As dawn breaks, p.13
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As Dawn Breaks, page 13


As Dawn Breaks
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  But she shook her head. “No. Soon, but not yet. When we go down to my brother’s Joining, I’ll have to let it out then. You’ll stay with me?” She bit her lip, because this exposed the deepest fear she had, that he’d turn his back on her because of what she was.

  He joined her on the floor, enfolding her in his arms. “I’ll stay with you, Gen. Whatever you need, I’ll be.”

  She let herself sink into the reassurance of his embrace and inhaled the scent of him. His hands traced soft circles over her back as her breathing quieted.

  While Genevieve slept, David held her close. He’d seen the way she struggled with herself. The emotional toll of whatever had caused her to leash the inner animal.

  An hour or so later, he received a text from Javed.



  The three dots on the screen told him the vampire master was tapping away. It took a long time before the words flashed up on the screen.


  He grunted. It wasn’t that he and Javed weren’t friends, but David took his responsibilities seriously. He’d been trained that it meant due deference, correct forms of address, and ensuring the master always felt he was the most important person in the nest.

  Do as I say, but not as I do. The thought frittered across his mind.

  His father hadn’t stuck to the precepts he’d battered into David. No, he’d instead embezzled, lied, and sold his son to a woman with no care for the damage she wrought on her husband or his innocent sister.

  “And I’m a fucking basket case.”

  In his arms, Genevieve muttered and turned, instinctively burrowing in.

  David closed his eyes, more than aware that nothing could be fixed right now. It wasn’t nearly enough, but he’d have to make do. For now.

  Chapter 15

  Like all good officers of the law, Genevieve understood that much of their work was hours of tedium, checking paper trails and looking for links. Normally she was more than comfortable with that, but today, it wasn’t easy to accept.

  David had remained at the house. He had work to do, and she’d been driven—a personal driver assigned—to ensure she’d arrived safely.

  When the boss came traipsing out, she swore under her breath, more than a little aware that she’d prevaricated her way through the door.


  She turned her head so she could look up at him. “Not really, no.” The words escaped with a frustrated tone. “I’ve looked for like crimes in the human population. None. The only crossover I can find is they work for vamps. They’re not housed. There’s not the violence we’ve seen with the Attar attacks, and they’re all good people who pay their taxes, attend school or are self-employed.” She scrubbed at her eyes.

  “Hm.” He picked up her notebook, read the page, then set it down. The pad looked tiny beside his meaty platter-sized hands. “Go home.”

  Genevieve blinked. “I beg your pardon?”

  “Go home. Take a rest. You’re away this weekend, so take it early. When you return next week, your head will be clear and you’ll think better. Go.” The boss shooed her with a large sweeping motion. “Get out of here.”

  Genevieve was as committed to her job as anyone, but she didn’t need to be told again as she rose, gathered her purse and keys, and headed for the door.

  Even as she made to turn, the boss was snarling. “No. Nothing’s going to happen, but if it does, we’ll cover it.”

  Scurrying down the steps, she looked from her car to the stores on the opposite side of the road. Several boutiques, a salon, and a lingerie shop. She rarely had time to stop and think of things she really wanted. But not today.

  She hurried across the street and into the shop with dresses and gowns filling the window. Slinky pieces. She wondered what David would think of them—or more accurately her in them. And even better, out of them.

  “Can I help you?” A woman dressed in an expensive black-and-white dress with pearls at her throat sashayed forwards. Her hair was elegantly piled on top of her head, her make-up a shade too close to perfection for Genevieve.

  “I’m looking for a dress. Or a couple. Something not over the top. Not formal, but you know.” Genny waved a hand at her body. “For me. I need…” God, this was so much harder than she expected. Normally she dressed in pants or jeans and tops. But with David, she wanted something… hot!

  “For an event?” The woman’s perfectly arched eyebrow rose as she walked around Genny. “I have one or two pieces that might suffice.”

  Genevieve wandered behind the woman, who beckoned her to a corner of the shop, and watched the careful arrowing, hand flipping through hangers.

  “This one. I think this one too, and maybe this?” With three dresses in a grassy green, a turquoise, and a scorching red, she was pushed into the dressing rooms. “There’s one other, and I’ll grab it too. It’s a very chic noir piece from an up-and-coming designer.”

  The curtain shut behind her with a determined swish, and Genevieve took a moment to put down her things and stare in the mirror. The one she saw, she knew well. Her figure trim, with firm high breasts and a waist that flared delicately. The array of dresses hung in her periphery. She’d need shoes, something knockout, but the colours of the dresses were each startling. Without thinking, she slipped the red one off the hanger with one hand. The texture was soft and the material lightweight, and she scrambled out of her uniform and had it unzipped in record time.

  The fit was glove-like as it flowed over her body, touching where it was supposed to, and the colour was a foil for her hair. “Yes.” She rehung it and popped it on the other hook. The second was the turquoise. A silk mix if she didn’t miss her guess. Once again it was an exquisite fit, with delicate cutwork around the neck and hem and finished with tiny cap sleeves. “Also a yes.”

