Executing Justice, page 1

Executing Justice
Imogene Nix
Executing Justice
Copyright © 2014, Imogene Nix
ISBN: 9781940744261
Publisher: Beachwalk Press, Inc.
Electronic Publication: June, 2014
Editor: Leigh Lamb
Cover: Fantasia Frog Designs
eBooks are not transferable. No part of this book may be used or reproduced without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations in articles and reviews.
This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Back Cover Copy
The end game is looming, but whether the last of the Ito family will find his happily ever after is in the balance.
Tomi Ito must deal with the knowledge that the woman he’s loved forever, Gillian Edgemont, thinks he’s abandoned her in her time of need. But when he’s abducted, she’s there to help save him.
Gillian is running from the wreck of her life and the unrequited passion she holds for her former boss, Senator Tomi Ito. When he follows her to Vega II so does the danger that’s been dogging the Ito family.
As the finale looms, does it include a future for Tomi and Gillian? Or will it all turn to ashes?
No author writes a book in total isolation, so I do have to thank some people for their input.
Firstly, to Danielle Khloe Georgiana and Angela for your help and friendship. To my wonderful publisher, Pamela, and editor, Leigh, thank you for taking a chance on the Reunion Trilogy.
Lastly, thank you to my family, Mark, Charlotte, and Beth—you put up with a lot and this is always dedicated to you.
Chapter 1
Gillian sighed heavily as she leaned her aching head against the bolster. No matter how many different ways she tried to see her brother’s—her twin’s—choices, there was never anything that made them seem any better. But then, how could it? Her twin, Anderson, had organized a hit on the sister of the man Gillian loved.
“How could you do this?” In the darkness, there was no answer.
She rubbed her brow. Her life was in tatters, just as his was. Her position as the personal assistant to Senator Ito had disappeared like fog on a summer morning, thanks to Anderson’s stupid actions. With a conviction against his name, she couldn’t access any of the highly confidential information that came with her job. She was now deemed a ‘security risk’.
As a result, she’d been dismissed by a chair jockey from the Central Registry of Employment. The CRE oversaw all positions within the government. She didn’t like it. Not one bit. All the years she’d worked tirelessly had been dissolved in one pen stroke. But there was no avenue of appeal. So much for natural justice.
“Ugh, why couldn’t you have done something else, like…be a baker? Damn it, Anderson.” She dragged the pillow over her face to muffle the sound of the words her mother shouldn’t hear and to absorb her angry tears. She already had enough to be concerned about, with her only son in the prison system now and her daughter unable to secure a job.
“Gillian, dear? Is everything okay?” The querulous sound of her mother’s voice from the next bedroom had her sitting up and sighing.
“Yeah, everything is fine, Ma. You go to sleep.”
Gillian listened for the rustling sound of her mother settling in her bed. The worst part was that she missed her boss. The job had been great, acting as his executive assistant had brought with it a range of experiences. But it was the time spent in his company that had given her the most satisfaction and fulfillment. Tomi. If she closed her eyes, she could see him in her mind. Toned and golden brown, with a hint of the orient in the slant of his eyes.
She huffed in the silence. “Now there’ll be no more of that.” With the thought came a pang of loss. Another salty tear traced its way down her face. She brushed it away. “No use in crying over what can never be.” But between Anderson’s actions and Tomi’s lack of contact, her life felt like little more than a pile of ashes. The introspection didn’t stop the pain that wracked her system. Glancing out the window, she could see the moon high in the sky.
“I wonder if he is looking at the same moon and wondering about me.” Gillian cursed herself for her foolish thoughts before slumping back into the bedcovers.
She dragged the pillow under her head and turned away from the window. I should get some sleep. Tomorrow I’ll need to look for work. Her heart still ached as she closed her eyes and let sleep claim her.
* * * *
Tomi tossed and turned, angry with himself and the rules the CRE had enacted. It didn’t matter that he’d voted for them with the very best of intentions, because this time, he knew they were causing pain to an innocent person. Right now, somewhere out there, Gillian probably thought no one would employ her because of her brother’s conviction. And she was probably right. Reunion was such an insular planet that it was likely a correct assumption. But he couldn’t do a damned thing about it.
In his mind, the replay of the scene from earlier in the day ran like an old-fashioned video.
“Senator Ito? This is Cyrelle from the Central Registry. The brother of your executive assistant, Gillian Edgemont, has been found guilty of a second level treason offence. As such, Miss Edgemont must now be considered a security risk. We plan to terminate her employment in your office, effective immediately.” Whoever this Cyrelle was, she was brisk and businesslike while making the announcement.
Shock stole his breath. What the… “What? You can’t.”
“I’m sorry, Senator. These are the rules that were implemented by the senate. You can, of course, appeal, but her employment must be terminated at this time.”
