Mystics touch, p.16
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Mystic's Touch, page 16


Mystic's Touch
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  He moved in closer, forcing her knees apart as he stepped between them. “It’s all thanks to you, you know,” he said softly as he leaned in for a kiss.

  “Oh, I didn’t do—” He stopped what she started to say by pressing his lips to hers. “I just…” She bit her lip.

  What was it about her that made him feel like grinning from ear to ear? “Just say you’re welcome.”

  “I didn’t hear you say thank you,” she pointed out.

  His smile broadened. He leaned closer but maintained eye contact with her. When he was only a breath away, he whispered, “Thank you, Danet.” He gently touched his lips to hers. “Thank you for saving me.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Ceros caressed her cheek. “Come. Let’s find out what Gehiji and Runihura are planning.”

  She nodded. “Okay. Give me a minute to get dressed.”

  He picked her discarded tunic and pants up off the floor and set them on the bed beside her. “I’ll wait for you.”

  She ducked her head and shifted nervously on the edge of the mattress. “You realize I’m not used to anyone watching me as I dress, don’t you?”

  He placed one hand on the mattress on either side of her thighs and leaned in until they were eye to eye. “You realize I plan on seeing a lot more of you as you dress and undress, don’t you?”

  Danet’s eyes widened and she swallowed loudly enough for him to hear. “You do?”

  “Yes. I do.” He gave her a quick kiss on the mouth. “Now. What can I help you with?”

  “I, uh.” She picked up her tunic and held it against her chest. “A brush would nice. Would you mind digging around in my bag for one?” She pointed to the corner. “It’s the brown one with multicolored birds.”

  He took his time locating the bag and the brush to allow her a chance to dress in relative privacy. He wasn’t so callous that he didn’t recognize her discomfort, but he had no intention of letting her out of his sight any more than necessary. Some instinct declared she was his to protect and demanded he keep her nearby.

  When the rustling of fabric stopped he held up the brush. “Is this what you wanted?”

  “Yes, that’s it.” She took it from him with a smile.

  It was soothing to watch her take down her hair then run the brush through the strands. When this was over he was going to spend several nights running his fingers, and maybe a brush too, through her silken tresses.

  He was even fascinated to watch her weave the long mass into a single braid.

  “Okay. That will have to do,” Danet said as she put her things back in her bag.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said as he caressed her cheek then reached for her braid.

  She blushed. “Thank you for thinking so.”

  “You don’t believe me?”

  She shrugged. “I’m just me.”

  “And you are beautiful.” He put one finger on her lips. “We can argue about it later. Let’s get out there and see what’s going on.”

  From behind his finger, Danet nodded her agreement.

  He took her hand and led her to the kitchen. Ceros stopped at the edge of the room when he found yet another of his friends, Mdjai, slouched over a cup of tea, reading a book. His oversized form looked out of place at the table.

  Mdjai turned and looked over his shoulder at them. The beads in his dark braids glinted in the light as they fell across his shoulder.

  “About time you crawled your sorry ass out of bed.”

  Ceros cleared his throat and gestured to Danet with his head.

  Mdjai rose from his chair and took a step in their direction. He gave a short bow and clarified, “I meant his sorry ass, not yours, my lady.”

  Ceros closed his eyes and briefly shook his head. “Mdjai. As always, it’s a pleasure to see you.” They clasped hands and slapped each other on the shoulder. Ceros gestured to Danet. “This is Danet.”

  Mdjai took her hand and bowed over it as he mumbled a greeting in his native language.

  Ceros gave a silent prayer of thanks Danet didn’t understand Mdjai had just given her what amounted to a royal greeting. “Danet, this is Mdjai, yet another of our brothers in arms.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Mdjai. It’s very good of all of you to come so far to assist Prince Ceros.”

  “Assist?” Mdjai grunted. “I came because I heard a little wisp of a lady had set Runihura back on his heels.” He leaned down until he was eye level with Danet. “That wouldn’t have been you, now would it?”

