Mystic's Touch, page 23

She stopped wiggling. “But, you just said…”
“I said you aren’t some tart. And you most certainly won’t be warming anyone’s bed other than mine because I have every intention of you being there every single night and morning from now on.”
“But…” Her mouth gaped open but no other words came out.
“Do you not understand yet?”
She shook her head.
“I want you as my bride. My queen. The mother of my children. I want you to be the one to stand beside me as I find better ways for my people to grow and prosper. I need you to remind me of my duty to be a better man and even better king.”
Tears glistened on her lashes.
“Do you think you can do that? For me and for Licosia?” he asked quietly.
“I… But I’m nobody.”
“You are Danet. You are a respected healer. In your own way, you are a leader and a groundbreaker.”
Her gaze sank to his chest. “Your family would never approve of you bonding with me.”
“Mother already has.”
She pulled back and looked him in the eye. “You talked to your mother about this already?”
“Earlier today.” He lowered his forehead until it rested against hers. “I think that is why Aleric kidnapped you. He overhead the two of us talking.”
“Ah. Now it makes sense.”
“What does?”
“The reason that I was kidnapped, and your mother’s behavior this evening.”
He chuckled. “I could tell that you were a bit confused by her actions.”
“To say the least,” she mumbled.
He raised his head. “Are you angry with me for talking with Mother first?”
She bit her lip. “No. It was the smart thing to do. And the politically correct thing also.” She frowned. “Obviously, she doesn’t think it will be an issue.”
“So you’ll stay then?”
She tried to pull back, but he tightened his hold on her.
“You’re a prince. You should be courting princesses. Women who were raised to be graceful and elegant and diplomatic at all times.” Her eyes implored him to understand. “Assets to their husbands.” She shook her head. “That’s not me, Ceros. I would probably embarrass you or do or say something out of line and create a public uprising or start a war.”
He chuckled.
“Don’t laugh. I’m serious,” she said with a frown.
“I’m not laughing at you.” He dropped a kiss on her nose. “I have the same fears, Danet. Why do you think I stayed so long out in the wilderness with Gehiji and the rest of them? I didn’t want to come home and face this. But here I am. And just so you know, I think you are very graceful and elegant and far more diplomatic than I will ever be.”
“But I—”
“You know almost everyone here in the palace, which means you know more about what goes on than I could hope to know. It wouldn’t surprise me if you knew more than Mother.”
“And that is why—”
“That is why you would be a huge asset to your husband. No pampered princess is ever going to take the time to get to know the people who work here. They won’t care if the stableboy broke his leg last week or that the cook has a new grandson. You do. And you always will. You care about the people we are responsible for. I want that in a mate because that is important to me too. So, please, will you stay?”
Danet raised her chin defiantly and tried to blink away the tears on her lashes. “I haven’t heard you formally ask me anything yet, my prince.”
He smiled. “Danet.” He kissed her lightly on the forehead. “Would you do me the great honor of becoming my bride?” He kissed her gently on one cheek. “My companion through the good and bad times?” Then he kissed her other cheek. “The mother of my children?” Her chin was next. “My mate in this life and any that may come after?” He dropped every defense, every wall he had and let all of his love and hope flow through their connection.
She let out a gasp then the tears began to flow freely. “How can I possibly say no?” Rising up on her toes, she pressed her lips to his.
He returned her kiss with ardor.
When the last of her defenses fell, he felt the full strength of her love. His beast purred in contentment. For the first time since being visited by the Gods, he didn’t feel as if the beast was in more control than he.
Her arms slipped around his waist and she pressed her body closer.
Ceros ran one hand down her back then followed the curve of her ass. He pulled her up and ground his erection against her belly.
Heat sizzled between them. The urge to strip her bare and claim her as his own rode him hard. Only the last bit of his control prevented him from doing so.
He broke their kiss and rasped, “Come. If we don’t go to my chambers now, you will find yourself splayed out on the table for anyone to walk in and see. And I really don’t want to give the servants anything else to talk about, do you?”
It took a moment for his words to sink in but finally her dazed expression cleared and she shook her head.
“Good.” He pulled her to the door. When she didn’t move as quickly as he wanted, he asked, “Do I need to carry you?”
“No.” She giggled. “But you’ll still give people something to talk about if we’re seen running through the hallways. Especially at this time of the night.”
He slowed his pace to a somewhat fast walk. “Good point.”
As they passed a darkened alcove, he pulled her in behind him and kissed her once more. The kiss not only scattered her wits but it ratcheted up his need to be joined with her.
“We really need to hurry,” he muttered as he tugged on her hand and pulled her along behind him again.
He only slowed his pace as he neared the men standing guard at the entrance to his rooms.
“We are not to be disturbed,” he said in his most authoritative voice. He stopped then backed up and added, “Not even by the queen.”
Both men responded, “Yes, my prince.”
Ceros motioned for Danet to pass through the door. He shut the doors behind him then leveled a serious look at her.