  The green one was a thing of mastery. A halter-necked sheath with a lacy insert at the bust. “Must have this,” she muttered as the woman clucked on the other side of the curtain.

  “I have the other one.”

  Genny slid her hand out to take the gown.

  The lines were classic, three quarters in length. Tiny straps moved over the shoulder, and it went on with a sigh, the fabric a luxurious dupioni silk that shimmered under the lights. Everywhere it touched was magically enhanced, she thought.

  Without checking the prices on the tags, she slid it to the pile of haves and dressed quickly.

  Refusing to consider that this shopping blowout might not be the perfect solution to her problems, she exited the dressing room. “I want them. I’ll also need accessories. Shoes and bag,” she clarified, and the woman smiled.

  “Of course. This way.”

  Within minutes she’d bought a pair each of nude, black, and red court shoes—her mother’s term for pumps—with spiky heels and matching bags. With her wallet considerably lighter, she exited the store. She hurried back to the car and slid the bags onto the back seat.

  Her expedition only just started, she headed back across the road to the salon. It was quiet, and she smiled. “I need my hair cut.”

  One of the three stylists glanced up and down at her. “What are you looking for?”

  Genevieve grinned and explained, then moved to the back of the work area with the woman. An hour later, her hair was just above her collarbone, the natural curl bouncing freely.

  She had one last stop before heading home, and she intended to make it worthwhile.

  David looked up as his cell phone beeped. “David speaking.”

  “What are your plans for tonight?” Gen’s voice was thin and high. Excited. He couldn’t contain his pleasure.

  “None so far. But do you have something in mind?”

  “Dinner at my place? I’ll order something, and we can finalise my packing. Maybe an early bedtime before we leave in the morning?”

  He laughed out loud. “Maybe a few of those, but not everything. I’ve got my bag packed, and I’ve organised a driver.” A glance at his watch filled him with pleasure just as the sound of the shutters rolling down echoed. “I’ll be on my way in about half an hour.”

  She disconnected, and he closed the folder he’d been working through. He and Javed had spent time over the last few days preparing the house for its third Yeux Secondes in its short life. The relief he’d experienced in completing his task of shortlisting the final candidates was difficult to describe. He felt sadness to be leaving this place, and yet it was also the right choice.

  He’d been born and raised to know he had a place and a role, but his entire life had been of someone else’s choosing.

  He was free to make his own decisions and mistakes. He’d effectively remain a member of the household but make his own choice as to employment. While the suggestion made to him by the lieutenant was certainly of interest, there was still only one choice of career that drew him.

  His work on the cars was important. It would make a difference to those who needed the ability to travel safely, and he’d managed to secure an agreement from Javed that they’d back the fledgling company as minority owners.

  Now, with the agreement in place, his personal life could become his prime concern.


  This weekend would be hard on her. He’d already made discreet enquiries as to who was likely to be there. Including Julien Delacorte, the pampered second son of the beta of the clan. He wondered how Gen hadn’t even known him beforehand.

  His mother’s favorite, from what he could ascertain.

  Genevieve’s ex-lover and the man who’d called her a mutt. His blood raced at the memory of the pain on her face. “I won’t let him hurt her again.” But how could he protect her if they weren’t in a formal union?

  He rose and moved to the door, waiting for the sound of Javed’s footsteps. He’d taken to rising early, as both Javed and Celina were involved with preparations for the battle against Attar. A cruel and ancient vampire who posed a significant threat against them all.

  The door opened, and Javed moved inside. “Ready, then?”

  One glance at the master vampire’s face and he felt guilt. “Tonight?”

  Javed shook his head. “No. Not tonight, but soon. We’ve got information and are training now. I’m hopeful, with the right tip-off, we’ll find his lair and be able to defeat him. But that’s for the massed vampire faction to attend to. You’ll be fine?”

  Their friendship had taken time to grow. David joined the nest at a time when upheaval in his own life had made him terse and unfriendly. “Yes. We’ll be back once the immediate ceremony is done. Gen doesn’t wish to stay because her mother is difficult.”

  Javed opened his mouth.

  “Gen’s words, not mine. She’s also worried that Julien Delacorte will be there and cause problems.”

  Javed clasped his shoulder. “You’ll do fine, I have no doubt, but if you need assistance, the local nest has offered support.”

  The words took David aback. “You’ve spoken with them?”

  Javed gave him an abashed smile. “You’re family, David. It’s what they do.”

  He could only nod his thanks.

  “Now, are you on your way?”

  “Yeah. Look, if you need me—”

  “The house has been trained to care for itself. You’ve hand-picked and trained your assistants. They’ll manage for a weekend. Besides, if something does happen, you’ll be back in time to pick up the pieces.”

  It didn’t sit well, but time was passing, and he wanted to be on the way to join Genevieve, so he nodded, scooped up his bag and the laptop satchel he was taking, and headed for the door.


  He turned. “Yes?”

  “I like her. Bring her home with you.” Javed’s eyes glinted in the evening light with humour, and David simply shook his head as he left.

  Biting her lip, Genevieve considered the table. The white cloth, candlelight, and the places she’d set. Her apartment was small—compact, she remembered from the advertisement—but the perfect size for a single. Having David here reminded her that it was also very intimate. That had her fanning herself for a moment, remembering the many and varied ways they’d now christened just about every useful surface in the place in the last few weeks.

