Mystic's Touch, page 17

Danet smiled and filed that bit of information away. “I’ll grab my things. Should I wait for you here or meet you outside somewhere?”
The look on his face indicated how foolish he thought the question was. “Here.” Without another word, he fled out the door.
Danet returned to the room she had shared with Ceros. The bed was a reminder of what had passed between them. Heat spiraled through her body as images of the two of them together flashed through her mind. Ceros had certainly made it memorable.
Probably a good thing since it was likely to be her last intimate encounter with him. Once Ceros regained his place on the throne, not only would he not have time to spend with her but it wouldn’t be appropriate. Sneaking through the palace hallways to be with him was asking for trouble. The thought of being with anyone else after sharing such intimacy with Ceros made her heart ache.
She shook off the depressing thoughts and picked up her bag. At the door, she hesitated when she spotted Ceros’ robe lying across the back of a chair. He probably wouldn’t even miss it if she took it. And it would be nice to have something of his to remind her of him.
Lifting the fabric to her face, she inhaled his scent. The smell of his soap and his natural musk rippled through her senses like a gentle breeze.
To make sure no one saw what she was doing, she quickly stuffed the robe into her bag and returned to the front room to wait. Her backside had just landed on the seat cushion when Mdjai returned.
He looked at her bag, the floor then the nearby seats. His brows drew together in a frown. “Where are the rest of your things?”
“This is all I brought.” She lifted the strap of her bag. “Everything else was supplies.”
“What woman doesn’t travel with two trunks and an assortment of satchels?” he asked with a scowl.
“This woman,” she said, pointing to her own chest.
He grunted. “Well, don’t complain later if you left something behind. I’m not coming back to get it.”
She shrugged. “Fine.”
“Let’s go,” he said gruffly.
Danet rolled her eyes and followed him out the door. A woman had obviously made a bad impression on him at some point in his life.
When they stepped out onto the street, Danet could see the two suns were high in the sky. It was the busiest part of the day so the streets were fairly crowded. She pulled her scarf over her hair to partially shield her face as she followed Mdjai to a stable on the other side of the neighboring dwelling.
He stopped just inside the small structure that housed animals. “Wait here while I get Amisi out of her stall.”
Every time one of Ceros’ men gave her an order she had to bite down on her impulse to tell them what she thought of their brisk manner. Only the knowledge that they were protecting both her and Ceros kept her from saying something she probably shouldn’t.
She might have grown up serving the royal family but they had always treated her with respect and didn’t order her about. When she finished her learning, she obtained a status that garnered respect from almost every class of citizen. It was uncomfortable having three men she barely knew telling her where and when to go.
Mdjai led a massive creature from a stall in the far corner. It looked much like an eligari but with a thicker body and legs and a longer but finer coat of hair. The thing looked as if it could pull three wagons and not breathe hard.
“You named that massive creature Amisi? It certainly doesn’t look like any kind of flower I’ve ever seen,” Danet said as she looked up at its giant face.
Mdjai held the reins. “I was told by the woman who owned her that Amisi chose her own name.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “Your mount chose her own name?”
“She did. Now are you going to stand here all day asking questions or are you going to get into that saddle?”
Danet glanced at it. “The only way I can get up there is if you give me something to stand or climb up on.”
Mdjai sighed loudly as if he were being extraordinarily inconvenienced. “We’ll do this another way then.” He climbed up into the saddle with ease then reached a hand down to Danet.
“What?” she asked.
“Give me your hand and I’ll pull you up.” When she hesitated, he asked, “You’re not afraid to ride, are you?”
“No,” she said incredulously.
“Then give me your hand.”
Danet pulled the strap of her bag over her head so it lay across her chest instead of on her shoulder then put her hand in his.
With one swoop, Mdjai pulled her up and set her in the saddle in front of him. He steadied her then said, “Now swing around and sit behind me.”
A task easier said than done, but Danet made it without unmanning him. As she put her hands around his waist, she wished it were Ceros she was riding behind. Mdjai was a handsome man. He was more rugged in appearance and darker than Ceros, but she felt certain many of the unmated women at the palace would be tripping over themselves when they saw him just as they had Gehiji.
The journey through town was uneventful other than the people who stopped and stared. She wasn’t sure if the stares were due to the large beast they rode or if the townspeople were on alert because of the prince’s disappearance. Either way, Danet feared word would spread to the palace. She just hoped they reached her home before anyone tried to detain them. Almost as fervently, she hoped Ceros would be able to settle the matter with the high council quickly.
Danet answered Mdjai’s questions about where things were located around the city. She even pointed out a few of her favorite places as she directed him where to go.
As a precaution, she kept her scarf in place to cover her hair and face until they reached the gates to her father’s property. She directed Mdjai to the small stables behind the main house and introduced him to the young man who tended the few animals they kept.
The stable worker was hesitant to lead Amisi to a stall but relaxed when he realized she could and would follow simple commands once Mdjai instructed her to do so.
“Come. I’ll introduce you to my father.” She grinned, knowing what was in store for Mdjai. “Father will be very happy to meet you.”
