Mystics touch, p.10
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Mystic's Touch, page 10


Mystic's Touch
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  “Without knowing how quickly I can get here, proceed with the linens. They can do no harm and may help until I can arrive.”

  “Very well. Is there anything else I can do for him?”

  “No. I believe that will be all.”

  She dipped her head to Darius respectfully, even though it galled her to do so. “I am sure you have other patients to see before you return home. I hope the rest of your evening goes well, Master Darius.”

  “Yes, actually I do now that you mention it.” He gathered his robes and made a bow. “My queen. As always, at your service.”

  “Thank you, Master Darius. I bid you a good evening. We will send word at once if we need your services.”

  He made one more bow and scurried out.

  After the door clicked shut behind him, the queen turned to Danet. “All right, what’s going on, Danet?”

  “I don’t know but I do not like how he looks.” She pulled the sheet back to reveal Ceros’ chest. It was still a rather magnificent chest to look at. Only now it was paler and covered in perspiration. “I want to check him again for thorns.”

  “I thought you said you extracted it.”

  “I did, but someone could have put another in, or used something else poisonous on him. I won’t know until I check.”

  “What can I do?”

  “Have Hesina bring a few more lamps. The first sun is almost set and I’m going to need as much light as we can get.”

  “I will have them here in moments.”

  “My queen. Do not forget that this must be done quietly. There are a great many reasons to not let word get out.”

  The queen stiffened but then nodded. “Of course. I will be cautious.”

  Once the queen left, Danet took Ceros’ hand in hers and concentrated on reaching him through their connection. Ceros? If you are there, please wake up. You are scaring me.

  Still nothing.

  She opened her mind and tried to sense what he was feeling or thinking or, well, anything. So much of her time had been spent building a barrier between their minds to avoid intruding on his feelings and memories it was uncomfortable to drop it.

  She sensed the thread of connection and tried to follow it but each time she did, the strand would simply dissolve.

  Something was very wrong.

  Ceros? Her voice echoed as if she were standing in a hollow chamber. As annoying as it had been to know he could hear her thoughts, this was scary.

  She calmed herself and opened her eyes. The sight of his large hand in hers comforted her and reminded her of what she needed to do.

  Gently she opened his palm and looked closely at each finger. Every bump, blemish and line was inspected. She also checked under each fingernail and in the webbing between the fingers. Nothing. She continued up Ceros’ wrist to his elbow then to his shoulder. Still nothing.

  Before she could finish checking through his hair, the queen returned followed by two of her attendants. They were all carrying lamps. Danet directed them to place the lamps about the room near the bed.

  “We need to get a message to Gehiji,” Danet whispered to the queen.

  The queen nodded. “I’ll write a note and have one of the girls deliver it.”

  After her attendants left, the queen came to stand next Danet. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “You look more worried than when I left. Why?”

  “I…” She couldn’t tell her the truth about her connection with Ceros. The queen was unlikely to believe her and with Ceros being unresponsive, she had no way to prove it. “I don’t like his lack of response. After making so much progress this morning and now almost nothing, I am worried.”

  The queen patted her shoulder. “You’ll figure it out.”

  “I’m also worried about what I might find when I do.”

  The queen nodded. “What do you need me to do?”

  Danet knew she needed to give the queen a task. One thing she had learned while working in the clinic was, most mothers tended to hover in the way because they were so worried. It was usually better to give them something to keep busy. “You can check his other hand while I check his hair. Just be careful. If you find something that feels like a large splinter, let me know. If there is another thorn, it is poisonous and shouldn’t be handled with your bare hands.”

  “All right.”

  They fell silent as they worked.

  Danet instructed the queen check his arm and shoulder. They finished about the same time. Together they examined Ceros’ feet.

  There was no thorn or any marks on his skin. The queen helped Danet turn Ceros onto his side so they could check his back.

  Still nothing.

  With a deep breath, Danet sat on the side of the bed and looked at Ceros. The queen sat on the other side and held his hand.

  “I felt certain his reaction was due to more toxin. Which would mean another thorn.”

  “Is there any other way to give him the poison?” the queen asked.

  “Yes, but they would need extensive knowledge of the plant and how to extract the poison from the thorns.”

  “How else could they give it to him? Maybe we’re not thinking of something.”

  Danet shrugged. “I would have to confirm with Father to be sure, but they could probably make a tonic that could be added to food or drink.”

  “He didn’t have anything to eat or drink that you didn’t give him.”

  “I suppose they could try to pour a liquefied version of the toxin on his skin, but his reaction would more likely be a rash or skin irritation than this. I didn’t notice anything like that.”

  “I didn’t either. What else?”

  “Maybe a poultice. But again, that would have to be added to food or drink to do anything.” She considered the possibilities. “Unless…” Danet scooted closer, thinking of the places she hadn’t checked.


  “I didn’t look in his mouth.” She looked to the queen. “Can you grab that lamp and hold it over his head for me?”

  Danet said a prayer of thanks the queen was comfortable dropping formalities and helping. She pulled Ceros’ jaw down and peered inside. There was nothing on his tongue. That would have been way too easy.

