The masters of magic, p.7
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The Masters of Magic, page 7

 part  #3 of  The Coven Series


The Masters of Magic
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  The master slowly turned to us with an expressionless face.

  Cas, Felix, Beatrice, and Bradly were some feet away behind her.

  Cristania created two more versions of herself. “Alright guys. Let’s kick some ass!”

  Just as the group attacked with their abilities, the master swung her staff and blocked every move. She was like a blur in the wind, moving from here to there and disappearing from one area to another. It was safe to say that she knew every evading trick in the book, but I wasn’t sure what ancient magic she truly had until she shot beams of stars from the ball of her staff.

  After knocking Beatrice down, she sprinted towards her and jumped high into the air, then javelin threw the pointed end of her staff at Beatrice’s chest like some sort of spear.

  Cas was quick to intercept and block, but as the staff descended it formed into the master and the impact of her staff against his sword sent him flying across the room.

  Before the master could even think about hurting Beatrice again, Bradly spit large hot flames of fire and caused her to step back. That was when Cristania came in and started fighting her with only her fists and feet. The four Cristania’s were like freaking ninjas as they leapt, twirled, punched, and kicked, but they wouldn’t be enough. To try and catch the master off guard, Felix aimed his lighting at her back, but in a blur, she slid out of the way and let the lightening hit one of the Cristania’s.

  Afraid he hit the wrong one, Felix froze and gave the master the perfect chance to send white balls of light at him. If he didn’t move fast enough, they would’ve exploded upon impact against his body, and thankfully, he moved.

  The master turned back to Beatrice, who had her hand over her chest and was trying to sit up. The master saw this as the perfect chance to stab her, but my fear of watching someone die drove me to teleport to Beatrice, then teleport again so that she was out of the way.

  Beatrice panted. “Thanks.”

  I nodded. “Of course.”

  The master turned to me. “When are you going to step up?”

  I clenched my teeth and stood upright. Triana was on the other side of Beatrice with her eyes focused and unusually hard. They were also unusually dark.

  The master slowly started walking in my direction. “I’m just about done playing with the group of you. Impress me.”

  Hesitantly, I raised my hand, but in a flash, the master had teleported in front of me with the sharp end of her staff pointed directly under my chin.

  “No,” Triana whimpered.

  “Teleportation. It’s tricky at first, but when you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature,” the master said.

  “Get away from her!” Bradly yelled as he shot flames at the master, but she only deflected it with her own fiery pink flames, and she never once took her eyes off me.

  “I guess you’ve realized now that there truly is no way to beat me. I know all magic and how to use it,” she chuckled.

  I inhaled a shaky breath. “I’m sure there are ways.”

  She leaned in close. “Show me.”

  “You asked for it,” Beatrice said. As quickly as she could, she placed her hand over the ground, but instead of ice spreading, a fist of ice shot from the ground and sent the master flying in the air.

  Triana then stepped forward and raised her hands, stopping the master in midair with a struggle.

  Without hesitation this time, I stepped forward and blasted her starlit magic from the palm of my hand and sent it roaring at her petite body. In less than a second, the explosive magic crashed into her and burst into multiple stars.

  The aftershock wave knocked us all down to the ground where we each stayed for a moment while heaving deep breaths of air.

  About a minute later, the sound of clapping sounded from the throne, and we each turned to find the dreaded ancient master of magic sitting there without a scratch on her.

  Chapter Thirteen: The Masters of Magic

  We each struggled to get back to our feet as we turned to face the master. She sat with her legs crossed and placed her hands over her lap.

  “Well, that was fun, wasn’t it?” the master asked.

  “You tried to kill us,” Beatrice snapped.

  The master shrugged. “Well it’s either die or pass.”

  “And we passed?” Triana asked.

  The master nodded. “Most certainly.”

  “So, the pond? Where is it?” I asked.

  The master grinned. “There.” She pointed to something behind us, but upon turning we found nothing. When I was about to question her again, the center floor rippled into what looked like water before it actually took the form of water. Now the group of us were staring into a glowing turquoise blue pond where golden cups hovered in the air, encircling it.

  “And what exactly happens when we drink from it?” Beatrice asked.

  “You become masters. Your powers unlock and are used with ease. It’s like, skipping all the years of training and just having the strength you need to fight.”

  “Okay then.” Cristania was the first to walk towards one of the cups but hesitated to grab one. “How do we know this isn’t poisonous?”

  Triana walked to one and took it. “The pond isn’t poisonous. It’s the real thing. I can feel it. I’ve never felt anything like this before.”

  I swallowed and went to grab a cup, then so did the others. All who was left was Cas.

