As dawn breaks, p.14
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As Dawn Breaks, page 14


As Dawn Breaks
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  Before he could move towards her, she danced away, aware of the way her body moved in the outrageous covering she wore.

  He groaned and closed his eyes, but not before the desire in them settled on the mounds of her breasts with hunger.

  “Remove some more, lover boy, before I get any closer.”

  His hands wrenched at the belt, and her body heated, noting the tenting of his pants. The rip of the zipper filled the air, and she couldn’t contain the sigh of pleasure as he also shucked his underwear.

  “Fuck,” he muttered.


  “I didn’t take off my shoes.”

  Genny giggled at the absurdity. “Then let me assist.” She lowered to her knees at his feet.

  His cock bobbed before her, and she eyed it with hunger. Slid her tongue between eager lips and swiped over the engorged head.

  He hissed. “Gen…”

  “Just returning the favour,” she growled before returning her attention to the task. Gen quickly unlaced the black leather at his feet, and he grunted at her. “Lift your foot.”

  Finally divested, he swooped down and lifted her.

  “You’re a dangerous woman, Genevieve Fernly.” His mouth covered hers with an intensity that seared her. His tongue surged within her mouth, and she relinquished her hold on reality, letting herself fall into the maelstrom of eroticism he’d introduced her to.

  A hand toyed with the strap of the bodysuit, wormed its way beneath to trace the lines of her collarbone.

  He ripped his mouth away, and they both gasped for air. “You’re so damn sexy, and this should be a concealed weapon, but how the hell do I get it off you?”

  His demand was dark and filled with intensity.

  “The crotch. There’s…” He turned her, kissing the side of her neck, and she arched, desperate to give him better access while nerve endings snapped and hummed with desire.


  Unable to see while lost in the throes of pleasure, all she could do was mutter brokenly, “Oh… God! Snaps.”

  His hand covered her breast, tweaking the nipple through the lace and silk before soothing the sudden sting with a soft swipe of his thumb.

  The hand slid down over her belly, and it tensed in reaction. She sucked in an unsteady breath as it slid lower, between her legs.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet already, Gen.”

  She could smell the scent of her own musk on the air along with his. Entwined and heady.

  “Fuck me, David,” she demanded.

  “No, but I’ll love you.”

  In her heart, the rhythm set up a wild dance.

  Their mouths met, and, and she felt him fumbling between her legs for the snaps, felt them give. Once again, he traced the edge of her jaw while his hands tugged at the bodysuit, stripping her. He only disengaged to remove the garment, then with care pushed her to the bed, following her down as the mattress dipped and swayed.

  Pleasure speared her as his fingers combed through the downy hairs at the juncture of her thighs, finding the treasure hidden between the folds of skin.

  “Wet and hot,” he murmured while the slide of skin-against-skin pushed her hunger. Inside her belly, something twined deeper, an invisible coil of emptiness that could only be filled by him.

  “David, please,” she entreated.


  She writhed, fingers digging into the bedding, clutching tight as he drove her deeper into the ecstasy-filled space only they inhabited. His mouth settled on one peak, his lips around the tip, and she bucked as a flash of pleasure streaked through her breast to groin.

  “So responsive.”

  Heels dug deep into the coverlet as legs widened to grant him greater access and his mouth continued the torture as it slid over exposed skin of her belly, tongue dipping into the hollow of her navel.

  “Please,” she moaned, her fingers twining in his hair.

  “Soon,” he answered once more, and she bucked when his breath whispered over her core. Lips settled on her, and she cried out as the sudden climax ripped through her. “David!”

  The scream couldn’t be contained as her grasp of reality shattered.

  When she was able to regain some control of her mind, it was to feel him crawling back up her body, his face filled with hunger.

  “I love you, Gen.” His gaze bored into her, as if demanding she understood the importance of his declaration.

  Her eyes watered. “I love you too, David.” Now as he moved, she made herself watch his face while he positioned himself at her centre, cock ready to begin the hot wet slide that joined them.

