She and Allan, page 9

Next day early I left the town of the People of the Axe, having bid aformal farewell to Umslopogaas, saying in a voice that all couldhear that as the rivers were still flooded, I proposed to trek to thenorthern parts of Zululand and trade there until the weather was better.Our private arrangement, however, was that on the night of the nextfull moon, which happened about four weeks later, we should meet at theeastern foot of a certain great, flat-topped mountain known to both ofus, which stands to the north of Zululand but well beyond its borders.
So northward I trekked, slowly to spare my oxen, trading as I went. Thedetails do not matter, but as it happened I met with more luck upon thatjourney than had come my way for many a long year. Although I workedon credit since nearly all my goods were sold, as owing to my repute Icould always do in Zululand, I made some excellent bargains in cattle,and to top up with, bought a large lot of ivory so cheap that really Ithink it must have been stolen.
All of this, cattle, and ivory together, I sent to Natal in charge of awhite friend of mine whom I could trust, where the stuff was soldvery well indeed, and the proceeds paid to my account, the "trade"equivalents being duly remitted to the native vendors.
In fact, my good fortune was such that if I had been superstitious likeHans, I should have been inclined to attribute it to the influence ofZikali's "Great Medicine." As it was I knew it to be one of the chancesof a trader's life and accepted it with a shrug as often as I had beenaccustomed to do in the alternative of losses.
Only one untoward incident happened to me. Of a sudden a party ofthe King's soldiers under the command of a well-known _Induna_ orCouncillor, arrived and insisted upon searching my waggon, as I thoughtat first in connection with that cheap lot of ivory which had alreadydeparted to Natal. However, never a word did they say of ivory, norindeed was a single thing belonging to me taken by them.
I was very indignant and expressed my feelings to the _Induna_ in nomeasured terms. He on his part was most apologetic, and explained thatwhat he did he was obliged to do "by the King's orders." Also he let itslip that he was seeking for a certain "evil-doer" who, it was thought,might be with me without my knowing his real character, and as this"evil-doer," whose name he would not mention, was a very fierce man, ithad been necessary to bring a strong guard with him.
Now I bethought me of Umslopogaas, but merely looked blank and shruggedmy shoulders, saying that I was not in the habit of consorting withevil-doers.
Still unsatisfied, the _Induna_ questioned me as to the places whereI had been during this journey of mine in the Zulu country. I told himwith the utmost frankness, mentioning among others--because I was surethat already he knew all my movements well--the town of the People ofthe Axe.
Then he asked me if I had seen its Chief, a certain Umslopogaas orBulalio. I answered, Yes, that I had met him there for the first timeand thought him a very remarkable man.
With this the _Induna_ agreed emphatically, saying that perhaps I didnot know _how_ remarkable. Next he asked me where he was now, to whichI replied that I had not the faintest idea, but I presumed in his kraalwhere I had left him. The _Induna_ explained that he was _not_ in hiskraal; that he had gone away leaving one Lousta and his own head wifeMonazi to administer the chieftainship for a while, because, as hestated, he wished to make a journey.
I yawned as if weary of the subject of this chief, and indeed of thewhole business. Then the _Induna_ said that I must come to the King andrepeat to him all the words that I had spoken. I replied that I couldnot possibly do so as, having finished my trading, I had arranged to gonorth to shoot elephants. He answered that elephants lived a long whileand would not die while I was visiting the King.
Then followed an argument which grew heated and ended in his declaringthat to the King I must come, even if he had to take me there by force.
I sat silent, wondering what to say or do and leant forward to pick apiece of wood out of the fire wherewith to light my pipe. Now my shirtwas not buttoned and as it chanced this action caused the ivory image ofZikali that hung about my neck to appear between its edges. The _Induna_saw it and his eyes grew big with fear.
"Hide that!" he whispered, "hide that, lest it should bewitch me.Indeed, already I feel as though I were being bewitched. It is the GreatMedicine itself."
"That will certainly happen to you," I said, yawning again, "if youinsist upon my taking a week's trek to visit the Black One, or interferewith me in any way now or afterwards," and I lifted my hand towards thetalisman, looking him steadily in the face.
"Perhaps after all, Macumazahn, it is not necessary for you to visit theKing," he said in an uncertain voice. "I will go and make report to himthat you know nothing of this evil-doer."
And he went in such a hurry that he never waited to say good-bye. Nextmorning before the dawn I went also and trekked steadily until I wasclear of Zululand.