  When she pushed his tongue aside, she found a small thorn pushed into the soft underside.

  “There you are,” Danet whispered.

  “You found something?”

  “I’m afraid so.” Not bothering with a linen, Danet pulled the sleeve of her tunic over her hand as protection and slid the thorn out. She examined it in the light.

  “Is it the same kind as before?” the queen asked.

  “I believe so, but Father will have to confirm.”

  Danet took the thorn to the desk and put it on a piece of parchment. She folded the edges of the parchment around the thorn to secure it and tucked it into a pocket of her bag.

  “While I’m glad you found it, I’m very disturbed someone was able to get to him and leave it.”

  “Who was here after I left?”

  The queen grimaced. “Several people, I’m afraid.”

  “We need to let Gehiji know who.” Danet rummaged through the basket she was using for supplies and found the bottle of medicine her father had made to get rid of the poison. Next she grabbed a couple of clean linens and the pitcher of water.

  “Do you need help with anything?” the queen asked.

  “Not that I can think of. I was going to rinse out his mouth to make sure there are no lingering poisons from the thorn. But I have to be careful because I don’t want him to swallow the water. Unfortunately I can’t think of anything to put on the puncture that wouldn’t be bad for him to ingest.”

  “What is that?” The queen pointed to the bottle in Danet’s hand.

  “It’s what Father sent to counteract the toxins from the thorn.” She lifted the glass decanter up to the lamp. “Thankfully there is enough left to get him through the night. I should probably send a note to Father to have him make some more just in case.”

  “I can write the note while you take care of Ceros.”

  Danet nodded. “Thank you.”

  The queen went to desk and searched for parchment and ink while Danet set the things she needed on a small table next to the bed. It was surprisingly difficult to push aside her fears for Ceros and concentrate on what she needed to do.

  Deciding it would be easier to keep the water from pooling at his throat, she rolled Ceros onto his side then added a few linens beneath his head and neck. She swabbed his mouth out with a damp rag to make sure there were no large particles then poured a bit of water in from the side as a rinse.

  He had to be pushed onto his back again in order to give him the antitoxin medicine. As she spooned in the first few drops she remembered how much he complained about the taste. Maybe the bad taste would be enough to jolt him out of his stupor.

  She hoped anyway. Right now his complaints would be a blessing.

  It was a slow process to get the medicine down. Gehiji arrived before she finished. He came to the bed and looked down at Ceros. “He’s a lot more pale. What happened?”

  “I’m not entirely certain. I went home to check in with Father and get clean clothes, and quite honestly, to have a nap.” Danet’s guilt over her nap hung heavy about her neck. “When I returned he was like this.”

  “He took a turn for the worse?”

  Danet nodded solemnly. “A lot worse.” She let her expression convey her meaning.

  Gehiji glanced at the queen, who was still busy writing the note to Sebak. “Is he still responding?”

  “No. His responses are gone. No blinking or communication of any kind.”

  “Even with you?” he asked quietly.

  She shook her head.

  “Do you think it’s just a relapse? Or maybe a temporary setback before he shakes off the last of the poison?”

  “No.” She shook her head again. “I found another thorn. This one was hidden under his tongue.”

  Gehiji’s expression turned grim. “We need to know who had access to him while you were away.”

  “The queen and I were talking about that earlier. I believe she was here the entire time but that may be an assumption on my part. She said there were several people in and out of here though.”

  He laid a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “You concentrate on making him well. I’ll worry about finding the person trying to kill him.”

  She nodded mutely.

  In the back on her mind she was aware of Gehiji crossing the room and speaking to the queen, but Danet didn’t pay any attention to what they were saying. She was focused on Ceros.

  It was hard to look at his handsome face and not hear his voice. Even though she hadn’t seen him animated, her imagination filled in what she was missing. His feelings and his sense of humor came through loud and clear when he spoke to her.

  Despite the fact it had only been a couple of days, she already missed having him there. In her head.

  Her father was right. It was a special connection. A powerful one, too, given the way she felt about him already. Letting it go when this was all over was going to be hard and she dreaded it.

  Once she had coaxed enough medicine into him, she took her time cleaning his face and neck. Being able to touch him and feel his warmth and his breath on her skin was comforting. At least he was alive.

  “Danet? Are you finished?”

  “Yes, my queen.” She looked over her shoulder to where the queen and Gehiji sat.

  “Come. We have things to discuss.” The queen waved to the nearby chair.

  “We do?” Danet asked as she gathered her supplies. She dropped the dirty linens on the floor not far from the bed, left the pitcher of water on the table then joined them.

  “We need to make plans about how to best protect Ceros,” Gehiji added.

  Danet sat on the end of the lounge near the queen. “Agreed.”

  “I see now that despite the security I have put in place, he is not safe even in his own chambers,” the queen said.

  “Do we know who is behind this?” Danet asked.

  “Not yet, but I have a list of potentials based on who had access to him both times,” Gehiji said. “Unfortunately, that list doesn’t mean that person or those persons are who is actually behind the acts. There could be someone else behind the scenes directing people.”

