As dawn breaks, p.18
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As Dawn Breaks, page 18


As Dawn Breaks
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  “I didn’t wear it. I wouldn’t. You were a one-night event, dear.” Her eyes gleamed. “I already had a mate. A powerful man, and I didn’t know until she reached puberty. None of us did. By then, wearing it wasn’t even a thought in my mind.”

  Padraic’s eyes clouded, and David could see a looming battle. “So, you’ve just learned of Gen. What do you want now?” David asked.

  “She must come back to Ireland with me. Take up her place in my world. My daughter is—”

  “No way.” Gen pushed out of her chair and shot up. “I don’t care who you are. What you are. I’m happy in my life.”

  She stalked from the restaurant.

  Padraic turned to David. “You must convince her, laddie. It’s in her best interests.”

  “She’s a grown woman.”

  “She’s only half of what she could and should be—"

  “Somehow, I don’t think she cares,” David countered. “She’s made herself into a woman to be proud of.” He made to rise and follow Gen when Padraic snarled.

  “You’ve got no idea. She’s a shifter, true. But she’s also a leprechaun. Until she can control the urge of the gold, it will tighten itself around her like a noose. To control it, and the magic she carries, she must learn of the lore.”

  David’s knowledge of the old magics wasn’t strong, but the passion in Padraic’s voice had him stopping. “Give me your details. I won’t make any promises, but I’ll talk to her. It’s Gen’s decision at the end of the day.”

  Padraic drew a card from a gold case and shoved it into David’s hand. “Persuade her. Work hard. Otherwise she’ll go mad from the hunger. I’ve seen it happen, and it’s not pretty.”

  David glanced down at the card, unsurprised to see the raised gold printing. He rubbed a finger over the letters, then gave Padraic a short terse nod before turning and heading through the door to Gen.

  Chapter 22

  Genevieve couldn’t accept that a man would claim her as his daughter after ignoring her presence for almost thirty years. “So, he just waltzes in, tells me I’m his daughter, and I’ll have to go with him?” she seethed. “Fuck that! Fuck my mother too, because she must have known. All this time.”

  Fury had her fists balling. Good thing she’d left when she had. Otherwise, she may have said or done something to be regretted at a later point.

  The car door opened, and David climbed inside. “Gen? Are you okay?” The concern in his voice had tears pricking her eyes.

  “I’m fine,” she growled, but really, was she?

  “We should go home. Get some sleep.” His words reminded her that they’d been awake now for over twenty-four hours.

  “Yes.” She turned the key in the ignition and headed for her apartment.

  He didn’t say a word, simply accepted her decision. Her eyes itched, her head ached, and fear became a bubble in her chest the farther she travelled.

  Before either of them could climb from the car once she’d parked in her designated area, she turned to the man beside her. “David? Does this change how you see me?”

  The whispered words had his head turning towards her. “No. You’re my Genevieve. The woman I love and intend to spend my life with. Does this add another facet? Yes. But you’re you. Just because you’re a policewoman isn’t the only reason I love you.” He reached out, cupped her cheek. “Just because you’re sexy also isn’t the only reason I adore you. It’s who you are inside. We can change the title, but that doesn’t change the woman you are deep down inside.”

  Genevieve wasn’t used to feeling fragile. Hadn’t allowed that emotion to overtake her since she’d left her mother. After all, if she had, it might have drowned her.

  “I hate feeling at sea,” she muttered.

  David snickered. “I can see that.”

  They reached the front door, and she opened it. For the first time, it didn’t really feel like home. The apartment was and had been her refuge. She remembered David’s suggestion that they should find somewhere else. Something bigger for the two of them.

  “When we wake up, perhaps we might look online at some properties. Maybe make a short list?”

  He stilled behind her, his hands settling on her shoulders. “You sure? We don’t have to rush—”

  “It’s time, David. Time for me to show my commitment towards you.” She turned and rose on her toes. Kissed him softly. “You’re my future.”

