Mystic's Touch, page 24

She squirmed even more when his finger found her clit. With just a few strokes she was hovering near oblivion. He eased the pressure and slowed his movements and lured her away from the edge. Just as her breathing became easier, he renewed his efforts.
“Oh Gods,” she pleaded.
He guided his cock to her opening and eased inside her, inch by agonizing inch. When he was all the way in, he held still. “Open your eyes and look at me.”
The words barely registered through the haze of sensation he had created. It was a struggle to lift her heavy lids and meet his gaze.
“I want you to see me as I ride you to the end.” He slid his cock back and hovered near the edge of her opening. “Don’t close your eyes or I’ll stop,” he warned through clenched teeth.
She struggled to lift her hips and increase the friction he was creating, but he kept her pinned in place. She was at his mercy to prolong or grant her pleasure.
Every fiber of her being burned for him.
It was exquisite torture.
“Ceros.” His name was a plea and a sigh on her lips.
She dropped her mental defenses and let him feel what he was doing to her. How she craved him. How much she needed him to fill her completely.
His eyes widened in surprise. With a growl, he released her hands then found a solid foundation on the mattress near her waist. He buried himself in her body like a man possessed.
Once, twice, three times he pistoned into her, making her pussy quiver and ripple around his cock. Again and again he rode her hard until she bowed up and cried out in pleasure. As she crested, he stiffened and fell into the same tidal wave of sensation.
Their hearts beat against their chests as they slowly floated back to reality.
Ceros shifted and took most of his weight off her, but kept her within the circle of his arms. “You know, I could do this every night,” he mumbled.
“Oh really?” Her words slurred because she was so drained.
“Absolutely.” He pulled her closer to his chest. “I think I will have my schedule permanently blocked.”
Her eyes popped open in surprise. “Every day?”
“Every day.”
The thought that he could want her so much wrapped around her like a warm blanket. “So, I guess I had better block my schedule too, then, huh?” she teased.
She smiled.
“Tomorrow. We’ll do that tomorrow.” He sighed. “Right after we do the bonding ceremony.”
Her smile grew bigger. Tomorrow certainly looked promising. And somehow she didn’t think living with Ceros would ever get dull.
I love you, she said through their connection.
I love you, too. He pressed a kiss against the side of her head.
On the other side of the dreaming, they met once more at the oasis. He as a golden beast and she as his fair maiden in white. Together, they walked side by side into the sunrise to face another day.
About Dena Garson
Dena Garson loves to read romance—the hotter the better. When one of her BFFs said “one of us should be writing this stuff”, she took up the challenge. If she isn’t writing, she’s designing jewelry but somehow she still manages to make it into the office on a regular basis.
Dena welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her author bio page at
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Also by Dena Garson
Cherie’s Silk
Down to Business
Emerald Isle Fantasies: Ghostly Persuasion
Risky Business
Working It All Out
Print books by Dena Garson
Modern Tastes anthology
Wedding Bliss anthology
Ellora’s Cave Publishing
Mystic’s Touch
ISBN 9781419938023
Mystic’s Touch Copyright © 2014 Dena Garson
Edited by Beverly Horne
Cover design by Erin Dameron Hill
Cover photography by andrey kiselev, patrick poendl,justdd/, natalia lukiyanova,ivan piven/
Electronic book publication February 2014
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Dena Garson, Mystic's Touch