  “I want you, Gen. I will always want you.”

  Her hands settled on his shoulders, gripping tight.

  “Please,” she panted, the heat flaring inside her once again.

  “Now,” he murmured.

  This time her body took control, legs sliding around his hips, pushing him deeper.

  Inside the cat stretched, demanded, and with a surge she had no hope of controlling, her teeth descended and she sank them into his shoulder as he moved.


  He bucked and danced. “I love you,” he chanted, his mouth now settling against her, breaking the skin. Not that she felt the burn, too lost in the wild joining.

  The rhythm was wild, cataclysmic, and their orgasms flashed hot.

  The roar of a cat inside her mind, warning her even as she rode the storm.

  Finally done, she collapsed onto the bed and he on top of her.

  Gen caught sight of the dribble of blood.

  Dread formed in her belly. “Oh… fuck!”

  His hand cupped her cheek. “What?”

  Her eyes met his. “Did you bite me?”

  David frowned. “What?” Confusion darkened his brow. “What’s wrong?”

  Genny swiped her hand across her mouth, noting the scarlet liquid, then held her hand up.

  His eyes widened, moved side to side. “Genny?”

  “Did. You. Bite. Me?” She spoke deliberately as fear welled, its greasy waves replacing the repletion.

  “I… I think so. Yes.”

  Her eyes closed as reality slammed down on her. What the fuck have I done?


  “Have you been checked? I mean your blood?” This time when she opened her eyes, she took in the concern on his features.

  He nodded.

  “I could have…” She gulped. “What if my bite makes you sick, David?” Questions crowded her mind. You’re a fucking mutt. It’s probably not possible. Surely her hybrid status should keep him safe? She just didn’t know. The lore said it took two in order to complete the circle. To make them truly one in blood and bone and to change a human. But not being whole herself… Maybe she didn’t carry enough of the strain to change him. If it had, they had time before they’d know, if she remembered correctly.

  His hand covered her shaking one. “If I am, then so be it.”

  The depths of his acceptance humbled and scared her.

  To David’s pleasure, it seemed Genevieve had packed before his arrival. Her single small suitcase sat beside an overlarge handbag near the door. He hadn’t noted them on his arrival, and this morning, as they’d woken entwined in each other’s arms, he mentioned she’d need to hurry.

  Her laugh filled the air. “Already done, David.”

  Now they reclined in the seats on a plane. He’d insisted he should make the booking, and she’d been horrified initially when their tickets revealed he’d booked Business Class. “But I can’t afford this!”

  He’d cupped her cheek. “No, I redeemed loyalty credits. It’s okay.”

  Emotion swam in her eyes. “But I don’t like—”

  “I know. I should have asked, but the option was there, and I wanted us to be comfortable.”

  She’d finally acquiesced, and he was pleased, given the pounding in his brain and the heat that chased along his nerve endings.

  When the attendant brought water in a glass, he’d gratefully accepted it, drinking it down as thirst raged.

  “Are you okay?”

  Genevieve’s quiet question broke into the strange fugue that settled over him. It sounded like she was talking through some kind of veil, blunting the clarity of her voice.

  “Yeah.” There was no way he planned to share just how “off” he felt.

  Her eyes betrayed her concern even as she nodded. “Okay, but if you need something, tell me.”

  “Sure,” he muttered and hunkered farther down in the seat. Perhaps if he slept, he might recover enough to get through the weekend?

  That was a false hope, as once the plane touched down, his entire body ached, the pain in his head threatened to erupt through his skull, and his eyes felt swollen and gritty.

  Genevieve touched a soft hand to his forehead. “This is rotten timing for a flu.”

  “Yeah,” he grouched. At least his stomach wasn’t uncertain. That, however, was a small mercy.

  Genevieve organised a hire car, and he waited as his body assumed what was nearly a meltdown. His temperature skyrocketed so that by the time they were settled in the vehicle, every inch was scorching hot.