He dropped his forehead into his hands, knowing that there was no mistake. The woman was right. Gillian’s brother had conspired with an Indy assassin to kill his sister, Kumi. It meant Gillian was tainted by association, even though that was an unwarranted tag. But it still stank like three-day-old oysters.
In this instance, he should be the one to handle it he told himself. “Let me—”
“No, Senator. We have found it’s best if we handle the process. It makes it easier on all involved. I’ll send someone up to collect her things, if you could arrange for a staffer to clear her personal items. All passwords and authorities which are held by the Central Registry are being suspended immediately. If she has any personal authorizations in your office, please don’t hesitate to inform us, and we will handle the situation as a priority.” Her voice was soft, understanding even, but it ripped his guts out to hear Gillian’s life being dismantled in such a bloodless manner.
“Will she…” He paused, struggling with himself to finish the question, but before he could proceed the woman spoke again..
“We will offer her as much assistance as possible, but at the end of the day, we must make full disclosure as to her termination should it be requested.”
“Yes, I understand.” Even as he agreed, his heart roared at the unfairness of the situation.
Now he lay in the dark, his stomach churning. “There must be something I can do.” He checked the chrono on his wrist, but it was only two in the morning and he couldn’t make contact with anyone. Instead, he was forced to relive every time he’d let Gillian down. The instances seemed numerous.
Looking back, he considered that circumstances of their meeting had been fated. His elevation had been unplanned. Things had been tough on Reunion as battle-weary soldiers returned, many shattered by their experiences in the war. His cousin, Renjiro, had come home and immediately accepted a position with the Justice Department. Ren had been unable to even conceive of a position in authority at that point. He’d been wired and jittery, and Tomi had the impression he’d chosen to use it to search for something amorphous. But now they all knew why. He’d been searching for his lover, Selina.
Tomi’s uncle gave him the chance to take the seat that should have been Renjiro’s. His uncle had been an understanding man, and there’d been a tacit agreement that if at some point Ren decided he wanted to join the senate, then Tomi would help him achieve that.
Tomi had first met Gillian when he was a fresh senator, and she’d been working for another. He’d watched her from a distance for many long months, and when his uncle’s assistant decided to move on, the opportunity to grab Gillian for his staff seemed like fate.
Gillian had been a godsend, quiet and efficient in every way that counted. If he was honest, she was partly responsible for his meteoric rise through the senate to become the leader. Most people only saw her bubbly surface, but she had a capable head on her shoulders and a loyalty that had made her an asset. Gillian had moved into the office with smooth capability, taken it in hand, and streamlined the systems. He’d been captivated by her fiery red hair and green eyes. Yet, she’d never shown a scrap of interest in him.
The only time was… He wrenched his thoughts away. That would only lead to more issues and self-recrimination. Instead, he thrust back the covers and rose. Tomi padded across the room, his nude body limned by the moonlight.
“Perhaps an hour in the gym will let help me clear these thoughts.” He reached for the light exercise clothing he’d thrown on the dressing chair earlier and tugged them over his body.
Stalking in the direction of his gym, towel flung across his shoulder, he didn’t notice the person shadowing him until it was too late. A re
* * * *
Bang! The sound woke Gillian with a jerk. “Who… Huh?” She tumbled from the bed, the sheets tangled around her legs. Another bang reverberated.
“Open for the Justice Department!” a voice roared through the closed front door, and Gillian shook the last strands of sleep from her mind as she struggled out of the linen restraints.
Justice Department? What could they possibly want?
“I’m coming!” As she made for the door, clutching her robe to her chest, she noted her mother, frozen with a look of horror on her face, but there was no time to settle her fears. “It’s okay, Ma. I’ll find out what they want and they’ll go away.” She hoped it would be that easy, anyway.
A rattle came at the door as Gillian thrust her arms into the robe with a jerk.
“I’m coming,” she called again, hoping they wouldn’t bash down the door. But they rattled and shook it again. For a moment, she was sure the door surviving intact was a vain hope. She grasped the handle and pulled, opening it inward.
On the other side stood a small knot of men dressed in black combat suits. They hovered, their faces hard as they watched her. The weak light shone on the rubberized fabric, making them look almost wet.
“Gillian Edgemont? We have a warrant to search for Senator Tomi Ito.” The man who spoke brusquely brushed past her and entered her house.
“I am, yes. And you’re here because...” She waited, assuming what she hoped was a confident pose, even as the shock rocketed through her system. Well, as confident as you can be in short pajamas and a robe while a troop of men tromped into your house unannounced, she thought sourly, trying to discount their words. Looking for Senator Tomi Ito.
“Captain Elstrath. Here is a warrant allowing us to search these premises.” He gave a quick gesture and they flooded in. The piece of paper—warrant, her battered mind corrected her—was shoved into her hands.
The man opposite eyed her up and down, his eyes cold and distant, and it felt like being touched by a dirty rag. The resultant response of her body was to shiver with distaste. It took a lot of effort to control her reaction.