  He hugged her against him, and she felt the beat of his heart. The way it beat to the same time as hers. “My yesterdays are gone, and my tomorrows are all yours, Genevieve.”

  She laughed. “That sounds like a wedding vow.”

  He blinked slowly. “I guess it does. Remind me to include that in the ceremony.”

  Love. It had certainly changed her outlook on life. “Come on, we should get some sleep.”

  “Especially if we’re going to start house-hunting later.”

  They headed for the bedroom and found the clothes they’d left behind. His, a small bag of necessities including some toiletries, fresh clothes, and a pair of cotton pyjama bottoms.

  Her eyebrows rose as he dressed in them. “Pyjamas?”

  “So we sleep,” he answered.

  “Ah. Okay.” She grinned and opened her drawers, pulling out a floaty chiffon baby doll.

  “You’re killing me, Gen,” he groaned once she had it on. The blush colour left very little to the imagination, as did the ruffles and bows.

  She sighed and sank to the bed, and when David pulled her into his embrace, the tension she’d tried hard to ignore felt as if it melted away.

  “I love you, David.”

  “And I love you too, Gen. Now sleep.”

  It didn’t take long to release her grip on awareness.

  Night fell quickly. While he dressed, Gen rang the lieutenant, who already seemed aware they wouldn’t be into the precinct that night.

  “Tomorrow, we have to catch up on the vamp servant killers,” David muttered, and Gen nodded in agreement.

  They travelled back to Cressida’s house in time to see the sun drop below the horizon.

  “This is my last official task as a Yeux Secondes of the house,” he told Gen.

  “They’ve found someone to replace you?”

  “Yes. She’ll take over tomorrow. I’ll consult for a short while, but tonight, when we leave here, we should head back to the house. I need to pack my clothes. The rest of my effects are in storage,” David explained. “The set-up here was different. While I was at Xavier’s nest, I had an apartment. Furniture and so on.”

  Gen wrinkled her nose.


  “Well, you chose all that with Alexa, right?”

  David nodded. “Sure.”

  “I hate to suggest it, but… maybe we should just get rid of it and start again. Without her ghosts hanging around.” She bit her lip and glanced away.

  Considering her suggestion, he could see how using the same things he and Alexa might be starting out on a tainted footing. Besides, he’d never really been a fan of the white furnishings she’d chosen. There were only a few pieces that he’d kept from his grandparents’ time. Those were more important. “We should go through them, then. Once we settle on our property.”

  They’d spent time since waking looking through listings, but one house stood out for both of them, and they’d arranged to inspect it tomorrow.

  “So, what’s going to happen now?”

  He gazed at Gen. So strong and taking all this upheaval in stride. Pride filled him, knowing she’d fully committed herself to him.

  “I don’t know. Cressida said to meet in the courtyard.” And there they waited as the others drifted in.

  In the courtyard, milling among the flowers, were the others from their now close-knit group. Xavier and Hope, Javed and Celina, together with Marian, Lucy, and Rachel.

  David remembered the discussion he’d had with Daniel before he’d assumed the role of Yeux Secondes for Javed’s nest: “Everyone is much happier now. We’re a little less correct and upright.”

  “So? Now we’re here, it’s time to make some announcements,” Hope called with a ready grin.

  “We already know most of it.” Javed had also unbent enough to show his cheeky side.

  “Not everything.” David strode forwards, towing his partner into the circle. “Tonight, I announce Genevieve has agreed to marry me.”

  A round of kisses and hugs, back slapping, and congratulations flowed.

  Lucy stepped forwards. “Since everyone is making announcements, I guess we should share what we plan to do.”

  The girls looked among themselves and nodded. “You do it, Lucy. You’re better at this.” Rachel gripped Marian’s hands as they waited.

  “Well, okay. See, we’ve been talking. Now that we remember who and what we are, we have a choice. We can either look for any of our families or stay with Javed and Celina. We’ve talked a lot about our options.”