  “You need a doctor,” she said, concern threading her voice. “Antibiotics.”

  “No. It’s just the flu. I’ll be fine.” What else could it possibly be? He’d been inoculated for every virus possible, and he’d not been near anyone who could potentially be ill. “Unless…?”

  She shook her head. “It’s usually days before symptoms emerge, as I recall. Not like this at all.”

  He couldn’t concentrate on direction as she drove down long winding roads and into the surrounding countryside with towering trees. He became aware of a hum, not that of the car engine but something else. Maybe it was the movement of the blood in his veins, he thought, then nearly laughed out loud at the ridiculousness.

  The glances Gen kept giving him were redolent with fear. “When we get to the house, I’m going to call the doctor. You’re sick.”

  David didn’t bother to argue, because he felt worse still. Clearly he’d picked something up and didn’t want to share it on. He’d have to hide out during the Joining at this rate, and it appalled and frustrated him that the one time Gen needed his support, he’d be unable to lend it.

  The trees were lusher now, the sky hidden from view, and he felt his lids growing heavier. Sleep was calling, but he fought it off. “Tell me about your family.”

  “Bastien is my twin. We’re fraternal. Bastien is fully Were. I’m not, as you know. We thought my father was Luca Thorne, until it turned out he wasn’t.” She sighed and looked out the window. “She was wild in the early days of their marriage, and one night, she went hunting for something better. That resulted in me. Luca wasn’t, shall we say, happy when he realised I wasn’t sired by him and cast my mother out. Bastien and I were young, so we went with her. Not that Bastien was keen on that. He returned to the family as soon as he was able, joining Syrah and Franc. They’re both older than me. A lot older. Syrah is forty-three and still young by pride standards. Franc is sixty next month.”

  He frowned, realising he hadn’t known she had other siblings. “Are they also joined?”

  “Syrah joined with Caleb Thornton nine years ago. Franc’s wife, Emma, passed away about eight years ago. She gave birth to my one niece, Eliza, who lives with him within the clan house. She’s ten.”

  “You use the terms clan and pride. Why?”

  “We’re cats. Big cats. We’ve got a few mountain lions and panthers. When we use the term clan, we mean the greater body. The pride is our family unit.”



  He turned his head, though now she was a fuzzy outline against the darkening sky. “What?”

  “They aren’t very welcoming. I mean, they’ll probably be hostile towards you and me.” She spoke so quietly he had to strain to hear the words.


  “Because of who I am. What I am and what I’m not. Then I’m bringing a human in, and they don’t care about your association with the houses, because all humans are lesser beings in their eyes. Unwelcome. By bringing you as my guest, it’s one more infraction against their beliefs.”

  He heard the fear and worry and reached out.

  “I’m sorry I’ve caused you distress.” He really meant it, but there was no way he’d have wanted her to come by herself anyway. Not after the way she’d been treated by her so-called family.

  She pressed the indicator and took a smooth turn onto a well-maintained track. The green canopy melted away under the rolling of the wheels until finally they entered a glade.

  Buildings dotted the landscape, redwood log houses, the largest set towards the back of the long driveway. No fences, he noted, just grass waving in the breeze.

  She pulled the car to a stop at the large house. “We’re here.”

  Chapter 16

  David wavered on his feet, and Genny slid her shoulder under his armpit, holding him upright. He was heavy, and she sweated as she assisted him up the steps, more than a little aware of the burn of gazes drilling into her back from the houses nearby.

  The creature rose up, close to the surface, and for the first time in many years, she let it stay, aware an attack might occur at any second.

  The door slid open and Maman stood there, her auburn hair waving around her shoulders, her golden eyes piercing, and the look on her face tight with distaste for the man Genny was half carrying.

  “Will you help me get him inside? He’s sick,” she muttered. Her mother simply opened the door farther and stepped aside. Fury boiled in her gut at her mother’s insult, but she whispered to David, “Come on. Let’s get you into a seat, and then I’ll call the doctor.”