  “You can take one as well. Hunters don’t like to admit it, but their abilities to teleport and summon weapons is all magic. It’s just…the only abilities they can use. Anyways, what I’m trying to say is that there is magic in your blood. You may awaken something inside of you that you weren’t aware of before,” the master said.

  “What could that be?” Cas asked as he grabbed a cup.

  The master smiled and gave a shrug, but we could see in her eyes that she knew the answer. “You have to drink it to get back home anyways, so you have no choice unless you want to stay here with me.”

  Cas sighed and bit his lower lip, then glanced at Beatrice.

  “I guess that means I won’t be having any company for the next couple of years, huh?” The master giggled before streams of water from the pond rose into the air and curved into our cups, filling them. “Now, drink away and enjoy your new-found strength. You all fought well and have great teamwork. The masters were smart for choosing you.”

  We all glanced at one another, then simultaneously put the cups to our lips…and drank.

  “Goodbye, little masters of magic…” her voice faded into the darkness that slowly claimed us all.

  The Masters of Magic

  In a blink of an eye, I was standing atop the hill that Felix and I ate upon just the other day. I was facing the mountains during nightfall with the moon just barely rising over them.

  Confused at how I got there, I squinted my eyes and tried to recall the last thing I could remember, but then I was distracted by something cold and metal in my hand. When I turned to look, I found that I was holding a black star covered staff with a cyan blue ball at the top. Beneath the glass were swirls of magic just spinning around and waiting to be used.

  When I took in a deep breath, it was as if I were only breathing in magic, and then I remembered. I was a master now. I fought The Ancient Master of Magic in the Temple of Stars. I was now practically invincible.

  “This looks awesome,” I heard Bradly say. He was holding a metal spear, similar to my staff, only the tip of the spear surged with heat like it had been sitting in a fire.

  Beatrix was also holding a weapon instead of a staff. She held two black steal daggers that were covered in stars. When the tips were put together, a white light formed into a small energy ball, and when she pulled them away, it disappeared.

  Felix, Triana, and Cristania were holding staffs like me, only Cristania’s ball was pink, Triana’s was green, and Felix’s was blue. His also had a pointed end that resembled a spear.

  Cas was the only one without a new weapon, but what he had was far more extraordinary. Looking down at his hands, they were covered in black tribal tattoos that swirled up to his forearms and stopped at his elbows.

  “Cas?” Beatrice called.

  When he looked up, his eyes were completely black, but then faded back to their natural brown. “What do you think this means?”

  Triana turned to him. “The power inside of a hunter is dark. They were cursed by black magic. Those symbols are magic and can be used at your will, but not like ours. I can’t really think of how it should be used, but you should have time to figure that out.”

  Cas cracked an unsure smile. “Thanks, Triana.”

  Bradly turned around to face the camp. “I don’t think he has a lot of time at all.”

  Curious as to what he meant, I turned around to face the camp, only to find it more busy than usual. Witches and wizards were all dressed in their fighting gear, moving things around, and talking in large groups around multiple fires.

  “Oh, crap,” I said. “The war…”

  Cristania combed her fingers through her hair. “It’s about to happen real soon.”


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  Angel was only nine years old when everything was taken away from him. He lost his village, his family, and his best friend. All that he had left was a mysterious talking sword called The Soul Blade, which only spoke to him when danger was near. At the time, Angel didn’t understand why the sword chose him, but eight years later he finally received his answer.

  After an all-out war between four worlds, Angel and his new companion Zyas, are captured and taken to a high security prison where they meet Trenza: the Machinian, Marian: the Firow Soldier, and Alcia: the Oceanian. Even though they all should have been considered enemies, they made the perfect team. Together, they escaped only to find themselves in a mysterious world named Mooralshia. The very place that Angel learns just how powerful his sword is, and what he is supposed to do with it…

  Save Vernasia

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  About the Author

  Destiny Hawkins is a multi-genre author with a dark imagination and a love for magic.

  She enjoys cooking, running, swimming, listening to music, reading, and of course watching anime filled with fantasy! Her favorite genres to read and work in are Fantasy, LGBT, Paranormal, Romance, Dystopian, Sci-fi, and young adult. After three years of writing she has published almost 20 books and she has many more coming!

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One: Broken Bonds

  Chapter Two: The Arrival

  Chapter Three: What Is to Come

  Chapter Four: The Four Masters

  Chapter Five: Beatrice Vs. Raven

  Chapter Six: The Magic Realm 101

  Chapter Seven: Fear

  Chapter Eight: The Black Fairies

  Chapter Nine: The Warlock

  Chapter Ten: Lost and Found

  Chapter Eleven: The Temple of Stars

  Chapter Twelve: The Last Task

  Chapter Thirteen: The Masters of Magic



  Destiny Hawkins, The Masters of Magic



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