  Danet’s cheeks turned pink again. “I, uh…” She looked from one of them to the other. “I don’t think I did.”

  Ceros nodded.

  Mdjai burst into a full belly laugh, making the cups on the counter rattle.

  “Speaking of Runihura, where is he?” Ceros asked as he gestured for Danet to take a seat at the table.

  Once Mdjai got his laughter under control, he waved to the door at the far end of the room. “He said he would be the lookout on the roof. Something about getting familiar with his surroundings.”

  “Hmm.” He probably wanted to get away from Mdjai. Obviously Gehiji had shared the story of Runihura meeting Danet. And Ceros was certain Gehiji didn’t paint Runihura in a flattering light. “What about Gehiji?”

  “That weakling said something about needing sleep. Said to wake him if anything interesting happened.”

  “We were up most of the night last night getting Ceros out of the palace. He has to be tired,” Danet said, trying to stick up for Gehiji.

  Mdjai raised an eyebrow then glanced at Ceros.

  Ceros shook his head to cut off any unflattering remark Mdjai might have. Danet wouldn’t know they were trained to go for days without sleep.

  “Danet, would you like another cup of your tea?” Ceros asked to distract her. He looked at the empty cup on the table in front of Mdjai. “That is, if Mdjai hasn’t consumed it all.”

  “That weak batch of herbs?” Mdjai jerked his chin to indicate the pot on the counter. “I thought it might be some of that foul brew you like so well, Ceros. At least it has some kick to it.”

  “We’ll hunt up some java just for you when we go for supplies,” Ceros promised. To Danet, he asked, “Would you like some?”

  “Yes, please.” She smiled as she took the seat he offered.

  She must have been tired to sit without arguing about who should be fetching tea for whom. Ceros found a clean cup then checked the pot to make sure it was still warm.

  “There’s fruit.” Mdjai pointed to the end of the counter. “And Gehiji said there was a loaf of bread and a bit of cheese too.”

  Ceros looked to Danet in question.

  “Perhaps a little bread,” she said then her expression turned to surprise when she realized whom she was speaking to. “I can get it.”

  Ceros waved her back to her seat. “I’ll get it.” He placed her tea on the table in front of her. “I want a little as well.”

  “You need to take it easy with what you eat. You haven’t had much of anything for the last couple of days,” she reminded him.

  Mdjai watched them with open interest. “How long have you two known each other?”

  “Not long. A couple sets of the suns,” they answered at the same time.

  Mdjai grunted. “Then why do you two sound like a bonded couple?”

  Danet choked on the tea she had just sipped. Ceros patted her back until she waved she was fine.

  Gehiji came around the corner. “Oh good. You’re up.” He sat down in one of the empty chairs.

  Ceros put a plate of sliced bread in front of Danet.

  “Thanks,” Gehiji said as he grabbed the largest piece.

  Ceros frowned at him then returned to the counter for a couple more pieces. While he was at it, he sliced some cheese. He added them to the plate in front of Danet.

  “Eat,” he ordered as he took the last chair.

  When Gehiji reached for a piece of cheese, Ceros stabbed it with the knife he was still holding. “That’s not for you,” he growled.

  Danet’s eyes were wide as she looked back and forth between them.

  Gehiji smiled and winked at Danet. “Gotta keep him on his toes.”

  Mdjai swiped an unstabbed piece before Ceros could protest. “And humble.”

  The two men laughed when Ceros grunted.

  A knock on the front door brought Ceros and Gehiji to their feet. Mdjai simply looked in the direction of the door with a placid expression on his face.

  Ceros pulled Danet out of her chair and slipped around the corner into the hallway. He pushed her behind him and listened as Gehiji went to see who it was.

  After closing the door, Gehiji called out, “Just a messenger.”

  As Gehiji broke the seal on the parchment, they each returned to their places at the table. Except for Mdjai, who never left his seat.

  “It’s from the queen,” Gehiji informed them.

