Mystics touch, p.9
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Mystic's Touch, page 9


Mystic's Touch
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  It was becoming more obvious to him how much he had come to care for her. Despite their short time together. Rank and station be damned, he would have her. He wondered, however, would she have him?

  Living with the royal family was not easy. Danet would know that firsthand. Would she want to be even more a part of it than she already was?

  His other worry was if the poison left some lingering damage and whether she could live with it. He felt certain she could, if she cared for him. He sensed she was concerned for his well-being and was even attracted to him. What he wasn’t certain of was, did she care for him as a man or simply as she would any other patient, or even as a servant would her master? He hoped that more budded.

  She stirred in her sleep. He stilled his mind in case his thoughts disturbed her. He certainly didn’t want her picking up on those more tender feelings just yet. No need in scaring her off.

  No sooner had Danet settled back into sleep than Ceros heard the suite door open and close. The swish of fabric alerted him that someone was near.

  “Oh. The poor dear,” the queen mumbled from the foot of the bed.

  Danet. We have company. As much as he hated to wake her, he knew she would be embarrassed being caught napping.

  Just a few minutes more.

  Mother is here.

  What? She sat up suddenly. “My queen. I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

  The queen waved Danet’s concerns away. “Don’t fret yourself, child. I’m sure you didn’t get much sleep last night. And I doubt you’ve had more than five minutes to yourself today.”

  “You would be correct,” she said as she smothered a yawn.

  “It’s a few hours until I need to dress for dinner. I can sit with Ceros. Why don’t you run home and get some rest? Or you’re welcome to find a guestroom and lie down for a bit. I’m always more comfortable in my own bed, however.”

  Danet looked his way. “I could use another change of clothes,” she hesitated.

  Go, Ceros encouraged her. I’m sure you could use the change of scenery anyway.

  “Darius should be coming by any time now. I should stay and give him my report,” Danet said.

  “I can give it to him,” the queen suggested. “Is there anything else you would tell him that you haven’t already told me?”

  Danet shook her head. “Not that I can think of.”

  “If he gets upset that you aren’t here to speak with him, I’ll let him know he should send word next time of when he expects to arrive instead of making you sit around all day waiting on him,” the queen said. “Go on. I’m sure you want to check in with Sebak anyway.”

  “Yes, actually I do.” Danet grabbed her bag from the floor next to the desk. “I won’t be long.” She bowed her head to the queen. “Thank you, my queen.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  I will return shortly, Danet reassured Ceros.

  You’d better, he teased.

  “Oh, and Danet,” the queen stopped her as she was leaving. “Take an escort with you, please, and have them wait for you. There’s a reason we have them, you know.”

  “Yes, my queen.”

  Would you have listened if I had suggested that? Ceros asked.

  Hard to say.

  We need to talk about your willfulness.

  If I remember correctly that’s not the first thing you’ve said we needed to talk about, and it most likely won’t be the last. How about if I start a list for you?

  He sighed. What am I going to do with you?

  Her laughter rang in his head even after the door to the suite clicked shut.

  Chapter Ten

  As when she made her previous trip home, Danet was greeted at the door by her father and Ryana.

  “You two worry too much,” she said as she hugged Ryana.

  “I think we worry the exact amount we should.” Ryana looked her over from head to toe. “Well, you don’t look tortured or worked half to death, so I suppose they’re treating you fairly at the palace.”

  “I’m a little tired, but fine,” Danet assured them both.

  “Are you here for the evening or just a short while?” Ryana asked.

  “Only a short time, I’m afraid.”

  Ryana nodded. “I’ll pack a sack of goodies for you to take.”

  “Any sweetbread?”

  “I promised you I’d save some.”

  “You’re wonderful.”

  “Would you like tea brought into your study?” Ryana asked Sebak.

  “I believe so, thank you,” he replied.

  “Speaking of tea, Ryana, would you mind packing some of Mother’s tea with the sweetbread?”

  Ryana seemed surprised by the request but didn’t question it. “Certainly.”

  Almost on cue, Danet and her father turned and entered his study. “How is the prince?” Sebak asked.

  “I have seen a marked improvement since he began taking your tonic. He has movement in his hands and feet as well as his eyes. He was even able to swallow a couple of times.”

  “Good. Very good.”

  “Where does the Aspenadder plant grow? Or where can it be found?”

  “The Aspenadder has almost died out. For such a poisonous plant, it is surprisingly delicate. Too much water can kill it but so can too little.” He pulled a book out of the stack on his side table and flipped through a few marked pages. “The closest location the plant has been seen is the Nightshade Oasis.”

  “The one north of the city?”

  “Yes. That’s right.”

  “I thought I heard someone saying the prince had stopped at an oasis to meet a welcoming party, but I’m not sure which one,” Danet mumbled. “I could ask Gehiji.”

  “Who is Gehiji?”

  “One of Ceros’ friends. He accompanied Ceros to Licosia.”

  “Ceros?” Her father’s eyebrow lifted in question. “You’ve been given leave to address the heir apparent, the prince of Licosia, by his given name?”