  Not much had changed, and for now she was grateful as he sank down to the lounge just beside the door. The bags would wait; right now her first concern was to seek care for him.

  “Is the doctor still on call?”

  “You’re more worried about him than kissing your maman?” The hiss was low, and Genny’s hackles rose.

  “Right now? Yes.”

  Another door opened wide, and Luca Thorne entered the room. “What are you doing here?”

  Her gut might have started churning, but she’d learned a thing or three in the police. “I’m here because I was recalled for the Joining. As Bastien’s twin, it is both my right and my duty.”

  “I’ll have no mutt in my house.”

  Once, the taunt would have burned her. This time she stood her ground. “I don’t plan to stay here. I will, of course, take one of the outlying guest houses, but my… friend is ill. He needs the doctor.”

  Luca sniffed, the wide flaring nostrils moving as he tasted the scent of the man who’d travelled with her. “He’s not human. What is he?”

  Genny barely stopped herself from grinding her teeth together. “He is. He is also a Yeux Secondes, so he should receive every courtesy.”

  Luca whirled, his black eyes gleaming. “Don’t threaten me, child. You will regret it.”

  “No threat,” she replied. “A promise. The local nest knows he’s here and why. They also know about me. About this clan.”

  Luca advanced, and it took every ounce of willpower to remain exactly where she was, between Luca Thorne, her mother’s husband, and David, where he lay supine now, having slumped farther down.

  Her mother advanced, crouched down. “What have you done, bebe?”

  Every muscle tensed as she watched her mother expose his shoulder. The bruising round the bite zone red. She cursed. “Fuck!”

  “You bit him?” Her mother’s eyes bored into Genny’s, and for the first time, the panic threatened to overwhelm her.

  “I…” What on earth? How was she supposed to answer that? “Oh yes, Maman. We had hot sex last night, and I lost myself. Bit him in the throes of my orgasm”?

  Her fingers rose, covered her lips as her mother pinned her with a glare. “Stupid girl! It looks infected.” She sniffed and frowned. “It doesn’t smell like it, though.”

  Luca shoved her aside, and her hands balled into fists. “You bit him?”


  “During sex?” he queried.


  He snarled and turned. “Was it during sex? Yes or no?” The words were hard, and something primitive rose inside her.

  “Yes!” She bellowed her answer because all she wanted to do right now was gather him up and get out of there. Not an option, though.

  “Did he bite you?”

  The question blindsided her. “That’s none of your business—”

  “Bullshit! Did he bite you? It’s simple. Yes or no, Genevieve?”

  She shook, fearing she’d somehow caused this illness that manifested. “Yes, okay? Yes! I bit him, and he bit me during sex last night. Is that what you need to know?” Tears threatened, and she dashed them away.

  Luca growled, his hand flying through the air towards her. A meaty fist connected with her cheek, and she snarled, her inner predator erupting uncontrolled.

  Body cracking and fur sprouting.

  Except she wasn’t fully cat. Her nails became claws and hair sprouted, teeth elongating and her body lengthening. Her exposed skin took on an otherworldly golden hue. The cat woman stood before them, inserting herself between the man she loved and the people she’d protect him from.

  Luca laughed now, the sound caustic.

  “Step away from him.” The sound was a growl of warning, but Luca ignored it, crouched down, and touched the wound on David’s shoulder.

  “Well, we’ll have to see what genetics she has. What he is once the change is complete.” He rose and retreated, crossing his arms over his wide chest. “Vivienne will call the doctor. Once your friend is able, you’ll move to house four. You will not go out except for the ceremony, and when it’s done, you leave.”

  Genevieve’s mother bit her lip. “I need time with bebe, Luca.”

  “At house four. Not here, Vivienne. I will not tolerate this pair of—” He appeared to struggle for a word before sneering. “—them in my home.”

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