“Does the wall circle the entire property?”
Danet rolled her eyes. These guys were always on alert, weren’t they? “Yes, it does.”
He grunted. “How many people do you employ?”
“Here it’s just Father, myself and Ryana. Ryana runs the house and makes sure Father eats on a regular basis.”
“Is your father an invalid? I was given the impression he was quite active as a healer.”
Danet chuckled. “No. He is not an invalid but he does tend to get wrapped up in his research and forgets to eat.”
“Ah. More scholar than social.”
“That is an apt description.” She grinned as she led him through the back patio entrance. “Ryana has a couple of girls who come during the week to help with the cleaning and laundry. Other than the girls and Ryana’s son, whom you met at the stable, we don’t employ anyone else. We consider Ryana family rather than staff. She’s been here since before my mother’s death.”
As if speaking of her conjured her out of thin air, Ryana came in, wiping her hands on a towel. She quickly ran an assessing eye over Mdjai then wrapped Danet in a hug. “Thank the stars you’re all right.” She stepped back and put the fist holding the towel on her hip. “What have you gotten yourself into the middle of? I hear the palace is in an uproar over the prince but nobody is saying why. What’s happened?” She flicked a hand in Mdjai’s direction. “And who is this giant of a man?”
“Ryana, this is Mdjai, a friend of Prince Ceros. He’s supposed to be guarding me while the prince takes care of some royal business.”
Mdjai tipped his head and murmured a greeting but Ryana cut him off. “Guarding you? Why?”
Danet grimaced. “Let’s go find Father so we only have to tell this story once.”
“He hasn’t returned from the clinic yet. Should I send for him?” Ryana asked.
Danet looked to Mdjai.
“It would probably be best,” he advised.
Danet put one hand on Mdjai’s arm. “Could he be in danger?”
“It is unlikely at this point.”
“Then yes, would you please send word to Father that he should come home as quickly as he can? But don’t say anything of my being here.”
Mdjai nodded his approval.
“I’ll send for him right away.” Ryana hurried off to complete her task.
Danet took a deep, cleansing breath and caught a hint of baking bread. “Are you hungry? Ryana makes the best sweetbread in this world.”
“Why don’t you finish showing me around first?”
She nodded then led the way to the front of the house. “This is the main entrance. Father’s library, workroom and bedroom are at this end.” She gestured in that direction. “The formal dining room, which rarely gets used, is here.” She indicated the room from the doorway then continued to lead the way through the house. “The kitchen, pantry and washroom are at the far end of the house, but I’ll show you those in a bit. Upstairs,” she said as she led the way up the main stairway, “are all of the bedrooms.” When they both reached the top she pointed to the left, down the long corridor. “Ryana’s room is at the far end. There is another staircase just outside her room that leads down to the kitchen. There are a couple of guestrooms here,” she turned to the right, “and one more at this end.”
“And yours?”
“Is here.” She pointed to the doorway closest to them.
“Any access to the outside from any of these bedrooms?” Mdjai asked.
“Other than windows, you mean?”
He nodded.
“The guest suite,” she pointed to the one room behind them, “has a small balcony. The doors may or may not be locked.”
“I assume the balcony overlooks the back of the house and the gardens.”
“That’s correct.” She swept a hand toward the door. “You’re welcome to take a look.”
He shook his head. “Not necessary.” With his hands behind his back, he turned to face her. “Now, about that sweetbread.”
Danet grinned. “Follow me.”
She led Mdjai to the kitchen and waved him to the stools sitting next to the large window. “Pull a couple of those up to the counter. If you don’t mind, we’ll eat there instead of getting the table dirty.”
“Fine with me. That’s what we used to do at my grandmere’s.”
Danet dug around in the bread pantry for one of the sweetbreads. Ryana could always be counted on to save one for her. Danet grabbed a bowl of butter and a knife and put them on the counter in front of Mdjai along with the bread. She pulled a large mug out for Mdjai and a smaller glass for herself then grabbed the jug of cider from the chiller. “Do you mind pouring while I slice the bread?” she asked Mdjai.
“Not at all,” he said as he reached for the container.
“I thought I heard someone rummaging through my kitchen,” Ryana said as she came through the side door from the gardens.
Danet looked up from where she was slicing bread. “I hope you don’t mind that I took the last sweetbread.”
“Of course I don’t mind.” Ryana wagged a finger at Danet. “But you’ll not want your supper if you eat too much.” She looked at Mdjai and mumbled, “You, I’m not so worried about.”
Mdjai chuckled. “No, mum, it’s unlikely a bit of your bread will dampen my appetite.”
That was the first time Danet had seen him laugh and she was amazed how much it brightened his face.
“So you will be here for supper then?” Ryana pressed.
Danet looked to Mdjai for an answer.
“That is the most likely scenario, mum,” he said.
Ryana wiped her hands on her apron. “I’ll add a few more portions to the meal then.” She glanced at Danet. “That will please your father. He’s been worried about you.”
“I didn’t mean to upset him.”
“I know you didn’t, child.” Ryana reached across the counter and patted Danet’s hand. “But you can’t stop a parent from caring, no matter how old his baby gets.”