  The blood drained from Danet’s face. “Did I just call him that?”

  “Yes, you did.”

  Danet sat on the edge of a nearby chair. At what point did she begin thinking of him so informally? Surely she didn’t refer to him that way to the queen. She would have said something, just like Father had.

  “It’s all right, Danet,” her father said gently. “I was mostly teasing you.”

  “But it’s not all right, Father. I was just trying to think of when in the last day and a half that I stopped thinking of him as the prince, the prince whom I serve, and starting thinking of him as a friend. I need to correct that in my own mind before it slips out again with someone who would not understand.”

  “I agree only because it would be embarrassing for you. However,” he said as he put the book he was reading aside, “because of the connection the two of you share, you will never again be able to think of him formally.”

  “Gods. I’m going to have to leave Licosia, aren’t I?”

  Her father chuckled. “I suggest you let this play out before you start packing your bags.”

  “But, Father, there is no way I could work in the palace and be near him. That would be far too intrusive for both of us. Especially once he takes a bride.” She shuddered. “That would be…”


  Danet’s stomach hurt at the thought of Ceros with another woman. “To say the least.”

  “Actually, the thought of a destined mate with another should make you either ill or jealous and angry enough to take on a wild boar.”

  She put a hand over her stomach. “Lovely.”

  “If you are truly destined, he will feel the same and want no other.”

  The question she dared not ask, not yet, was, what happened if they really were destined? How would they make it work?

  Afraid to dwell on the thought, Danet stood and took a deep breath. “I need to get some clean clothes and I thought I would lie down for a bit.” She smiled regretfully. “I haven’t been able to get much rest at the palace and the queen suggested I might rest better at home.”

  “You do look tired, Daughter.” He smiled. “I’ll tell Ryana to save the tea for later. Do you want someone to wake you in an hour or two?”

  “That would be perfect. And would you mind writing down every place the Aspenadder may be found? I’d like to take that list to Gehiji. He might be able to find out who had access to the plant and therefore who tried to kill Ceros.”

  “I will have it ready for you when you wake.”

  Even though she knew her father wasn’t much for displays of affection, she hugged him. “Thank you.”

  He patted her shoulder awkwardly. “Go get some rest.”

  Danet hurried up the steps to her room. She tossed her dirty clothes on the floor beside her dresser and pulled a couple of clean outfits out of the drawers. The thought of a long shower where she was guaranteed privacy flitted through her mind, but the lure of an hour of sleep in her own bed overrode it.

  As expected, it only took a few minutes after she curled up in her pillows to fall asleep.

  The beast was waiting for her.

  She found herself in a brightly lit room. The walls were covered in gold, amplifying the natural light. Across from her was an oversized bed covered in white sheets and draped with sheer white fabric. The drapes fluttered in an imaginary breeze.

  In the center of the bed lay her beast. She still marveled at his golden body. It was soft as velvet yet powerful muscles rippled beneath its smooth surface. The mane around his head was the same gold color but thick and soft. Danet loved to sink her fingers into it.

  As she approached, he lifted his head from his massive paws and watched her.

  “You are well then, I see,” she said to the beast. “I feared whoever had been hunting you in my previous dream might have succeeded.”

  She sank to the floor in front of the bed and studied his eyes. It had been many years since she feared her beast, but she was still in awe of his size and strength. She knew he could strike her down with one blow of his mighty paw, but felt comfortable he wouldn’t.

  Danet crawled up onto the bed so she could stroke his mane.

  The beast turned and pushed his head into her hand, silently asking for more.

  She smiled and gladly complied. As she petted her beast, she recalled her day for him.

  “I have been asked to help our prince. He has been poisoned and cannot move. Father found a medicine to help rid his body of the toxin, but I worry for his safety.” She noticed an unusual fog had crept in and now surrounded them. “He is vulnerable. If his enemy were to return to finish the job the poison didn’t, he would not be able to defend himself.”

  A rumble in the beast’s chest made her think he didn’t like what she had said.

  “I think I need to dig out Mother’s journals. I remember her telling me stories as a child about some of the wondrous things her mother and grandmother had done to heal people, but I know so little of our gifts I wouldn’t know what to attempt.”

  Her beast rolled onto his side and made a pulling motion with one paw on her arm.

  Danet lay on her side, facing her beast’s massive chest. She ran her fingers over the velvety fur, letting her fingernails drag lightly as she pulled them back and forth.

  Her beast made a purring noise in his throat, letting her know he was enjoying her affections.

  “I wish to help our prince but I am afraid once he sees what I am and what I can do, he will fear me. Maybe even force me to leave Licosia. That would embarrass Father and maybe even endanger his work. I can’t be the cause of that.”

  Her beast looked at her solemnly then his giant tongue darted out to lick her hand.

  “Are you saying I worry too much? Father tells me that all the time.” She sighed. “Perhaps I do.”

  She put one arm around her beast and lay her head against his ribs. His heart beat steadily inside and the sound comforted her.

  “How I wish you could talk. I feel you have many of the answers I seek.” She stroked her hand down his back. “In all the years you’ve been in my dreams, you’ve never said a word. But then, you don’t really need to. I usually know what you are saying.”

