She and Allan, page 45

He went, and I too went to see how it fared with Inez. I found that shewas fast asleep but in a quite different sleep to that into which Ayeshaseemed to have plunged her. Now it was absolutely natural and lookingat her lying there upon the bed, I thought how young and healthy washer appearance. The women in charge of her also told me that she hadawakened at the hour appointed by She-who-commands, as it seemed,quite well and very hungry, although she appeared to be puzzled byher surroundings. After she had eaten, they added that she had "sunga song," which was probably a hymn, and prayed upon her knees, "makingsigns upon her breast" and then gone quietly to bed.
My anxiety relieved as regards Inez, I returned to my own quarters. Notfeeling inclined for slumber, however, instead of turning in I sat atthe doorway contemplating the beauty of the night while I watched thecountless fireflies that seemed to dust the air with sparks of burninggold; also the great owls and other fowl that haunt the dark. These hadcome out in numbers from their hiding-places among the ruins and sailedto and fro like white-winged spirits, now seen and now lost in thegloom.