Moon of Israel: A Tale of the Exodus, page 1

Produced by John Bickers; Dagny; Emma Dudding
by H. Rider Haggard
This book suggests that the real Pharaoh of the Exodus was not Meneptahor Merenptah, son of Rameses the Great, but the mysterious usurper,Amenmeses, who for a year or two occupied the throne between thedeath of Meneptah and the accession of his son the heir-apparent, thegentle-natured Seti II.
Of the fate of Amenmeses history says nothing; he may well have perishedin the Red Sea or rather the Sea of Reeds, for, unlike those of Meneptahand the second Seti, his body has not been found.
Students of Egyptology will be familiar with the writings of the scribeand novelist Anana, or Ana as he is here called.
It was the Author's hope to dedicate this story to Sir Gaston Maspero,K.C.M.G., Director of the Cairo Museum, with whom on several occasionshe discussed its plot some years ago. Unhappily, however, weighed downby one of the bereavements of the war, this great Egyptologist died inthe interval between its writing and its publication. Still, since LadyMaspero informs him that such is the wish of his family, he adds thededication which he had proposed to offer to that eminent writer andstudent of the past.
Dear Sir Gaston Maspero,
When you assured me as to a romance of mine concerning ancient Egypt,that it was so full of the "inner spirit of the old Egyptians" that,after kindred efforts of your own and a lifetime of study, you could notconceive how it had been possible for it to spring from the brain of amodern man, I thought your verdict, coming from such a judge, one of thegreatest compliments that ever I received. It is this opinion of yoursindeed which induces me to offer you another tale of a like complexion.Especially am I encouraged thereto by a certain conversation betweenus in Cairo, while we gazed at the majestic countenance of the PharaohMeneptah, for then it was, as you may recall, that you said you thoughtthe plan of this book probable and that it commended itself to yourknowledge of those dim days.
With gratitude for your help and kindness and the sincerest homage toyour accumulated lore concerning the most mysterious of all the perishedpeoples of the earth,
Believe me to remain
Your true admirer,
H. Rider Haggard.
This is the story of me, Ana the scribe, son of Meri, and of certain ofthe days that I have spent upon the earth. These things I have writtendown now that I am very old in the reign of Rameses, the third of thatname, when Egypt is once more strong and as she was in the ancient time.I have written them before death takes me, that they may be buried withme in death, for as my spirit shall arise in the hour of resurrection,so also these my words may arise in their hour and tell to those whoshall come after me upon the earth of what I knew upon the earth. Let itbe as Those in heaven shall decree. At least I write and what I write istrue.
I tell of his divine Majesty whom I loved and love as my own soul, SetiMeneptah the second, whose day of birth was my day of birth, the Hawkwho has flown to heaven before me; of Userti the Proud, his queen, shewho afterwards married his divine Majesty, Saptah, whom I saw laid inher tomb at Thebes. I tell of Merapi, who was named Moon of Israel, andof her people, the Hebrews, who dwelt for long in Egypt and departedthence, having paid us back in loss and shame for all the good and illwe gave them. I tell of the war between the gods of Egypt and the god ofIsrael, and of much that befell therein.
Also I, the King's Companion, the great scribe, the beloved of thePharaohs who have lived beneath the sun with me, tell of other men andmatters. Behold! is it not written in this roll? Read, ye who shall findin the days unborn, if your gods have given you skill. Read, O childrenof the future, and learn the secrets of that past which to you is so faraway and yet in truth so near.