Mystics touch, p.3
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Mystic's Touch, page 3


Mystic's Touch
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  Pride and conviction rang in his tone. She didn’t know what kind of training they did, but she was sure it was extensive and physically demanding for Shirghada to have the reputation it did. For any leader, the training would be an invaluable experience. As a man, he probably saw it as a worthy challenge. There were obviously many benefits to what he did. Despite the risk.

  It took initiative and drive for him to choose that instead of becoming a spoiled and pampered prince.


  Not that I object to your holding my hand, but I’m going to be very disappointed in your abilities as a physician if that is the only thing you examine.

  Danet dropped his hand as if it had bitten her. Her foolish woolgathering was going to get her caught if she didn’t focus. My apologies. I let myself be distracted.

  He chuckled in her head. The sound was like a warm caress. That kind of distraction she couldn’t afford.

  Your head hurts, you said. What else?

  My hands are fine. One of them feels rather nice now.

  If he could have, Danet felt sure he would have grinned at her. She chanced a look at his face. He was a handsome devil. Every woman in the city would be throwing herself at him as soon as he was up and around.

  She made a harrumph sound then moved to the foot of the bed so she could check his feet. Like the rest of him, they were large and masculine. She ran her thumb across the sole of his foot, checking for any protrusions that she might miss with her eye.

  Believe it or not, my feet are somewhat ticklish.

  You can feel that? She deliberately ran the nail of one finger from his heel to his big toe.


  You can feel it, but there was no physical response. Interesting. I had wondered if your ability to feel touch had diminished. That answers that question.

  Taking pity on him, she checked his other foot and tried to not tickle him. Like his hand, she didn’t notice any scratches or puncture marks.

  She moved to the other side of the bed so she could check his other hand. His four extremities were the most likely place to have accidently come in contact with a poisonous plant. Unfortunately that theory expired when she found nothing.

  Other than being a little sensitive to touch, can you sense or feel any difference in your feet or hands? she asked as she moved her inspection up his arm.

  Nothing out of the ordinary, no.

  And I don’t see anything on this hand and forearm. She knew it had been a distant hope to find something so easily. Do you feel discomfort or pain or heat or maybe even numbness anyplace unusual?

  Like a hot, prickling feeling maybe?

  Possibly. Where do you feel that?

  On the back of my neck.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and ran her fingers along the side of his neck. It felt hot to the touch.

  Where exactly? Can you feel my finger? she asked.

  A little higher.

  She pushed her fingers into the edge of his hairline. As she moved around the corner toward his ear she felt something. She jerked her hand away instinctively.


  I felt something. Let me get a linen and then I want a closer look.

  Danet grabbed one of the thin linens Hesina had included in her basket and dampened one corner with water. She sat close enough to the prince so she could maneuver her head without impeding the light.

  I’m going to turn your head just a bit. Tell me if it’s uncomfortable.

  Before you do, can you let me see your face so I know what you look like?

  Does it matter what I look like?

  It would be nice to have a picture in my mind at least. Besides, you know what I look like. Seems only fair that I at least get a glimpse of you.

  She hesitated.

  I could command you to do it.

  She snorted. And I could poke you with something sharp and leave.

  You wouldn’t.

  You don’t know that. Thankfully he couldn’t see her smirk.


  Danet was so startled by his polite request she didn’t know what to do. She was used to being treated kindly and with a certain level of respect, but she was still basically a servant to the royal family. And the royal family didn’t have to ask nicely.

  She was humbled that it meant enough to him to do so. There was no way she could refuse him.

  All right.

  She pulled her hair to one side and twisted it around so it wouldn’t hang directly in the prince’s face when she leaned over. She wished for a mirror to double-check her appearance but that was foolish. He wouldn’t care what she really looked like. He just wanted to be able to recognize her again.

  She leaned across the prince so she could put one hand on the bed just above his shoulder then shifted until she hovered above his face. Can you see me?

  Danet watched his eyes as if expecting them to move, but they didn’t. The vacant expression was almost painful to see.

  There you are.

  She started to back away.

  Wait. Let me see your eyes. I want to know what color they are.

  She looked him directly in the eye. They’re an odd green color.

  Why do you think they’re odd?

  I’ve never seen anyone else with this color.

  There’s nothing wrong with being unique.

  Danet blinked and retreated so he couldn’t see her blush. I suppose not, unless you’re trying to blend in.

  Why would you want—

  Let’s take a look at your neck and see what’s going on there. It wasn’t something she wanted to discuss. Especially not with the prince. Tell me if this gets uncomfortable.

  She turned his head away from her so she could see more of the back of his neck. Using the dampened linen as a covering, she ran her finger around the place she had felt something. When she found the spot again she moved in closer to get a better look.

  “I think there’s something there,” she mumbled as she tried to scrape whatever it was off his neck.

  Finally it fell off.

  On the bed below where she had been working was a tiny thorn. She picked it up with the linen and examined it. It was a dark, reddish-brown thorn with a curved point. It was somewhat familiar, but since she didn’t know plants as well as she should, she felt it best to consult with her father.