  Ceros held his hand out for the message.

  Gehiji glanced at Ceros’ hand then promptly dismissed it. “It’s addressed to me, not you.”

  Ceros rolled his eyes.

  Runihura came through the back door. “I saw a messenger. What’s the word?”

  Ceros reached for Danet and pulled her onto his lap.

  She squeaked in protest. “What are you doing?” she whispered.

  “He needs a chair.” Ceros gestured to Runihura. “You can sit on my lap and he can use yours.”

  “But this isn’t proper at all,” she hissed.

  “In case you haven’t figured it out yet, we aren’t a formal group,” Ceros said.

  “Not at all,” Gehiji agreed without lifting his eyes from the paper.

  “Besides, if you don’t let him mark you as his territory, he’s bound to do something really stupid like peeing on the floor around you,” Runihura said.

  Danet looked at Ceros. “Is that what you’re doing?”

  Ceros shrugged and reached for a slice of bread.

  “And you don’t want the big baby,” Mdjai jerked his thumb in Runihura’s direction, “to start telling stories of old battle wounds that make his leg hurt when he stands too long.”

  The others grunted in agreement.

  “What did Mother say?” Ceros asked when Gehiji refolded the note.

  “The council meeting will be held before high luncheon tomorrow. She’s been asked to meet them in the throne room at the palace.” Gehiji reached for another slice of bread.

  “How difficult will it be to get in?” Mdjai asked.

  “Is it an interior room?” Runihura asked.

  Ceros and Gehiji described where the room was located in the palace. Ceros described what he remembered of windows and doors as well as possible access from the roof. Gehiji reviewed what he’d learned of security and patrols around the palace.

  When Ceros turned to Danet to clarify something, she asked, “Why don’t you just walk through the front doors? No one should stop you from entering the palace.” She shrugged. “Your mother can verify who you are if anyone questions if you are really you.”

  The three men looked at each other with similar expressions. Part surprise and part disappointment. Like him, they were probably hoping for a stealthy, in-depth plan of action. To simply walk in seemed anticlimactic.

  “Well, damn. I was hoping to use at least one explosive on Ceros’ house,” Runihura grumbled.

  “And that is why we don’t want women in the field with us,” Mdjai said, shaking his head.

  Ceros chuckled. “Maybe next time, Runihura.”

  They’re just teasing you, Ceros reassured Danet through their connection when she began to chew on her lip.

  Should I have just kept my mouth shut?

  No. Thank you for being the voice of reason. We might have gotten there eventually, but not before wasting time on a lot of highly destructive ideas.

  Oh. She blushed prettily. You’re welcome then.

  “So who do you want to go with you?” Gehiji went to the sideboard and sorted through the fruit in the basket.

  Ceros shrugged. “Why not everyone?”

  Danet shook her head. “There is no reason for me to be there.”

  Ceros frowned. “I want you there.”

  She leaned back. “But the meeting has nothing to do with me. All you will do is raise eyebrows by dragging me along.” He started to argue, but she continued. “Besides, you need to focus on the council and any tricks they may try to pull. I’d rather not be something they could use against you.”

  He frowned harder.

  “She has another good point.” Gehiji set the fruit he selected in the middle of the table.

  “If I can’t blow anything up, I don’t mind staying with her until the meeting is finished.” Mdjai pulled out a wicked-looking knife and cut one of the wakaloi fruits in half.

  “Actually, I was thinking of going home after everyone leaves for the palace,” Danet said as she eyed Mdjai’s efforts.

  “You can’t wander the city alone.” Runihura looked at her as if she were a simpleton.

  “I do it all the time when I go between patients,” Danet protested.

  Runihura joined Ceros’ frowning.

  “But now word has probably spread that you were involved in the prince’s disappearance. It may not be safe,” Gehiji pointed out.

  It was Danet’s turn to frown. “Well, what am I supposed to do, just sit here and wait?”