  Lucy took Celina’s hand. “We want to stay. Celina and Javed. You’re our parents now. You love us, care for us, and we just…” She stopped and gulped loudly.

  “Unless you send us away, you’re stuck with us is what Lucy is trying to say.” Rachel spoke quietly, though her words carried deep emotions.

  As one, they flung their arms around the couple and held on tight.

  Now there were very few with dry eyes in the gathering.

  From the gloom emerged three women. Their iridescent gowns shone by the light of the torches, and their hair was gathered up in elaborate sweeps. “Good, we’re just in time.”

  “You!” Cressida stepped forwards, then, as if she’d hit a wall, stopped, eyes wide open.

  “Cressida, forgive us for not telling all previously. You see, we couldn’t. It wasn’t our place.” Selena spoke quietly, and Daniel saw more than one frown on the faces of those gathered.

  Marian raised her head from Celina’s skirts. “They can’t. They’re the Graces, and they can only help to resolve matters, not give the full answers.”

  “And how do you know that?” Daniel’s voice cut through the surprise.

  “The young one speaks true. She’s touched, you know. Maybe one day, she too might be a Grace, if she chooses. But for now, she is a child. Bright and clever with the knack of seeing.” Selena spread her arm out to the side. “But now, we have come to say our goodbyes. Our task here is complete, and we wish and long for rest. And home.”

  The other two witches nodded.

  “What? You plan to leave?”

  The three witches gave tired grins.

  “Oh, we’ll leave soon enough. But first we wish to grant you all something special. If any among you wish to be freed of the curse of the vampire…”

  “What?” Hope squeaked the word, which echoed.

  Daniel watched as gazes met and clung. Hope and Xavier were the first to shake their heads.

  “For all there have been secrets passed in the blood, I wouldn’t change who and what I am now.” Hope grinned.

  “Nor would I. It brought me Hope and friendships that will last for eternity.” Xavier squeezed her hand.

  Celina grinned. “I have my family and Javed. I don’t need to change anything else.”

  Javed’s arm still encircled Celina, but he tugged her a little closer. “And I’ve learned of real love, friendship, and family.”

  Cressida smiled. “I too have a family and a love I couldn’t ever relinquish. Not even to death. Daniel?”

  Daniel smiled. “And I will love my Cressida forever. Together with Samantha, we truly have everything we could ever ask for.”

  David coughed, and all gazes settled on him. “Well, Genny and I… she has so many things hidden from her. Secrets. She's my one. I know that, unlike before with Alexa. We've been talking… We want children in the future. We’ve only just found each other and need time to build what we have, but… I want her to know what is hidden from her.”

  Genny gripped his hands. “David?”

  “Think of this as my gift to you, my love.” He kissed her cheek tenderly.

  “Perhaps, David, it’s something you can both explore when you’re ready.” Cressida reached out and squeezed his hand.

  The Graces turned to Genny, and Jemima reached out her hand, the welling of power tangible. “Well, then, when you’re ready my dear, the answers shall become apparent. And with that, we bid you farewell.” The witches rose and gifted the assembled vampires and humans with hugs.

  Hand in hand, the three witches walked into the night without looking back.

  “I don’t think we’ll see them again,” Cressida said quietly, then turned back to the family.

  “I’m not sure what you think is hidden, David,” Gen whispered in his ear.

  “I have no idea, but it’s something your… Padraic said. But I won’t push you, love. When you’re ready I know how to contact him,” he whispered back.

  The group broke up shortly after, and he and Genevieve headed back to the nest, packing his clothes and loading them into the car.

  He didn’t stop for goodbyes, as was the way of nestlings. They would see each other again soon.

  Once at Genevieve’s house, they unloaded the boxes and hung clothes as she indicated in the closets and drawers. Only enough until they could decide on a property and move.

  Contentment filled him. This was the first day of his new life, and the future before him, while hard and long, filled him with pleasure.