  Well? the prince asked.

  The prickling you felt was from a thorn. More specifically, from your reaction to the thorn. It was stuck just inside your hairline so I’m not surprised it was overlooked during your earlier exams. I probably wouldn’t have noticed it if I hadn’t been looking where you indicated.

  Surely that isn’t the reason for my condition.

  I won’t know until I find out what plant the thorn is from. It is possible that you could have an extreme sensitivity to whatever this is. And being so close to your head and spine might cause this kind of reaction.

  I don’t remember brushing up against anything thorny.

  Danet folded the linen around the thorn so she wouldn’t lose it then tucked the linen into her bag inside the basket. She grabbed some salve she had in her bag then returned to his side and patted his arm in a consoling manner. Don’t worry yourself over it. Let me find out what kind of plant it was then you might remember.

  As she dabbed on the salve, she said, The thorn might or might not have been the problem. So don’t get your hopes up too high.

  He grunted. Well, you’ve done more than those fools who keep coming in here, poking and prodding me.

  They’re doing their best. Is there anyplace else that aches or has discomfort?

  My back is a little uncomfortable. That feels similar to when I’ve slept in a bad position for too long.

  I wouldn’t be surprised since you aren’t able to arrange yourself comfortably. After I change your linens, I’ll have you help me find a better position for you. Anything else?

  Other than the itch on the back of my leg, no.

  She smiled. Which leg?

  My right one. Just below the knee.

  She pushed the sheet aside then pulled his knee up so she could get to the spot he mentioned. Like the rest of him, his leg was firmly muscled and tanned.

  When she scratched her fingernails over the area, he groaned with relief. Right there. You just don’t realize how a tiny itch can become so bothersome until you can’t do anything about it.

  She chuckled. I’m sure. She patted his leg. Okay. I need to finish these linens before the guards think I’m just in here napping.

  Thank you for taking care of my itch. And the thorn.

  She was once again surprised by the sincerity in his voice. You are welcome, my prince.

  Chapter Four

  Danet had just tucked the last corner of the bed linens under when the queen came in, followed by her usual entourage.

  Danet turned away from the bed to make the proper curtsey. “My queen.”

  “Danet. What are you doing here?”

  “Hesina was in a bind and I offered to help.”

  The queen regarded her for a moment before saying, “I see.” She approached the bed and looked down at the prince. Her gaze was tender, as one would expect of a mother watching a sleeping babe. “I suppose it would be too much to hope that he woke while I was at luncheon.”

  “I have noticed no change in his condition since I arrived, my queen.”

  Well said. Not a lie, but not entirely the truth either. I’m impressed, the prince teased.

  The queen nodded then sighed. She turned to her escorts. “Maya, would you please have tea brought in for us? And Theosa, I believe I could use my shawl. The pale-blue one, if you please.”

  The girls departed, leaving Danet alone with the queen.

  “I am glad you’re here. I was going to send a message this evening if I didn’t see you.”

  “How may I assist you, my queen?”

  “I assume you did more than change the linens.”

  Danet tipped her head.

  “Do you know why he is like this?” The queen indicated the prince with a wave of her hand.

  “I’m afraid not, my queen.”

  The queen’s shoulders wilted.

  “Not yet,” Danet quickly added. When the queen met her gaze, the pain and fear Danet saw made her heart ache. “I did a brief exam because I didn’t know how much time I would have. Father and I both have questions. He is already looking into a few things.”

  The queen took Danet’s hands. “Thank you.”

  “You should know we would not allow the prince to remain this way if there were something we could do.”

  “I know. But in this, I am a mother first and a queen second. I want my son well and whole and happy. Darius may be the king’s physician, but I trust you and Sebak far more. Please help him.”

  Danet was honored the queen trusted them so much. But she feared how much faith she was putting in their abilities.

  You’re Master Sebak’s daughter?

  I am.

  You could have mentioned that.

  Would it have made a difference?

  He hesitated. No. But still.

  “Please, Danet. I will give you anything you desire if you make him well again,” the queen added.

  Danet couldn’t believe her offer. “My queen, I am honored, but I fear your faith in our abilities exceeds reality.”

  “I do not believe that to be so.”

  “As much as I would aid you in anything that you asked, it would be an insult to Master Darius if either I, or perhaps worse, if Father were to take over the care of the prince. He would never let that happen without an uproar.”

  “I worry only for my son.” The queen began to pace. “You are right though, and I know it, but I do not trust Ceros’ care to Darius. I simply don’t.”

  I don’t either, to be honest with you, the prince added.

  “If I might suggest an alternative?” Danet waited until the queen looked at her again. “What if I were appointed to oversee the prince’s daily needs? To ensure his linens are changed regularly, that he is properly bathed and he receives some kind of nourishment throughout the day. That way I would have access to him. No one would question if I were examining him. Yet I could still carry information back and forth to Father and keep you updated as well.”