Ryana added a few things to the pot simmering over the fire then returned to the garden. Danet passed a couple of slices to Mdjai then sat next to him to enjoy her portion.
“You know, I believe this is the best I’ve ever had,” Mdjai said as he chewed thoughtfully.
Danet smiled. “I told you.” She chuckled. “Ryana always makes it when I’ve been sick or studying hard or when Father or I have had a particularly difficult patient. It’s my comfort food.”
“Needing some comfort today, are you?”
“A bit.”
“I imagine it’s been a difficult week for you, getting thrown into the middle of a royal power struggle. Not to mention being responsible for the royal prince’s health.”
“It’s definitely been one of the more engaging weeks of my life,” she mumbled.
“Cheer up. At least no one is throwing knives or firebombs at you yet.”
Danet choked on a sip of cider. Mdjai pounded on her back to help her clear it. She waved a hand to let him know she was okay before he broke a rib.
“Do you really think it’ll come to that?” she rasped out.
“Probably not.” He actually sounded disappointed.
The sound of the front door slamming had both of them turning around.
“Danet?” Sebak called out from the front entryway.
“In the kitchen, Father,” she yelled back.
Mdjai relaxed his stance and put the wicked-looking knife he had drawn back into its sheath.
Sebak hurried in then stopped when he spotted Mdjai. “Are you all right?” he asked Danet.
“Yes, I am well.” Danet crossed the room and gave him a hug.
“Ryana’s message said it was urgent I come home.” He looked at Mdjai again. “What’s going on?”
“Father, this is Mdjai,” Danet gestured to the oversized warrior. “He’s one of Prince Ceros’ closest friends. They trained together. The prince has asked him to keep an eye on me while he meets with the high council.”
“So he recovered enough to meet with them, then?” Sebak asked.
“From what I understand, he made a rather remarkable recovery.” Mdjai shot a very pointed look at Danet.
She blushed in response. “Yes. He was doing very well when he left with the others. The meeting should be going on as we speak.”
“The others?” Sebak asked.
“Gehiji sent word to some of us who trained with Ceros that he needed assistance.” Mdjai shrugged. “So we came.”
Sebak approached Mdjai with a look in his eye that told Danet his researcher’s mind was whirling with questions. He extended his hand to Mdjai. “I didn’t mean to be rude when I came in. Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am Sebak. You are very welcome in my home. And I thank you for your protection of my daughter and our prince.”
Mdjai shook Sebak’s hand. “You are welcome. I am honored to be of assistance,” he said equally as formally.
Sebak pulled another stool over to where they had been sitting. “Please, sit.” He waved to their stools. “Finish your refreshments and tell me what has been happening.”
Danet relayed what she and Gehiji had done to smuggle Ceros out of the palace. She tried to generalize what she had done to heal Ceros but Sebak wouldn’t let it drop. His curious nature needed to know what she had done.
“Do you think it was the serum that I mixed for him that finally worked?” Sebak asked excitedly.
“It was working until someone slipped in two more thorns,” she informed him.
“Two more? Gods, if he had been exposed to that amount of poison, it should have killed him.”
“I’m sure that’s what they were hoping for,” Mdjai mumbled.
“I found one thorn fairly quickly, but the other took longer.” Danet inhaled a deep breath. “I didn’t find it until after I realized your serum wasn’t working.”
“Does he have any lingering side effects?” Sebak’s brow drew into a frown.
“Not that I could tell, other than he acted a little tired.” Mdjai said, looking to Danet for confirmation.
She nodded her agreement.
Sebak studied her, making Danet uncomfortable with his silence. Finally he asked quietly, “You performed a healing on him, didn’t you?”
“A what?” Mdjai asked.
“Yes,” she said. There was no point denying it. She would do it again in a heartbeat to save him.
“You know what this means, don’t you?” Sebak asked.
“What what means?” Mdjai tried to interject again.
“I do.” She raised her chin. “And I’m willing to live with the consequences.”
“What consequences?” Mdjai asked a little louder.
Sebak cocked his head to one side. “Does he know what it means?”
“No.” She stood. “Once this is over, I’ll tell him. If he asks. Otherwise, as I said, I’m willing to live with the consequences. At least he is well.”
Before she embarrassed herself by bursting into tears, Danet slipped out the back patio doors. She was sure Mdjai would demand her father explain what they were talking about and she didn’t want to see his expression as he did.
Chapter Nineteen
For the tenth time in less than an hour, Ceros caught himself looking at the doorway. The council had been far more accepting of him than he expected once they realized he was indeed healed. Of course, he had been forced to submit to an exam by Darius.
Naturally, Darius had taken full credit for the quick recovery, but Ceros had seen the wonder in his eyes. As he left the room, Darius was still muttering to himself about how he couldn’t believe it.
The council voted to proceed with the crowning ceremony as originally planned. No interim ruler would be needed. The crowning would take place with the rising of the new moon.
Ceros turned to Gehiji so he faced away from the pressing crowd. In a lower voice he said, “I’m ready to get out of here.”