Mystics touch, p.5
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Mystic's Touch, page 5


Mystic's Touch
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  Obviously you’ve been told so it wasn’t completely hidden, she pointed out.

  I’m part of the royal family, though, so it doesn’t count.

  If you say so.

  Danet turned to look at the prince. He was a handsome man. It was a shame to see him trapped in his body this way.

  Don’t try to distract me, the prince said.

  How was I distracting you?

  You were thinking of touching my hair.

  I was not.

  Yes, you were.

  Danet harrumphed. What was your second reason?

  My second reason?

  You said you had two reasons for asking about my family but only mentioned one.

  Ah, yes. I was trying to figure out how your family could be so intertwined with mine, but I don’t remember meeting you before now.

  We were introduced once, long ago. As I have already explained, it would have been improper for me to have served you or spent any time in your company. Besides, you have been away from home for many turns of the suns.

  Why is it acceptable for you to be in my service now?

  I am no longer an innocent maid. I was married for a short time. Besides, completing my apprenticeship allows me a great deal of freedom even though I am not mated. I believe your mother is more concerned with your well-being than any sense of impropriety. Besides, there is little danger of your ravishing me while in this state.

  How does she know that you won’t ravish me while overseeing my care?

  She shot him a look that would have spoken volumes had he been able to see it. Because your mother knows me better than that.

  Does she?

  Yes. With one word, she made sure there was nothing to argue.

  How unfortunate.

  An image flashed through her mind of her straddling his very naked body, both of them sweaty and flushed. Danet tripped over her own feet. She quickly stamped the image down, not knowing if she had conjured it or if he had.

  Either way, no good could come of dwelling on it so she forced her thoughts in a more productive direction and began making a list of things she may need for the next couple of days.

  Why are you not mated again? he asked, making her forget what she had just put on her list.

  Danet shrugged. I had just finished my apprenticeship when Okpara and I were mated. He died about six moons later in an accident. I busied myself with a demanding schedule at the clinic as well as here at the palace. Between the two, I haven’t had the time or the inclination.


  Why? Because something must be wrong with me if I didn’t rush out to find the first available man to fill my bed?

  That’s not what—

  Are you one of those men who think every woman needs a man to watch over her?

  No. I—

  Just because society has dictated they expect girls to marry by their twentieth year and have little ones a year or two later doesn’t mean I have to comply.

  That’s true but—

  I’m not a simpleton. If I had met a man I wanted as a mate, one who was capable of capturing my interest both physically and mentally, I would be joined with him.

  I’m sure you—

  As it stands, I have yet to meet such a man. And until I do, I won’t just throw myself in the path of every available man just so I could say I was mated. Danet folded her arms across her chest and harrumphed to herself. Actually it wasn’t really to herself since Ceros could hear pretty much everything that passed through her thoughts.

  Are you finished?

  She took a deep breath. Yes.

  Good. What I was trying to say was that you seem to be a talented, intelligent and caring woman. I’m surprised that a dozen or more men haven’t come along and turned themselves inside out to impress and please you just so they could have the privilege of being with you.


  I respect your decision to help your father at his clinic. It is probably rewarding work that you do. But I also know what it’s like to lie awake at night and wonder how much more rewarding life would be if there were someone it could be shared with.

  Danet swallowed the lump that formed in her throat. His admission mirrored her deepest longing. One that she kept locked down and rarely examined so she wouldn’t be reminded of what she might be missing. It was too risky to allow anyone to get close enough to discover her “gifts”. Especially when she didn’t know the extent of them herself. The idea of passing unknown abilities on to a child made her gut clench.

  She clamped down on her thoughts and her feelings before Ceros picked up on them.

  You know you’ll only tempt my curiosity by trying to hide things from me, he told her.

  No. Just forget about any temptation. I sense you are an honorable man and you should be able to understand that we both need boundaries. I won’t go dancing through your private thoughts if you’ll leave mine alone.

  If they impact Licosia, how can I just look the other way?

  There is nothing in my head that truly impacts Licosia. She frowned. At least, not that I can think of.

  And if there is?

  You will just need to trust that I would tell you if there was. We just need to agree to stay out of each other’s closed-off thoughts.

  He fell silent for a moment. Long enough to make Danet squirm.

  Very well.

  She let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding.

  I will trust you, he said. But don’t be surprised if I bring it up after all of this is over.

  She groaned.

  I heard that, he reminded her.

  Chapter Six

  Ceros’ sisters came to check on him and provided a welcome relief from his relentless questioning. Danet enjoyed catching up with them and found it hard to keep the information about Ceros’ true condition to herself. Harder even than it had been with the queen.

  As she held one of the girls’ newborn son, she realized she was missing a piece of her life she hadn’t previously noticed.

  It took a lot of focus to bury her thoughts about mates and what her connection to the prince might mean, but Danet felt as if she accomplished it. She hoped the prince’s lack of questions on the subject was proof she had succeeded.