  “That is an excellent idea. And Darius would have no reason to get his nose out of joint.”


  Nicely done.

  Thank you. I do try.

  “That would much relieve my mind, Danet.” The queen grasped her hands once more. “I will have Theosa spread the word as soon as she returns.” She hesitated, “You will begin immediately, yes?”

  It really wasn’t a question. “As you wish, my queen.”

  The queen’s relief was evident in her smile. She squeezed Danet’s fingers then returned to Ceros’ bedside. As she reached out to brush her hand across his brow she asked, “Do you think he will recover?” She looked up at Danet. “Tell me honestly.”

  “He appears to be a very strong, healthy man, which dramatically increases his chances for the better.” She stepped closer to the foot of the bed. “But until we can determine the reason for his condition, I am afraid I cannot give you a better answer.”

  The queen nodded.

  Tell her. Tell her that I’m in here. That I’m fine. Inside.

  That would not be prudent.

  Prudent? I do not give a damn about prudent. This is my mother. She is worried for no reason.

  I’m afraid she is worried for a very good reason.


  I must insist, my prince. It would not be wise to tell her right now. Even if I were able to convince her, there are too many ears. We do not know who may be listening nor do we know if your condition is as a result of someone wishing you harm or a mere accident.

  He went quiet.

  Danet let what she said sink in as she bundled up the linens she had removed from the prince’s bed.

  The queen seemed content to simply sit beside Ceros and hold his hand. She was most likely remembering the last time she had seen him.

  Your points are valid, the prince said. I will concede. For now.

  Will it make you feel better if I promise to tell her as soon as we know more? And when I believe it is safe to do so? she added quickly.

  Very well.

  Danet took a cleansing breath. Gods and Goddesses above. Dealing with tender royal feelings was exhausting.

  I heard that.

  She thought there was a note of amusement in his tone. Thankfully Theosa and Maya returned, saving Danet from having to respond.

  “Your tea, my queen.” Maya sat the tray on the table in the sitting area across the room from the bed. Theosa laid a shawl across the back of one of the chairs.

  The cushioned chairs and table seemed out of place in the room, making Danet wonder if they had been brought in specifically for the queen’s use.

  She moved furniture into my room? the prince asked.

  Danet grimaced. It was hard getting used to having someone else in her head. I couldn’t say for sure, my prince. I was merely speculating on the differences between the furnishings.

  Aren’t you the diplomat all of a sudden.

  Yes, well, that happens when I’m surrounded by royalty.

  He chuckled. I’m afraid that happens all too frequently. And here I was hoping you would be one of those genuinely refreshing people who would tell me what they really thought instead of what you thought I wanted to hear.

  You will probably hear more of my honest opinion than you should. Especially since I’m not used to having someone else in my head, hearing every stray thought I have.

  It is a little unsettling isn’t it?

  To say the least. But I can’t have you beheaded if I don’t like something you think or say.

  True. He sounded far too pleased with the notion. But don’t let that stop you from speaking freely.

  Danet settled for a grunt instead of a reply.

  “My queen,” Danet said as she stepped to the bed. When the queen looked up from her quiet reflection, Danet continued. “If I may, there are a few things I would like to retrieve from home. I should also let Father know my duties will be changing until the prince has recovered. I shall return as quickly as I can.”

  “Yes, of course. Give Sebak my regards and tell him we are sorry to pull you away from your duties at the clinic.” She turned to Theosa. “Please have an escort readied for Mistress Danet.” Before Danet could protest, the queen cut her off. “It will be faster and will save your energy for Ceros.”

  Danet knew it pointless to try to argue. She bowed her head. “Thank you, my queen.”

  “I’ll have Maya speak with the guards while you are gone. And Hesina as well. We’ll make sure everyone knows what I have asked of you. I’m sure it goes without saying that if anyone questions you or refuses any orders you give, you are to let me know immediately.”

  Danet tipped her head. “Yes, my queen.”

  “Oh, and one more thing, Danet. While I have the utmost faith that you will care for my son to the best of your ability, please remember to have a care for yourself too.”

  The look she gave Danet told her two things. One—the queen was not unaware of the threat leveled at Ceros, and by association, now her too. Two—the queen was genuinely concerned about her welfare.

  Mother never was a fool, the prince said.

  “I will,” Danet said softly.

  “Good. You may go.”

  “Thank you, my queen.” She made her bow, gathered her basket and linens and headed to the servants’ area once again.

  How long will you be?

  Not long. Especially with an escort to and from home. I want to get this thorn to Father as soon as possible so we can find out what it is.

  Agreed. Mother was right however. You do need to take care.

  I will. Word that I have been asked to help will not have gotten far yet, so I believe I will be safe for now.

  Don’t assume anything.

  Yes, my prince.

  I mean it. I need you.

  Danet’s foolish heart gave a little leap, but she quickly reminded herself he was concerned because she was the only one he could communicate with and because she and her father were skilled healers. I will return, she assured him.

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