You have one chance to take off anything you don’t want ripped off, he warned her though their connection.
Chapter Twenty-Six
Danet shivered in anticipation.
Their last coupling had been about bonding and healing. This time she wanted to know how much he truly desired her.
She stopped in the middle of the room and faced him. Beneath her dress, she slipped her feet from her sandals.
His struggle to maintain control was evident. His jaw was firm and his fists were clenched. Even his eyes had darkened to a muddier gold color. The tension practically vibrated off him in waves.
“I certainly don’t want to have this lovely new robe that you left for me ruined.” She hooked her thumbs under the front edge of the robe’s opening and pushed the fabric over her shoulders, making the garment slip off and puddle on the floor behind her.
“And this gown is made of far too delicate fabric for you to handle right now.” She held his gaze. “Perhaps it would be best if I took it off too.”
Ceros watched, almost in thrall.
With a few tugs, she loosened the tie at her waist. Then she slowly pulled the fabric up, using one hand against her thigh.
His gaze followed the movement of the fabric as it traveled up her leg.
Danet rejoiced in her ability to captivate him. It bolstered her confidence and spurred her on.
With one swift movement, she pulled the dress over her head and let it drop onto the floor with the robe. She stood before him with nothing but a small scrap of fabric covering her most intimate place. His eyes roamed every inch of her, from head to toe.
The stark desire she saw on his face made her heart rejoice. Knowing she was very likely playing with fire, she beckoned to him with her finger as she backed toward the bed.
When he reached her, she stopped him by placing one hand on his chest before he could grab her.
“Will you allow me, my prince, to disrobe you?”
He seemed unsure of her question and she could tell his impatience almost won out. “Very well,” he said reluctantly.
“Thank you, my prince,” she said sweetly, silently rejoicing she had an opportunity to worship his body the way she had dreamed of doing.
She placed both hands on his chest and slid them under the edges of his robe. She eased the fabric up and over his shoulders then down both of his arms, pushing the garment off as she moved. Her movements were slow and deliberate. She knew if she didn’t remain in control, he would seize the reins and she wouldn’t be able to hold a clear thought for hours.
She circled around to his back, letting her fingers trail across the lines of muscle as she went.
His skin was heated but softened from the oils he had applied earlier in the day. She felt ripples in his muscles as if he fought to remain in place.
To get it out of the way, she loosened the latch that secured his necklace then reached around to his front and gently lifted the heavy gold piece. Knowing it was a valuable family heirloom, she placed it on the table next to the bed.
When she returned to his side, she found he had kicked his sandals off.
She lifted one eyebrow in question.
He shrugged. “One less thing for you to do.”
“But it pleases me to touch you,” she said, reaching for him once again. “And I had so dearly hoped to touch you…” She dropped her gaze to the lower half of his body. “Everywhere.” When she raised her eyes to meet his, she allowed him to see how much she desired him.
The muscle in his jaw jumped. “Danet,” he warned.
“I will continue,” she said matter-of-factly then dropped to her knees in front of him. His cock jumped in response beneath the linen cloth he wore.
She untied the knot of his belt then worked the pleats loose that held the cloth in place. When both pieces fell to the floor, she looked her fill.
His fully engorged cock stood proudly before her, daring her to bring him under her spell.
She reached for him, placing both hands on his thighs. As she slid them up, she leaned in and nuzzled his member with her lips and cheek. Her fingers moved all the way up to his ribs then back down to his thighs again. When she slid her fingers once more up his thighs, she licked the entire length of his cock and swirled her tongue around the tip.
She heard him take a deep breath then release it.
Instead of sliding her fingers up his body, she caressed his sac with one hand and held his cock steady with the other. She slowly took the head of his cock into her mouth, making him suck in a ragged breath. Remembering what a married friend had told her, she flicked her tongue back and forth as she bobbed her head up and down.
Ceros gripped her hair, slowing her movement.
She peeked at his face to gauge his reaction.
His head was tipped back and his eyes were closed. But just as he started to piston his hips, he pulled back, out of her mouth.
With a growl, he reached for her and swept her up in his arms.
“But I wasn’t finished,” she protested.
“No, we most certainly aren’t finished.” He put a knee on the bed then crawled to the center, holding her. He laid her on her back but before her head hit the sheet, his lips had descended upon hers.
She wrapped her arms around his chest and held on as the world tilted.
All that she knew was him. The blood pounding in his veins. His scent filling her senses. All that mattered was him. That his lips were on hers, his flesh met hers and their bodies were entwined. All she needed was him. His touch. His breath mingled with hers. Their hearts beating as one.
His spirit called to hers. Or maybe hers called to his.
As their bodies joined, so too did their souls.
In the back of their minds, two golden lights twisted and turned and swirled around and into each other until neither could tell where one ended and the other began. With one last turn, time stopped and everything slowed. Finally the two became one in a great burst of light.