  The three men exchanged glances. “Yes.” “Sounds about right.” “Afraid so,” they said at the same time.

  This time, surprisingly, Runihura was the voice of reason. “Or one of us can go with her.”

  “I already said I didn’t mind staying behind.” Mdjai shrugged. “I can escort her to her father’s, if that is where she would prefer to be.”

  Danet looked to Ceros expectantly.

  While he liked the anonymity of their current abode, she had been away from the comfort of her own home for several days. It would only be fair to let her return for a while.

  “I would prefer if you went with us.” He squeezed her and cut off her protest. “But I agree with your point as well. So if Mdjai doesn’t mind going with you, then I don’t think it will be an issue for you to return to your home.”

  She dipped her head in acknowledgement.

  “However.” He let the word hang in the air before continuing. “I will expect you at the palace as soon as this matter with the council is settled.”

  Danet frowned. “Why?”

  “Because I want you there.” And that was all the reason he needed.

  She blinked in surprise.

  “Is that all the queen had to say?” Mdjai asked.

  “Not quite,” Gehiji said hesitantly. He looked to Ceros.

  “What’s wrong?” Ceros asked.

  “She sent word that your father’s pyre was lit this morning,” Gehiji said quietly.

  There was a tightening in Ceros’ chest.

  Danet’s tiny hand slipped into one of his. He squeezed it to acknowledge her silent offering of support. All four pairs of eyes were on him as if waiting for an answer. “I should have been there.”

  “Do you wish to go this evening and pay your respects?” Gehiji asked.

  He took a deep breath. “Yes, actually I would.”

  “If we wait until full dark, I believe we could blend in with what few citizens stream in. You’ve been gone long enough now that if you wear a hooded cloak, it’s doubtful you’d be recognized,” Gehiji speculated.

  “Runihura and I could go with you since no one at the palace would know us. Gehiji could stay here with Danet,” Mdjai suggested.

  Ceros nodded.

  “Unless you want to go as well?” Mdjai asked Danet.

  “No. Too many people would recognize me. I can go tomorrow, after all of this is over,” she said.

  He gave her hand another squeeze in thanks.

  “Now, what about the evening meal?” Runihura said, trying to turn the conversation to something lighter.

  Ceros smiled but his mind was lost in memories of his father.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The next morning, Danet gathered her things as memories of the night spent in Ceros’ arms trickled through her mind.

  Ceros returned late but assured her they had gotten to the pyre without incident. His mood, as one might expect, had been solemn. When he crawled into bed with her, he pulled her close and held her for the longest time.

  Their lovemaking had been sweet and slow. It had branded his touch on her body and her heart in a way that would never fade.

  A sigh escaped as she finished packing then she went in search of Mdjai. She found him sitting near the front window with a knife and a small piece of wood. At first she thought he was sharpening the blade but then she realized he was carving something. Even though the wood held his attention, he probably knew exactly what was going on outside the window.

  “What are you making?” she asked as she approached.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know yet.”

  “Then how do you know where to put the knife?”

  “I just know.”

  Part of her wanted to scoff at his response but his voice was sincere. Besides, who was she to criticize anyone’s talents? Healing was much the same way for her. Herbs and their uses as well as symptoms for common illnesses had been part of her learning. However, diagnosing what was wrong with a patient was more intuitive for her than recalling something she learned.

  She watched Mdjai work the wood. The steady strokes of the knife were oddly soothing. Finally she spoke up. “I’m ready to go whenever you are.”

  He nodded once. “I’ll have another look around and ready my mount.”

  “We’re riding?”

  He slipped his knife into the sheath strapped to the side of his thigh and the wood into a small pouch at his waist. “Of course. I’m not about to leave Amisi with a stranger.”

  She frowned. “I don’t know why I didn’t realize some of you might have brought your own.”

  “Ceros probably didn’t. The beast inside him spooks most eligari.” Mdjai stood. “Besides, he prefers to run for some reason.” Mdjai shook his head. “I’ve never understood that.”

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