  The next distraction was provided by Hesina and a few members of her staff.

  As Hesina’s girls busied themselves cleaning and straightening the room, Hesina pulled Danet aside. “It relieved my mind to hear the queen assigned you to the prince’s care.”

  “He is still under Darius’ care. I will simply oversee his daily needs.”

  “However you wish to look at it, I know he’ll be in good hands now. And I’m sure your being here eases some of the queen’s stress.”

  “I just hope we are able to figure out what is wrong with him quickly.”

  Hesina patted her arm. “I have faith that you will.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Now, what can we bring you? Knowing you, there are probably a couple of lists started.”

  Danet smiled. “Naturally.” She gave Hesina a note with the things she needed.

  “What about you? There’s a rather comfortable lounge in one of the guest rooms that I can have brought in if you’re planning to stay through the night.”

  “I hadn’t decided whether I would stay or not. I told Father I would return home whenever possible, but I was going to wait to see if there was any change in the prince’s condition.”

  Have them bring in the lounge. If nothing else, you can use it for extra seating when my sisters return.

  “How about if I bring it in just in case,” Hesina suggested. “If it’s not needed, it’s no trouble to take it out again.”

  “Very well.” She wasn’t fond of the idea of walking home late at night anyway.

  That is very much out of the question. Even if you do decide to return home after nightfall, you ask for an escort home.

  Danet could sense his concern. Despite her deep-seated need for independence, she doubted she would win this argument.Besides, her father would tell her the same thing. Yes, my prince.

  “I’ll have the lounge brought in after dinner has been served, but the other things should be within the hour,” Hesina said.

  “Thank you.”

  “Remember what I told you.” She leveled a look at Danet and dropped her voice. “If you feel as if you’re in danger for trying to help the prince or if you need any help with anything, anything at all, you come find me.”

  Danet hugged Hesina. “I will.”

  Hesina cleared her throat. “Now get to work and get our young prince back on his feet before someone snatches his palace out from underneath him.”

  Danet groaned inwardly, knowing Ceros heard what she said. Thankfully he remained silent.

  “Come along, girls. You did a fine job getting this place in tiptop shape.” With one last look in Danet’s direction, Hesina added, “I’ll send a dinner tray for you in a bit.”

  “That would be lovely, thank you.”

  Finally the room fell quiet once more.

  What did she mean by my palace getting snatched away?

  Danet took a deep breath. I haven’t been able to confirm the significance yet, but Hesina learned there was to be a council meeting in three days time.

  When were you planning to tell me?

  As soon as I knew more about it.

  He paused. Is that why you were asking my sisters about plans for the next few days?

  Yes. I didn’t want to mention the meeting to anyone but I need to find out who knows about it and who doesn’t. From what Hesina tells me, the meeting is not common knowledge.

  How did she find out?

  Danet sat on the edge of the bed and took his hand in hers. As she spoke, she rubbed and flexed each finger and massaged his palm. Hesina makes it a point to keep an eye on everything that goes on in the palace. Not for malicious purposes. She is completely loyal to your family and has served since she was a child. Like her mother before her. And probably her mother’s mother too.

  And like my mother, she must trust you if she confided that information.

  She is a good friend to have.

  When I am recovered, I think I will have you take me on a tour of my own home so you can introduce me to the people I need to know.

  She smiled. I would be honored to do so.

  They fell silent as she worked the muscles in his arm. There was more muscle than she was accustomed to finding in the little old men and women she typically treated in her father’s clinic. She found herself having to dig in harder and longer.

  That feels really good, he murmured.

  It should keep your muscles from stiffening after lying for so long without movement, and speed your recovery once you’re back on your feet.

  Whatever the reason, keep doing it.

  Danet chuckled. Yes, my prince.

  She moved around to the other side of the bed so she could work his other hand and arm. Shortly before she finished, one of Hesina’s girls arrived with a basket and a small bowl of broth. The basket contained most of the things she’d requested and the broth was for the prince.

  To give her own muscles a chance to relax after working Ceros’, Danet spooned a few drops of broth between his lips and did what she could to get him to swallow it.

  I hate not being able to feed myself, Ceros grumbled.

  I’m sure you do.

  And that soup is not something I would ever request again.

  Probably not, but with everything your body is trying to deal with right now, bland is best.

  If you say so.

  Once she was able to work a few spoonfuls down, she set the bowl aside and went to inspect the things in the basket. She found the oil she requested and returned to Ceros’ side.

  I am picking up some kind of focused intent from you. Are you going to torture me like the vultures who were here this morning? he asked irritably when she sat on the edge of the bed.

  I hope it’s not torture. I was going to continue to work your muscles if that meets with my prince’s approval.

  Oh, well, in that case, proceed.

  She chuckled. I thought as much.