  The meal sat in the kitchen on warming pads, and she waited anxiously for David to arrive.

  What would he think of her dress? She’d chosen the red one for tonight and taken care with her hair. Anxiety unlike anything she’d ever experienced zinged through her. She stalked to the small stereo and turned the dial, seeking something soulful.

  It felt like hours had passed before he finally knocked with an imperious rap at the door. She’d been in the force too long to take it at face value and checked through the peephole. Warmth flooded her body as she spied him there on the landing, and she opened the door, ushered him in.

  His bags dropped with a thump on the floor as David’s arms wound around her midsection, tugging her close.

  The heat of him surrounded her, invaded her skin, and his scent rose. Dark and musky and oh so male!

  “I like your hair,” he whispered, then leaned in to kiss her. Heated, it scorched all the way down to her toes. Lips moved, mobile and firm over hers, dragging an arch of her spine and a groan from her. He lifted his head. “You look good enough to eat.”

  “Eat? Oh! Dinner!” She tugged from his hold, wishing she could stay there in that safe harbour, but the food was going to cool if she waited too long. “Sit down. I’ve got wine and food ready.”

  She bustled to the kitchen, wishing she’d delayed the delivery by another hour. But if they had, it would have been more likely Chinese or something similar they could share naked on the lounge, under a blanket. Tonight she wanted to show him how much his support meant to her.

  Instead she fussed, serving the red meat with the hearty red wine sauce and the steamed vegetables. She carried them out and set them on the table before returning to the kitchen to pour two glasses of the red wine as accompaniment.

  He’d settled at the table, and his eyebrows arched. “Celebrating something?”

  “My leave, your being here. Time alone. Take your pick.”

  He laughed. “Well, any of those will do as an entrée, then.”

  They ate, chatting about their day. When the meal was done, he thoughtfully gathered up the plates and carried them to the kitchen, and she leaned against the benchtop, watching him fill the dishwasher and dispose of the remains.

  “I finalised my tasks with Javed today.”

  His words slowly filtered into her brain.

  “To step down?”

  He nodded. “I made my decision too. I wanted you to be the first to know. While I’m happy to be a consultant to the Liaison Division, it’s the car design that I’m going to continue with.”

  Twin emotions rippled through her. Dismay that they wouldn’t be together but joy that he’d decided his future.

  But that meant he’d be homeless. Something unfurled inside her chest—hope. “What about where you’ll live?”

  It wasn’t something they’d discussed, but perhaps…

  “Well, I’ll still be part of the nest. I guess I could request an apartment, but I’ve already seen somewhere. It’s just a matter of whether there’s room.” His face tightened, cheeks turning a ruddy colour. “I don’t suppose you’ve room for a housemate, do you?”

  The unfurling emotion bloomed, and she couldn’t control the grin. “I think, so long as you don’t have too much furniture, I could find space.”

  He licked his lips. “Well, actually… I know this is your place, but I was thinking more along the lines of we find somewhere together. A little bigger, with an extra room or two. For down the track. I’ll need an office.” The shrug he offered reeked of concern, and she considered his words.

  “I’m not sure how quickly I could sell this place.”

  David shook his head. “You can keep it if you like, as an investment. I’ve got more than enough equity to buy something outright.”

  “I…” How was she supposed to reply to that?

  “Or we could buy a house, with a yard. Something just out of town, if you want somewhere to…”

  The words died away, but she knew what he was thinking. The sweetness of the offer nearly overwhelmed her, but she battled with the emotion. “That’s honestly the nicest thing anyone has ever offered me. Maybe we could talk about it tomorrow. Right now, I’m feeling stuff that’s…” She waved a hand in the air, used a finger to swipe away the moisture pooling at her eyes. “Come to bed with me.” She reached out and tugged him to the short hall to the bedroom.

  Instead of simply complying, he scooped her up in his arms and strode in a determined and manly way to the bed before lowering her to the floor beside it. “I don’t want to ruin your dress. It looks lovely on.”

  Devilry filled her as she considered what she wore beneath it. The lacy blue bodysuit she’d purchased just today.

  “Unzip me,” she invited and turned her back to him.

  His hands fumbled, and she restrained the giggle that wanted to bubble free. The dress gaped finally, and she slid her hands free so the material dropped in a pool at her feet. Now she turned, and the hissed exhalation told her the choice had been correct.

  “That should come with a warning,” he muttered as the green of his eyes darkened to pools of desire.

  “Perhaps,” she answered and slowly leaned down to gather up the dress. “But it seems you’re now very much overdressed for the occasion.”

  Strains of soulful music filled the air as she watched him, hands moving as he released the buttons of his white shirt. But much as she loved him in a severely tailored black suit, Genny was more than pleased he’d shucked the jacket during dinner, along with his tie.

  As he shrugged free from the shirt, Genny watched beneath half-lowered eyelids and licked her suddenly dry lips. “My, what an impressive physique,” she murmured, reaching forwards to slide her hand along the exposed skin of one pectoral muscle.

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