “I needed to think clearly, but I wasn’t leaving.” He reached out, fingers curling softly against her cheek.

  She jerked away, and his lips thinned.

  He reached again, cupped Genevieve’s cheek, and she sighed and leaned in to the caress while the ache in her chest eased.

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