  “So even if you catch the person doing the deed, the real criminal could still be out there and could strike again in another manner at a later date,” Danet guessed.

  “Exactly. That’s why we need to make sure we cut the snake’s head off, not just its tail,” he said.

  “What do you suggest?” Danet asked.

  “This is where I will excuse myself.” The queen stood.

  Danet looked up at her, questioning.

  The queen reached for Danet’s hand. “I cannot be privy to any plans you two come up with. I need to remain here and see to Rashidi’s funeral. We cannot put it off any longer. The people of Licosia need to grieve and pay their respects. Then I must play the role of concerned mother. It will be more plausible if I do not know what you’re doing.” She squeezed Danet’s hand. “But know that I trust the two of you to keep him safe and bring him home again healthy so he can assume his rightful place on the throne.”

  “Yes, my queen.” Danet pulled their linked hands to her forehead. “I will do everything in my power to heal him and bring him home to you.”

  “I know you will, child.”

  The queen turned to Gehiji. “If you are half as capable as Ceros said you are, I know he will be safe under your watch. The things you have asked for will be delivered within the hour.”

  “Thank you, your Majesty.”

  “Send word through Hesina or Danet’s father if you need anything. If I learn of anything, I will send it through Hesina,” the queen said. “Be safe. All of you.”

  “You as well,” Danet and Gehiji said at the same time. They watched as the queen swept out of the room.

  Danet took a deep breath. “Now what?”

  “Now we do what must be done to protect Ceros and his throne,” he said.

  Chapter Twelve

  Within the hour, a tea tray arrived, delivered by Hesina herself. “My queen said you needed a few things to protect our young prince with.” She set the tray on the desk. “She also mentioned you may need a little help doing so.”

  Danet stood to greet her friend. “I’m sorry you have to be dragged into this tangle, Hesina. Have you been introduced to Prince Ceros’ friend, Gehiji?” Danet asked with a wave of her hand in Gehiji’s direction.

  He stepped forward.

  “I’ve seen this handsome devil lurking about my dining room,” Hesina said, “but no, I have not yet been introduced.”

  “An oversight, I am sure. It is certainly my honor to finally meet you.” Gehiji bowed over Hesina’s hand. “I understand you are the one who keeps the palace running in tiptop shape.”

  “You are a charmer, aren’t you? No wonder my girls have been all aflutter this week,” Hesina said with a grin.

  With a jerk of his head in the direction of the desk, Gehiji asked, “I assume the queen sent more than just tea and cookies?”

  “I believe you will find everything you need is there.” Hesina added, “Oh, and these as well.” She pulled two pouches from her apron pockets. The clanking of coins gave away what was inside as Hesina handed both to Danet.

  Danet looked to Gehiji. He nodded in affirmation that he was expecting them. She transferred the pouches to her own pockets.

  “My queen said you needed a way to send and receive messages,” Hesina said.

  “That’s right. Will it be a problem?” Gehiji asked.

  “Not at all. If you needed to send word from outside the palace, my boys come and go frequently, so it would not be strange for either of them to be here.”

  “Are they still working at the Metalworks?” Danet asked.

  To Gehiji, Danet said, “The Metalworks is in the center of town. There are a lot of people in and out, vendors included, so a stranger is not an unusual sight.”

  “Perfect,” Gehiji said.

  “Now, messages to and from your father might be more difficult. I think catching him at his clinic would be best,” Hesina suggested.

  Danet nodded. “You’re probably right.”

  “I have a young cousin with an ailing leg. He helps me with the herbs out back from time to time. But it wouldn’t be unheard of for him to pop into your father’s clinic for medicine.”

  “Excellent. Now for the hard part,” Gehiji said. “We need to get Ceros out of here, unseen.”

  Hesina took a seat. “The hard part is going to be getting him past those two.” She pointed to where the guards stood on the other side of the main chamber doors.

  “Agreed. There is never less than one at the door at all times,” Gehiji added.

  “And you’ll not find one who isn’t loyal to the queen and, by extension, the prince. So bribery won’t work and drugging them will only raise the alarm,” Hesina informed them. “About the only thing that would draw them away from their station would be if the palace were under attack.”

  “That could be arranged.” Gehiji grinned. “But it would take a couple of days.”

  Danet and Hesina stared openmouthed at Gehiji for a moment.

  Finally Hesina shook her head. “It’s too bad we don’t have a big batch of laundry,” she said thoughtfully. “He would probably fit in one of the carts we use to haul linens out to the drying lines.”

  “What would it take to justify bringing one in?” Danet asked.

  “If we were to change all of the bed linens,” Hesina looked around the room, “and the draperies in the wing, I doubt anyone would notice the cart. But how would you justify changing that while the prince was ill?”

  They threw a few more ideas around but everything they came up with had too many flaws.

  “We’re just going to have to do it the hard way and carry him out a window during the night,” Gehiji declared. When Danet started to argue, he held one hand up to stop her. “If we can get him to Hesina’s area before daybreak we could sneak him out of the palace in a cart even if it’s light.”

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