  She turned her head and rested her chin on his side. “Isn’t that odd?”

  Her beast made a grunt then took a deep breath and exhaled as he lay his head back down.

  They lay there, soaking up the peace and quiet until he sat up suddenly, forcing her to do the same. He looked at a particularly gray tendril of the fog as if he heard something.

  Danet’s eyes darted between the creeping mist and her beast and she tried to determine what he had seen or heard. Her heart had not yet slowed but she knew her beast would protect her against anything that might step out of the mist.

  Suddenly he roared loudly and rolled away from her. She scurried off the edge of the bed, watching him. He seemed to be favoring one paw, but she didn’t know why. She eased closer so she could take a look and try to figure out what had happened or what had caused him pain.

  His chest was heaving as if he had run around the city twice. Every time she stepped closer, her beast took a step back. He kept shaking his head as if he needed to clear it.

  Before she could reach him, he ran around her and charged into the fog. As she debated whether to follow, she heard Ceros call to her. Someone here… Come back… His voice was too faint for her to understand what he was saying.

  Her anxiety spiked and she willed herself to wake up.


  Chapter Eleven

  Danet jerked awake and found herself sitting up in the middle of her own bed. Based on the way the shadows were forming on her wall, she knew it was nearing dusk. She must have dozed for at least an hour.

  She scampered off the bed and grabbed her bag of clothes. Just before she left her room, she remembered to grab her mother’s journal. She tucked it safely in her bag then rushed down the stairs. Using her fingers, she quickly smoothed her hair and retied the ribbon.

  “Father, I need to go,” she said as she burst into her father’s study.

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “I—” She gulped in a mouthful of air. “I heard Ceros in my dream. Something is wrong.”

  “Then you must go. Here,” he grabbed the piece of paper he had been writing on and handed it to her. “It’s the list of places the Aspenadder can be found. If I learn of any more, I’ll send word.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And Ryana packed that for you.” He pointed to a small sack sitting near the door.

  “Give her my thanks also.” She grabbed Ryana’s treats as she rushed to the entryway.

  “Be careful,” he shouted as she ran to her escort.

  The return to the palace took longer than she cared for. Even though the crowds weren’t thick, Danet had no patience for anyone standing between her and her destination.

  She needed to see Ceros and know everything was okay.

  As they passed through the palace gates, she tried to reach him.

  Ceros? Are you there? Is everything all right?

  There was no response. She tried to tell herself he could be sleeping.

  Panic made her rush through the hallways. When she reached his chambers, she found the queen on her lounge, speaking with Darius.

  She forced herself to slow down and catch her breath. Nothing could be amiss as far as this crowd was concerned.

  “My queen.” Danet bowed her head. “Master Darius.” She looked at Ceros. He appeared to be in the same position as when she left. “How is the prince?”

  Her heart still drummed against her chest.

  “I was hoping you would arrive before I left.” Darius stood. “I have concerns.”


  “Yesterday, when I examined Prince Ceros, I saw improvement in his movement and his responses. But today he seems to be worse than he was when he first arrived.”

  “He is?” Danet set her bag of clothing on the floor and the sack of Ryana’s goodies on the desk. She hurried to the prince’s side.

  She took his hand in hers and placed her fingers at his wrist where she could feel his heart beating. It was slower than this morning. Next she felt his brow. He felt warmer than normal. His face was paler than before she left.

  Ceros? Still, he didn’t respond.

  “Something is wrong.” Danet looked to the queen. “What happened while I was away?”

  “Nothing that I know of. Aleric and those councilmen insisted Master Darius bring them to see Ceros and give them an update. After they left, Ceros stopped moving but I assumed he had fallen asleep. What’s wrong?”

  Darius spoke before Danet could. “His heartbeat is weaker and he may have a fever.” To Danet, he asked, “He wasn’t like this before you left?”

  She shook her head. “No. His color was good. His eyes were clear and seemed to focus occasionally on objects. His heartbeat was steady and strong. Did anyone give him any herbs while I was away?”

  The queen glanced at Darius, but answered, “Not that I noticed.”

  Darius drew himself up to his full height. “I did not order a change to any of the herbs he should have been receiving with his broth. And I never dispense them to my patients.”

  Helping patients with medicines would certainly be something Darius considered beneath him.

  “What about broth or water? Did anyone give him anything while I was away?” Danet asked.

  The queen shook her head. “You are the only one who knows how to get him to swallow anything. It would be pointless for anyone else to attempt it.”

  Danet nodded. “Perhaps it is simply a setback or his body trying to shake off the last of whatever caused the issue.” She turned to Darius. “I will monitor him closely through the night for elevated fever. I assume you will wish to be notified immediately if he worsens?”

  “Most definitely.”

  “Would you like for me to attempt to continue the water and the broth as well?”

  Darius hesitated. “The water, yes. But only small quantities.”

  “I have successfully used cold water-soaked linens at major junction points to treat fevers. If his takes a sudden turn for the worse, do you wish me to proceed or would you rather examine him first?”

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