  Despite her budding curiosity, she took care to not expose more of him than necessary as she uncovered his feet and legs. In case more visitors arrived. She poured a liberal amount of the oil into her palm then rubbed her hands together to warm it. When she rubbed it into the lower part of his leg, Ceros groaned in her head.

  She finished coating his leg with oil then kneaded each of the muscles. Again she was surprised by how thick and well-defined his muscles were. It had been a long time since she was this close to a virile, healthy man. But she didn’t remember wanting to touch Okpara as she did Ceros.

  Have you never done this to a man before?

  Danet cringed, realizing he had picked up on her thoughts. No.

  Not even with your mate?

  I… Uh, no. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment.

  He paused. Please tell me he didn’t leave you untouched.

  No, but our schedules left us very little time together. And if you’re going to keep picking through my thoughts I’m going to put a lock on them.

  I can’t help it. They’re just there.

  Well, stop it. Some things are my own business. I’m making an effort to not trespass in your head.

  My apologies. I don’t mean to pry but I have to admit it’s fascinating getting a glimpse into the mind of a woman. You are creatures who have confounded men for hundreds of generations.

  Be that as it may, some things should be allowed to stay private.

  You are right, he admitted. I will try harder to not intrude on your privacy.

  They fell silent as Danet worked to compartmentalize her thoughts and push the ones she didn’t want exposed into a dark corner of her mind.

  Can you go back to doing that thing you were doing with my leg? That felt nice.

  She made a harrumphing sound but did as he asked. When she finished working the second leg, she switched positions so she could manipulate the foot and knee in order to stretch and pull the muscles farther.

  The queen swept into the room while Danet was using her weight to push against his bent leg. “While I trust that you know what you’re about, what are you doing to his leg?”

  For once, Danet didn’t hop up to make her curtsey. She knew if she let go of his foot, she’d lose the progress she’d made stretching the upper thigh. “Father calls it manipulation of the muscles. He recommends it for those who are bedridden to keep the limbs flexible and alleviate any knots that may be forming due to a lack of use.”

  “So it’s not something that will cure him?”

  Danet allowed Ceros’ leg to relax as she turned to face the queen. “I’m afraid not. He felt it would speed the prince’s recovery once he was healed again though. It was probably a good suggestion, given the amount of muscle tissue I’ve encountered.”

  I have to stay in shape to keep up with my sparring partners.

  She dabbed her sleeve on her forehead to absorb the beads of sweat that had formed and smiled at the queen. “My patients at the clinic are usually women and children and not nearly as difficult to manipulate.”

  “I suppose I could see where that would be so.”

  Danet adjusted Ceros’ leg to a more comfortable-looking position then covered it with the sheet. When she turned around she found the queen staring at his feet.

  “Danet, I may be seeing what I want to see but I thought his foot just twitched.”

  Did it? he asked.

  Did you move? she asked him at the same time.

  I don’t know, he replied. I wasn’t thinking about it. I was more focused on the relief I was feeling in my lower back now that you have worked some of the tension out.

  Danet uncovered both of his feet and stood beside the queen at the foot of the bed and watched.

  Try to wiggle your toes or your foot.

  His big toe twitched.

  “There! Did you see it, Danet?” the queen exclaimed, excitedly.

  “I did.”

  Did it really? That’s a good thing, right?

  Yes, that’s a very good thing.

  “Let me check his reaction to stimulus.” Danet went to her bag and pulled out her case of tools and instruments. She selected a metal one with a pointed end. It was not sharp enough to cut, but would definitely poke.

  She tested several points on his foot. Those closer to the toe elicited a response, but the others did not.

  You can feel when I do that though, right?


  To the queen she said, “I will continue to check to see if it spreads to more areas.”

  “And keep doing whatever you were doing.” The queen waved to Ceros’ legs. “It might have helped.”

  I agree.

  Danet forced herself to ignore Ceros’ comment. “Of course, my queen.”

  With watery eyes, the queen grasped Danet’s hands. “I’m so glad you agreed to take care of Ceros.” She pulled Danet to the seating area then waved her to a chair. “I know these aren’t your usual duties and it’s a little unorthodox for an unmated woman to care for a man, much less an unmated one, but there is no one else I would trust his care to.”

  “Thank you.”

  “If you feel uncomfortable or that we are pushing the limits of propriety, I can send one of the senior maids to stay any time you are here. You only need ask.”

  “I am not worried about what people may think or say. I am past the age of participating in any courtship rituals where a question of my morals might matter. I trust that I will find my mate when it is time and whether or not I adhered to every rule society has lain down will not matter.” She smiled. “I essentially thumbed my nose at society’s rules when I completed my apprenticeship. If that didn’t make me a social pariah, what can they say about this?”

  The queen studied her. “Your mother would have been very proud of you.”

  “I’d like to think so,” Danet said with a fond smile.

  They chatted about Ceros’ sisters and the queen’s new grandbaby. These were the moments Danet was most fond of. When she and the queen were alone and they were able to relax while courtly manners were set aside along with rank.

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