“You are known to conspire with traitors and your past association with Senator Ito led us here. If you know anything about his disappearance…”
Gillian’s heart stuttered in her chest. “What do you mean his disappearance?” She looked around wildly as the men started turning over cushions and opening draws and doors. It would never have occurred to her that something might happen to him. Where were his minders? She glanced around and saw others similarly going through her things. “What are you doing?” The spiral of disbelief bloomed deep in her head.
“We have a warrant to search for anything that will give us a clue as to his whereabouts.” The words fell like heavy rocks thudding down on her consciousness.
Search? What did they… Then it occurred to her. Her brother was a traitor. “Oh gods!” She pulled up the chair at the square table and slumped into it.
A light touch of a hand drew her attention. “It’ll be all right, won’t it, Gillian?”
She slid a shaking hand over her mother’s and said a silent prayer, asking for forgiveness for the lie she was about to tell. “I hope so, Ma. I bet everything comes to rights before you know it. It might be best if you go home to Dad tomorrow.”
“You need me right now.”
Gillian wanted to cry, hearing the careful tones of her mother, knowing how much the last few months had cost her emotionally. “I’ll be fine. In fact, as soon as I can, I’ll come home for a break. I have a few things I need to do first, though.”
Her mother moved away then found another chair and pulled it out before she sank down. Around them, people murmured as they lifted cushions and peered around corners. The sense of violation speared Gillian, but she knew there wasn’t anything she could do. They were within their rights—the evidence was there on the table in front of her. Warrant To Search And Seize.
In the deepest recesses of her mind, she thought over what the big man had told her. Tomi had disappeared. That hurt even more than watching these brutes in her house. She ignored the pain. Now wasn’t the time to examine it.
Instead, she watched and waited while they scoured her home, and when they were finally done, she was left with a dirty and defiled sensation.
Her mother insisted on changing the bedding once they’d left, and Gillian simply nodded and pushed the door shut. She rested her head against the wood and sucked in an unsteady breath. Maybe it was time to accept that her life here on Reunion was done. She’d had offers from other senators and senior executive positions before it had all blown up. Well, before her brother had plunged her into this mess. Could she dare hope? But the thought fled. The CRE would have to make full disclosure. Then who would want her?
Even as she grappled with that reality, the communications device beeped. Gillian rushed in its direction, wondering who could be ringing at this hour of the night.
“Gillian? It’s Kumi. Can you come here, please?” The broken tones of the diminutive woman—the sister of Tomi—tore at her.
“Oh Kumi, I’m not sure…” Even though Gillian knew Kumi couldn’t see her—a fact she was grateful for—she still shook her head.
“Carmichael thinks he might be able to find Tomi, but we need your assistance.”
The idea that she might be instrumental in finding Tomi, in saving him, was heady. She sucked in a deep breath. Gods, perhaps…
Gillian knew exactly what she had to do. “Okay, give me a few minutes to get dressed and settle Ma, and I’ll be on my way.” She depressed the button and the call ended. Even as she was striding to the bedroom, she called out, “Ma! I gotta go out and leave you here for a while. Get some sleep!”
Hurling the pajamas onto a pile on the floor, Gillian promised to burn them. After the look that man had given her…
“No. Just get dressed. There are better things to dwell on.” She hauled on long, black pants, boots, a loose top, and a black jacket. She was running a brush through her hair when her mother ducked around the door.
“Where are you going?”
“I have some stuff I need to attend to. Lock the door after me and keep your communicator close. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Then, with a swift hard hug, she hurried for the door.
* * * *
An aching pain shot through Tomi’s head as consciousness rose. Don’t open your eyes until you know it’s safe. Keep your breathing even. The lessons his security team had tried to instill in him halted his instinctive actions. Tomi embraced them, knowing they might be his only path to freedom.
He expanded his lungs and listened. The more his ears strained, the more creaking and groaning he could hear. The creak and groan of a ship—old and wooden—his helpful mind supplied the fact. Tomi had spent a lot of time on the water as a teenager at his family’s beach house, but he was pretty sure he wasn’t there. Something about it felt… It just doesn’t feel right. Tomi nearly snorted at his own thought. Of course it wouldn’t. He was trussed up like some game hen!
After a while, when he was sure there was no one around, he opened his eyes bit by painful bit, glancing through eyelashes until finally he was able to see clearly. He was alone, just as he’d hoped.
Better not to speak though, in case they are within earshot. His legs cramped, and he tightened the muscles before releasing them.
His hands brushed against a wood floor, old and rough. A splinter slid beneath the surface of the soft pad of his fingers. He hissed and tugged, but his hands were tightly bound. Tied hand and foot. Whoever they were, and whatever their plans, they didn’t want him escaping easily. Too bad he had no intentions of falling in with their plans.
The edge of his chrono snagged on the bindings and he smiled. “Yeah.” He only breathed the words then looked quickly in the direction of the door he’d noted earlier. No movement. So they hadn’t yet detected that he’d woken.