Deep Crossing, page 39

Capal’s Chariot
According to Nasebiana legend, the god Capal descended to Earth from the heavens on a chariot of fire to aid and teach humankind. This fragment has been passed down through the centuries and is said to be a piece of Capal’s chariot. It was worshiped by several warring cultures until the Slater occupation of 1640, when it was captured and held by The Church of Dedicated Saints. There, it was eventually put on display beginning in the 1800’s. When that province merged with the greater states, the artifact was brought to the museum for safety and further study. In a strange accordance with legend, modern science has not been able to determine the composition or true origin of the artifact. Numerous fraternal organizations continue to subscribe to the legend and pay homage to the fragment through yearly vigils to the museum.
Additional references;
Pauline’s Ancient Artifacts: UPBN28743
Archeology and Legend: UPBN76231
Timbres Index of Science In The Laboratory: PATCO 2354
We secretly photographed the fragment from every angle and when an opportunity arose, scanned it. The inscription alone told us we were at the right place. Our initial questions had been answered, giving way to dozens more.
Chapter 36