  Gen had just settled down to her desk when the boss appeared. “You’ve got messages.” He dumped the slips of paper on her desk. “Simon Bellingham, hmm?”

  She scooped up the notations. “I don’t know him. I mean, David does, so maybe it’s for him.”

  “Perhaps, but the Lord of Lycans ringing you? Better return that call. Oh, and your ex-lover-boy, Julien? He’s back.”

  There was antagonism and fury at the centre of the boss’s words. “What’s he doing back here?”

  “Supposedly clearing out his desk, but he left something for you.” He slid a large black box onto her desk.

  Her hand hovered over the glossy cardboard. “I don’t…”

  “You should open it,” the boss urged.

  Genny’s hands shook because something about this box felt wrong. Was it intuition? Some kind of magic?

  She opened the box. Photos greeted her eyes, and below them…

  “What the fuck?”

  She pulled her hands away from the box, staring at what lay below. Purses, open to reveal the identities of their owners.

  The missing women they were investigating the disappearances of.

  She glanced to the boss, then slid open a drawer to her desk and tugged a pair of gloves free, drawing them on over her skin. She lifted each image and purse out, carefully inspecting and then repacking them into the box. At the bottom lay a letter.

  A wave of emotion washed over her as she lifted and unfolded the sheet of paper.

  Genevieve, ma coeur.

  I never meant to keep these things, but you know shifters and our need to keep trophies. Like your mother and that coin. Yes, I know about it and your father. Such a shame that you will lose everything because she had to have a one-night stand.

  I would have taken you away from all that confusing human trash. I planned to make you mine, then fight for control of the pack. Then you chose him, and my plans came to naught.

  So, I guess this is your mess to clean up.

  Me, well, I’m leaving town. Going to find somewhere to howl and enjoy the spoils of hunting. Somewhere far, far away. Now you can chase me. You can try, but dearest, you don’t have the nose for this kind of hunt. I’d tell you to give it all up, but you won’t.

  I’m counting on that.

  By the way, your new man may be a shifter, but he has no training. No knowledge of the magic and wonder we can instil. He’ll never survive in a pack because you’re an abomination against my kind. You should give him up now, before it’s too late and he crosses some line and must face the trials. Because he simply won’t survive.

  Ah well. Your choice.

  I won’t bid you goodbye, simply adieu.


  Her hands shook. “No. I won’t let that happen.” She reached for the piece of paper the boss had handed to her, aware he watched in silence.

  For a moment, she wondered about the sanity of staying the course. Was she doing the right thing? In her heart, she knew the truth. She and David were meant to be. Nothing anyone said could change that for her. Whether it was the right decision, she’d agreed to a relationship and had no regrets. That one decision made her whole.

  Love. Such a small word with the strongest and most powerful ties. It gave her hope. It filled the empty parts of her soul.

  She dialled, her hands shaking. “Genevieve Fernly for Simon Bellingham,” she muttered once the call was answered.

  Simon Bellingham joined her quickly on the line.

  “I need your help, Lord of Lycans,” she blurted “Can you meet me?”

  Did you enjoy this book by Imogene Nix?

  There’s more on the following pages. Just keep turning to see what else.

  The Celtic Cupid Trilogy

  When Cupid—otherwise known as Diocail— is banished from his home on a remote Scottish Island, he's set a series of tasks by the great god Lugh, who also happens to be his father.

  In Blame The Wine, he must bring two lovers together... BBW Cara and James, the man she’s lusted over from afar who happens to be a super geek and head Veha Industries.

  In A Stranger's Embrace, Diocail is driven to help an emotionally fragile Jane and Davis, a famous author. The task is more complicated, with the existence of Carstairs her could-be ex-husband and teenage daughter, Frannie.

  In Revenge on Cupid, Diocail must take the ultimate chance and find his own happily ever after with Simone. Sometimes the past gets in the way and HEA's don't come cheap though.

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