When Danet became aware of her body again, she was lying beneath Ceros. His face was buried in her neck. Their breaths were fast and shallow, as if they had run up the side of a mountain.
Even though she had little inclination to move, and even less energy to do so, she ran her fingers up and down his spine in a gentle caress.
Finally Ceros lifted his head. His brow was furrowed in puzzlement. “Did you notice anything unusual when you came?”
She chuckled. “Define unusual.”
Somewhat reluctantly, he asked, “Did you see a really bright burst of light and feel as if your world exploded?”
“Yes, actually, I did.” She poked him in the ribs to try to make him roll off her so she could talk to him easier.
“Other than blindingly exceptional sex, what just happened?”
“Unless I am very much mistaken, that was a soul meld.” She poked him again. He grabbed her hand and pinned it above her head.
“A what?” he asked.
“A soul meld.” She sighed. “I need to read through Grandmother’s diary to make sure of what I am telling you, but that’s how I remember her describing it.”
“But what is it?”
“It’s just what it sounds like.” She tried to twist and roll him off her, but he wasn’t budging. She sighed. “Two souls coming together.”
When he didn’t burst into laughter or begin cursing, some of the tension drained from her.
“So what does that mean exactly?” he asked, drawing the words out.
“If our souls really did meld, then we are forever joined. The mental connection we share will probably be stronger and it’s most likely that we’ll be able to sense where the other is. At an extreme, I’ve even read that couples who have melded their souls cannot live if one of them dies.”
“Well then.” He kissed her gently on the lips. “I guess we’ll just have to take very good care of each other so that we live very long lives.”
Danet felt tears gather in her eyes again. “Are you sure you’re okay with this? I mean, it’s not as if we tried to do the meld. It just happened. But neither of us knew what we were doing and you didn’t ask to be tied to me for all eternity. And—”
He cut off her ramble with another kiss.
She sighed against his lips.
“Danet, I love you. I’ve already told you I want you as my mate and my queen. And if this bond means you’re mine for all eternity, I couldn’t ask for more.” He dropped another kiss on her lips.
She wrapped her arms around him. “And I love you.” She put all of her love into that kiss. Finally he rolled to the side and pulled her with him so she ended up sprawled across his chest. “I’ll go home and dig out Grandmother’s diary so we can find out more about this meld and what it’ll mean for us.”
“This is your home now. And while I’m somewhat curious to know more about this meld thing, I think we can find out what that means for us together. But I had an idea about your lack of knowledge of your heritage.”
“Once mystics are no longer forbidden in Licosia, I think we should track down one or two of your relatives and ask them to come. Either for a visit or an extended stay.”
She didn’t think it was possible, but her smile grew. “Do you really think we could find one of them? I’ve had no contact with Mother’s family. I doubt Father has either.”
“I know people who can track anyone to any place they might have gone.”
“Why does that not surprise me about you, my prince?” she said as she pulled him closer for another kiss.
He gave in to her lips’ demands before asking, “When are you going to stop addressing me as prince?”
“When you become king.”
“I don’t want anything that formal between us. I see you as my equal and I never want you to believe otherwise.”
“What did your mother call your father?”
He paused, thoughtfully. “If I remember correctly it depended on who they were with. Formal occasions, she tended to address him as Dear or Highness. If it were just family, she used his name.” He shrugged. “Sometimes Dear.” He shook his head. “But I have no idea what she called him when it was just the two of them.”
“I don’t believe it would have been intended for anyone else’s ears anyway.”
He mock shuddered. “I’d rather not think about my parents being intimate while we’re naked, so stop that thought right now.”
She giggled. “I don’t blame you.” She pressed a quick kiss on his lips. “I will think on what I want to call you. But I suspect that as we spend more time together, it will naturally fall out.”
“Does ‘Keeper of My Heart and Master of My World’ have any appeal for you?” His eyes twinkled in mirth.
She wrinkled her nose. “It’s a bit long, don’t you think?”
“Perhaps a bit. But I think with practice you could become fluent with it.”
She poked him in the ribs. “You are terrible.”
“You are delectable.” He bent his head and licked her neck and collarbone, sending a shiver down her spine.
He nibbled, licked and kissed his way across her shoulder then down to her breast. When he sucked the nipple into his mouth she arched off the bed, silently begging for more. His hand grasped her other breast and pulled it toward the center of her chest so he could quickly switch his attentions between both nipples.
She gripped his arms and tried to pull him closer but he resisted. He continued to suckle her breasts, driving her mad with sensations. She squirmed and writhed beneath him and her breaths became pants.
Ceros grabbed her hands and pinned them against the mattress above her head. The intense look on his face ratcheted her desire even higher.
“Ceros. Please.”
“Please what?”
“I want you inside me,” she urged.
He shifted both her hands to one of his. The other slid down her arm to her ribs then over her hip. He nudged her thighs open with his knee and slipped his hand between them.